#reading henry james helped solidify these thoughts
fictionadventurer · 2 years
That C.S. Lewis quote about being "old enough for fairy tales again" is really popular in this section of tumblr, but I think I've hit an opposite stage where I'm old enough for realism again. As a teenager in English class, realism seemed like the boring, baseline option that limited your imagination to only the dullest parts of daily life. If I wanted real life, I'd just live it! Stories should give us something bigger and brighter and more exciting!
But as I get older, I'm starting to understand that realism isn't about limiting yourself to the real world, it's about appreciating it. It's about noticing and caring about those tiny details in life. It's about looking at the seemingly ordinary and unexciting people and saying that their stories are worth telling, too. There's a beauty in gazing upon this world in delicate detail and drawing out those fine shades of nuance that you don't notice in the bustle of actually living life. Realism lets you slow down and recognize that our world has wonders, too, and they don't all have to be big and flashy to be worth our attention.
Younger me also got the impression that realism was depressing--we don't get happy endings because they're not realistic. And it's true that realism has a greater share of sad endings, but that can be a comfort. As you grow up, you have more and more experiences tell you that the happiness of life is buried in a lot of murkier emotions--a lot of turmoil and uncertainty and bad decisions--and realism says that's okay. The story's worth telling even if it doesn't end well, even if people don't rise above their baser natures, even if things are a bit dull. Realism can be happier, in some ways, than those bigger, brighter genre stories, because it acknowledges those murkier imperfections of life and says that they don't erase happiness or make someone's story not worth telling.
Lewis' quote is great, but it's not the whole story. Like Chesterton says, children are fascinated by fairy tales, but the youngest children are fascinated by reality--"A child of seven is excited to hear that Tommy opened a door and found a dragon, while a child of three is excited to hear that Tommy opened a door." Fantasy is a fantastic escape, but like all travel, the point of it is to make us see our own world more clearly when we return home. And that's where realism comes in. Those types of stories aren't about casting off childish fancy and focusing on the grim details of adulthood--they can be about regaining an even more innocent and child-like wonder.
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placetobenation · 7 years
“The revolutionary force for over 50 years in sports entertainment” was a clever tag line used in the mid 90s before every WWF show. For most United States wrestling fans that are still alive, it is a way of life. Greater by the day is the lack of variance in the answer of what wrestling an individual grew up on. For better or worse, WWE has been the standard bearer. Throughout that rich history, performers ranging from Nature Boys to Undertakers have graced the squared circle. Foreign legends have had extended runs and some of the most iconic figures in pro wrestling history have been aces of the promotion reaching unequivocal mainstream pop culture heights in the world of wrestling.
With such a large history to play with, discovering the beauty of Bob Backlund’s charisma or the connection of Bruno Sammartino to the MSG crowd was a new development throughout this project similar to rewatching The Godfather and On the Waterfront to rediscover the genius of Marlon Brando. WWE may not have always been YOUR promotion but for the better part of 50 years, it was THE promotion in the United States and transformed the pro wrestling landscape. This project serves to praise the individuals that best helped shape the vision of Vince McMahon Sr. and Jr. Place to be Nation is proud to present to you a ranking of the Greatest WWE Wrestlers Ever.
– Chad Campbell
Note: Results of this list are based on 118 ballots received between May and December 2017. Voters were asked to submit their list of the 100 Greatest WWE Wrestlers of all time and consider only their WWWF/WWF/WWE career. Ties were broken based on 1) number of ballots a wrestler appeared on and 2) high vote. 
Every wrestler who received at least one vote will be recognized in the coming weeks. Please stay tuned to Place to Be Nation as we reveal all of the honorable mentions right through the cream of the crop. Read the other installments, both written and audio, of this project here.
249. Rick Steiner Total Points: 68 Total Ballots: 4 Average Rank: 84 High Vote: 71 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Vince Male
Key Matches & Moments: Solid match with the Headshrinkers at WrestleMania IX; Won the WWF Tag Titles with Scott, ending the national nightmare that was Money, Inc.; Classic match with Brother Scott against Bret and Owen Hart that is worth every minute of your time to hunt down; His sister/old mother destroyed the business by calling him Rob live on PPV, good thing Vince had Joe Fowler to take out his rage on
Staff Thoughts: No one brutalized jobbers or ruined lives like the Steiner Brothers. They had no regard or respect for their opponents and the results were AMAZING. The Steiners were only in the company a year or so and they’re still one of the better teams they’ve ever had. Does he think he’s a dog?
