#realized 'et tu brute' would crush the other answers so i wanted to make it a little more interesting
hopelesshawks · 3 years
Official Accounts Part 36- Fight Club Shit
Summary: (y/n) was perfectly happy remaining anonymous, even if her best friends were all pro heroes and she worked under THE Hawks. Handling the technical aspects of hero work from the background suited her just fine, thank you very much. That goes out the window when suddenly her twitter blows up thanks Denki and the famed no. 2 hero is asking her to run his own official twitter as a result
If you don’t want to see Official Accounts content blacklist #hopelessoa
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“Wait, wait, wait what did you think they were planning?” Mina laughs. “I’m not gonna keep rehashing the story if everyone’s gonna keep laughing at me,” you protest. “I believe the words she used were ‘fight club shit’,” Denki cackles beside you. “Well excuse me for being incredibly suspicious of anything Hawks and Bakugo are trying to plan together that they think I can’t know about. It’s not like one of them has anger issues and both of them are competitive or anything,” you shoot back. “Hey dumbass! Who the fuck are you saying has anger issues?” Bakugo yells from your living room. “Technically you’re the one who identified yourself with anger issues, I didn’t name names!” you shout back. “Keep talking shit, see what happens.” “You wanna fight Kacchan? Let’s rumble!”
Before you can make good on your threat a pair of familiar arms are wrapping around your waist from behind. “I sat through that whole lecture on how I better not be ‘on that fight club shit’ with Bakugo not even an hour ago and now here you are picking fights,” Hawks teases. “Does it really count as picking a fight when it’s completely justified?” you fire back as you turn to face your boyfriend. “Yes, yes it does,” he laughs. “Whatever, he totally would have it coming.” “And then you’d both feel guilty about it for weeks.” “Hey! You’re not supposed to be able to read us like that yet!” you protest. “(Y/n) you are an open book written for very dumb children. It’s not that hard to read you,” Shinso cuts in. “Wooow, isn’t this supposed to be my party? Why am I being bullied right now?” “You make it so easy sometimes,” Kiri admits as he walks into the kitchen to grab more beers for the pong table he and Bakugo had set up. “Et tu brute?” you gasp dramatically. “You know we say it with love,” he laughs. “Hawks, Denki, you guys coming?” he adds as he walks out the room. Both men call out a yes, leading Shinso to grab his drink quickly before Denki drags him out of the kitchen. “You and Denki pong partners?” you ask as your boyfriend presses a quick kiss to your cheek before releasing you to follow the others out to the pong table. “Yep, you gonna root for us?” Hawks asks cheekily as he backs out of the kitchen. “Hmm, I don’t know. Kiri and Kacchan are pretty good. I’ll have to think it over and get back to you later,” you tease. Hawks shakes his head fondly but still throws you a smile and a wink before finally joining the others, leaving just you and Mina in the kitchen.
“I feel so aggressively single right now wow,” Mina jokes. “Your person is out there somewhere,” you assure her. “See that? That’s the kinda cheesy shit only people in relationships say,” she points out. “Well it’s true!” you laugh. “You guys are really good for each other, huh?” “I think so.” “I’m really, really happy for you. You deserve it.” “Thanks Mina. We should do a girl’s night soon. It’s been a long time since we’ve hung out just the two of us.” “You sure Hawks will let me steal you away for an entire night?” “I’d like to see him try to stop us.” That makes Mina laugh. “Fair enough. Speaking of, you may need to go celeb shot for your mans. Looks like he and Denki are getting crushed,” she points out. You turn around to look out towards the game and laugh when you see she’s right. “Let me go save my boyfriend and best friend from humiliating defeat then,” you laugh before quickly finishing off what’s left of your drink and walking out to join them.
Alas even your help can’t save Denki and Hawks and eventually they wind up defeated. Almost immediately Hawks is demanding a rematch and you can’t help but laugh as he and Bakugo start bickering. It’s a dynamic you were still adjusting to in all honesty. When you had considered the ways Hawks would fit into your friend group way back when you’d invited him to stay with you, you hadn’t anticipated he and Bakugo becoming friends. It was always a pleasant surprise when you’d discover the two of them were running a patrol together or if you’d catch one texting the other. They still bickered and if you asked either of them they’d probably deny their budding bromance but it still made you happy all the same.
Bakugo wasn’t the only one who had gotten close with Hawks. He and Denki had become close as well. You think it’s because Denki has never been opposed to filling silences. On days when Keigo is annoyed or stressed, when the pressures of being number two are particularly intense, he knows he can meet up with Denki and not have to say a word. He can just sit and listen as Denki rambles on and on about whatever his latest obsession is. On days he does feel like contributing, he’s down to debate even the weirdest hypotheticals Denki can come up with. You already have the sneaking suspicion that even if things end between you and Hawks, the two of them will stay close.
