#really sad I didn’t do it on a bigger canvas cause it’s kinda pixel-y :( alas. it’s fine just note to self yknow
sunnfish · 2 years
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Not Halloween related like at all (if anything it’s more Christmas. I’m sorry) but ! Hirano to kagiura phone wallpaper ! That’s the idea anyway. This is one of the biggest projects I’ve done in a while and im pretty happy with it :)
[Image Description: a digital illustration of Hirano Taiga and Kagiura Akira from Hirano to Kagiura. They are walking down a sidewalk in profile view, with walls of buildings seen behind them. Kagi wears an orange hoodie, dark blue jeans, and red shoes and is looking over at Hirano, smiling gently. Hirano wears an olive green coat with a fluffy hood, lighter blue jeans, and black converse shoes; he leans forward and is smiling widely, with a puff of breath visible as if he just laughed. They’re both holding warm drink cups with steam rising from them. The setting is a city street—there are signs on the wall and reflections in dark glass windows. The main colors are dark night blues, and there is a yellow light from above, presumably from a streetlamp, casting long shadows. There are also pale flecks of snow falling. There is a second version of the piece that is the same, just with the background fading into a dark vignette instead of filling the whole canvas. /End Description]
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