papiliocantus · 10 years
[ burning mushrooms. ]
(( a lot of things happened to Takumi during TRG. 
I'm still writing out the wiki page of the results of W11 on Takumi slowly, but for the time being, I want to stop crying IRL just because the muse is wrecked over the GM (among a lot of other things).
so I wrote a (really rough and unpolished feels dump-y) 1277-word thing. feel free to inquire, trg folks, if you don't understand  anything :'D ))
things to know before reading: Takumi uses a lotalotalot of nicknames for people, so this might be confusing; thus here is the list of nicknames and names used within this feels dump. Kurenai: Ethan. The GM of Week 11. Matsuba: Daichi. Ex-Player. Lives with Takumi post-week. Oniisama: V. Shibuya's Conductor. Has been, literally, like an older brother for Takumi. (A better one than their biological one ever was.) Ohimesama: Himesaki Chiyo. Harajuku's Composer. Offered Takumi the Reaper position. Rui: Takumi's charismatic and positive partner from their game in Harajuku two years ago. Asked Takumi to erase him in order for Takumi to be offered Reapership. Ruri-kun: Naota. Takumi sees a lot of the same qualities in Naota that they saw in Rui, thus the similar nickname. They regret not getting to know Naota for who he was, and this fantasy relationship reminds them of how Ethan and Akemi's was.
Some few nights after the seventh day of their first Game in Shibuya --
Takumi shoves a pile of clothes off the lone table. The laptop hibernates on the bed instead, and they fetch art supplies from the cupboard, where boxes and bags of food and ingredients for meals have slowly begun to accumulate next to the bottles and tubes of paint.
It's late, so Matsuba has already gone to sleep on the futon, snoozing away quietly -- so it's the perfect time to sit down and paint. They haven't done so since early on in the week.
Sitting down at the desk, various tubes of paint on the side, as well as a palette and a cup with water, they take their canvas pencil in their hand, idly sketching out a human figure; they're not sure where the inspiration will take them yet, so they follow the passion, the subconscious desire.
Art is an expression of the soul. A created representation of what's inside a person deep down -- another way of revealing the truth of their inner self.
Takumi's soul has never stropped grieving.
-- over many, many things, even if they remained numb to it until recently.
It shouldn't be too much of a surprise, then, that their resulting forty-five minute sketch depicted someone they have grieved over.
However, it still surprises them, from the objective standpoint, when they look critically at the sketch.
It's a single man, from the waist up, since nothing else would fit on the canvas.
-- One side of the man's face, dressed in armor, holds a certain false expression -- smiling, determined, yet there are tears forming -- holding a sword pointing up in his raised hand.
-- The other half, a dark wing extending from his back -- with some stripes and markings across his skin -- his smile is sneering and his hand extends into a claw.
All around the draconic side, the world behind is full of hastily-scribbled trees, mushrooms, bushes, birds, sunny skies and even sparkles; around the side with the false grin, skyscrapers and buildings tower, all aflame and breaking down, clouds of smoke covering the skies, ash in the air.
Takumi takes a moment, temporarily caught up in small mistakes, to realize what their subconsciousness was playing at with this sketch. It's the anatomical problems that caught them first, the small details that are less likely to be noticed by others.
But it's the likeness of the man that they soon realize next.
-- Kurenai.
The previous week's Game Master.
It hits them hard, launching them back from objectivity into grief.
That man had gone through a very similar situation to Takumi. Maybe they'll never know the details, fully, now that they can't ask, but--
-- they know how it feels. Everything the Players heard, Takumi understood.
Being replaced -- being inferior to another. The resulting unnecessary status in the family. Turning to something intangible to escape the pain. Not even something of value to their families -- Kurenai died in a house fire. No one cared. -- Takumi jumped off their apartment building. No one cared.
Perhaps the greatest reason that, upon realizing who they'd sketched, they'd started tearing up themselves...
... was that Kurenai never got the chance to be happy.
If Takumi had never overheard Kurenai speaking to the players, they wouldn't have realized that Shibuya's Game is about changing. Takumi wouldn't have wanted to adapt or change at all. None of what happened the past week would've happened for them -- not Matsuba moving in, not spending time with Ruri-kun, not bonding with the other Players, regaining the ability to feel emotions, losing the leftover numb state from Harajuku...
... if Takumi owes to Rui their existence, owes to ohimesama their survival, owes to Kei-sama their chance to thrive, then...
... they owe to Kurenai the realization on how to thrive.
