parablcd · 4 years
This blog is accepting development anons!
Bug my character about their past! Ask them about the things you wonder about! Give them scenarios to get their brain going! Today is all about bringing out the growth hiding within my character.
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parablcd · 4 years
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 !
    do   you   want   a   certain   kind   of   ship   with   my   muse  ?   check   out   the   key   below   &   send   me   a   symbol   to   tell   me   what   kind   of   ship   you   want   !     note  :    my   muse   =   blog   owner’s   muse     /     your   muse   =   sender’s   muses
romantic relationships !
💘  friends to lovers ❣️  enemies to lovers 💜  love at first sight 💙  slow burn 💚  skinny love 💔  exes to lovers again 🖤  on again , off again
familial relationships !
🌼  older sibling 🌺  younger sibling 👭  twins 🌻  friends like siblings 🍃  cousins 🌵  parental
friend relationships !
☀️   best friends 🌦   enemies to friends 🌈   friends since childhood  ⛅️  friends of circumstance  ☁️  school friends  🌩  friends from traumatic experiences
enemy relationships !
🔪   friends to enemies 💣   stole something from my muse 🔦   stole something from your muse 🗡   bullied my muse 🔫   bullied your muse ⚔️   family feud 🛠   fueds between mutual friends ❌   guilty by association
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parablcd · 4 years
major arcana.
to  find  your  secondary  &  third  tarot  cards,  scroll  down  your  result  page  to  your  answers  &  result  totals.
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Three cards drawn.
Primary // The Hierophant. “It is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces that guides oneself..." The Hierophant is a symbol of education, authority, conservatism, obedience to rules and relationship with the divine. You are a person who interprets sacred mysteries or esoteric principles, You are matured enough, quite wise and logical. However, you are somehow associated and obsessed with the past.
Secondary // The Judgment. “At the end of his journey there was nothing but an empty space, a vast land with emptiness. And he finally understood that the journey was himself, his life and how he lived." The Judgment Arcana, in tarot, is associated with realizing one's calling, gaining a deep understanding of life, and a feeling of acceptance and absolution.
Tertiary // The Emperor. “Only courage in the face of doubt can lead one to the answer..." Emperor symbolizes the desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable. Often times, you are troubled by something very personal, and don't know how to deal with it.
TAGGED BY: @ratleaderr​ (thank you!) TAGGING: you!
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parablcd · 4 years
non-sexual forms of intimacy.   send me ‘INTIMACY +’ a number between 1-125 and i’ll write a starter or a drabble about our muses engaging in a form of intimacy outside of sexual context.   note: as the level of trust required for the things listed here varies a lot, feel free to send multiple numbers if you aren’t sure if they’ll work! bonus:   if the mun is comfortable with randomising a number if asked, state so in the tags when you reblog!
1        watching tv/movies together
2        going to an event together  ( like a carnival, festival, etc. )
3        going on dates, like to the movies or shopping
4        sharing secrets
5        hugs
6        sharing drinks
7        having a phone call
8        touching noses
9        cuddling
10      having a philosophical discussion
11      hand holding
12      sharing jokes
13      sharing smiles
14      laying your head on someone’s shoulder
15      linking arms
Keep reading
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parablcd · 4 years
@journclisms sent: “I know you think you have to get through this by yourself, but you have people here to help you.”
"That’s the problem. I don’t think I know how to do that anymore, Aasim.”
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She sighed, hand rising to rub at her eyes as though doing so might wipe away the dark smudges beneath them that spoke of yet another night spent sleepless. “I mean, where do I even start? 'Hi guys, remember me? The traitor who led raiders to your door and helped feed them intel on the best way to kidnap my closest friends? The one who knocked out your fearless leader with a crossbow and tried really hard to stab her in the chest to make sure she didn’t help you escape? Well I’m feeling kind of weird about myself and life and stuff and I was hoping you could forget that the last person who tried to untangle my wires got killed - by me - and maybe let me sob into your shoulder until I feel less weird and sad’? Feels like a hard sell, dude.”
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parablcd · 4 years
@apocalypseraised sent: ❝ i can’t remember the last time i did this with someone. ❞
Minerva applies another stroke of polish before stealing a glance up at the other girl’s face, a cheeky grin lighting her lips as she dips the applicator in the bottle and wipes the excess off against the rim.
“We used to do this a lot in New Haven, when Sophie and I were little. When the corporations were sniffing around New Haven, or the bandit lords were getting too bold, and Miss Pierce set a curfew, Mom would paint our nails and tell us stories to keep us busy.” She laughs, her smile turning wistful as she adjusts her hold on Clem’s hand and sets to painting colour onto the next finger. “It’s a pain in the butt to get polish around here - honestly I don’t know how Mom did it in New Haven, either - but it’s the little luxuries that make it worth it, right?”