You’re pulled out of your musings when Hawks walks up and grabs your hand. “What’s got you thinking so hard little dove?” he asks. “Nothing really, I’m just happy,” you reply with a soft smile. He practically melts at the sight. “C’mon with me to the balcony, I wanna give you something,” he says as he gently tugs you in that direction. You follow behind as your curiosity blooms, but no matter how much you ask him what it is he ignores you until the two of you are alone on the balcony in the night air.
You wait for him to say something, knowing by now that it’s always best to just give him time to gather his thoughts. His eyes stay trained on the sky even as he finally begins speaking. “I know we haven’t gotten to see each other as much because so much of my work has been out of the office lately,” he finally admits. “It’s ok, I know how it is,” you shrug. “Yea but it’s a little weird after seeing each other almost all day every day while I was taking time off,” he replies. “Yea we got a little spoiled,” you laugh. “I miss having tea with you in the evening.” “Ugh yes. I miss you making breakfast for me in the morning, early bird.” “I miss you being there for me if I have a nightmare. I miss you playing music while you get dressed or do chores around the apartment. I miss you being the first person I see in the morning and the last I see at night,” he confesses into the quiet night. “Kei? What’re you saying?” you ask, sensing the subtle shift in the atmosphere that tells you he’s more serious than you’d initially thought. He finally turns to face you as he pulls a key out of his pocket and holds it out to you. “Will you move in with me?” he asks in a breath, the words seeming so delicate somehow, as if afraid they’ll fracture the fragile moment he’s created on this balcony with you.
Your heart stops and then immediately begins to race. It may seem like such a simple thing from the outside, a small step forward in your rapidly progressing relationship. Something that may seem like an obvious next step considering this whole thing started in part as a result of him temporarily living with you. You know the truth though. This is his “think fast”. This is his way of showing you just how much he trusts you, just like him telling you his real name was. Not only is he saying he wants you in his space, his home, but he wants you to be a part of it. “You ok there?” Keigo asks and god he sounds so nervous. But you’re realizing you’ve been quiet too long now so finally you nod your head frantically and take the offered key. “Yes! Of course Kei, I would love to move in with you. My answer is yes,” you laugh. “Jesus Kid, you had me worried for a second there,” he huffs but he’s grinning too as he pulls you in for a sweet and passionate kiss. Even once your lips part he keeps you close, his forehead pressed to yours as he lets himself truly relish in the fact he gets to have you.
“So when can I move in?” you all but whisper into the space between you. “How about tomorrow?” he suggests. “My lease on this place doesn’t run out for another month Kei,” you respond, pulling back a little so he can see you roll your eyes. “And? Bakugo and I could use it for our Fight club shit,” he grins. “Oh my god, you’re the worst,” you groan. You try pushing him away but Keigo doesn’t let you get too far, laughing as he pulls you back close to him again. “Nah, you love me,” he teases you. You shake your head but sober back up a little, looking him in his beautiful golden eyes as you say, “I do. I love you Keigo Takami.” “I love you too (y/n) (y/l/n).”
You don’t know exactly what’s in store for the two of you from here on out, but whatever it is you’re glad he’ll be by your side through it.
Author’s Note: I know beer pong is a very American thing but I feel like Kirishima saw it in an American movie and from then on insisted it be included at parties. Also bonus points if you caught the Umbrella Academy reference. On a more serious note this is it. The final chapter of Official Accounts. I’m so incredibly touched by all the love this fic has received and I’m so grateful to all of you who’ve supported me by reading, liking, and reblogging it. This became so much larger than I thought it would but I’m so happy to have gone on this little journey with you all. I love each and every one of you and hope you’ll stick around to see what I write next ❤️
Thanks for reading everyone! ❤️❤️❤️
Taglist [closed]: @cathy8taffy @katzurras @grumpyfroggies @captaincyberqueen @itskindofafairything @420-uwu @someweirdshitman @oliviasslut @the-adzukibean @jupiter-is-a-sero-kinnie @ladyzayismultifandom @pixelwisp
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angelofarts · 3 years
Angie!!! Over here it's bad luck to wish a happy birthday in advance so I hope I remember when your birthday actually comes around!!
Would you be willing to do Julie & the boys Band Bonding with "person A: i’d die for you guys person B: i’d kill for you guys person C: why does anyone have to die" ?