And it hurts, a lot, knowing they'll never be able to tell him that. Tell him that one single action of his changed Takumi's entire perspective, situation, everything. Knowing that they'll never be able to explain to him just how well they understood what he'd gone through. They'll never be able to give him the kind of hug Takumi knew they always wanted their whole life. That he won't be inferior to anyone, not as far as Takumi is concerned.
They tried to help him realize it, but did it work? They don't know for sure. Does he rest in peace, at last? They don't know for sure.
Takumi is lucky that it's one in the morning, that they've already wiped off all their makeup and taken out their contacts, that Matsuba is sleeping and can't ask why they're crying.
Even if the tears starting to silently fall are genuine grief and sorrow, even if they don't know if Kurenai accepted everything at the very end, even if they don't know if they were able to help the man in some way...
... even if oniisama is right and Kurenai is watching them all, somehow --
-- they need to do this. They need to pay their respects to the primary catalyst in the reviving of their ability to feel. They need to paint this picture, to write a song, to give Kurenai, if he is out there, the knowledge that, even if no one else will remember him, Takumi will.
They raise the cup of unused water, for only a moment, to their face, allowing a teardrop from each side of their face to slip into the water. Their grief will be within the painting, even physically.
(... isn't this the first time they've cried for someone's erasure since Rui?)
Once that's been done, they squeeze paint from the tubes onto the palette. A deep tan color is mixed -- Kurenai had a nice tone to his skin. A soft bluish grey -- a nice pastel for his hair color.  A yellowish white, with a hint of pink -- the whites of his tearing eyes. A deep, reddish gray-black, for his shirt, and for the draconic, fantastical side of him. And finally, the bright, vibrant red of his eyes.
Raising the brush for the base coat only to dip it into the water, they tap off excess water back into the cup, before the bristles hold some of that deep tan and begin painting onto the sketch.
Six hours later, some intermittent breaks taken to let the paint dry, the last important detail and finishing touches have been applied. The mushrooms and flowers in the trees glow on the fantasy's half, as does the fire consuming crumbling buildings on the reality's half.
Takumi's dried tears haven't fallen for half an hour, but they slip back out of the inspiration and the silent crying begins anew.
... But even if the weight hasn't lifted, a smile touches their face as the wetness slips down their face.
At least now -- there will be other people to see Kurenai. Remember him. Anyone who looks at the canvas painting will be able to know that, once --
That once upon a time, there was a man who suffered. That he turned to fantasy to escape his suffering. In the end, that fantasy was his worst enemy. That fantasy kept him from suffering and happiness alike. And even though he suffered alone -- -- he doesn't suffer anymore.
At the very least, he doesn't suffer anymore.
Takumi leaves the painting to dry, and goes to wash their face free of tear-stains from the past seven hours and curl up on the other side of the futon.
They dream of burning mushrooms and forests, and of tall buildings under bright, sunny skies.
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ofthetricked · 10 years
Kogasa's first text to everyone.
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reaperoftarot · 10 years
I am no one's pet...
I refuse to be leashed again...
I will never use it again..
I will not go back to being... that.
I am not her assassin...
I kill who I want to kill.
That's all there is too it....
That's who I am...
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pin229 · 10 years
Call: Yasumu → Lee (11.22)
Yasumu: Yasumu picks up the phone, having spent the previous day a bucket full of jitters and nerves. Not able to clearly focus, the day passed by in an unexpected blur. Now, after having woken up and made himself a semblance of put together, he looks at the mobile in his hands, and takes a deep breath.
  After dialing the numbers, he puts the phone to his ear.
Gale: Gale picks up, only a few seconds later. "Heeeey! The kids awake, if you're wondering." His voice seems as cheerful as usual, as if nothing had ever gone wrong.
Yasumu: Nodding to an invisible audience, the smallest sigh of relief is his first audible tones. "Thank goodness," is all he says. "There's no... complications, or anything?"
Gale: "He lost a bit of mass from throwing up so he needs to eat, but otherwise he's all good! Wanna talk to him?" Without waiting for an answer, the sound of steps are faintly heard, followed by the opening and closing of a door.
  A "huh?" comes very quietly from a familiar voice.
  Muffled, Gale followed with "A friend called!" A crackling sound is heard, before the voice of the man who once shared his room with almost nervously talks.
  Lee: "...hello?"
Yasumu: Yasumu does not have much time to prepare for what comes next, but the few seconds he does have give him a chance to at least formulate his first question.
  "...Lee?" Is all he manages to ask, his voice almost brittle, affected with the same nervousness as the other.
