Reading & Response 2
Upon reading this article, I began to realize that GIFs have far evolved past their origins on MySpace and other early social media platforms. I also didn’t realize that they had in a sense become their own art medium. The fact that these can be created by artists and utilized in an exhibit is so cool to me. I use GIFs daily in casual conversations, but to elevate them beyond that to “high art” is a really interesting growth to witness in our lifetime as the digital age continues to grow and effect the art world.
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jackieannemarie · 6 years
Reading/Response 10 gifs
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The blinking guy is one of my favorite memes that I use consistently even though it kind of died out. It’s the perfect response to so many things.
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Another perfect response that I use quite frequently. 
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I like this one because there is no obvious time where we can tell it loops back, it just looks like it goes on forever.
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Gotta love Futurama, and skeptical Fry is just another great example of a response gif. (Can you tell I use gifs a lot for responses?)
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I send this one a lot when my friends aren’t making sense, even if it isn’t a question. Meme trash.
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Such a good movie, also use this one a lot.
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Also a good one I use a lot, good at showing shocked confusion.
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Same. This is also how I eat cheetos.
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Parks and Rec is my FAVORITE show and I love Andy and this captures his personality perfectly.
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I, too, hate everything. 
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roohbn-blog · 7 years
Week 2 Reading Response
For this weeks reading response, I chose to do the Bb article “It wasn’t me, was it?”. The main theme can be obvious, simply to not plagiarize. But not only that, it also explains how easy it is to plagiarize without even knowing it! Scary right! It's particularly scary on how easily you can fall in the hole of plagiarizing. The reading connects to my discipline because I avoid plagiarizing, and I know most of my colleagues do as well. And throughout the rest of our academic career, we’ll need to avoid it.
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The reading helped me further what plagiarizing really is, and to simply stay away from it because it's like a virus, it gets in you and the turnout isn't all that great. This reading also helped me understand that for the each and every statement we take from a certain website, book or any other forms of resources, they all must be cited correctly. We’ve worked on several writing assignments and that's something we’ve take into consideration in each and every one of our assignments. The questions one should ask is, where am I taking this piece of information from? is it a picture? An article? A book? Website? These things we the things you should ask ourlseves. Who is the author? When was it published? etc. etc.
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The reason i chose this gif is because citing sources can sometimes be long and irritating! Sometimes theres things you cant find when citing the source and then you have to go to owl purdue for assitance. However, sometimes owl purdue doesn’t answer all your questions and it just drives me crazy! Pretty sure some of you are relatable. 
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twobeebees · 8 years
Post an illustrative quote from the reading, and reflect on its significance. Write at least 100 words
“The whole is different from the sum of the parts” (pp. 44). Max Wertheimer. This quote serves to illustrate how many moving parts of an image makeup an image but the sense make the image significant, meaningful, and possible. Without organization of the senses, the brain doesn’t create the cohesive image. To me, this quote means more than just images and sense. It applies to life. Cohesion in many things rely on the organization of the parts. Each part has a role and influence on the outcome and final product. In a team, each member plays a role in the end results. If a player is missing, the team has to compensate or adapt: if this can’t happen,the end result will not be significant, meaningful, or possible.
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sophia-bea96-blog · 7 years
week 2: reading response
In the article “it wasn’t me, was it?” by Danielle Devoss and Anette C. Rosati, the authors discuss the concept of plagiarism by first telling stories about different instances of plagiarism. 
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The authors end up describing different types of plagiarism  and also make a point that not all plagiarism is considered “negative”. The point they make claims that that type of plagiarism is not considered stealing more like borrowing the information. in the article it also talks about what can happen if you get caught with plagiarizing. for example, failing the class and or getting suspended or expelled.
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I can use this article as a reflection towards my future essay paper because this article gives suggestion on how to avoid plagiarism by using our personal university’s resources that they provide for us. Or, we can research on the web on how to correctly cite your references. 
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mixedmediaanimation · 6 years
Reading Response #2
In Chapter 1 of Andrew Selby’s “Animation,” he emphasizes the importance of the scriptwriting process and the multitude of ways one can go about it. He states that because in animation sections of the work are pieced together it grants more flexibility to change the script and enables the creators to add things to explain the plot more effectively. Selby also discusses how the script establishes a rhythm and pace in a story through particular events he calls “beats.” Selby argues that both the scriptwriting process which develops in specific styles is parallels to the different ways animators use production techniques and methods to solicit different responses from the desired audience. 