From the Voters: “I’d argue that in their one year the Steiners were more entertaining than 90% of the tag teams in WWF/E history. Good matches with the Heavenly Bodies, Headshrinkers, Money Inc., and the Quebecers. And, of course, the classic against Bret and Owen. They’re in consideration for me, even with the N and P concerns.” – Greg Phillips, June 2, 2017
248. Spike Dudley Total Points: 71 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 65.5 High Vote: 57 Low Vote: 74 High Voter: El Groino
Key Matches & Moments: Helped his brothers Bubba and D-Von to, well not victory, in the TLC match at Wrestlemania X-7, before they turned on him due to his relationship with Molly Holly; Formed a short statured and short-lived team with Tazz capturing the Tag Team titles from his brothers; Held the Hardcore Championship eight times and also won the European Championship from William Regal before losing it back to him; Had a run with the Cruiserweight title as “The Boss” character receiving copious amounts of help from Bubba and D-Von
Staff Thoughts: Decent character work, particularly during his angle with Molly Holly. I also remember thinking his “Boss” character was something different for the Cruiserweight division. And his poor head after La Resistance got done trying to throw him through a table.
From the Voters: “The Legit Boss. Has a lot of fun to solid stuff. I might try to go out and watch more. But, he was that Raw Roulette TLC and one of the best entrance videos.” – Henry Rivers, October 7, 2017
247. Barry Horowitz Total Points: 77 Total Ballots: 6 Average Rank: 88.2 High Vote: 78 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Pete Schirmacher
Key Matches & Moments: Beat Skip and ran around the ring like he won the World Title; Mr. Perfect called him “The Nerd”
Staff Thoughts: The Skip moment was legit huge after nearly a decade of jobbing… HUGE. His subsequent run was a lot of fun but in the end didn’t amount to a hill of beans. Sure, he’d say but this is OUR hill and these are OUR beans but that would be Barry Horowitz just patting himself on the back. For a time was the most famous Jewish athlete on the planet. Until that no good son of a bitch Bill Goldberg came along.  
From the Voters: “He can pat himself on the back right out of contention.” – Jason Sherman, May 28, 2017
“If this was just based on work, as in-ring talent, he would definitely be under consideration. But when you factor everything else into the equation, he just gets overtaken by too many other guys. Sorry, Barry.” – Adam Russell, July 20, 2017
(Ed. note: The Barry Horowitz discussion on the PTBN GWWE Facebook group is some of the best discussion through this entire project, with posts that were too long to summarize here. Well worth checking out.)
246. Lanny Poffo Total Points: 77 Total Ballots: 9 Average Rank: 92.4 High Vote: 83 Low Vote: 98 High Voter: David Carli
Key Matches & Moments: Lanny Poffo Vs. Bret Hart, Lanny Poffo Vs. Terry Funk, The Genius Vs. Hulk Hogan, Mr. Perfect & The Genius vs. Ultimate Warrior & Hulk Hogan; Got massacred and busted open by Andre the Giant in the SNME battle Royale before WrestleMania III solidifying Andre as an absolute killer
Staff Thoughts:
Lanny leapt into our hearts to captivate us all, His opponents looked like champions, when Lanny took the fall.
One of the first I remember that could do a sault of moon, A dazzling aerial maneuver that would make the ladies swoon.
And when comparing records, it’s true that losses were the bulk, But the Main Event of Saturday Night saw victory o’er the Hulk.
His frisbee flippin’ poetry seldom could be beat, But perhaps his greatest talent was getting Perfect heat.
The Genius of Leapin’ Lanny made him beloved like no other, Except perhaps his somewhat more Macho and famous brother.
From the Voters: “I’m not a huge fan by any means, but as a kid his athleticism stood out. I loved The Genius character and thought it added a lot to Mr. Perfect. There is a novelty factor to him that makes him charming.” – Dylan Hales, June 29, 2017
“Had a shocking amount of good matches.” – Pete Schirmacher, June 1, 2017
245. Michelle McCool Total Points: 79 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 74.7 High Vote: 57 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Stacey O’Laughlin
Key Matches & Moments: A solid match versus Melina at Night of Champions 2009; A solid as hell Lumberjack match with Beth Phoenix on Smackdown in 2008; Was the first woman to win both the WWE Women’s and Divas titles; Fat shamed Mickie James for MONTHS with out a shred of backlash from the mainstream media
Staff Thoughts: Stacey O’Loughlin wrote at length about her love of Michelle McCool and her deserving to be on this list, while it is one of the most compelling cases of any wrestler involved in this project, she unfortunately only garnered three votes. Stacey’s article is a must-read, though – even outside of this project. Read Stacey’s article “Making the Case for Michelle McCool” here.
From the Voters: “Another one of the shining beacons of hope during the Diva dark ages, but several notches below the likes of Beth Phoenix. Got better over time as a worker, but never learned any promo style but being annoying.” – Ben Morse, June 1, 2017
“No shot. Is she the one married to Taker or is that the other one?” – Good Ol’ Will From Texas, May 31, 2017
244. David Schultz Total Points: 79 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 74.7 High Vote: 56 Low Vote: 98 High Voter: Jesse
Key Matches & Moments: “Dr. D” David Schultz was best known for assaulting 20/20 reporter John Stossel to defend the validity of wrestling; Faced Hulk Hogan in Minneapolis; Was a good talker, giving off the impression he was crazy, possibly because he was really crazy; Was part of a memorable skit on TNT where he gave us a glimpse of his home life
Staff Thoughts: The fact that he may have been a little off led to believable heel promos. The match against Hulk Hogan is well regarded, but his house show matches are not. He’ll forever be remembered for the assault on the 20/20 reporter, which led to his WWF stay being shortened.