Lee:  He breathes in before talking in a quiet voice. "H...hey, Yas. I...I'm sorry." He pauses, the phone playing small crackling noises as he shifts a bit.
Yasumu: "How are you -- Why are you -- how could you --"
  How are you feeling?
Why are you apologising?
How could you do this (to me) (to youself) (to us all)?
  Breaking off into a panicked start, Yasumu shuts down all of the rushed questions he had begun and closes his eyes, forcing out the question he wanted to hear the answer to the most.
  "Lee. Are you... okay?"
Lee:  He pauses for a moment, unsure what to say as well. "I...I'm---... don't worry, I'm alright..." he takes a deep breath. "...I guess you've heard everything from Gale? Sorry for being a worry..."
  Yasumu: Making sure to take a pause before starting this time, he doesn't want to make him any more shaken then he already was.
  "Are you, are you sure? I just -- fuck, Lee, why did you work yourself so hard?" He blurts out, concern (and almost frustration) dripping from his voice.
Lee:  "..." Lee takes a long pause, partially to think and partially to gather himself. "...I...I didn't want to think about things anymore." A gulp. "...ahah, sorry for being so stupid..." His voice trails off slowly, and he falls silent.
Yasumu: At his response, Yasumu bites his lip so hard he nearly draws blood.
  Swallowing the lump in his throat, his voice maintains its concern, but it is considerably weaker on the whole. He just sounds... sad. "Why didn't you... talk to anyone about it?"
  And although he says anyone, it is obvious he means "me".
Lee:  "I..." It's my fault. It couldn't have been helped. It no longer matters. Thoughts filled his mind, but his voice falters before he could say anything more. He didn't have the heart to say anything, and instead a sigh gently escapes him.
Yasumu: Waiting for Lee to say something, when only silence comes, he just... frowns deeper, before letting out a shaky sigh once he realises nothing is to come.
  "I-- I'm glad yer okay. I really, really am. Jus'... jus'... if yer having trouble a' any kind, please, Lee... we're all here fer ya, alright? I... I'm here fer ya. ... Okay?"
Lee:  "...I... okay... sorry... sorry for everything." He pauses, then sinks down. "...please don't worry over me though, I don't want it..."
Yasumu: "... How the heck am I not supposedta worry about you? I... I..." He swallows again, his throat dry. "I can't... not worry about you. I can't not worry about someone I care about like this, alright...?"
Lee:  "...it'll all be fine, I swear... I'm... there's better concerns than me, y'know." His brows furrow, his voice tensing a bit. "Things will be just fine by tomorrow, so there's no reason to worry..."
Yasumu: After Lee finishes, Yasumu cannot help but to respond sharply. "Dun -- dun say that! Lee, I... there aren't better concerns than you! Yer talking like yer... yer an object. Ya ain't an object, yer a person that can't be replaced! Dun... dun you talk about yerself that way!"
  Shutting up as soon as he realises his voice raised to above an average speaking level, he bites his lip as a reminder to stay calm. He's probably shaken up... there was no need to push it further.
Lee:  "But I..." he trails off, not knowing what to say without a counterargument. After a long pause, he finally speaks again. "So... uh...how are Howl and Jing, by the way? ...and you?"
Yasumu: Speaking in calmer tones after Lee's long pause, he cannot help but frown to himself when he dodges the subject like that. Letting out a sigh, Yasumu answers. "They're... fine, both fine. I haven't told them anythin' yet, about you. They last they know is that yer fine and dandy... so, really, they haven't had any reason ta act unlike they normally do." He finishes, not really answering the question for himself.
Lee:  "Ah... that's... good. It's... it's probably best to keep it that way." He sounds distant in tone, and mutters, though indiscernible because it's in Chinese. Eventually, he speaks again. "...uh, so yeah. Sorry."
  Yasumu: "... Apologising endlessly ain't just gonna make everythin' all hunky dorey, yanno. If ya wan' me ta step off fer now, I will, but yer not gonna git off tha hook like that. Jus'... please, please at least talk ta me later. Please. I ain't gonna be able ta rest easy until I... until I know what's really goin' on with ya, okay?" He says, barely hiding the fact he's practically pleading with him. Yasumu has no need for shame when it comes to stuff like this. This is important.
Lee:  He stays quiet for a long time, before sighing. "You really are persistent, aren't you..." he sighs a bit. "It-it's alright... stay here with me." He shifts a bit, not knowing what to say. After not having talked to much of anyone for so long, it was somewhat comforting to talk to him, though his worry still upset him.
Yasumu: Yasumu pasuses for a good while.
  "... Alright."
  His voice is softer, and a nod is audible in his response.