In Maureen Furniss’s “The Animation Bible” she focuses on the importance of the concept. Furniss believes research is a critical part of the creative process. She suggests even randomly opening a reference book, dictionary or encyclopedia to ignite your imagination. Furniss also states that one should not be afraid of making a mistake and to use your critical eye to determine what aspects of your project benefit and undermine the concept. Furniss also states that an essential part of the pre-production process is understanding who your target audience is. She believes that to truly understand your intended audience one should spend time with that group and observe the ways they function. Furniss recommends that constructive feedback is a crucial part of the creative process. It is vital to gain objectivity when viewing your project to best critique it and make it better. But overall, Furniss makes the critical point that your concept and your project should have value. What is the project ultimately achieving? She argues that genuinely exceptional work is usually highly personal and connects with the viewers profoundly and emotionally.  
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taterpickle · 7 years
Reading Response #2
Reading our excerpt by Sherman Alexie brought up many memories of my own childhood.  My parents took turns working nights so the other could go to school so one of them was always home with my sisters and I-they couldn’t afford child care, so that was the only way to do it.  There were several times when had it not been for them finding a $5 bill in the parking lot at work, we wouldn’t have gotten bread or milk that week. All this aside, mom always found a few dollars to go to Goodwill or garage sales and buy her books.  Mom had shelves of books everywhere and the ones that didn’t fit on the shelves were either in boxes in the attic or in the racks on the backs of her bedroom and closet doors.  There were all kinds of books, from biographies and harlequin romance novels to forensic thriller novels and anything written by Steven King.  She always made a point to read to us every day and encouraged us to bring home as many books from the school libraries as we could and she helped us to read every one of them. When my youngest sister was diagnosed with cancer, reading to us when we were all together in between her treatments at the hospital was the one thing we always looked forward to. This was around the same time Harry Potter was released and was taking the nation by storm. Mom read us all seven books and they were a welcome distraction from the fact that our little world was falling apart. After my sister died, I became even more introverted-I read all the time and I started writing poetry as a way to try and process and deal with the emotional turmoil I found myself in.
There was one thing in Alexie’s excerpt that made me laugh. This was his description of how he used the pictures in the Superman comic books as context clues to what the words on the page were describing.  I found this funny because my five year does the exact same thing! He started doing last year and my husband and I were both amazed once we realize what he was doing.
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r1aimageandtext · 7 years
Reading Response 9/4
Overall, Whitman seemed to use this poem as a way to explore his own identity. While the poem begins on a light, pleasant note, it soon turns darker and twists deeper into the depths of his mind. For example, on page 14, he claims that “Clear and sweet is my soul . . . . and clear and sweet is all that is not my soul.” This statement definitively shows that Whitman sees his soul as the only good in the world. However, he does go on to define his soul as a variety of things. He claims to be the old, young, married, unmarried, injured, poor, and insane. Does this imply that every one of these things is also clear and sweet?
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jackieannemarie · 6 years
Gif Reading/Response
It was interesting reading so many articles discussing gifs as an art form, as they have always been a form of memes or offered some great responses to conversations for me. I also didn’t realize that people are able to profit off of gif making. I find the cultural impact of gifs really interesting, I feel like I've grown up in the time where they used to not be quite as relevant and now myself and every single person I talk to uses gifs on a daily basis. The articles really proved that there is art all around us and in ways we don’t expect. Pretty cool!
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daniellebrooks96 · 10 years
Reading response to "the revolution will not be televised"
After listening to “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” a few times, I began to realize what the song was really about when I paid attention to the lyrics. The song spoke to me on a more personal level because a lot of times things will not always come easy to you in life and you will sometimes have to try at them more than once. I feel that this song is talking about how a revolution was beginning to take place during the 60’s and 70’s, and a lot of things were beginning to change and become different. Not everyone agreed with these changes and this led to some disagreements and the changes that were taking place were not necessarily going to be shown for everyone to watch on the television. In life some things are too big to be shown on the tv, and these changes took place at different times for different people. The “song” begins by saying “you will not be able to stay home, brother”, and I think this was meant that if a person wants to see change in the world, then they must be responsible and help me the change or “revolution” that they want to see.
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