From the Voters: “If only he didn’t slap Stossel.” – Will Gertler, May 29, 2017
“An amazing character but his run was short and his work was not very good. They could never have a character like this now days, but being such an outspoken racist made him so easy to hate. Doctor D seemed real and identifiable. They eventually would have had to soften the character or fire him anyway.” – Michael DeDamos, December 23, 2017
243. Peter Maivia Total Points: 80 Total Ballots: 4 Average Rank: 81 High Vote: 30 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Scott Herrin
Key Matches & Moments: Had title shots against both Billy Graham and Bob Backlund at MSG; Fathered Rocky Johnson who fathered the Rock
Staff Thoughts: Let’s be honest here, without that Kid Rock video no one under the age of 50 would be able to give you a physical description of the man.
From the Voters: “The little I have seen didn’t excite me. His grandson is in. His son in law is on the bubble. He is neither.” – Good Ol’ Will from Texas, June 1, 2017
“We need some links” – Lee Wes, October 7, 2017
242. Rhyno Total Points: 80 Total Ballots: 5 Average Rank: 85 High Vote: 70 Low Vote: 93 High Voter: Ash
Key Matches & Moments: Fought Raven in an excellent hardcore match involving a shopping cart at Backlash 2001; Part of the Inaugural Brawl at the Invasion 2001 PPV; Participated in the first ECW One Night Stand losing to Sabu; Returned to the company in 2016 and formed a fun team with Heath Slater which got so over they were given the first Smackdown Tag Team Titles.
Staff Thoughts: Rhyno had a solid if not stellar career. If he built on the potential of his first year we’d be talking higher, unfortunately the company seemed to lose faith in him after he got hurt. His matches with Chris Jericho disappointed and his team with Chris Benoit was uninspired. He began the recession of the spear, which started STRONG with Goldberg, was fine with him, suffered under Edge and was finally rendered a useless husk with Christian.  
From the Voters: “I like Rhyno a fair bit. He was having a really killer 2001 until he got hurt. Had, and maintained, an air of legitimacy as a beast, despite the fact that he didn’t stand out as being that big in the land of the giants. Was never quite the same after coming back from injury. I’m happy he’s having this current run, and there have been fun moments, but it isn’t tipping the scale for him. A good career, but not a top 100 career.” – Adam Russell, July 15, 2017
241. Jim Brunzell Total Points: 83 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 73.3 High Vote: 60 Low Vote: 88 High Voter: Vince Male
Key Matches & Moments: Best known for being one half of the Killer Bees with B. Brian Blair and also for his top-notch dropkick; Fueded with the Hart Foundation and the Funks during the mid-to-late 1980s; Appeared at WrestleMania 2, III and IV and numerous Saturday Night’s Main Events; Continued to work as a singles performer for company until 1993.
Staff Thoughts: Damn that was a pretty dropkick. The Bees were a fine mid-level babyface team, residing on the lower end of the first “Golden Age” teams, but their matches were always enjoyable. Also gets bonus points for NOT drawing the old country wrath of the Iron Shiek.
From the Voters: “He bought me a bud light. I have to keep him under consideration.” – Steve Williams, May 30, 2017
“Anyone with the nickname ‘Jumpin’ should be considered for lists like these. He won’t make mine though.” – Greg Phillips, June 21, 2017
240. Ronnie Garvin Total Points: 83 Total Ballots: 5 Average Rank: 84.4 High Vote: 75 Low Vote: 95 High Voter: Martin Boulevard
Key Matches & Moments: Feud with Greg Valentine highlighted with an excellent match at The 1990 Royal Rumble; Didn’t know whether he was COMING or GOING in his sole appearance as a ring announcer; Stomped the shit out of Frenchy Martin at WrestleMania V
Staff Thoughts: He had hands of stone, a square head and an orange tan… and yet he connected with a large portion of the audience. His feud with Greg Valentine was great, his outings with Dino Bravo, not so much. And for the love of GOD keep him away from the microphone; not only was he unfunny and horribly awkward but he was clearly stuffed into a tuxedo a size too small. Also originated the term “little Jimmy” in wrestling. Thanks for that Ron.
From the Voters: “Garvin Vs. Valentine is just a couple a Carolina Boys do Carolina Boy things in a ring in New York. That means hitting each other really fucking hard. Easy make for the this list. If you want variety, he also has a great match with Mr. Perfect in 1990.” – Martin Boulevard, November 19, 2017
239. Johnny Valentine Total Points: 85 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 58.5 High Vote: 17 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: TheBestThereNeverWillBe
Key Matches & Moments: Take us home Lee Wes! “Capitol Television champion, four-time US Tag Champ (w/ Buddy Rogers, Cowboy Bob Ellis, Dr. Jerry Graham & Antonio Pugliese). Two-Time World Champ in Pittsburgh. Valentine faced Bruno 13 times and tagged against him 9, teamed with him 19 times as a face.”