  "How was... the flight back? I've never flown offland before. I'm sure you're real experienced in that, aren't you?"
Lee:  "...well, it's like any other airplane flight, so I guess it was good." He pauses for a minute. "I was pretty tired by the time it was over though, maybe staying up until the flight wasn't the best idea..." He laughs, almost sadly. "But yeah, it was fine..."
Yasumu: Yasumu is silent for a moment following Lee's pause, that sad laugh tweaking one of his heartstrings. "Ain'tcha got enough time ta sleep on those kinda flights? I mean, they're kinda long enough ta nap, ain't they?"
Lee:  "Yeah yeah, I did. But I was tired for a long while before I got on it, and only 2 hours of sleep doesn't do you too many favors." He pauses. "How are you, though?"
Yasumu: He grunts in a sort of agreement at the first part, and then waits as he hears the second. He isn't entirely sure how to answer.
  "'Ve been... okay. I spent some time with Weiss, and then I did some stuff around home... s'alright. Had a bit of a shock when Howl almost burnt down tha kitchen last week, but... yeah. Nothin' too.. bad." He doesn't really know what to say after that, not really wanting to get into all that happened just like this.
Lee:  "Ah, that's good, I suppose... well, not the part about Howl almost burning the kitchen down, but yeah." He takes a long pause. "...pfft, I shouldn't have acted so idiotically. Maybe I wouldn't need to be sitting in bed, then..."
Yasumu: "Yes dam-- darn right ya shouldn'ta pulled somethin' like this! I mean... ya had a lot on yer mind... an' I know I ain't tha best ta be preachin', but yer health always comes first. 'Cause ya can't do nothin' if yer body decides to quit on ya after bein' abused, right? An' tha' just... sucks on tha whole, fer you especially." Nodding vehemently, he sounds what could be called enthusiastic about this. After all, he wants to make sure Lee understands that this sorta thing is just a generally bad idea.
Lee:  "It's--" Lee stops himself. "...y...yeah, okay... sorry..." He sinks into his seat. It wasn't really his intention to get people concerned about him, of course.
  After a long pause, he mutters, "Sorry for being such a worry... please don't, anymore. I'm fine."
Yasumu: "-- Like I said, dun apologise ta me. Apologise ta yerself, if anyone, 'cause now yer stuck in bed with nothin' ta do an' are prolly gonna be bored outta yer skull. ... Tell me you atleast gotta television er somethin' in there?"
  He hadn't intended to make him apologise again, so he tried to shift the topic away. There was plenty of time to make them both feel guilty later.
Lee:  "...nah, nah, I don't, but it's fine." He pauses for a moment. "It'll give me... give me some time to... think." There is another pause before he says, "If I really needed to, I could just ask Gale for something, anyways."
Yasumu: Yasumu bites his lip at the word 'think', and gives a hum of acknowledgement as he says it.  He has no idea what thinking entails, but it worries him regardless. The only thing Yasumu knows has been an issue was, well, the matter of the eye... and so he could help but think Lee was wishing to pass judgment upon him.
  Shaking the unnecessarily self-oriented thoughts away, he responds. "Yeah, yeah...Gale's a really good guy. Seems ta like you a lot... probably be willin' ta do a lotta things fer ya."
Lee:  Lee replies, sounding somewhat distracted. "Mmm... yeah, I've known him for a few years. Don't know why, but he likes he likes messing around with me... not that I care." After a momentary pause, his attention seems to refocus. "Hey, um, Yas?"
Yasumu: Yasumu's eyebrows raise as he hears Lee's distracted tone. He was going to say something silly in order to question him, but stops when Lee continues to speak.
  He replies to the new question instead, strangely (albeit mostly undetectably) hesitant. "Uh... yeah, Lee?"
Lee:  "Uh..." Lee pauses for a moment. "..this is probably kind of cheesy, but um..." He pauses again. Should I really say this? "...people have eyes so they can move forward, right?"
  "...if so... thank you... thank you for a lot, I suppose."
  A deep breath is drawn, and he curls a bit, mildly embarassed.
Yasumu: Yasumu nearly drops his phone.
  He honest to goodness almost drops it, but his impulsive reaction to crush something manages to keep him from doing so. One hand tight around his mobile (too tight?), the other flown up and crushed against his mouth, his face burns a deep, noticeable red.
  There's silence on his end for a moment, because he is busy trying to find his voice that left the moment his chest clenched, locking those words deep inside him.
  (Thank you.)
  His eyes aren't watering. There's no way.
