#really thinking so many thoughts about max and scotty today lmao
overtake · 6 months
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my kiddos valentines plans;
copying danni sorry about it.
ivy; dierks was on set so ivy spent the day with her roomies and she kissed cecily on the cheek and bought her a box of heart shaped chocolates lmao. jack sang to her and she fucking Loved It and she told him that dierks wouldn't mind sharing her today and that she was claiming him as her valentine (i'm so sorry). she didn't see will and was sad about it so she sent him a text telling him that she's upset she didn't get to ambush him for cuddles. she also sent conner and riley valentines cards each lmao none for u monty my dude. anyway she spent the evening with dierks, they probably went for a really nice meal and then went back to his for Other Things.
scotty; as we know scotty went a little overboard on donuts and was trying to see how many donuts it was physically possible for him to eat. how is that boy still in such good shape? the mind boggles. anyways he very unapologetically claimed laura as his valentine but he definitely shot eloise a cute, flirty little text. he tried to summon up the courage to text alfie and callum, too, but he chickened out. he definitely sent out texts in the morning to laura, lydia, evie, and all of the cheersquad (including alex), as well as one to christian too.
hazel; haze was definitely working and she had the best day ever handing over cutesy, loved up cupcakes and donuts and the likes to all her customers (though she was a bit baffled by the lovely gent who decided to order 96 donuts!). she got home and decorated cupcakes with ella, and also put up a cover of herself singing love story by taylor swift cos she's a fucking Nerd.
andrew; drew was on set flirting with everyone. he kissed lo. he kissed maggie and ember, too. dierks ducked outta that shit like there's no tomorrow, and he decided he'd just give emma a hug instead of pushing his luck. but he told her that she was pretty and tried again to ask her out on a date lmao.
cody; lmao idk kit gave her chocolates and she gave kit a kiss on the fucking mouth lmao. she actually did not go drinking on this here evening, she sorta behaved which is boring. she doesn't give two shits about valentines tho.
darren; darren, you know fucking what i hate this dickhead. i hate him so much. darren spent a lot of time writing a Song for someone (danni don't fucking look at me), but he also sent taylor, james, brooke, bea, alex, rachel, finn, attie, mellie, and harper valentines cards. harper got the biggest card and he painted a god damn family fucking portrait on it, ferris included, because he's so ridiculous i actually hate him a little bit.
hero; hero was definitely working and she gave riley and foster valentines cards and was brave enough to even give riley a kiss on the cheek and a hug. she went to see greyson and brought him a card too, with extra cuddles and told him that she loves him. she wanted to spend more time with him but she had a date with calvin and she felt really guilty because she was worried about greyson, but there you have it. she also got hunter a valentines gift and sent bennett a text that took her 4 hours, 17 minutes, and 21 seconds to muster up the courage to send. she made audrey breakfast too but she didn't make a fuss or anything, she just wanted to do something nice for her bc she adores her.
billy; billy oh my fucking god billy spent the day pining after simon and then feeling guilty about it. he thought about julian a bit, but less than he did last year on valentines day. he's making progress. he wished simon (AND ALL OF HIS EMPLOYEES) a happy valentines day and then went to see how rhodes was doing. he checked on him probably more than he should have, and told him he loves him and then stole one of the cookies harper made for him. he spent the night cuddled on a couch with harry while watching valentines day and regretted it a little. eliana hid in her room because ew, romance.
jax; jaxy was evie's valentine and he decided not to send ronan a text because he's a chicken. he took evie out for a meal though and they stayed up all night watching movies and waiting for daisy to get back from her date so they could get all the details. at his apartment, of course, because he didn't wanna risk seeing ronan. which means oz was probably present for date talk, i'm sorry baby boy.
daisy; went on a date with reuben and had a great time. went back to jaxy's to tell her wee squad all about it, but she definitely stopped by kit's for kisses, cuddles, and her daily kit time. also it was shane's birthday so she didn't forget about that and she brought him a gift and gave him a cuddle and told him to get his shit together with mickey. sorry bout her.
jason; definitely gave caroline a card that said 'i pika-choose you' on it and he was really proud of himself. he gave her loads of cuddles, as always, and sent delaney, elsie, tara, annie, and wardo cute texts too. he didn't do much, though, and just spent the night teasing caroline probably.
lucy; lucy pined after bea a little, if we're being honest. she also sent james and marley long and soppy texts, but spent the night at home doing nothing.
henry; baby boy went birdwatching with wren and blushed and giggled more than is probably socially acceptable, he had a great time and has definitely bombarded riley today to tell him all about it.
indy; indy went out with justin, raegan, and colton, and spent the whole night feeling nervous and insecure. she told justin he's a dick more than once, but never in front of rae or colton. she also spent the morning kissing everyone and anyone that would have her, cuddled with mellie for a solid hour, and felt really guilty about leaving her. she definitely climbed into her bed once she got home though and told her to never ever let her leave the apartment ever again.
ronnie; ronnie spent the day contemplating making max proud by overcoming his fears and throwing himself into the fucking ocean after seeing the card taylor sent. he watched bend it like beckham but then he just felt worse because he's not dating james, he's not dating david beckham, and he's not dating jonathan rhys meyers either.
lizzie; lizzie thought a lot about conrad, a lot more than she cares to admit, and spent the day with richie of course. she wished conrad a happy valentines day too, and then kissed him on the cheek the next time she saw him. she knows angelica will never let her live it down, though.