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parablcd · 4 years
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MEDEA.  // you are medea from from the argonautica by apollonius and medea by euripides. you are ambitious, ruthless, and unforgiving in getting what you want, and unapologetic in your self-preservation. the truth is, you have let your romantic ideals get the better of you before, and time and time again you have had to relearn how to build up those walls and thorns that guard it. the only person who can protect you is yourself, and you have learned that the hard way. sometimes stoking that fire of hate and anger in your heart hurts more than whatever you're fighting against.
tagged by: stole it! tagging: a fellow thief!
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parablcd · 4 years
@ratleaderr sent: “I had to find a new identity. A new me. It wasn’t easy.”
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"I’m sure I wouldn’t know anything about that.”
The words slip out before she can stop herself, sharp and aiming to wound. The anger always catches her off guard - a snake strike spreading venom through her veins with each beat of her heart, and she has no clue how to stop it. She’s tired. God, she’s tired, in every inch of every bone. A grudge is a heavy thing to bear; she, more than anyone, wants to set it aside. To feel unburdened, even for a second.
But the hurt that’s spent a year festering in her heart feels as much a part of her as her own limbs, and though she tries to bite it back, she knows her words sound hollow when she tears her eyes away from the ground she’s been glaring a hole through and fixes her intense gaze on him instead.
“I’m happy for you, Marlon. I just hope you’re telling the truth this time. For everyone’s sake.”
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parablcd · 4 years
CARING FOR STUBBORN MUSES. for when the person you’re trying to care for insists they don’t need your help.
“at least let me clean the wound!” “you’ll be even worse off if you don’t let me bandage this.” “i really think you need to see a doctor.” “i made you some soup, and i’m going to sit here until you eat it. i can wait.” “your feelings matter too! i can’t help you if i don’t even know what’s making you upset!” “..i’m here if you need anything, okay?” “stop trying to push yourself! you can’t do this on your own!” “listen, i know you don’t want to, but.. maybe you should rest for a while. you’re not going to get anywhere like this.” “i’ll make you a deal: i’ll just get you some bandages, and nothing else, and you stop making a fuss over it.” “how long has it last been since you slept?” “have you even been taking your medicine?” “i know you think you have to get through this by yourself, but you have people here to help you.” “let me take care of you, for once.” “you’re gonna hurt yourself even more if you do stupid things like that!” “i hate to break it to you, but you’re not supposed to do any strenuous physical activity for the next couple weeks, and if i have to personally make sure you don’t every waking hour of the day then i’m fully prepared to do that.” “it’s okay to cry in front of me, you know. you don’t have to carry this alone.” “stop trying to act like you’re not bleeding out in front of me!! this is serious!” “listen, asshole. i’m gonna carry you home whether you like it or not. you’re not in any condition to get there yourself.” “oh my god, why didn’t you tell me it was this bad?!”
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parablcd · 4 years
I just want to feel loved, feel safe, feel like I’m worth something.
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parablcd · 4 years
Birds of Prey | Sentence Prompts
feel free to change words and pronouns as needed.
“Oh, hey, you’re that singer no one listens to.”
“Oh, hey, you’re the asshole no one likes.”
“I’m not shopping at this store. I’m robbing this store.”
“Psychologically speaking, vengeance rarely brings the catharsis we hope for.”
“Unless we all want to die very unpleasant deaths, we’re going to have to work together.”
“What the hell is up with this bow and arrow shit?”
“I love this chick. She’s got rage issues.”
“Your protection is based on the fact that people are scared of you.”
“You made me want to be a less terrible person.”
“If you want boys to respect you, show them you’re serious.”
“Nothing gets a guy’s attention like violence.”
“I underestimated you and I’m sorry.”
“I’m used to it.”
“I’m sorry, (name), I’m just a terrible person I guess.”
“So… we broke up.”
“She stole my fucking car!”
“That is childhood trauma right there.”
“Fine. But if you try to run, I will kill you.”
“I’m not proud of what I did.”
“I had to find a new identity. A new me. It wasn’t easy.”
“I guess all good things have to come to an end.”
“So, we broke up. I handled it real mature.”
“The inflection in your voice, the way you can’t hold eye contact, and the fact that you’re a filthy little thief, all suggest that you do.”
“Well, sounds like a dick.”
“You’re so tiresome! If you want my mercy, shut that hole in the middle of your face and listen.”
“(Name) is gone, but it’s just a matter of time before some other asshole tries to finish what he started.”
“You’re a filthy fucking rat.”
“That’s why he needs me to look out for him. That’s why he needs me to take care of him.”
“Still a work in progress.”
