#really nervous to have this talk with my homegrrl
notfknapplicable · 1 year
I went to see the rooms being offered by the elder punk and they’re pretty fucking awesome.  She has like no furniture in the living room so I look forward to adding a couch and table to that space.  I’ll be getting two rooms in the house and we’ll have to share a bathroom, but hey pal that’s livin’ with roommates!  The two rooms are super awesome because I’ll be downsizing big time for this move and I’m glad I won’t have to live out of just one room.  I’ll turn the smaller room into my media/TV room which will allow me to keep up my sleep hygiene practices.  The front and back yard are both permaculture gardens so YAY no mowing.  She leaves the house on most weekends to go backpacking in the nearby mountains, so it won’t be one of those situations where the roommate is always there.  The house is near lots of local trails so I’ll have plenty of occasion to leave the house as well.  Plus it’s just...near things, unlike my current place.  I can walk to places!
It’s a privately owned free-standing home (not a duplex) with no deposit, both of which are a goddamned godsend.  She also smokes and likes the smell of cannabis, though she doesn’t imbibe regularly.  I can start moving things over as soon as I need, and I’ll probably start this weekend.  Y’all, I do not have words for how exciting this is.  I’m not having any “buyer’s remorse” and wondering if I made the right decision, I’m just interested to see if the walk to downtown will be too hard on me because it’s all uphill from the house.  I’m just glad to have all of this behind me.  Now I have to start giving shit away and finding somewhere to store my washer and dryer since the house already has one.
I also have to deal with my other friend, who completely overreacted to my concerns about her boyfriend moving in with us. It’s a whole thing that requires it’s own post and I’m not looking forward to the conversation we need to have. 
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