katie; spent the day working and tried to say hi to holly but she didn't look best pleased so she decided against it. spent the night with her hons tho, and sent noah the soppiest valentines card the world has ever seen. she got a kiss from angelica and turned bright red but tried to act cool about it, and when a guy chatted her up while they were out she panicked and told him that she already had a valentine and hid behind seth. seth still doesn't know what happened, unless kevin told him because kevin nearly cracked a rib laughing at her.
cassie; cassie was carter's valentine but let's not pretend she didn't give so many cuddles!!!! she made noah pancakes (with extra syrup) and screamed when reuben told her about his date, and helped him pick out his outfit (he didn't ask, she just sort of got ahead of herself), and she made sure to text will and louis telling them that she hoped they had the most super duper valentines ever. she cried when dixie told her about their parents, i'm so sorry. and she sent a secret valentines card to kevin but you didn't hear that from me.
jess; jess pouted a lot and was mad that cassie got to be carter's valentine. he still has convinced himself that carter has a thing for her, and cassie's always talking about just how handsome carter is and even the jess wants to yell I KNOW!!!! in her face he doesn't. he just pouts.
isaac; noah sung to him and isaac pretended that he hated it. noah sung to him and isaac pretended that the flutter in his chest was just heartburn. noah sung to him and isaac pretended that the reason he couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the day was because noah just irritated him so much. noah sung to him and isaac's cheeks were pink for the whole of rehearsal.
monty; MONTY PINED OVER RILEY AS PER FUCKING USUAL and had a mini breakdown to adam probably. he gave riley chocolates, and a card, and comics. as a pal though, as a buddy, as a friend. he wished shane a happy birthday too and was far more composed in doing so than he was during any of the time he spent with riley. it was a day.
rose; rose didn't do much. she was working and she kissed clarke, kenny, and harvey on the cheek, and that was that. she also teased kenny relentlessly about harvey but what's new there. then she went home and watched horror movies all night.
david; DAVID KISSED BENJI BECAUSE OF COURSE HE FUCKING DID. and he saw cecily at work and tried to dazzle her with a smile but she seemed a little alarmed and so he tried not to frighten her some more.
blair; went on a date with jimmy, much to robbie's dismay. she didn't mind, she got to spend the day with her fav boy and wellington's newest and cutest farmboy. she was really content and took a cute selfie of herself kissing jimmy on the cheek, as well as taking some pics with robbie because she knows how important memories are to him.
clarke; spent the day thinking about love and wishing that she wasn't such a mess. she bought beau some chocolates and told her what a great job she does, and she probably said something really heartfelt and soppy to rose, kenny, and harvey. she went home and waited for bailey to get back and she made her dinner.
barry; barry got flowers from ellis and tried to remain as civil and composed as possible. he smiled, thanked her, wished her a happy valentines day, and popped one of the flowers into her hair for extra measure. he gave all of his students one piece of valentines candy each, and took all of the cards he received home and stuck them into a scrap book lol. he kept ellis' flowers, too, and put them in a vase and is taking very good care of them, thank you very much. rudy and lola were with their mother so he spent the night alone and he sent caroline a text that he thought was 'cute' but it actually just said 'Have a good one x', so.
cedric; cedric may or may not have shed a tear or two when he saw the drawing from diego, but nobody needs to know that. he has it framed in his shop. he made origami butterflies for diego, and origami horses for nobody in particular. he's not sure why he picked horses, but they just sort of called out to him and now they're hanging from the doorway in his shop. he spent the night with all his pets, though. nothing special.
séamus; dixie wished him a happy valentines and so he had a really really good day. darragh wasn't around all day, probably off drinking and doing lord knows what. he laid low for the day, writing songs and missing home.
rory; kissed ellis and told her that she was his valentine, but he's rory so he went out and ended up stumbling in at 3am with some fella he met whose name he can't recall. a romantic, so he is.
mack; roy forgot it was valentines day and absolutely nobody was subtle in letting her know what they thought about that. she defended him, and defended him some more when he got upset about adam's card. he cooked her a mediocre dinner (no he didn't, he ordered chinese and pretended he cooked it), and got them a cheap bottle of wine (the man is Loaded, but he's a dick), and mack didn't stay the night. she told adam he's a dick but gave him a hug and a kiss and thanked him for the card, even though he's still a dick.
steven; steven didn't know what to do with himself so he just spent the day with his sisters, and sent sonny a text telling him he missed him.
caleb; caleb and becky went out for a meal and did cute couple things. it was nice, they had fun, and he didn't get injured.
jj; wee bab spent the day with mariana (his foster sister) and her daughter, he was working at a novel idea first tho so he saw taylor briefly and panicked and spilled hot coffee down his front. it wasn't cute. he and mariana didn't wanna go back to their house though so he took her and her daughter out and treated them to dinner. then he spent the night painting and drawing in his bedroom, as always.
teddy; TEDDY MET CARTER AND WAS SHOOK AND HUGGED A CUTE BOY. he also had the courage to ask ryke if he wanted to be his valentine bc carter told him that it's ok to ask a straight boy to be your valentine as friends. he was nervous but it was innocent so he figured it was ok. he also hugged wren a lot and he sent his mum a bouquet of flowers and a pretty pearl necklace, and told his parents that he loves them. he probably spent the evening hanging out with ryke though.
jensen; probably glared at lux a little bit while thinking about the fact that she's pretty and that's annoying and dumb. he's a child. he went to work and then hung out at the bar and that was it. he told sawyer she's his valentine, tho. no takebacks.
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