#re: saving face; i think he killed miminana not necessarily because of the perceived disrespect (though that is definitely a factor)
usurabis · 10 months
the thing I love about sukuna is that he is a walking catastrophe. a calamity. a being of godlike stature and power. peoppe see him and instinctively fear him.
and yet, he is still just a guy.
he has hobbies and interests (food, poetry, murder, etc.), he has people he likes (well, one person I guess) and people he despises.
the way he acts towards yuuji is more like a middle school bully, if a middle school bully had unlimited power over life and death. honestly I think he'd be just as happy seeing yuuji stub his toe as he was laughing at him about junpei.
he's a master shittalker, and sometimes even does it to save face, but he's actually quite polite towards almost everyone. he praises almost all the people he fights (yuuji being the biggest exception). he seems to respect people who have the audacity to stand up to him and at least some strength to back it up (yuuji, once again, excluded). he'll still talk mad shit, though.
this is what makes him such a great villain to me. despite his canonically godlike power, he can't escape the remnants of his humanity. there's no question that he is evil and that it would be impossible to redeem him. and yet, his personality is very human. a horrible one, but human nonetheless.
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