#really wish i wasn't such a slow giffer/writer but at least the worst of the stress is over and i should have more time now!
seamayweed · 1 year
I am super interested and really looking forward to your bloodhounds fic!
Would you be ok sharing a bit about the plot?
ahhh thank you for the interest and sending me this ask!! *flails* Honestly speaking, there isn’t much of a plot yet /o\
I just thought what if Myeong-gil didn’t let Gun-woo go so easily in the beginning, not letting him pay back the money as part of some twisted cat and mouse game; he wants Gun-woo to eventually come crawling on his knees begging to work for him. Also what if Gun-woo felt guilty about tipping Yang Jae-myeong off to the fact that he’s being tailed etc. and decided to take responsibility for it by working for Myeong-gil? (Woo-jin ofc tags along because like hell he's going to let this kid jump into the shark tank alone!) The rest would be power and mind games between them as Myeong-gil tries to break him, but also rewards him for choosing to work for him after all. There is bound to be plenty of friction since Gun-woo isn’t willing to work as a real bloodhound or hurt other people, though he might be willing to work as Myeong-gil’s bodyguard. Aside from the power struggles, Myeong-gil would treat Gun-woo really well too as one of his own; he’d make sure no one would touch him or his mother ever again. Maybe he’d make similar promises along the lines of what Mr. Choi promised Gun-woo in canon too: saying he’d give Gun-woo his own private boxing studio and buy his mom a new café, no rent for life. I can see him wining and dining him as well, buying him that rib eye Gun-woo always wants to eat! He’d be fascinated and infatuated by Gun-woo, treat him as an equal for the most part, and Gun-woo would be curious about him in his own way too. He wouldn’t be immune to being treated so well and like something special either, and as Myeong-gil confides in him more and more, seeming to trust him and show him more of his vulnerable side, revealing tidbits of his past, Gun-woo would start to care for him too. Maybe even fall for him. He’d start to feel conflicted, torn between the family he found with Hyeon-ju, Mr. Choi and the others - and Myeong-gil (not to mention that their morals are never going to align)… The hardest part is trying to figure out a way for all of this not to end in complete tragedy!
Here’s a snippet from chapter one (it’s growing longer and longer like the scar convo lol):
Warnings: mention of alcoholism and past domestic violence, description of blood and gore
He’s wringing his hands again; a habit from his mother. He learned it from watching her. She always did it when she was nervous and Father came home wrapped in an ozone-sharp cloud of alcohol and anger. It’s why he doesn’t drink, why he’s deathly afraid of even tasting a lick of liquor, aside from it being part of his strict diet as a boxer. He rubs and rubs his knuckles until the skin is raw. He does that a lot nowadays.
It’s easy to sink down to his knees and beg, easier than it would have been before, he thinks. 
Before the back-breaking weight of one hundred million won, larger than any debt they’d ever had before and which he would have never been able to pay no matter how many part-time jobs he did; before his mom’s café was smashed to bits and pieces by those thugs and they dared to touch her, his mom, his poor, innocent mom who has never done anything wrong or hurt anyone, who has only ever been hurt, slamming her head down on the table and putting that familiar look of fear in her eyes the way he’d never let anyone do again after Father; before that smiling bastard walked into the store and into their lives, forever etching that horrible, nightmarish night into his face and his mind.
He hates it. He hates how there are two parts of his life now: a before, and after Kim Myeong-gil.
When Hyeon-ju sighs, suggesting that he go to her harabeoji and ask him to lend more money to him since Smile Capital didn’t let him pay back the loan, demanding more instead, the way those bloodsuckers always do, he only shakes his head.
“I don't want to bother Mr. Choi again or take advantage of his kindness. He’s already helped me and my mom plenty, more than enough… and it’s not money that the boss of Smile Capital wants.”
“Then what does he want from you?”
He thinks about how the man leaned down to lap at the open gash on his cheek, warm tongue gliding over raw nerve endings and open flaps of skin while he was barely conscious, eyes open but wild and unseeing, in shock and finely trembling all over, fingers twitching against the ground like the legs of a dying spider.
He hasn’t told Woo-jin, one of the few things he hasn’t told his hyung about, something like shame twisting in his stomach, hot and acid-sour and writhing; serpentine and many-legged and velvety-soft, like the inside of a mouth or the edge of a bruise-purple almost gangrene-black coat sliding over his split knuckles. The way he leaned into it, and into that mouth, because it was the only part of him that wasn’t hurting; that wasn’t sheer, pure, mindless agony.
His lips tremble and he doesn’t answer, unable to.
Tagging @highflyerwings & @bobafvcks, in case you two are interested!
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