#really proud of this one. i drew marcy too but i think i wanna do some more drawings of her to post with first
ittybittybumblebee · 8 months
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hughjidiot · 3 years
Jelly Beans, A Sashannarcy Oneshot
So I’ve written a number of Sashannarcy oneshots that I’ve posted over on AO3 and figured it was about time I start sharing them here as well. So here’s the first oneshot, in which Sasha brings some special candy to spice up the girls’ weekly game night
 Anne blinked in confusion as she beheld the colorful box Sasha was holding up. She and Sasha sat on the couch in the living room of the apartment they shared with Marcy, who at the moment was searching through the board game cabinet for a suitable game for their weekly game night.
 “Picked it up while I was out running errands today,” Sasha said. “Thought it could be a fun way to spice up game night.”
 “How are jelly beans gonna make game night more interesting?” Anne asked with a furrowed brow.
 Sasha grinned and gave the box a shake, the candy contents rattling within. “Ah, but these are no ordinary jelly beans. There are ten colors, but twenty possible flavors. Each color can be something really good, or really  really bad, and the only way to tell is to pop one in your mouth and hope for the best. Take a look.”
 Sasha passed the box to Anne. Her eyes widened as she beheld the flavors on the back. “Birthday cake or dirty dishwater? Coconut or spoiled milk? Peach or  barf!? Jeez, it’s like Russian Roulette with candy!”
 “Nah, at least with Russian Roulette the odds are five-to-one in your favor,” Marcy said as she walked over to the couch, a huge stack of boxes in her hands. “With those it’s more like a coin flip. Heads you get a delicious bean, tails you get one that’ll make you wanna die.”
 “Exactly,” Sasha said with a smirk and a mischievous glint in her eye. “What do you say, girls? Wanna raise the stakes this week?”
 “Sounds potentially disgusting and humiliating,” Marcy said, setting the board games on the table and taking a seat on the couch next to Anne. She grinned. “I’m in.”
 “Me too,” Anne said, smiling and handing the box back to Sasha. “What did you have in mind?”
 Sasha  hmmm’ed  as she looked over the games Marcy was offering. “We need a simple game. Let’s see here...  Clue,  no…  Cards Against Humanity, Settlers of Catan, Boss Monster…  no, no, nope… Ah, perfect!  Would You Rather.”
 Sasha opened up the game in question, took out a stack of cards and began shuffling them as she continued speaking. “So here’s what I’m thinking: we each take turns drawing a card and asking an either/or question for the other two to answer. Anyone who picks the less popular option has to eat a random bean out of the box. Sound good?”
 Anne and Marcy nodded. Sasha set the deck of cards down and drew the top one. “Cool, I’ll start us off then. Anne, Marcy, would you rather… punch a pilgrim or eat an avocado?”
 Anne sputtered out a laugh. “What kind of question is  that?”
 “That’s just the game,” Marcy said with a shrug. “Some of the choices have logic to them, others are just completely random. I think I’d rather eat an avocado, they’re loaded with nutrients and can be used to make guacamole.”
 “Avocado it is,” Sasha said. “Anne?”
 Anne pursed her lips. “Well from what I remember from history class, the Pilgrims  were kind of dicks… But I think I’ll go with the avocado too.”
 “And those are your final answers?” Sasha asked her girlfriends. Anne and Marcy nodded. “Well congratulations! According to the card fifty-nine percent of people agree with you.”
 Marcy and Anne high-fived. Sasha discarded the card and Anne reached for the deck to draw her own card.
 “Okay Marcy, Sasha, would you rather… have no teeth or have no tongue?”
 “Oof, that’s a tough one,” Sasha said. “Either one of those would make eating a pain in the ass.”
 Marcy rubbed her chin. “I think I’d rather have no teeth. ‘Cause at least if you have a tongue you could still taste stuff.”
 “But how would you chew with no teeth so you don’t choke and die?” Sasha asked.
 “Well that’s what blenders are for. Plus no tongue means you can’t  talk either.”
 “Oh, that’s a good point. Yeah, I’ll go with no teeth too.”
