#realised i forgot to post this and the mcyt archive website reminded me so . here ya go
HI!! for all your oli orionsound vod needs:
listen. listen okay i was getting real sick of this man not uploading vods (wants to watch them but they keep getting deleted from twitch). so ive taken it upon myself hope he doesnt mind
I have started uploading vods and will continue to hopefully!! I've also collected what i believe(?) to be every oli vod uploaded to youtube and collected them into various playlists (including an mcc playlist which has every mcc he's been in from his POV besides mccs 3-6 - for 4 and 6 i put a teammates POV but for mccs 3 and 5 there are no archived vods from anyone on his team . rip orionsound mccs 3 and 5)
if you know any vods on youtube i haven't playlisted OR have any vods downloaded that arent available elsewhere pleaseplease let me know!! trying to gather vods from this man is a living nightmare oh my god
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