Julia thank you!! This was a lot of fun - I hope you enjoy it!
Why Do All Roads Lead to Death?
“I just want you to know that I would die for you,” Luke told her with complete sincerity.
Julie rolled her eyes as she strapped on some padding. “Okay, Luke.”
“I’m not kidding. I would happily jump in front of the line of fire for you.”
“Babe,” Flynn complained as she put her braids up, “they’re being cute. Make them stop.”
Carrie raised an eyebrow. “You think I have control over Romeo and Juliet over here?”
Julie snorted, putting her hair up – cleaning paint out of it was no joke. “I am no one’s Juliet – if anyone is dying today in this event, it’s these chumps.”
“I would kill for you,” Reggie announced, sidling up to his stepsister and putting an arm around her shoulders.
“Et tu, Brute?” Bobby asked, clapping a dramatic hand to his chest. Julie grinned and carried on getting ready.
“As much as I love you, and you know I do, I live with Julie. I have to be on her team by default.”
“Why does anyone have to die?” Alex asked, picking up his paintball gun and looking at it with trepidation. “Why do all roads lead to death?”
“Because they need therapy,” Willie said knowingly. “Come on Babe – you’re on my team.”
“That feels like pre-emptive claiming!” Flynn called as the boys left. Willie’s only response was to shoot her the bird.
“Fine,” Carrie said, taking Flynn’s wrist. “You’re on my team. Let’s see how well Bobby and Luke can look after each other in this game.”
“Why can’t I be with Julie?” Luke asked, looking slightly frantic.
“Reggie already called her,” Flynn replied, grinning. “See you out there, suckers.”
Julie grinned at her brother. “Ready to win?”
“You know it.”
Reggie turned out to be the perfect partner. Julie was good with the short-range attacks – her dancing experience gave her the advantage of being able to move almost silently through the course, and while she shot people at close range, Reggie managed to scale trees and scout. Reggie managed to get Carrie out with a well-placed shot to the back of her calf, and Julie managed to take Alex out in between his shoulder blades.
It was as they were creeping towards the fort in the center of the arena that Julie heard them muttering to one another.
“You said you would die for Julie.”
“I’m dating Julie!”
“So if we were dating you’d be willing to die for me?”
“Depends on where you take me for the first date.”
Julie tapped on Reggie’s arm and gestured to the side. He squinted in the direction of the voices before slowly smiling. Julie didn’t want to admit it, but that smile scared her a little – it was predatory and very intimidating.
They changed their course to creep towards Bobby and Luke. Julie could hear them behind a tree, arguing in whispers about how to get the last people out.
That meant they must have got Flynn and Willie out. It was between their two teams now.
Julie took a careful step forward, and Luke’s head shot around. His gun came up as a reflex before he relaxed.
“Oh, it’s you. Hey Jules.”
Bobby slapped his friend’s head. “Don’t hey Jules her! She’s the competition!”
Julie tried to keep her laugh contained as she stepped forwards again.
“I’m on my own,” she bluffed, hoping Reggie would stay behind the tree. “Reggie ditched me after we got Carrie out. I was hoping I could join you guys.”
“Of course,” Luke said, his face soft. “Come here.”
She fitted herself under his arm, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Thanks, Luke. I knew I’d be safe with you.”
“Safe to lose,” he said cheerfully. Luke spun her around and, before she could realize what was happening, crushed a paintball in his hand and smeared it across her arm. Julie stood with her mouth opening and closing for a few moments, trying to figure out how she’d been tricked.
“Sorry, Jules,” Reggie said, emerging from behind the tree. “Luke, Bobby and I had an alliance.”
“You tricked me!”
Luke trailed her, sprouting out apologies between his laughter. It wasn’t until they were back in the car that she answered him.
“You said you would die for me,” she sniffed, pointedly turning her back to him. “I didn’t think you would be the one doing the killing.”
“In paintball there are no emotions beyond winning,” he tried to say, putting an arm around her shoulders. She shrugged it off.
“Watch yourself, Patterson.”
At their next game of paintball, Luke learned the consequences of his decisions when a kiss led to being hit point blank in the chest.
Hey, Julie hadn’t made any promises.
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bangtansfavwriter · 4 years
🌷jimin having a crush on you🌷
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(with a hint of smut & angst, still v fluffy 😌)
- a complete flirt or a complete shy bean, there's no in-between
- introduces you to his friends, his family, the staff, the ahjussi at the convenience store....