 Anne nodded, discarding her card. “You and sixty-three percent of people. Congrats girls, no one gets to try the beans yet. You’re up Marbles.”
 Marcy drew a card. “Sash, Anne, would you rather… sing everything you say or dance all your movements?”
 “Sing everything,” Sasha said with a proud smirk. “After all,  I’m a heart-stomper~! Stompin’ on hearts~!”
 Anne and Marcy laughed. “Oh man I haven’t thought about our old garage band in  years,” Marcy said. “We should break out the instruments one of these days, for old time’s sake.”
 “Yeah but it’s been so long we probably suck,” Anne said. “Dancing was always more my thing, so that’s what I’m going with.”
 “Ooh, first time two of us have picked different options,” Marcy said. She reached down for the BeanBoozled box. “Those are your final answers?” The other two girls nodded. “And the jelly bean goes to… Anne!”
 “Aw, for real?” Anne asked as Sasha pumped a fist in the air. Marcy nodded and showed the text on the card: fifty-six percent of people would rather sing as opposed to forty-four who’d rather dance. “Damn it. Okay, let’s see what we’ve got here…”
 On the back of the box was a circle of the ten jelly beans with a built-in spinner. She gave the spinner a flick and watched it slow until it settled on brown. “Okay that’s… chocolate pudding or canned dog food? Oh boy.”
 Anne picked through the box of candies, pulling out a single brown bean. She held the candy up between her thumb and forefinger, gulping audibly. “Well. Here we go…”
 Marcy and Sasha watched with great interest as Anne plopped the candy in her mouth. She slowly chewed… and a smile graced her face.
 “Oh thank God, it’s chocolate pudding!” She said, swallowing.
 “Aw, well that’s no fun,” Sasha said with an exaggerated pout. ��You were supposed to get a gross one so me and Marcy could laugh at your misfortune.”
 “Hey, the night’s still young,” Anne said. “Don’t forget  you could also end up with a gross bean, Sasha.”
 “Well not this time, ‘cause it’s my turn to ask the question.” Sasha drew the next card of the deck. “Would you rather… be dangled over the edge of the cliff or forced to speak in public?”
 “Dangled off a cliff,” Marcy said instantly.
 “Really, Mar-Mar?” Anne asked flatly.
 “You girls  know how I am about public speaking! Why do you think I did most of the work during our group projects back in school and left the actual presentations to you two?”
 “Yeah, but we’re talking about public speaking vs. being dangled off a cliff!”
 “It doesn’t say anywhere that you actually get dropped!”
 Anne rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’ll still go with public speaking.”
 “You and seventy-eight percent of people,” Sasha said. “Sorry Marcy, but the price of not having to speak in public is a gross jelly bean.”
 “Totally worth it,” Marcy said defiantly. She picked up the box and flicked the spinner. “And I get… toasted marshmallow or stink bug.”
 She plucked a brown-and-white bean from the box and plopped it in her mouth. She slowly chewed, and her neutral expression slowly morphed into disgust.
 “Oh. Oh that doesn’t taste good,” she said. Her jaw moved again and she gagged, hand going to her mouth. “Oh that’s really not good!”
 Anne tried to cover her giggle with a closed fist. “I don’t think she got the toasted marshmallow,” she said to Sasha, who openly laughed and slapped her knee. Marcy hunched over, face contorting.
 “Ugh, it tastes like how stink bugs smell,” Marcy said with a grimace. “That  sucked .”
 “Could’ve avoided it if you just did a little public speaking,” Sasha said in a sing-song voice.
 “Bite me, Sash,” Marcy grumbled. “Let’s see how you like it when  you get one of those beans. Draw a card, Anna-Banana.”
 Anne nodded and did so. “Would you rather own a mini horse or own a regular horse?”
 “Ooh, I’d love a mini horse,” Sasha said with a smile. “They can actually be kept as house pets, right?”
 “Yeah, but they still require a lot of upkeep,” Marcy pointed out. “If you’re gonna have a horse, it might as well be a full-sized one you can actually ride. I’d rather have a regular horse.”
