#read back thru my messages from the day he gave me an hour long panic attack
orcelito · 1 month
Took a few months but the situation at work is finally truly blowing up
I may or may not join in a workplace abuse claim against my old boss using old blog posts and discord messages of me venting as proof ☺️
It'd be me burning the bridge of having him as a reference later down the line, but honestly I think I can get by without him.
#speculation nation#my old coworker friend messaged me about how they were planning on doing this#and i was like OH BOY do i have some things i could add!!!#read back thru my messages from the day he gave me an hour long panic attack#& had me publicly humiliate myself as punishment for 'neglecting' my job.#and honestly it makes me so sad to look back on it. it really fucked me up so bad.#but Karma's got its kiss for him. and even if we dont do the suing thing hes still losing all but 4 employees#all of whom are currently teenagers lol#hes apparently so convinced he can bounce back and magically get and train so many new employees#but even IF he can. it would require so much extra work and time from him#which a vindicative part of me is rather happy to hear about that.#if i do join in on suing him it'd mean making my discord and tumblr legally linked to myself in a court of law#but. ykno what. im feeling spiteful enough to not mind it.#show up to the court like Orcelito Is Here to give some scathing accounts of their bitch ass ex boss!!!!!#id love if this went somewhere. i also do still have a picture of the thermostat back during that freeze in january#when the heaters couldnt keep up & it was 53F in the store. but we were forced to keep working anyways :]#which is a health code violation :]#with the metadata on that pic it would link its location and time to the store during open hours#and i think osha would find that just very interesting :]#so many wonderful things we could do to fuck our old boss over!!! karma's got its Fucking kiss for him.
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