  Slightly muffled, he makes enough room between his fingers in order for his voice to escape.
  "--No, no... it's me who should be thanking you."
  Voice somewhat small and wavering, he offers back what would be the usual sort of response, however he says it in complete and utter sincerity.
Lee:  There is a long silence. Lee pauses for a bit, almost freezing at his reaction. "...nah, nah, I'm the one who thanked you... just take it, okay?" He then returns back to silence, an awkward feeling seeming to grow.
Yasumu: "Lee -- I'm... I'm serious."
  His voice still shaky, he squeezes his eyes shut for a second. "Without you, I woulda...  I wouldn'ta... jus', jus' know that I do, I am accepting yer thanks -- I really am -- but also know that I mean it, too. I..."
  Would not have made it without you.
Would do anything for you.
Want nothing but the best for you.
Really care about you.
  "-- Really am grateful fer all that you've done fer me. Seriously." Hand slowly dropping from his face, he inhaled, trying to even out his voice a bit more.
Lee:  Lee pauses, a bit concerned at how shaky he sounds and not exactly sure how to reply. "...alright... well... you're welcome, I guess..." He nods slowly, but when he tries to open his mouth to speak again, his words fail him, the only noise coming out being a small, "I'm glad."
Yasumu: Now wiping furiously at his eyes eyes, Yasumu sniffles just once before he clears his throat, taking a final shuddery breath before his voice goes (more or less) back to normal.
  "G-- good. You bein' glad is good. S'what I like to hear."
  Sounding affirmative, despite his voice having levelled, he's still as awkward as ever.
Lee:  "...hey, hey, are you crying? It's too early for that, cry when it's all over..." He pauses for a moment, before smiling slightly. "Anyways, if that's what you like hearing, I guess that's good for you too then, isn't it?" He chuckles lightly.
  Yasumu: Grinning now, he laughs lightly. He elects to not answer the crying bit, because who really cares if his eyes were a little wet anyway? "Darn right s'good fer me too! In fact, why ain'tcha been spoilin' me with yer happiness, then? I totally deserve ta be spoilt!"
Lee:  "Pfft, sure, I can try... once you stop doing so many dumb things," He says, half-jokingly. "Maybe then everybody, not just us, can be happy, y'know?" He chuckles lightly once more, before going silent.
Yasumu: "Well, while yer off working yer little butt off over there, I'm also workin' over here too on tha happiness frontier! Dun you think I ain't trying ta make sure everyone's happy, aight? 'Cause I am. By doin' things like not being dumb. Because I *totally* dun do dumb things." He says, the eyeroll and joking smile totally audible.
Lee:  "Well, if you say so..." By his tone of voice, he seems generally happy enough. "Someday I should come back and see their faces then, shouldn't I? I hope you did a good job." He says, half-jokingly.
  Yasumu: "Oi, oi -- someday? Otousan, Okaasan is working hard on his own here. I need a little more than just a vague someday, you know? Our poor kids will be so lonely if you're gone for too long!" He laughs brightly, clearly joking, however the message underneath is clear enough.
  He would honestly be so hurt if he just... didn't come back.
  Yasumu would miss him.
Lee:  "Yeah, yeah..." he laughs, almost sadly. I really do need to think… "...how does soon sound, then?" He still felt terrible for not returning. "Can't let you guys go now, can I? I'll bring back fun things when I return, I swear," He tacks on, just to make himself feel better, really.
Yasumu: "Soon is... better than someday, that's fer sure. Okaasan is gonna trust your time judgement here, yeah?" He says, the echos of soft, demure laughter still in his voice. "Only bring back fun things if you've got tha time an' the money -- there ain't any pressure. But, I know those two would definitely enjoy it if ya did, haha."
Lee:  A laugh. "Sure, sure. I've got plenty of time, don't worry about that..." ...as long as I don't do something dumb again… "...money isn't too much of an issue either, so it's all good. Either way, if it makes them happy, it's fine."
Yasumu: "-- But yanno, if ya really can't think of anythin' ta actually git... more than anythin', the time they spend with you is their favourite gift of all. So take yer time out there, but dun panic if you've spent yer time and still can't think a' anything especially grandiose. Yer more than enough, in tha end." Coughing lightly, his cheeks were a dusted pink -- he knew he was speaking for himself too, and this time he felt it might have been a little too obvious... but he tries to ignore it.
  Lee:  Lee pauses, thinking about Yas' words. "...alright. I'll think about it some more," he says slowly. Nodding, he then replies, "I'll try my best... for you guys."