 “Well I’ve got good news Marcy, so would fifty-nine percent of people.” Anne said. Sasha crossed her arms with a  hmph as Marcy smirked. 
 “Go ahead, take a bean Sasha,” Marcy said, holding the box out and giving it a taunting rattle.
 “Fine, I will,” Sasha said haughtily. She accepted the box and spun the spinner. “And I got… buttered popcorn or rotten egg.”
 Sasha quickly fished a yellow-and-white spotted jelly bean out of the box and quickly popped it in her mouth, face full of determination. Seconds passed as she chewed, Anne and Marcy watching her expression closely.
 Finally, Sasha smirked.
 “Buttered popcorn it is!” She said triumphantly. “Once again Sasha Waybright comes out on top.”
 “Seriously?” Marcy plopped back on the couch, crossing her arms and letting out a frustrated exhale. “I can’t believe I’m the only person who didn’t get a good bean yet!”
 “Cheer up Marbles, I’m sure you’ll get a tasty bean at some point,” Anne said. “Now draw the next card, this is getting good!”
 “Green,” Marcy said. It was a few questions later and she’d picked another lower option, choosing to only have access to games online along with thirty-three percent of people, compared to sixty-seven percent who’d rather have access to only Youtube. The spinner had given her a light-green bean to sample. “That’s juicy pear or  booger?  Oh jeez…”
 She picked a green jelly bean from the box and popped it in her mouth, chewing tentatively. She retched, cheeks turning as green as the candy she just ate.
 “Oh God it’s booger,” she said with a retch, to Anne and Sasha’s shared amusement. “ Blech, plech!  Oh that’s foul!”
 “Okay, so you got two bad ones in a row,” Anne said between giggles. “I’m sure you’ll have better luck next time.”
 “More people would rather drink tea than coffee, are you for real?!” Marcy asked, incredulous.
 “Well coffee  is an acquired taste, and there’s like a million different varieties of tea,” Anne pointed out, having picked the tea option to the question Sasha had given.
 “Yeah but… coffee!”
 “We get it Marcy, you love your bean water,” Sasha said. “But you still picked the lesser option, so it’s jelly bean time.”
 Marcy gave the spinner a twirl and grimaced. “Strawberry banana smoothie or dead fish?! Oh this isn’t gonna be fun.”
 She dug through the box until she found a lightly-colored orange bean with red speckles. With a heavy sigh she tossed it in her mouth, and her face contorted in disgust almost instantly.
 “Dead -  ack, hack - fish!” She said between gags. Anne looked like she was caught between sympathy and amusement, while Sasha was openly laughing.
 “Man Marcy, those beans really hate you,” Sasha said, wiping a tear from her eye.
 “Oh goodie, I got another one wrong,” Marcy said with a too-wide smile. “Silly me for thinking more people would rather die by drowning in a tsunami than throw themselves in lava.” 
 She let out a short, desperate laugh as she grabbed the box of jelly beans. “You know what? That’s fine, it’s fine. So what if three of three beans have tasted like garbage? One of them is bound to be good sooner or later. I mean if you flip a coin enough times, it’s bound to come up heads at some point. That’s just the law of averages, yeah.”
 “Uh, I think that’s the gambler’s fallacy,” Sasha pointed out with a raised brow.
 “Shut up and let me have hope, Sasha.” Marcy spun the spinner and giggled again. “Oh good, it’s peach or barf. That’s fine, that’s totally fine. Nothing to worry about, I’ve got a good feeling about this one.”
 She plucked another jelly bean out of the box, this one a darker orange with red flecks. She kept giggling, one of her eyes twitching.
 “You sure you’re okay, Marcy?” Anne asked, concerned.
 “I’m just  peachy , Anne!” Marcy said, far too brightly. “Peachy like I’m sure this jelly bean will be!”
 She stuffed in her mouth, chewing quickly. The smile remained frozen on her face even as her eyes began to water.
 “Aaaand it’s barf because  why not?!”  Marcy doubled over, hacking and coughing. “Oh God it’s on the sides of my tongue!”