Staff Thoughts: Johnny Valentine was a throwback wrestler during a time when wrestling was already thrown back. Like his son after him, Valentine didn’t excel at being flashy, but rather exuded a certain toughness and mean-ness that was easy to respect and hard to root for. He teamed with Bruno Sammartino and turned on him, like all his partners, filling the role of a puncher that could really put Bruno on the ropes. A lot of his best and most notable stuff happened outside of Capitol/WWWF/WWF, but he still had a respectable career up North that would likely be bolstered if more footage existed.
From the Voters: “Who’s putting all these jobbers up?” – Aaron George, September 6, 2017
“Considering the rather small crew that WWWF ran for over decade when they first started, the hot angles really should get more attention” – Lee Wes, September 7, 2017
238. Tatanka Total Points: 86 Total Ballots: 5 Average Rank: 83.8 High Vote: 62 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Trust Issues
Key Matches & Moments: Had a nearly two-year long undefeated streak to start his career; Defeated Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels twice in non-title matches; Respectable six man tag while partnered with the Smoking Gunns at SummerSlam 1993;  Said “You sold out, Lex” about 3,000 times in the summer of 1994
Staff Thoughts: Tatanka was a solid mid-card act without a great match to his name. Insanely memorable though for his energy and red streak of fucking courage in his hair. He has a fun return in the mid 2000s where his tag team work surely was the beginning of Matt Hardy’s descent into madness. Also: Buffalo.
From the Voters: “Was good when he came back as a grizzled old vet, and well established and pushed during the first run. Was insanely over with the kids I knew growing up. I wouldn’t vote for him, but he’s an interesting case of a guy who checks some boxes that seem to be getting other guys traction.” – Dylan Hales, August 18, 2017
“His squashes were very good. It’s a weird compliment to give a wrestler, but I’d put him in the same conversation as Midnight Express, LOD & maybe one or two others for greatest squash acts ever.” – James Proffitt, September 30, 2017
237. Tommaso Ciampa Total Points: 87 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 57.5 High Vote: 41 Low Vote: 74 High Voter: Henry Rivers
Key Matches & Moments: Had some of the best tag team matches in company history against the Revival with partner Johnny Gargano; His subsequent turn on Gargano was the best pure heel turn in years
Staff Thoughts: Injured at the worst possible time, as the hottest feud of his career was just getting started. Ciampa is a tremendous professional wrestler who, if given the chance, can have great matches with just about anyone. His portfolio just isn’t big enough yet to get his the votes to be higher.
From the Voters: “No one was quoted as making a case for Ciampa in the Facebook group, one could assume people would talk about amazing tag matches, but the lack of longevity.” – Andy LaBar, January 9, 2018
236. Sting Total Points: 87 Total Ballots: 5 Average Rank: 83.6 High Vote: 53 Low Vote: 95 High Voter: Scott Shifflett
Key Matches & Moments: Interfered at the 2014 Survivor Series to help banish the Authority FOREVER; Pretended to be a statue to again scare the Authority when they returned three weeks later; Fought a Terminator at WrestleMania 31; Was one of the names added to the Seth Rollins injury world tour
Staff Thoughts: It was great to see Sting get his moment in the WWE, sadly it may have come a little too late in his career to be truly meaningful. That being said he was fortunate enough to lay down for Triple H in his big WrestleMania match; going as far as to shake the man’s hand after being hit in the head with a sledgehammer. Because you know… storytelling. Of all the music he’s ever had in his run the WWE decided to go with Caaaw!
From the Voters: “His way short cameo run was fun, I thought. Won’t make my list, but he’s still mother fucking Sting.” – Taylor Keahey, June 3, 2017
“No, but good on him getting two DVD releases and a bunch of $$$ out of the WWE (I also liked the Rollins match).” – Brad Warren, June 6, 2017
235. Miguel Perez, Sr. Total Points: 91 Total Ballots: 2 Average Rank: 55.5 High Vote: 46 Low Vote: 65 High Voter: Robert Silva
Key Matches & Moments: We defer to Alexis Beaded: “He had a great three and half years (1957 to June 1960) in the main event as the tag partner of Antonino Rocca. They headlined 28 of 34 cards at Madison Square Garden in that time period. When he came back in late 61, he was more of an upper midcarder and had few shots against Buddy Rogers (never in MSG). Between 1965 and 1968, he fell into the middle of the card.”
Staff Thoughts: Great mustache, fantastic chest hair awesome wood panelling in his home. Miguel Perez, Sr. had it ALL.