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parablcd · 4 years
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It definitely wasn’t a funny joke, or even a good one, but at the same time he gets it. People like them tend to all have that same kind of awful, awkward, humor about these things. What came as more of a shock to him was the fact that Tenn talked about him, and often at that. Eyes widening in surprise for a moment before falling again. Back to looking at the dirt, back to not being able to make or keep eye contact. 
He was just as bad at this as she was.
“Yeah, he is.” Did he really deserved to be thanked at all, when her little brother had been the one that saved him? Lily had already given the order. His body should rotting on that boat with a few holes in his head. “I have a pretty good idea of what she would have done. I’m…. also glad we were there to stop it.”
“You’re probably not wrong. She didn’t have many merciful bones in her body. I was hoping, if I...“ She paused, wrinkling her nose in consternation and giving a small shake of her head. She’d hoped a lot of things. Her best intentions had still put her on the wrong team. “I guess it doesn’t matter now. I’m just glad he’s safe.”
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Another pause as she glanced around them, hesitating for a moment before committing to taking a seat nearby James, her hand folding awkwardly in her lap. “You seem about as out of sorts here as I feel.” A tense smile had formed on her lips, softening the observation to something more sympathetic than teasing. She quirked her head, studying the boy thoughtfully. “Tenn said you had some... tense moments with Clementine, after you got off the shore. Are things... better, now? Are you settling in okay?”
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parablcd · 4 years
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     ❝ If you were trying to dig up Mitch’s grave, I think that’s where the line would be crossed, but…you’re just going for your memorial we set up. Oh – right, we even have a shovel now. ❞
     ❝ Maybe you should consider asking Tenn to draw you pictures to put up on your wall? ❞ He couldn’t do it himself ; he wasn’t sure any of his art would be…well, good enough for that. While realistic sketches of birds and trees might be nice to look at on occasion, there wasn’t any space on a wall for that monochrome depression. ❝ We found colored pencils, so he’d probably like to use them for a purpose. ❞
“Don’t worry. I feel like if I even thought about that, Willy would bust through a wall like a tiny Kool-Aid man and kick my butt. Shovel or no shovel, I promise this’ll be a one-time heist.”
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“You’re right. I’ll have to think of something really cool to commission. He’s really growing as an artist.” Her smile turned bittersweet, breath escaping her in a noise that was part laugh, part sigh. “Sophie would’ve been really proud...”
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parablcd · 4 years
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        ❝ –   especially when the grave has your name on it… ❞  she couldn’t imagine the emotions that go through minerva seeing her and her sister’s grave amongst the others.  the very though makes her bite her lip.         ❝ – i could… help, if you want. ❞
“It’s pretty uncanny, yeah. But also... kind of fitting? In a weird way.”
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With all that had happened since she’d been traded away from the school, she hardly felt like the same person anymore. A grave without a body, filled with the contents of her old life? It would’ve been almost poetic, if it didn’t mean everything she’d ever owned probably had a year’s worth of mold, mildew, and dirt baked into it,
“I’d say it’s weirder for someone else to dig up my grave, but I’ll be digging at half capacity, so... sure. Let’s be grave-robbing buddies.”
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parablcd · 4 years
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KEY WORDS : friendship, happiness, light.
A canary's love is freeing, and brings the recipient true and pure happiness. Everyone you love is your best friend in one way or another, whether it's your fiancess, your little sister, your mother, or your favourite English teacher. You're most likely to buy small gifts for the people you love, such as their favourite snack or little trinkets, to show that you were thinking about them. Yours is the love of holding hands, singing in the shower, Spring time and wide smiles. BEST MATCHED WITH : Fern, Lavender, Cerulean
TAGGED BY :  thiefed it! TAGGING :  anyone who hasn’t done so thus far!
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parablcd · 4 years
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     ❝ It’s fine, Minnie ; we dug two holes for your items. ❞ Just because they were twins, didn’t mean they’d just mass grave the two of them together like they were one person. ❝ The mounds are raised for a reason, so…uh, if you really want what’s underneath the soil, go for it. You’ll probably need to wash it and…you know, some of it might be ruined…so if it was paper, then I don’t think you’re getting that back. ❞
“That makes me feel slightly less weird about it. Thanks, Aasim.”
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”Yeah, I kinda figured. I’m hoping something survived - honestly, anything to make laundry day easier is fine by me. It’s just weird how... blank everything is without personal touches. Kind of uncanny valley, if that makes sense?”
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parablcd · 4 years
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      ❝ –   yes?  uh… no?  ❞                                never did she think she would have this conversation.                                  ❝ –I MEAN–  it’s your grave?  ❞
“Technically, I guess...”
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“It’s weird, though, right? Digging up a grave to get stuff? I feel like things aren’t supposed to come out of graveyards.”
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