 Anne gave Marcy a comforting pat on the back. Sasha just shook her head with a chuckle.
 “Okay, maybe we should give BeanBoozled a rest before Marcy keels over,” she said. “It was funny at first, but now it’s just getting sad.”
 “No no, I’m fine,” Marcy insisted even as she kept gagging. “I can get a good bean at some point, I know I can!”
 Anne and Sasha exchanged uncertain glances as Marcy grabbed the next card, it being her turn to read the question. “Okay, would you -  blech - rather be a Jedi master or an elite Saiyan?”
 “Ooh, I’d rather be a Saiyan,” Anne said instantly. “I love Dragon Ball!”
 “Well I guess I’ll be a Jedi,” Sasha said with a shrug. “At least I’ve actually seen Star Wars. I’ve only seen like a handful of Dragon Ball episodes.”
 “Well sixty-eight percent of people agree with you, Sasha,” Marcy said. “Sorry Anne, looks like it’s your turn for a bean.”
 Anne nodded and spun the box’s spinner with a swift finger flick. Around and around it spun until it landed on blue. “That’s berry blue or toothpaste.”
 “Aw man, you got an easy one,” Marcy said with a pout as Anne picked a blue jelly bean out of the box. “Toothpaste doesn’t even taste that bad.”
 Anne looked to Marcy as she plopped the bean in her mouth. Marcy, who’d been unfortunate enough to get four terrible-tasting jelly beans in a row. She smiled as an idea formed in her brain.
 “Hey Mar-Mar,” Anne said, voice slightly muffled with her mouth full.
 Marcy looked up, and didn’t even have time to react before Anne pulled her in for a surprise kiss. Marcy’s face lit up as she felt Anne’s tongue push past her lips, too stunned by the audacity to offer any sort of resistance. Anne pulled away after a few seconds, and Marcy felt a familiar lump in her mouth.
 “Oh my God!” Sasha laughed, a splash of red on her own cheeks as she brought a closed fist to her mouth. “Did you really just…? You  didn’t! ”
 “Yeah, I totally did,” Anne said proudly, blushing herself. “Well Marcy? What’s the verdict?”
 Marcy’s face was burning as she slowly chewed, a pleasant taste spreading across her taste buds. “Berry…”
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bapyess1r · 4 years
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WARNINGS: fluff, cursing
Talia’s POV
The week had come quicker than expected. I tried my best to not seem over excited that Sam might be coming back today. But I also hadn’t heard from him all week so I was worried. All week I tried my best to stay focused for the sake of the kids and it was a task in itself. I finally understood what my Godmother meant by it being quiet without him around. It was definitely so.
I hit the button on my key fob, walking down the street to the venue where we’d hold our dance recitals, meeting up with my godparents and their kids, the girls dressed in their little unitards and their hair done up. We made a whole day of it, me and the girls. I gave the cutest little hair styles as my Godmother helped straighten my hair and I put a little stage makeup on them, practicing with them to make sure they remembered each move. Ava was so nervous but Mariah was ready to go. My Godmother, carrying little JJ, ran her fingers through my freshly straightened locks, making sure it hadn’t frizzed anywhere as Ava raised her arms to me. I straightened out my short, hot pink, ruffled ensemble before bending to grab her. “C’mon, sweetheart…” I sighed. What should’ve been a happy day was only bittersweet. Sam said he’d be here. As the days of the week drew closer to Saturday without a single word from him, I grew more and more worried. My heart had been in my throat all day just thinking about it.
“Do I still get to be a fox girl?” She asked me and I smiled, kissing her forehead.
“Of course, Ava. And you’ll be a pretty faerie with your sister and all the other girls in your class.” I said, adjusting her on my hip.
“I’m scared…” she pouted. My heart squeezed for her.
“Aw, precious, it’s okay to be scared. But you practiced so hard. And…” I decided to give her and myself a bit of false hope. “Sam’s gonna be here to watch you dance!” Suddenly the biggest smile spread across her face and that made me smile.
“Hi, Talia!” I heard from a group of my older students. They were dressed in their cute colorful dresses of variation. I was making them dance to kpop tonight and wanted them to dress accordingly.