From the Voters: “So one of the greatest draws in the history of MSG with little footage. What to do with that info?” – Steven Graham, June 5, 2017
234. Nikki Bella Total Points: 91 Total Ballots: 8 Average Rank: 89.6 High Vote: 79 Low Vote: 94 High Voter: Scott Shifflett
Key Matches & Moments: Left the company in 2011; Came back… enhanced; Was spitefully given the longest Diva Championship run in company history; Guilted and nagged John Cena into marrying her; Became a solid in ring worker by the end
Staff Thoughts: Potentially the most annoying and obnoxious character to ever grace our television sets. In a world with four McMahons and the cast of Fuller House that is quite the accomplishment. As if being annoying in-ring wasn’t enough we get to see her machinations on no less than two reality shows! Her feud with her sister is an all time low and… you know what… Fuck it… she ruins everything she touches. Like some sort of reverse Midas monster with false bosoms and a baseball cap. It’s no wonder she disappeared as soon as the real women’s wrestlers got there. And all the while we were commending her for getting better in the ring, which she did do, she worked hard at it anyway. Sure she didn’t have some nonsensical thing called BRIE MODE but was she truly fearless? How can you walk around with that slogan on your chest when you are being portrayed to be terrified of dying alone???
From the Voters: “DAT ELBOW DOE~!” – Martin Boulevard, November 14, 2017
“Took too long to really make an effort to improve in the ring. Although I do find her to be great NOW, she sucked for like, 7 years.” – Jason Sherman, June 1, 2017
233. Baron Mikel Scicluna Total Points: 92 Total Ballots: 4 Average Rank: 78 High Vote: 37 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Grady Blount
Key Matches & Moments: Had title matches against both Bruno Sammartino and Pedro Morales for the WWWF Championship; Defeated Waldo Von Erich in Madison Square Garden; made wearing bedsheets great again
Staff Thoughts: After he reached a certain age the Baron became a fun jobber for a plethora of guys in the late 70s and early 80s. Could wager that version being the Michael Scicluna that most people remember, hence his inability to crack the top 200. While that may sadden some, take solace in the fact that a good majority of the audience at the time only knew of the country of Malta because of him.
From the Voters: “I remember him as an early 80s jobber, which is when I first started watching wrestling. Those were the days when jobbers looked like your middle-aged, out of shape, drunk uncle. To me, Scicluna looked tougher than guys like Frank Williams or Steve King. Reminded me of a dock worker that could hold his own in a barroom brawl but would end up getting knocked out with one punch. Doesn’t make the 100, but it’s fun thinking about those old squash match days.” – Tim Tetreault, May 31, 2017
232. Bobby Roode Total Points: 94 Total Ballots: 3 Average Rank: 69.7 High Vote: 34 Low Vote: 90 High Voter: Scott Herrin
Key Matches & Moments: One of the greatest debut entrances in company history at NXT Takeover Brooklyn II; Defeated Shinsuke Nakamura for the NXT championship in a well lauded match at NXT Takeover San Antonio; Debuted on the main roster in the early summer of 2017 to much acclaim; Actually took a beating from Hideo Itami
Staff Thoughts: Personal feelings about Bobby Roode aside; has there ever been a guy who benefited more from his entrance music than the Glorious One? He has the match with Nakamura but in most other cases the in-ring portion of his work falls short of his intro. That being said there’s still lots of time and things will surely improve when he’s not feuding with an unmotivated Dolph Ziggler or a motivated Baron Corbin Scicluna.
From the Voters: “Huge fan of The Glorious One but sadly not enough mileage yet to make my list.” – Jay Hinchey, November 26, 2017
231. Mr. T Total Points: 94 Total Ballots: 4 Average Rank: 77.5 High Vote: 45 Low Vote: 93 High Voter: Scott Butler
Key Matches & Moments: Helped make WrestleMania work by main-eventing the first outing, teaming with Hulk Hogan; Won a boxing match with Roddy Piper at WrestleMania 2 with a little person in his corner; Sustained more racial abuse while in the WWF than Muhammad Hassan
Staff Thoughts: Mr. T’s value to the company can’t be understated. He was a HUGE mainstream star that they leaned on to help build the WrestleMania brand. In-ring he was no Sami Zayn but he held his own all while looking positively awesome in those snug red tights. Without him, there’s no Saturday Night Live appearance for Hulk Hogan, less eyes on the product and perhaps 32 less WrestleManias. And boy does he love his mother!
From the Voters: “While his tenure was short, his legacy was cemented years later when his son Booker won the World Heavyweight Title” – Aaron George, January 9, 2018
230. Kerry Von Erich Total Points: 101 Total Ballots: 7 Average Rank: 86.6 High Vote: 72 Low Vote: 99 High Voter: Lou Spadone
Key Matches & Moments: Won the Intercontinental Championship from Mr. Perfect at SummerSlam 1990; Part of the awesome ‘Warriors” team at Survivor Series 1990; Participated in the Ric Flair pummeling in January 1992
Staff Thoughts: When you try to think of his accomplishments in WWF,  it’s SHOCKING that he was in the company for almost two years. His PPV outings were fine for the most part and you’d never guess he was missing a foot. As a kid, we thought the Tornado Punch was just about the coolest thing ever. Now we realize how insensitive that maneuver is to the people of South Florida. #hurricaneandrew, #thoughtsandprayers, #youseethis? #thisisfromthepost, #whatamaneuver
From the Voters: “Poor Kerry. All-time great who sucked in WWF.” – Good Ol’ Will from Texas, May 30, 2017
“That man was recognized as a champion of at LEAST two continents, and he was the second of the weather events to invade the WWF.” – Steve Williams, May 30, 2017
229. Raven Total Points: 102 Total Ballots: 8 Average Rank: 88.3 High Vote: 72 Low Vote: 100 High Voter: Andy Halleen
Key Matches & Moments: As Johnny Polo succeeded as a comedy wrestler with only a handful of matches to his name; As Raven he banked on his name and a Hardcore division that was failing to evolve, but had memorable matches with Rhyno at Backlash 2001 and a three-way with Big Show and Kane at WrestleMania X-7
Staff Thoughts: Johnny Polo was a character that had legs, but not nearly as much as his Raven character had in ECW and WCW. When Raven came back to WWF in 2000, it was almost too late for him as he had really began to lose steam in WCW. He revitalized the Hardcore division for a bit with his bins of weapons, but the “attitude” that made Raven so vital in the 90s was out of place in the 2000s and Raven was never able to recapture the stardom he had. Still – some fun segments and matches here and there.