Yasumu: Smiling wide, he laughs, nodding despite being alone. "Yeah! Yeah. I'm sure you'll do jus' great."
Lee:  Lee pauses for a moment, shifting. "...I should go eat now." He pauses again. "Talk to you... soon, alright?"
Yasumu: Yasumu nods again, despite it still not being visible.
  "Yeah yeah, git yer body all nice and nourished, aigh'? I'll talk to ya later fer sure, okay?"
Lee:  "Yeah, yeah... bye..." hesitantly, he hangs up the phone, and slowly gets up to get food.
Yasumu: "See ya." Yasumu says at the final moment before the line goes dead. He flips his phone closed, puts it into his back pocket, and stretches.
  Although that call was certainly enlightening, he still has things on his mind... but for now, it is time to make food and start being productive.
  He nods affirmatively to himself, and starts his day...
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ochye · 10 years
Wishes: Week 10
-- After helping Ryan out with his shop (or rather, she spent the whole time "ooh"-ing at the new items and trying to open medicine bottles), Jing snuck underneath the shop counter, a Luck Ticket. The girl made a playful pout of a thoughtful look before scribbling: -- I can only write one wish?! Poopy! I wanna wish for some crayons, then! (Drawing is fun! \>v</)
-- Jing sneaks into Ochre in the dead of night. With star candy stuffed in her mouth and crayons in her hand, she takes a Luck Ticket and scribbles something on it. The words alternate in colors: -- "My wish came true! Holy shit! Can I ask for something else? /)O A O(\ I think Ochye would look pretty with some flowers!" -- She leaves the ticket and a crude drawing of a shark, two bird, an al-mi'raj, a dog and unicorn on the counter before opening a box of threads and sleeping in it. --
-- There are a shredded bits of crayon-covered paper (confetti?) decorating two tickets. The first reads: -- "FLOWERS ARE SO PRETTY. And wishes keep coming true!! THIS IS SO WICKED AWESOME AND" -- The second reads: -- "REALLY COOL. Sorry, I ran outta room! Wrote too big /)OAO(\ I wish that Ryan, me, and Ikibreath can have tea later today!! My tummy hasn't been feeling good. Yasu says it'd help."
-- Jing hadn't been seen since the moment she abruptly left Ryan and Yasumu the other night. However, a luck ticket was tucked underneath a flowerpot. -- "I wanna see yasumu and yuushou smile!" -- A few of the words were scribbled out, but said scribbles were seemingly converted into flowers and bunnies. --
— With the spray paint out of her eyes and Ryan’s leave, Jing hadn’t appeared again that day. There is, however, a new ticket on his counter. It’s messier looking than the last one: —
"i wanna see a rainbow"
— The rest of the message is smudged and muddied with at least a dozen colors. —
*on the luck ticket is "I wish Aine enjoy her cake"
The wish on the ticket said as follows: "For all of you to be happy." There is no specification. The handwriting is surprisingly neat.
— The words are in shaky black ink. —
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dustle · 10 years
Umm...a page...just flew out of my notebook... And then I heard a scream...
Is everything all right out there? -Eckles
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eryuitsea-moved · 10 years
A boy walks into a graveyard, asking the staff to indicate where was a specific grave. They tell him it would be easy to find it, the tombstone had just been placed four days ago, in a zone with freshly cut grass, and the soil placed over the grave was still visible. He thanks the personnel and searches for it.
And he does in a matter of minutes. He solemly looks at the tombstone.
"Here lies Evangeline Gray, loved daughter, friend, companion."
He looks at the flower he's holding, a white rose. He sits on a knee and gently places it over the soil and growing grass. He looks at the tombstone once more, and touches it, and feels cold shivers run through his spine upon contact. A sad smile is now on his face, as a gentle tear falls from his eye.
-Hey, Eva... I'm sorry for not saving you that day. I was waiting for you, looking through all those photographs we had taken together in my cellphone, when I heard the first shot. I didn't even think twice and ran away, and now I completely regret that decision.
"I should have stayed there and let the guy kill me, you deserved to live even more than me. You were beautiful, had a bright future within your reach, you were nice and there was no reason for anybody to hate you.
"But hey... I should also say that- they caught him. That monster who shot you. But he took his life soon after. They found out that he had also killed another person before. But he shall now burn in hell, where he belongs, for killing the sweetest person in Shibuya, in Japan, in the world and universe.
He wipes out the stream of tears running through his face.
-I love you, Evangeline.
He stands up, offers a few prayers for the girl, bows, and leaves the graveyard.
But behind him, all the time, was the invisible figure full of static of a girl with a blue hoodie, smiling, and also wiping away static tears.
