#really hope it readmores sorry if it doesnt tumblr mobile post editor is my enemy
vulturereyy · 1 year
Going to be a brave Rey and share this snippet from my "Hegemol confronts the Pale King and he's fucking Pissed" little. Mini fanfiction? I am working on.
Set post embrace the void ending, PK/everyone survived, anyone killed by infection was brought back
Sorry about the asterisks, it was originally for discord, and I've spent 10 mins fighting Tumblrs editing thing on mobile to italicize ; ;
As soon as the King's Trident was leveled toward him, Hegemol *wrenched* it toward himself. He nearly ripped the Pale King from his throne as he brought the points to his own neck, ignoring the strained commands of the guards struggling - and failing - to keep him held back.
"What are you going to do, My King?" It was not rage that filled Hegemol's voice, but a low, lilting *taunt*, just barely concealing the venom below each word. "Kill me again? Before your own court, held down by knights *I* trained for you?" He cocked his head to one side.
"*Do it.*"
Hegemol lowered his great head to meet the Pale King's eyes, feeling the points of the King's Trident press into the soft flesh just below his chin. He held it there in a vice grip as he *loomed*, shattered mask opposite pale visage.
"*Do it,*" Hegemol repeated, *urged* now, as building ire was spat from his maw. "Let all of Hallownest know that the *revered* Pale King felled his own Great Knight and spilled his blood across the palace floor, for *daring* to condemn the actions that killed *thousands.*"
Hegemol did not waver.
As the last echoes of his booming demand faded from the Pale Court, he swore he felt the King's Trident shake.
Then - and only then - did Hegemol *thrust* the weapon back toward it's master. He rose to his full height once more, expression unreadable in the shadow of such blinding light.
"The *very first* lesson I teach my squires, when we move to training wasters," He began again, voice low, measured, *patient*; the very tone he always seemed to take when correcting his men's misdeeds, "Is to never point a weapon at someone if you do not intend to use it. I give them one chance to remember this. If you do so again, I will treat it as an attack. Do I make myself *clear*, Wyrm?"
Worthy to note that I don't write PK as necessarily intimidated by this in the usual since... But given that he is very fragile right now and gets his strength from adoration and the belief his kingdom has in him, he very much just realized that this is /not/ a fight that the people would side with him on. And what he does with Hegemol right now can very well make or break him.
The downside to working and fighting alongside someone for decades... is they know exactly when to call your bluff. And Hegemol has had. Enough.
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