From the Voters: “Good in ECW. Ok in WCW. Bad in WWF. I don’t even like Johnny Polo much. He had a handful of fun Hardcore Title matches in 2001. That’s not going to put him on my list.” – Devon Hales, June 2, 2017
228. Marc Mero Total Points: 106 Total Ballots: 9 Average Rank: 89.2 High Vote: 81 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: Chris Jordan
Key Matches & Moments: Coming into the company in 1996 after a half-decade with WCW, “The Wildman” was thrust into the IC title scene, winning a tournament over Farooq for the vacant title, having memorable feuds with Goldust as a face (and later as a heel), having solid matches with Steve Austin during his as ascendance and an excellent feud with Hunter Hearst Helmsley; After a devastating knee injury, Marc returned as “Marvelous” – a shit-talking, boxer gimmick who treated his wife poorly and was able to garner real and true heat from fans
Staff Thoughts: Marc Mero was obviously overshadowed by his wife, Sable, who it could be argued was one of the most popular characters in the Attitude Era. Mero’s “true” heel persona as “Marvelous” came just a little too late, as it was a bit more traditional than people like Stone Cold, Goldust, the Nation of Domination and DX. Always a solid worker in the ring and usually an excellent promo, Mero is one of those “What if…?” type guys. Plus he was doing a tucked-Shooting Star Press that blew our minds.
From the Voters: “Come on, his Marvelous stuff all through 1998 was great character work…a true heel when heels were edging away from being heels.” – JT Rozzero, May 31, 2017
“It’s tough because his best matches were when he had no character (96-97) and his best character work was when his matches were weaker (97-98). He’s on the bubble, but I’m a big fan of his in-ring work and his Marvelous character.” – Greg Phillips, June 1, 2017
227. Chris Masters Total Points: 109 Total Ballots: 6 Average Rank: 82.8 High Vote: 55 Low Vote: 94 High Voter: Stacey O’Loughlin
Key Matches & Moments: The Masterpiece was known for his Masterlock Challenge giving people the chance to break his full-nelson; Very good match with Shawn Michaels at Unforgiven 2005; Teamed with Carlito and challenged for the tag team straps; Challenged for John Cena’s WWE Championship in the Elimination Chamber of New Year’s Revolution; Became a “C show superstar” upon his return to the company in 2009, putting on very good matches in a lower profile position
Staff Thoughts: Chris Masters is a sad tale of being pushed too hard too fast when he was still green and relying too much on his bodybuilder physique. Once he got more seasoned and returned to the company he put on really good matches on the C-shows to a much smaller audience. His match with Shawn Michaels in 2005 is a bit of a hidden gem.
From the Voters: “The funny thing about The Masterpiece is that the better he got in the ring the worse push he received. He started out with a good push, the Masterlock Challenge and what not, but looked pretty green in the ring. By the time he left the company he was a great worker that I had forgot was still on the roster.” – Michael DeDamos, December 10, 2017
226. Pete Dunne Total Points: 109 Total Ballots: 6 Average Rank: 82.8 High Vote: 52 Low Vote: 95 High Voter: David Carli
Key Matches & Moments: Though he didn’t win the 2017 WWE UK Championship Tournament, he was certainly the start; Had excellent matches with Mark Andrews, a bunch with Tyler Bate (including two of the best WWE-ish matches of 2017), has excelled in tag team work, worked with Johnny Gargano, and destroyed Enzo Amore; If Pete Dunne is on your WWE programming – you should be watching.
