#really hoping for more Aiden lore next episode but also if that happens I’m gonna explode
Just read the newest sbg episode and um
What the fuck just happened-
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mca-attack21 · 7 years
Stiles Sis Fic Based off of Episode 3x5. Check out my Masterlist with many more Teen Wolf fics here.
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The alpha pack was still wreaking havoc on Beacon hills. After a long day, you and the pack had found Boyd and Cora, but it wasn’t a complete win. Actually, it felt more like a loss than anything. Erica is dead. Derek. Derek is. Derek is dead. And even now, you have absolutely no idea who the Duroch is.
You were currently on the bus to a cross country meet, sitting by Stiles and Scott. Something was wrong with Scott, he wasn’t healing the way he should. In spite of wanting to help him, you decided to give him some space after everything that happened last night.
When the bus hit a rather large bump, Scott groaned in pain. “You alright man?” Stiles asked concern filling his features. 
“I’m fine,” Scott said turning to look out the window again. 
“Well you don’t look alright Scott, I told you we shouldn’t have come,” Stiles replied. 
“We had to come there is safety in numbers,” Scott said grimacing as he shifted in his seat. 
“There is also death in numbers it is called a massacre,” Stiles shot back, “How bad is it? let me see it.”  
Scott hesitantly lifted his shirt, “It isn’t that bad, it was an alpha so it'll take longer to heal” he said carefully pulling his shirt back down. 
"Then how are tweedle dee and tweedle dum up there fine?” Stiles asked referring to Isaac and Boyd, but Scott wasn’t paying attention. 
“I can’t believe he’s dead,” he said looking longingly out the window. 
You just sat there before pulling out headphones to block out the world around you. You couldn’t believe he was dead either.
 Scott’s mind was flooded with thoughts of the horrific event. He just didn’t understand, they had planned it out so carefully. But no one saw this coming, no one could’ve planned for this. Maybe if he was just a little faster? Maybe If he had just got to Derek seconds sooner he’d still be here? This was all his fault. 
He was brought back to reality when the bus came to a sudden stop. You were stuck in a traffic jam. Boyd was looking at Aiden again this time with his claws out. Scott got up and push his way forward. He remembered a conversation he had with Deaton ‘I don’t know what else to do. Do I keep trying to get them to listen to me? Do I tell Derek he is going to get them all killed? How do you save someone who doesn’t want to be saved? How do I stop them?’ he asked. ‘ You don’t save them’ Deaton replied ‘You lead them’.
By this time Scott had reached Boyd and grabbed his hand. “Let go,” Boyd growled forcefully. 
Scott stood his ground, “You have a brilliant plan? Tell me your plan and I’ll let go,” he said firmly, he lowered his voice and continued “You're going to kill him? Right here? Surrounded by all of these people? What are you going to do after that?” 
 “I don’t care,” Boyd said sharply. 
“Well, I do” Scott replied letting go of Boyd’s hand after his eyes went back to normal. 
“Woah, woah, you still haven’t healed,” Isaac said noticing the blood seeping through Scott’s shirt.
 “I’ll be fine,” he said looking at his wound. He then stared Boyd in the eyes “Just give me a chance, I’ll figure something out, something that won’t end in someone else dying,” Scott urged. 
“Okay” Boyd agreed. 
Scott returned to his seat. “Crisis averted?” Stiles asked standing up to let him back in by the window. “Good, because we have another problem, Ethan keeps checking his phone every five minutes, like he’s waiting for something. Something evil. You know I’m incredibly perceptive to evil,” Stiles said sitting back down. 
“Yeah, I don’t like him sitting by Danny” Scott agreed. 
“Well, I'm gonna find out what he wants,” Stiles replied before texting Danny. 
After a few minutes, he got a reply saying that someone who is close to Ethan is in the hospital and he is waiting for an update. “Ennis” Scott realized, “But if he... then that means he’s not dead” Scott finished putting the pieces together.
It was about thirty minutes later when you noticed that Scott was getting worse. “Have you called Deaton?” you asked Stiles. 
“Yeah but I keep getting voicemail,” he replied. 
“That’s it I’m calling Lydia,” you said pulling out your phone. 