“Hello, my lovelies!” I squealed as I approached them. “You guys ready for tonight?” They nodded. “Uh huh- Leia did you practice your solo?” She grinned confidently as she nodded. “Good girl. C’mon let’s get inside so we can practice.” I instructed and the girls began to run. “Be careful!! Don’t twist any ankles! We don’t need that…” I sang to myself. I took a deep sigh before heading into the building with my Godfamily.
I scrambled to make sure everything was going according to plan and that everyone was dressed properly. My groups were going last and I spent every ounce of time nitpicking at everything. Suddenly they called for the Celestial Fox number. I inspected each girl on their way out to the stage, giving encouraging words as best I could. “Big smiles! Keep your head up! Good luck! Have fun!” I would tell them as I straightened out their fox ears and tails. The ran out one by one to Amatukitune by marasy. An instrumental piano piece. Truth be told, the first performance was a mess but adorable nonetheless. I grinned as I watched the girls performing. The second performance was a faerie ballet number to What If by Emilie Autumn. I almost cried watching my little Godsisters twirling in their purple tutus and prancing about with their faerie wings. The last performance by my group of older girls. Peek-A-Boo by Red Velvet. That’s when I stepped in. The girls were living their best lives, being sassy and dancing so in sync as I approached the stage with a big smile. I ran the choreography with them, hyping them up as they danced and I had to say, I was damn proud. At the end of the routine, I stood off the left of the stage for the audience to applaud the children. They had a standing ovation. The looks of happiness and accomplishment on all the kids faces made all the struggle worth it. For a moment though, I caught myself scanning the audience for Sam’s face. But I didn’t see him. My smile faltered as I looked at my feet briefly.
I told my Godparents I would meet them at home. They wanted to take the kids out to celebrate but I was stuck conversing with parents and taking pictures with the kids I taught. It lasted what seemed like forever. Eventually, all the families had cleared out after I spent some time praising my girls for their performance. After everyone left, I stayed behind to clean up props and costumes from backstage. I gathered up every pair of faerie wings, every fox headband, and every leftover tutu before taking the box and placing it in the supply closet. I made sure everything was locked up in the back before leaving through the building. My black high heels clicking as it echoed through the now empty venue. I bid goodnight to the staff that stayed behind and dug through my purse to ready a cigarette, my lighter, and my keys. I placed a cigarette between my lips, ready to light it when I looked up. He stood before me under the streetlamp, dressed in black slacks and a white collared shirt, a few buttons undone at the top. He was smoking a cigarette of his own, a large bouquet of flowers in his hand as he waited for me. He looked tired. This trip definitely handed him his ass. When he finally noticed me, a relaxed grin spread on his face and a wave of relief crashed over me. It almost brought me to tears. “Sam…” I voiced, choking back tears.
Sam’s POV
I touched back down in Florida right on time. I figured I might be late so I had to do things on the fly. As I exited the airport I stopped by the florist store they had inside and at A&W on my way out. Marcel was waiting for me outside to take me home and help me set up my surprise. I wanted to make my homecoming set up real nice for Talia. She was probably gonna kill me for being late but it was gonna be worth it. “You go get ready, my man. I’ll get the boat ready.” Marcel told me as we arrived back home. As much as I would’ve liked to relax, I also wanted to see my girl. And as I checked my watch, I realized I was definitely going to be late. I took a quick shower, sprayed myself down with cologne, and got dressed in a white shirt and black pants. I didn’t wanna be too dressy but I wanted to look nice. I walked out into the living room to put on my nicer shoes. When I reached out for my fresh pack of cigs, I noticed the pink ticket sitting on the coffee table on top of a note weighed down by an empty beer bottle. ‘Hurry up idiot.’ It said, signed with a heart. I smirked as I lit a cigarette and grabbed my wallet and boat keys.
When I made it out to the dock, Marcel had just finished lining the inside of the boat with some white string lights. I made a face as he double checked the cooler and straightened out the blanket he folded. “I had no idea you were such a romantic, Marcie.” I chuckled, climbing into the boat.