Staff Thoughts: To date, Dunne has worked 40 matches under the WWE umbrella, all in 2017. While longevity is obviously not on his side, it is hard to find another wrestler in the history of WWE who had a debut year as strong as his. Pete Dunne feels like a star in a company that continually struggles to make them. He jumps off the page – and he’s just getting started. Listen to Timothy argue for Pete Dunne HERE
From the Voters: “There is an argument for him even if very low, based on the average quality of his matches. I’d be willing to say he’s had more 4*+ matches in his short time in WWE than many past workers had over the course of 10+ year-long careers.” – Timothy Buechner, July 19, 2017
225. Savio Vega Total Points: 116 Total Ballots: 6 Average Rank: 81.7 High Vote: 41 Low Vote: 97 High Voter: David Carli
Key Matches & Moments: Has a legit great strap match with Steve Austin at In Your House 8; Key member of the early Nation of Domination and later got his own stable spun out of it called Los Boricuas, which put more people of Latin descent on WWF television than almost any time in history; Reached the King of the Ring finals in 1995; Solid mid-card worker with lots of good matches, but few great
Staff Thoughts: Savio Vega was never bound to get over the hump into the world of being a true superstar, but was a solid stepping stone or ally for people who went on to become stars in the company of elsewhere (Razor Ramon, Goldust, Steve Austin); One of the more stiff workers of the New Generation, once Savio was able to shuck the Kwang gimmick, he was free to work with just about anyone in the ring; Revisiting Savio nowadays reveals someone who could have had a successful short IC title run
From the Voters: “I think it’s easy to forget how hugely over he was as a babyface in 95 and 96. Has some very fun performances under his belt. Kwang and Los Boricuas don’t really help his case, but he was capable of being a heel so there’s that.” – Dylan Hales, July 11, 2017
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gothicghostie-blog · 7 years
Frankenstein Films as a Form of Escapism
In 1991, James Whale’s Frankenstein was inducted into the National Film Registry “as being culturally, historically or aesthetically significant" to American culture (“FAQ - National Film Preservation Board”). Its unique and imaginative design made it one of the most iconic films in history worthy of preservation. When the film was released in 1931, it represented what the American people desired most. People during the 1930s struggled with the harsh realities of the Great Depression and were searching for relief through various forms of escapism. The very nature of Frankenstein as a movie gave people all across the country a way to come together to cope with the hardships they faced. In addition, the film’s completely unrealistic plot was the ideal story for people to immerse themselves in. Therefore, the Frankenstein films of the 1930s provided a form of escapism for the American people during the Great Depression because people wanted to focus on fantastical, unrealistic horrors rather than the reality of their own tribulations. The Great Depression was a time in American history when “the standard of living collapsed due to unemployment, underemployment, and wage reductions” (“Escapism and Leisure Time 1929-1941”). The economic hardships of this era resulted in many having difficulty with emotional stability. According to this source, studies at the time showed that the longer people were left unemployed, the more likely they would become emotionally distressed or even fatalistic as a result. Additionally, they go on to add that the worsening psychological state of people at the time forced them to turn to various forms of entertainment in order to cope (“Escapism and Leisure Time 1929-1941”). This coping method known as escapism can be defined as “an activity or form of entertainment that allows people to forget about the real problems of life” (“Escapism”); however, people during this time could no longer afford their expensive vacations and had to opt for cheaper forms of entertainment. They were “attending movies, listening to the radio, dancing to live music, and reading cheap magazines or books containing sensational or gruesome materials… to escape from the uncertainties, anxieties and loss of self associated with the Depression years” (“Escapism and Leisure Time 1929-1941”). In particular, watching movies was a pastime that was gaining popularity among people living in the United States. The American people had a significant relationship in the 1930s with films as a result of the advancing technology and accessibility of this leisure activity. The whole nature of film was changed with the advent of sound since it added an extra dimension to the movie watching experience (Wilson). Films were as popular as ever due to this innovation in movie technology, and “in 1930, 11 million people could be accommodated in movie theaters with a yearly attendance close to the national population” (“Escapism and Leisure Time 1929-1941”). Movie theaters were becoming more abundant and people were excited about going to the cinema. They were enthusiastic about watching movies and especially those of the horror genre. Sound added an extra layer of terror by creating suspenseful music that signaled nearby danger and also amplified ominous events (Wilson). Moviegoers “flocked into cinemas to be scared by supernatural monsters wreaking havoc on largely fantastical worlds, events far removed from the everyday realities of Depression” (Wilson). A horror movie released during this time when people were eager to be scared and forget about reality was the film Frankenstein. Frankenstein directed by James Whale was based on several works. The main inspiration for the film, from which it was radically altered, was the literary classic Frankenstein, or a Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley (Highham 157). However, the adaption from Peggy Webling theater play was the main source of material for the movie’s screenplay (Rohrmoser). The movie’s story follows the characters Henry Frankenstein and his hunchback assistant, Fritz. The two steal bodies from graves and a brain from a medical university to use in Frankenstein’s experiment. Unfortunately, Fritz has a mix up with the brain that he stole and took one labeled as “abnormal,” so when Frankenstein created an artificial human being made from various parts of different cadavers and brought to life by electricity, the Monster was nothing more than ugly, dumb, and brutish. Disappointed in his creation, Frankenstein locks up his troublesome Monster in a cellar where it was abused by his assistant. Enraged from his mistreatment, the Monster kills Fritz and escapes. He wreaks havoc in the village, and the community comes after the creature intending to kill