“What is she supposed to do? She’s back in Beacon hills.” Stiles asked. 
“No, she’s not, she and Allison have been behind us the whole time,” you said as the phone rang. 
“Hey, Y/n, Allison and I were about to walk into the movies, with the popcorn and-” Lydia answered. 
“Lydia cut the crap I know you guys are right behind us, put me on speaker” you replied. After hearing the beep you continued “something’s wrong with Scott he hasn’t healed. He’s actually getting worse. His blood’s turning black.” you said lowly trying not to catch the attention of Isaac, Boyd, or Ethan. 
“You have to find a way to get him off at the next stop,” Allison said starting to get worried. After a couple of minutes, you gave Stiles the task of ensuring you would stop at the rest stop. He tried everything but Coach wouldn’t budge. Finally, he decided to have a conversation with Jarod. Needless to say within ten minutes you and Stiles were carrying Scott into the family bathroom letting Lydia and Allison in before shutting and locking the door.
Allison took a look under his shirt “Why didn’t you tell us?” she asked. 
“Sorry,” he said weakly. 
“You’re fine just give us a second” she replied. 
“What if it’s all psychological?” you asked looking back at Scott.
“Like he can’t heal, he isn’t allowing himself to heal because of Derek,” Stiles added. 
“If you're right what do we do?” Allison asked. 
“We patch him up,” Lydia responded pulling thread and needle out of her purse, “seriously, all he needs to do is think he’s healing.”
Allison grabbed the needle and threaded it. She then tore his shirt fully exposing the wound. “I’m going to grab his bag, he’ll need another shirt,” Stiles said quickly leaving at the sight of the needle. 
Lydia spoke up “I’ll go make sure the bus doesn't leave.”
After Allison stitched him up, he was nonresponsive. She was starting to freak out so you told her to go get Stiles and Scott’s bag. As soon as she closed the door you locked it behind her. 
“Come on Scott” you urged, “Scott!” you tried again. 
You went to shake him but when you made contact something weird happened. You put your hand over his wound and it visibly started to heal. You thought that he had triggered the healing. But when you looked at your arms there were glowing blue veins. You were going to keep going but it was starting to overwhelm you. He suddenly shot up “It’s my fault”.
 You were startled, but then it registered what he said. “ Scott this isn’t your fault. There wasn’t anything you could’ve done to save him. You can’t blame yourself. I can’t stand the idea of losing you too.” you said avoiding eye contact. 
“Did you do this?” he asked looking at his stomach.
 “No, it was Allison, can you stand?” you asked hoping he didn’t pick up on the fact that something was off.
You helped him stand up and walk around. He was pretty much fine. Just then, Allison came back with his clothes. She was amazed by how much better Scott looked. After Scott changed you helped him out to the bus. “Perfect timing,” Stiles said rushing the two of you over to where Isaac was beating up Ethan. 
“What happened?” you asked your brother. 
“He heard Allison talking about Scott,” Stiles said quietly. 
“ISAAC!” Scott shouted. Isaac immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at Scott. Once he was sure he was okay he pulled him into a hug. Lydia and Allison got back in their car as you all reloaded the bus. You were sitting by Scott this time as he was staring out the window again. You wanted to say something, anything to make him feel better. You wanted to tell him that it wasn’t his fault, to make him okay again. You’d do anything to see him smile. But before you could think of anything to say, he startled you out of your thoughts. 
“Thank you,” he said looking you in the eyes. 
“For what?” you asked. 
“For always being there. I don’t know how you do it.” 
“Do what?” you asked confused. 
“You always know what to say, your in the right place at the right time, and you never seem to lose hope” he replied. 
“Oh,” you said back, then turned away from him.
You put your earbuds back in. Trying to think of some way to respond to that. After a while, you noticed that Scott and Stiles had dozed off. You pulled out your phone and looked up blue veins in myth lore. You came up with absolutely nothing. Maybe you had imagined it today. You were really stressed out, your brain was probably playing tricks on you. You felt normal. You decided that it had to be all in your head.
You looked back at Scott who was peacefully sleeping. You carefully lifted his shirt so you wouldn’t wake him up. His wound was completely healed. You laid your jacket over him and then moved to our own seat. You listen to music for a while before falling asleep.
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