“Look man you haven’t been here. Talia’s been missing you and I figured if you wanted to have an eventful homecoming, y'know what I mean, you might wanna look like you put in some effort.” He responded, raising his eyebrows. I gave him a strong handshake and a pat on the back, putting the flowers I bought on the top of the cooler.
“Well thanks pal. I really appreciate it.” I began to ready the boat to leave the dock and started the motor.
I gripped the steering wheel nervously as I sailed through the water. The last time I spoke to her, I told her I loved her. It was a big step for me. I don’t know what prompted me to say it. I was just looking at her and started to feel things. For a little while afterwards I thought maybe I shouldn’t have. But there was this moment on the job, when I thought I’d drown. Like it might’ve been it. And all I could think about was her. That’s when I knew. I didn’t have to hide it from her.
It wasn’t very long of a drive by boat. I was definitely late but I was hoping I would still catch some of the recital. I docked the boat at the peer down the road, grabbed the flowers and ran for it. When I arrived at the building, I turned in my ticket and they gave me a flyer with the times each class performed. I had made it just barely. Walking into the theater, there were small girls dressed up like fairies, twirling around with their hands in the air and pointing their tiny feet to the music. It was absolutely adorable. I took a random empty seat in the back row, trying my best to stay hidden so I didn’t disrupt the show. A mom next to me greeted me with a disgustingly cheerful smile as I sat in the small foldable seat. “Any of them one of yours?” She asked me.
“Mine?! Nope! Nooo. Ha-ha. Absolutely not. The teacher is my girlfriend.” I answered with a nervous chuckle and my heart did a thing. I never actually ever said the words out loud. That she was my girlfriend. And the more I did, the more comfortable I became with that truth.
“You’re a lucky man! Talia’s just the sweetest!”
“Yeah, isn’t she?” I agreed with a grin.
Suddenly, a new song began to play, standing in the center with this short, bright pink little number was my girl. I had never seen her perform before. She led the girls into the choreography and fell into the background, letting her students do the work. But my gaze never left her. I watched her pop her hips and run her hands down her body, hitting every step on every beat. She looked fantastic. Her usually curly hair was straightened and her dress danced right below her thighs, subtly showing a curve with each motion. I was getting myself all worked up so I figured I’d quit and behave until later. As I watched her dance, I shook my head. Whoever passed her over for anything clearly didn’t have eyes. She was talented beyond all measure.
When the show ended, I stood up to join the standing ovation. She really was good at her job and I was proud of her. I wanted to go up to her afterwards but she was being swarmed by parents wanting pictures with their kids and such. So I hung back, waited outside for the crowd to dissipate. I smoked a cigarette or two for what felt like ages before I turned to glance at the door. I couldn’t stop the smile on my face and the tension on hers seemed to disappear. I stood up as she looked over my body, smiling at my clothes. I began to walk towards her and I could feel my ears heating up.
“I uh...tried to dress for the occasion. Traffic on the water is shitty right now and… I had to find a florist that was still open…” I said, watching her body walk toward me, the ruffles on her top floating about in the wind, her legs elongated by the heels she wore. My mouth hung open a bit and she placed a hand on my cheek. I covered her small hand with mine, leaning into her. Wrapping my arms around her waist, she kissed me deeply. She kissed me as if she hadn’t seen me in years. To be honest, it’s what it felt like. Like I had been away from her too long. I rested my forehead on hers with a smile, raising the flowers between us. “These are for you.” I smirked and she accepted them with a tear in her eye. She gave my face a once over and a flash of worry displayed on her face as she noticed the massive bruise over my eye and the cut above my eyebrow.
“Ah, dude…” She whispered, running her thumb beneath the sensitive area. “I told you to be careful!” She pushed my hair behind my ear and I just kissed her hand and her face once more.
“And I have been! I’m back in one piece ain’t I?” I reassured her with a smile.
“That’s gonna scar.” She said pointing to my head wound as I pulled her closer.
“I think I’ll be just fine.” I said kissing her forehead, nose, and lips.
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