it. The Monster is found in an old windmill that is then set on fire by the villagers where the creature was thought to be burned to death (Rohrmoser). In short, the plot of the film is unrealistic enough for those watching to immerse themselves completely within this entertaining and dramatic story. What made the revival of this classic unique and memorable was the director James Whale’s style and the atmospheric design of the film. Whale during the time of the film’s production had “seen the great German silent horror movies [such as] ‘The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari’ and ‘Metropolis’” and was inspired by their “starky dramatic lighting and impressionistic use of sets” (Rose). He incorporated their techniques to create a set that had “quirkish charnel humor” with “bizarre angles involving vertical objects” that “slanted against the artificial sky” (Highham 157). The setting of the film appeared to be that of a far off fictional land where people “seemed somehow fragile and out of place” (Rose). Whale, along with the production team, truly made his own unique world within this picture; therefore, Frankenstein’s eccentric movie set ultimately created an immersive atmosphere for the film. Equally so, the iconic performance and appearance of Boris Karloff as the Monster was another element of the film that made it something people at the time were craving to see. This casting choice for the character was a pivotal element in solidifying the movie’s memorableness. With the help of Universal Studio’s makeup artist Jack Pierce, Karloff brought to life the Monster in an unforgettable way. The Monster’s appearance is the most striking aspect of Frankenstein since Pierce’s artistry made “a truly horrible creature, with a hinged skull, electrodes protruding from his neck, and a stiff legged, lurching walk” (Gorman 2462). Pierce had also built “an artificial square-shaped skull…he fixed wire clamps over Karloff’s lips, painted his face blue-green, which photographed a corpse-like gray” (Rohrmoser). Frankenstein’s Monster was portrayed as a horrid, undead abomination through this dramatic makeup transformation, and its appearance gave it an air of being some foreign and otherworldly creature. Despite the Monster’s unsightly appearance, Karloff was able to give the character a “sympathetic quality” and “was able to convey a wide range of emotions” for it (Gorman 2462). He portrayed the character as something that was feral, lost, and had a childlike sense of helplessness (Atkinson 15). Audiences at this time could unknowingly relate to this creature that shared their feelings of distress from their surroundings. Moreover, individuals during The Great Depression experienced profound suffering and projected their feelings into this character. Since audiences felt powerless in their own lives by circumstances out of their control, they felt a sense of helplessness similarly as the Monster. Their lives were altered in a short period of time while the Monster felt frightened being thrusted into a world that he had no knowledge of and did not want him. Both experienced tremendous emotional distress from these difficulties they faced, and this made them feel hopeless, scared, and angry. Despite the Monster appearing to have no obvious similarities with the audience, especially with its appearance, they were able to subconsciously relate to this creature who shared their feelings of despair and frustration. It was safe for moviegoers to project their emotions into this character and cope with them without knowingly confronting their emotional state. Additionally, they were terrified of this creature and could see it as a representation of what they feared most, their helplessness resulting in death. The Monster had no control over his own life; therefore, it escalated to the point when he was tormented, forced to become violent, and eventually killed. Individuals also interpreted this as a visualization of how their lives could potentially end up should they allow themselves to resort to desperate measures such as crime in order to survive. This was also a way for them to project their desires of what they wish they could do into the Monster. Thus, the masked relatableness between the two ultimately lead to the exceptional reception of the film. When the film premiered in the winter of 1931, it was an overnight success. Frankenstein became a sensation and “was voted one of the films of the year by the New York Times and earned Universal Pictures twelve million dollars” (“Escapism and Leisure Time 1929-1941”). It performed better than Universal’s other blockbuster horror hit Dracula which was released the year before. Although he was not invited to the film’s premiere initially, the movie made Karloff an overnight superstar. Its success spurred the creation of two more films, The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) and the Son of Frankenstein (1939), in which he would reprise his role as the Monster (Gorman). The films success was a result of it providing the people at the time with the escape from reality that they desired the most. For a few cents and a couple of hours, they were granted the experience of being immersed within a world far removed from their troublesome reality of the Depression. Individuals have consistently looked for ways to escape from the troubles in their lives through any activity available to them. During the Great Depression people were enthusiastic about watching movies and this genre of film, so Frankenstein’s release could not have came at a better time for the American people. Despite the nature of Frankenstein with its horror elements, it still gave audiences something exciting and entertaining to watch. They were already reading material that was gruesome and thrilling so watching a movie with those elements simply just provided a visual escape for them. The film’s design with its atmospheric and fantasy feel transported audiences to a place unlike that of the world in which they lived. This was exactly what they craved most during the Depression. Of equal importance, the memorable performance from Karloff made them believe in this undead creature who they could subconsciously relate to and therefore feel comforted by the fact that someone else felt a loss of control over their own life. Even though the film did not explicitly depict that, people during the time projected their struggles and desires into this outrageous and fictional story. It comforted as much as it did frighten them which is the reason why it became a box office success. Consequently, people during the 1930s found escape through watching horror movies such as Frankenstein because the films provided moviegoers with immersive material that was distant from their everyday struggles and unfortunate reality.
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