#real bunnies are lame cartoon bunnies are awesome
c10v3r · 1 year
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insert that one video of bunny asmr where the bunny trips and falls comedically
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sj-thefan · 3 years
On the 6th day of Halloween...
I watched Scooby-Doo 2
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"Excuse me, have you heard the good news?" *holds up a bible*
"Yeah, there's cookies!"
I love Scooby
Spoilers below
There are so many amazing one-liners in this movie. Here's a list of some of my favourites:
"Here you go, girls. I got an ascot for each of you."
"In case you haven't noticed, there's an unidentified freaky object in here."
"We will be terrific, and fantastic, and spectacular, cease to be loser-ific, lame-tastic, and suck-tacular." "Rah, rah. Suck-tacular!"
I'm sorry, Daph, but your go-go boots didn't fit...me!" "Scooby! Those so don't go with that sweater."
"Alas, what are these strange markings?" *Fred turns the page so it is no longer upside down* "Words." "Ah, ha!"
"Scooby-Doo, what's your conclusion?" *Scooby holds up the paper he has been 'taking notes' on* "Bunny."
"Ah, man. Another creepy crib. How come we can't ever investigate a KFC or something?" [...] "Then again, creepy is my middle name."
"Quick, we need to come up with a comeback. Hey! Shut up!"
(I mentioned this one earlier, but it is the best!)"Excuse me, have you heard the good news?" *holds up a bible* "Yeah, there's cookies!"
"I enjoy being a girl."
"Clues!" *Scooby drops a bunch of random items on the floor* "Those aren't clues, Scoob. Those are just things you want. Like, why is a toilet brush a clue?" *Scooby sings into the brush while wearing a fedora and sunglasses* "Scooby-dooby-doo... Do-doo-be-dooby..." "Just 'cause you can sing in it, Scoob, doesn't make it a clue. It just makes it awesome!"
"I am not scared. I have fought werewolves and ghosts, but in the end, I know we usually unmask them, and it's just a shriveley, little, scared man inside." "Well, it's the same thing with dating."
"...or else from here on in you'll be known as the Soiled Underwear Ghost!"
"We gotta make like your personality and split."
"Fred, do you think I'm just a pretty face?" "No. I mean, yes... I mean, not fat! Definitely not fat! Is this sort of what you're looking for?" "Fat? Why would you even use that word?"
"Ri'm the Rasmanian Revil."
"Oh my god! It seems as if I've become ludicrously intelligent. Ha, ha! It's awful. Oh, I long for the blissful ignorance of my former self; chasing cats, licking my own rear end. eating my own vomit. Oh, those were wonderful times!" "Check out my pecs, little man."
*Yelling* "Calm! Scooby-Doo, calm!" *Scooby slaps Shaggy*
"Sure, as long as you define okay as in massive agony."
"Sir, do you have anything to say for yourself?" *Ghost vomits on the reporter* *Scooby laughs*
"Like, they're totally having a montage in there without us."
"This is tied for the most terrifying day of my life." "Tied with what?" "Every other freaking day of my life!"
"You can't fool me with that macho facade. You're just afraid to show your sensitive side." "Ooh, you've touched my inner child. And he's really mad!"
"As if you getting the lead in My Fair Lady wasn't enough!" "I was an excellent Eliza! You were too 'act-y'." And stealing my tater-tots!" You kept saying you felt puffy!"
"And the real identity of Ned is..." *Pulls Ned's hair* "Ow!" "Ned!"
Also, let's talk about the Mystery Machine Stretch Limo... I can't find a gif, but they show up to the museum opening in a limo painted like the Mystery Machine. What a ride!
One of the things I love about this movie is Fred's ongoing frustrations with the media. It's a very realistic demonstration of how the media can skew things to mean whatever they want.
Honestly, this is a stupid movie, full of stupid humour. But Scooby-Doo was the cartoon that I watched all the time as a kid, and I can remember watching these movies all the time. Maybe that's why I still watch them.
Side note: The tar monster used to haunt my nightmares constantly. Like there was no way to kill that thing. Scooby literally froze and shattered it, but it still came back. It's absolutely terrifying.
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