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“You know, I’ve heard the Arizona heat is so intense that it has on occasion driven some to madness.”
“Speak for yourself. I’m not the one messing with districts.”
He smirks, folding his arms in front of his chest. “I see you got your present then. Tell me, kitten, how did you dispose of him?”
“Don’t call me that. And I didn't. He’s with me now and… Well let’s just say you’re lucky I’m over wanting to erase you,” she replies, standing her ground and looking up at him but refusing to be looked down upon.
“Oh really? Seems to me you no longer harness your strength from a few weeks ago. And you also know that if your brother kills me with his angel powers, he becomes the composer here. Would you really want to be separated from him that fast? After getting him back so soon?” Bright yellow eyes murmured victory across the static-laced air.
“…He’d make less of a shit composer than you, you bastard.” She turns away for a moment, breathing.
“Your hair is shorter now, kitten. You seem much different than when you visited last spring. Did conductorship get to your head?” His eyes stay locked on her, and she feels them raking up and down her wings that are no longer as large as her.
“Maybe it did, but I’ve still got one.” She huffs a sigh and as she turns, her hair flips behind her head.
He smirks and gives a laugh, relaxing his arms. “So you do. You know, you could still be conductor over here. I would love to have you working for me.”
“Last week wasn’t enough?” Her light brown eyes had never shot daggers so sharp. “I know you must have gotten something out of sending my brother to me. I wanna know what.”
As he waves his arm, he sends her another degrading look. “Really, you shouldn’t worry at all about that.” The way he smiles only heightens the rate of churning in her stomach. “It’s not even your district anymore it seems! So don’t fret!”
“… You’re a crazy sadistic asshole, you know that?” She kicks the desk in front of her, tightening her fists. “I’ll ask you again. Why?”
“You always were so impatient, kitten.”
“And you always were insane, vulture.”
Sighs are exchanged and as she closes her eyes, he leans forward, folding his hands. “I wanted to know how your turmoil would throw off this game." Her eyes shoot open quickly and suddenly all her attention is focused on him. "I wanted to know if someone so strongly connected to home in memory would throw off the balance of the game being held there.”
“…” Twelve year olds never looked so serious.
Her breaths go in and out as she tries to cling to any last shreds of her composure. “I should have known you were just testing a theory.” Breaths slowing, she looks up at him with malice in her eyes. “And what did you learn?”
“You’re not tied to this district anymore! I’m shocked, really, kitten.” His hands lower to the desk and he shrugs a bit. “Wonder why that could be.”
“Because this isn’t my HOME anymore.” She plants her feet on the floor and kicks the chair out behind her. “I have a new home. A new place where I belong. This will probably be the last time I ever come back here again.”
“A home you say? Where, in Japan? With your brother? How touching.” The glimmer in his eyes told of disappointment and curiosity. “You’ve actually grown some spine in your five years, have you kitten?”
“Don’t. Call. Me. That.” An angry roar shakes the room around them, sending a chill up even her own spine. “I may no longer be a lioness, but I’m no longer a kitten. You’ll always be a damn vulture.”
“…It really is a shame you’ll never accept my offer. You’ll really be a strong conductor one day.”
“Yeah, well not yours. You can count on that. If I ever see you again, you better hope I don’t erase you.” The air is cold as she turns, her footsteps leaving prints of ice on the ground. She stops at the door. “Thanks for Noel. That’s… all I came to say, Scotty.”
His eyes follow her as she closes the door. “Never turn your back on the vulture, kitten. Have you forgotten? In the desert, the vultures are the ones who feast in the end.”
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ofthetricked · 10 years
[Kogasa] Day 3: GROWN UP
-- Insert a very heartfelt entry. Cin has school. Kogasa needs to learn how to not --
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reaperoftarot · 10 years
Diary Notes From Akihabara
While Hayato-san was making sure he would be okay and getting him ready to be carried, Noriko-san told me about him...
Kaito Yukimura.. He had been a player who lost their partner during his Game Week. She said he had been very uneasy then entire time but then again everyone was. The Entry fee theme was really bizarre and effected all the Players to extreme levels.. Something about.. what makes you happy? But that wasn't the really strange thing here, or the part that had Noriko-san so concerned...
It was the fact that neither of them has seen Yukimura-san for over 5 years....
5 years...
Hayato-san makes sure that he knows everyone in the district at all times to be helpful, same as Noriko-san... if this was the first time they saw him for five years...
That meant...
Yukimura-san had been that noise for that whole time...
