#real talk though: the ericson kids are tough as hell they would've been such tiny babs at the start
parablcd · 5 years
“Guess I didn’t realize how long it’s been.”
“It’s weird to think about, right? Five years. People have been eating each other for literally half Tenn’s life.” 
It’s equally unsettling to remember that her brother is almost as old now as she and Sophie were when the dead started walking. He seems… smaller than she ever remembers being. God. It’s alarming, in hindsight, just how dire their situation had been - how small and delicate and underprepared they were to handle the world they’d been thrown into. How the hell had they made it so far?
She pushes the thought away, tucking an errant lock of red hair behind her ear and flashing Vi a wry smile before turning her attention back to the fish trap at hand. “You know what else is weird? I can’t even picture where I’d be now. If the world hadn’t gone to shit, you know?” She laughs, but the feeling in her stomach as she hauls the trap out of the water doesn’t seem very funny. “How messed up is that?”
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