-will touch you a lot, so expect koala hugs on any given occasion
-you will stare at his lips a lot, unconsciously, which you'll notice when jimin looks like ar u like this : 👀🤭
-very very caring, the type to sprint across the city to be with you when something's wrong with you
- you guys would talk in person, on the phone, over text... actually a clingy one and he doesn't even hide it
-showers you with affection
- "you're so lovely, lovely, lovelyyy~"
- ur entire support system and personal hype man
- you know that will smith meme with his wife? that's jimin with you basically
- you two are completely emo when he has to leave for tour, but thank god there's skype
-gets emo again when you have to hang up
("good night, good night! parting is such a sweet sorrow." - "jimin, did you... did you just quote shakespeare on me?? minie, we're gonna talk tomorrow, don't be sad!"- "😔😔😔😔😔😔😔" - "nooo minie😭😭😭😭😭" - "noooooo im happy, look ☺️☺️☺️☺️" - "ok good 💞" - "........(😔)"- PARK JIMIN" - "👼🏻")
- stalks all your social media when he's on tour but will never tell you, accidentally like your pic from like 42 weeks ago and screamed so loud hobi fell out of his bed
-you sent him a screenshot of the notification you got with a single "?" and jimin welcomed the sweet release of death (he left you on read and prayed you would forget about it)
-stops by at your place when he's back in the country and gives you a hug so tight it lowkey feels like u guys made out, FLIRTS and you're like "what are we?" and he's "what do you mean? :))) we're friends ofc :))))))" [libras.]
-also, he often invites you to dance practices and is extra flamboyant meanwhile
- "y/n, have you seen the flip? it was good right?" ( boy's got a big fat praise kink tbh)
"you looked so cool, minie ~'
*gets shy, hides his face, jumps through the room*
(& you'd ask yourself if this the same guy who stripped at MAMA)
- his duality is no joke, even in your guys' relationship it would be confusing as hell sometimes, yet exciting because he shows you different sides : childlike and carefree / serious and seductive
- lots of cuddles and giggles together
- goes above and beyond to make you happy and ready to cut a bitch when you're upset
- could charm your pants off, hypothetically speaking, but he's also shyyy mostly bc he's scared you might not like him the same way
-at the dorms he would get into this mood where he would do dramatic monologues about his feelings which would put shakespeare to shame tbh
-they almost always end up with him imagining that you might go for someone else
-one day the boys would encourage him to go for it and he'd muster up the courage and be like "fuck yeah im gonna confess" and then loses courage when yoongi said "do it before someone else does it" and everyone would be screaming bc they just got jimin to shut up about you and were about to end the daily tortured hero vibe jimin had lately by tricking him into confessing (& jimin spent days giving yoongi a look that straight up said "et tu, brute?")
-jimin spent the days after that contemplating if you would actually date him or if you would go for someone else
-he'd be all pouty and would also be touchier than usual, bc he would this physical contact as some sort of reassurance, in a way
-you couldn't quite understand what was going on with him but you reciprocated in every scenario and he was very pleased with that
-when you guys would chill on a sofa and watch tv, he'd lay down and rest his head on your lap and wouldn't say anything and continue watching TV, but he'd still wait for your reaction and sigh happily when you started playing with his hair
-he'd do these little tests to gauge your reactions and to see how you act towards him
-he'd ask a lot about how you feel about relationships and respect and all that, he'd also test you... physically. and by that I mean the sensual hugs, light touches on your thigh and and the looks you'd share meanwhile... the first time you two had dinner with the guys in a restaurant with dim lights. when you felt his hand on your thigh, you looked at him with a raised brow and this lil shit deadass SMIRKED at you but you knew that 2 can play this game and smirked back and moved his hand slightly up and jimin's soul almost left his body. "what are we, y/n?" he whispered to you. "you tell me", you whispered back, with a cunning smile on your lips. you excused yourself and got up from the table and jimin jerked that moment, as you put your hand on his thigh when you lifted yourself up. (jk to nj: i don't know what is going on there but I bet it's disgusting, nj: no, don't be like that, sj: no, he's right)
-jimin and you (and everyone else, for that matter) entered a weird stage where you legit didn't know wtf was happening between you
-everything moved fast and yet you didnt know if you guys were going somewhere with this but jimin sure acted like your boyfriend yet didn't go beyond flirting
-and this was getting tiresome for you, but you were still hoping tbh, but you thought that maybe... maybe you were just a welcome distraction for him in all his hectic schedule. but deep down you knew this was your insecurities speaking, but sometimes it got the better of you.
-and things took an ugly turn when jimin tested you again, but in the most stupid way you could ever "test" someone... you've guessed it..... through jealousy.
