#re. jackie whitlock.
literare · 6 months
@afterevers : 🌿🍒
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apartment was covered in christmas decoration, tastefully so however, much to lucy's ( and she think mason had helped quite a lot too. ) delight. her little sister always loved christmas a little more than most and had put everyone in motion to make it the perfect holiday for everyone. started early figuring out decoration, gifts and recipes she wanted to try. knew everyone was dead asleep now & getting something to drink, trying to be silent as to not wake anyone . . . there's a catch in her breath when hearing footsteps padding closer. not really sure why, not like she is doing anything wrong. but she knows mason is staying over in one of the guest bedrooms and turning now, he is standing in the doorway with that stupid grin on his face. as if he knows something she doesn't. grasp on bottle in her hand tighten a little before shutting the fridge : moving to push past him, but instead he grasp her upper arm and nudge his chin upwards. eyes drift, follow his line of sight & seeing the mistletoe above their heads, there's a momentary moment where she isn't sure what to do. first, she should have known lucy would have put those up. second, she should have known mason would know exactly where is hung. he showered her all this attention she isn't used to at all, always used to stand in the shadow of her brother : and she was happy to do so. been enough of the friendship where their end goal was to snog brett. him and mason were already friends however & there was nothing he could get out of this. not that she could see anyways. he is so persistant however, slowly chipping away at her defences.
standing there, not sure if it's mere seconds or a small eternity when he shift closer and her own eyes drop from the mistletoe and down to him. his hands are gentle as he brush hair behind her ears before cradling her head & she find herself not moving away, as if there is some sort of magic beneath the herb, linking them together. never thought about kissing him. well, not intentionally anyways. may had have a dream . . . or ten. but those doesn't count, can't control what she is doing when sleeping. but she never thought it would be like this. her hands wrung around a water bottle while he leans down & then his lips are on hers, soft and gentle. even a little hesitating, as if he waits for her to bolt at any given moment. perhaps she should. would be the reasonable thing to do, but instead she kiss him back. return the gentle caress with one of her own, shuffling half a step closer.
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