#real ones know the lore behind the ‘peanut butter’ nickname 😌
bigdumbbambieyes · 2 years
They were on their way to work in the Beamer and Steve was bright and glowing in the morning sun, his face dotted with beauty spots and moles and Billy couldn’t look away, even as his boyfriend kept bitching.
“—and it’s like, why the fuck does it matter how the tapes are displayed? People are gonna see them! And take them! They’re for rent, not for show, right?”
“Right,” Billy hummed with a little smirk, resting his cheek in his hand, elbow on the car door.
“So I told Keith, ‘hey, man, I think this way might be better’ - and you know what that asshole told me?? ‘That’s stupid’! He said my idea was fucking stupid!” Steve huffed with annoyance, which was Billy’s favourite way to have him (annoyed), because it was funny and cute at the same time.
But, only when Billy was the reason Steve was annoyed. Goddamn Keith wasn’t allowed to annoy his pretty boy so much.
“You want me to ruin his morning, babe?” Billy smirked, already thinking of ways he could.
Steve glanced over at him from where he was looking at the road and gave him a smile, like he was touched that Billy was so willing to ruin his boss’ morning for him, but shook his head ‘no’, “Nah, it’s fine - I’ll just put the display up how I want and he’ll deal with it.”
“Atta boy, Harrington,” Billy grinned, proud and amused.
They pulled up to the shop and Billy zipped up his coveralls, making sure to grab his lunch that Steve packed and coffee thermos before looking over to see Steve already leaning into his space. Billy smiled and leaned over, meeting his pretty boy halfway for a kiss, something soft and casual.
He pecked Steve’s lips a few times more before pulling away to admire Steve’s little half-lidded look, smiling as his boyfriend hummed, “Have a good day. I’ll call when I’m leaving the store.”
“Okay,” Billy smiled, “The boss is letting me work on my car after my shift, so, don’t rush. I’ll be here when you’re done.”
“‘Kay,” Steve hummed, and they shared one last little kiss before Billy was opening the door and getting out. He grabbed the door and bent down to tell Steve with a little grin, “And I’m looking forward to hearing what that dickhead has to say about your display.”
Steve grinned with a little roll of his eyes, “I’ll tell you all about it over dinner. Spaghetti tonight, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Billy smiled, loving that he got to make dinner plans with his boyfriend. The little things really made his day. “Love you, peanut butter.” He hummed.
Steve’s grin grew wider, “Love you, too.”
Billy shut the door and watched the Beamer pull out of the lot and head towards Family Video, smiling to himself with a little huff of amusement before turning and heading into work.
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