- that was bc jimin himself got jealous when you were hanging out with yoongi, mostly bc he also remembered what yoongi once said about someone snatching you away from him
-and jimin absolutely hated this situation.... he knew this was irrational and that you could hang out with whomever you wanted & yoongi's obviously like a brother to him..... but jealousy is a very ugly feeling that makes you feel ugly things
-and jimin didn't want neither yoongi nor you to see this side of him so he didn't say anything. he didn't speak to neither of you. was it a good solution? hell no & he knew that. but he had to deal with his temper somehow... he cut you short whenever you tried to talk to him, saying he's busy and such, but you knew he was lying to you for some reason but you still were patient and did your best not to drag him to hell and back for lying to and ignoring you, as he stopped texting you as well. he didnt speak more than necessary with yoongi who only kept his mouth shut bc they was another matter involved. jimin had the idea for this "last test" for you when a new staff member got flirty with him, during a bighit party. you were there, too, in the same room, to be precise and jimin knew this and saw a chance coming, as you were talking to yoongi again who glared back at jimin who intensely kept staring at you two. so this new + drunk staff member came along and started talking with him.... and giggling so obnoxiously that yoongi and you rolled with your eyes at the same time and started laughing when you realized it. jimin wasn't listening to anything in the first place but when he saw you two laughing, he had a snap decision, turned to the staff member and coyly smiled and started flirting. you watched the whole play & jimin knew it, so he added some light touches and nudges here and there and you could feel getting more upset with every minute of this shit-show you were witnessing. yoongi put his hand on your arm and turned you away from jimin and his bimbo and face him instead. you could feel your blood rush to your head which was also apparent to yoongi who consoled you, as he knew of your feelings. jimin mistook the whole situation once again and went for the worst move.
you saw yoongi's glare and turned around only to see jimin holding his little plaything by the waist and them swaying around together. the other members noticed too and namjoon took the lead and quickly moved jimin away from dispatch's newest headline in the making. you turned to yoongi again and said "i'm going home, yoongi, thank you", with a sad smile on your face, and left before he could answer. yoongi quickly rushed out after you, knowing damn well that you'd go home and cry. he managed to catch up and pulled you into a hug, away from all the noise. "that boy is an idiot, but he's so in love with you, trust me on that. he's just being stupid right now", he said patted your back and lowkey contemplating dissing jimin in agust d 2, when he heard the muffled sniffs coming from you. "Ohhh, yoongi-hyung, y/n, getting cozy, aren't we?" you heard jimin saying behind you. yoongi was about to yell at him, but you were quicker to turn around and BLASTED him, bc how tf does he dare to say something like this after what he just pulled inside and how tf can he be so rude to yoongi and most importantly why tf would you listen to him after blatantly ignored you over the past weeks??? jimin went silent after your rant and let his head sink. "i'm sorry..." he said, "i'm sorry to both of you. i don't know how to explain it... but i felt angry when I saw you two so close. i know it's stupid and I know that you guys can be friends, obviously... it's so irrational and I don't even know why i did that earlier. i guess I wanted you to feel what I feel when I see you close with another man, y/n...". this voice got hoarse the more spoke and you knew that he too was about to cry. you knew he was regretful. it didn't justify that he was a dick to you, but you could see where he was coming from and understood that this feeling can make you do irrational things. "jealousy," yoongi said with a stern voice "is a really ugly trait, jimin. you should have known neither of us would ever go behind your back. for your information, y/n confided in me. your best friend is in love with you and you, dumbass, are too blind to see it. -(jimin's head shot up)- I'm gonna leave you two to it now, but jimin, I assure you I will kick your ass if you hurt y/n one more time." and he left. jimin looked at you apologetically, then hid his face behind his hands and took a deep sigh. "I really am a dumbass, huh..." - "yeah, you are" you replied with slight smile on your face and you took some steps towards him, he looked up at you. "y/n, I might be dumb and selfish, but I really hope that you can forgive me... one day. I was jealous of you two and I got insecure. I shouldn't have done what I've done and I can only apologise.... i'm really sorry about everything." (he let his head sink)
you were now standing right in front of him. "jimin, look at me." (he did.) "you really are a dumbass" (he got pouty) - "I thought we had already established that, y/n" - "getting smart with me, minie?" you asked and laughed when he looked at you with with huge eyes and a beaming face after he heard his pet name. he shook his head "I'm the dumbass, remember ?". You two laughed and you threw your arms around his neck and kissed his cheek while he buried his head in your neck.
"be my dumbass, minie."
yoongi: "so how did you solve it again?"
you: "i called him dumb like 3 times and now we're dating"
yoongi: "nice"
jimin: "..."
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