#real tho. im making ted demi in my fic but thats mostly by accident and im not really gonna call it out
bahoreal · 1 year
i want to make my stand for aro/arospec ted. i truly believe the creators and writers did not intend for this (possibly because they didnt know its a thing lol) but:
doesnt date for three years in richmond, is completely happy and satisfied with his platonic friendships and his fatherhood
sleeps with sassy multiple times before asking her out (needs some kind of connection to someone before he can think about a romantic entanglement)
wasnt actually offended or upset about sassy saying no, was more upset about her calling him a mess
canonically is not good at romance and michelle felt overwhelmed by him (doesnt know what people actually like in romance just goes overboard with romantic gestures. this isnt common to all aros but i know i get this lol)
i think we should think a little deeper about arospec ted who mistakes intense platonic feelings for romantic feelings
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