He had been right under their noses.. working for the Conductor this entire time...
Who knew how he felt? It... it couldn't have been good was what I thought originally. But Then she told me something even worse..
About how being in Noise form for so long can negatively affect a Reaper..
Noriko-san explained the Noise form to me, or well reminded me.. We had already had that discussion during the week. About how it's the instinctual part of a Reaper. That the longer one is in it.. the more they run on that animal instinct.. The less they remember reason... and..
Who they were..
Which meant... at that time... Yukimura-san... probably didn't even see himself as a reaper when we fought him...
He probably... had thought like noise..
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pin229 · 10 years
Call: Yasumu → Gale (11.21)
  When he gets out of bed on this particular morning and reaches for his phone, the blinking light catches him by surprise. Minori...? No, no, that was impossible. He was dead. The dead don't get phone calls from the living.
  Sudden dryness scratching at the back of his throat, he flips open his phone, a feeling of dread taking over. If it wasn't Minori, that didn't leave many other options.
  He listens to the message after fumbling to get to his voicemail inbox, and as the voice on the other end speaks on, his face only blanches.
  Not even seconds later, Yasumu is already dialing Gale's number.
  What the fuck did that kid do now?!
Gale: The phone picks up. Gale replies in a tone more serious than usual.
Yasumu: "What happend?!" Comes the rushed reply, pleasantries completely skipped. Although usually of decently respectful character, Yasumu doesn't have much thought to beat around the bush when his heart is beating a mile a minute.
Gale: "...so! Apparently the kid worked too hard. Barely did anything other than work for a week. Reportedly he threw up a lot of static while he was in the washroom, before going back to work and passing out 10 minutes later. Surprised by his iron will, really. Usually we'd let people who do stuff like this just go, since they're kinda lost, but he's a good bro, y'know?" He sounds calm, but it's clear he's not joking around.
Yasumu: "W... what?" Is all that sounds from the other end of the line, a meek, almost scared voice. "Is -- is he okay? He is okay, right? Right?" The voice regains a little of its power, but in its stead, panicked undertones regain their place.
  Throwing up static... isn't that like... really fucking bad? Especially for Reapers who are basically immortal. Shit...
Gale: "Don't worry, he's fine, just kinda sick. The kid's sleeping right now, thank god. Not letting him return to work for a while though, don't want him to actually destroy himself next time. I'll be looking over him so don't worry about him dissipating right now. Actually, if you want you can call back again tomorrow. He'll prolly be awake by then."
Yasumu: "Kinda sick? How sick is kinda sick? Can Reapers even git sick? I --" He starts, breathing. Okay, calm down, Yasumu. "I... appreciate you lookin' over him. Jus'... damn it. Why?" He asks, more am anguished rhetorical question than anything. He was torn up over the whole thing. Worry did strange things to people.
Gale: "Ay, ay! Being sick does happen. Just not very common, y'know? Like, there's very specific districts that have noise that resemble the plague! Spooky stuff, good that it's not around here. Most of the time it's a very mental thing, from fatigue and stuff. Once he rests up he'll be fine, I'm sure! Try not to worry /too/ much about it."
Yasumu: "... And like I said, you puttin' it that way makes me really feel like I should worry twice as hard..." He says, sighing heavily. He was glad he was 'okay', but just how okay was okay, even?
Gale: "Sorry, sorry! He just needs to eat and sleep a bit! He's done this before, years ago, so I would know. That being said, he's still not going back to work until he stops being a dumbass."
Yasumu: "...Is he going to be stuck over there? Should I come over to take him home?" He asks, a bit quieter. He can't help but wonder why he worked so hard anyway -- what was he triyng ot accomplish?
Gale: He slowly returns to his usual, more relaxed tone. "Nah, he'll be fine, I'm sure! It's not like he's disabled or something. I guess that's something for himself to decide, anyways, y'know?"
Yasumu: Even more quietly, he responds. "I guess you're right..." He practically mumbles, before going silent. There is a sort of dread in his stomach -- what if he just decided to never come back? Yasumu had thought of the prospect, but it hadn't really hit him until now.
Gale: He pauses for a moment. "Hey kid, y'alright there? It's too early to die, yanno!" He laughs. "...seriously though, you okay?"
Yasumu: "... Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Don't sweat it, aight'? If -- if there's nothing else fer me ta know, I'll call back tomorrow to check up, okay...?" He says, voice void of any joviality. It's obvious he is just trying to escape the call, but frankly, he doesn't exactly sound all that okay.
Gale: "...eh, you're not very convincing, but whatever you say, kid! See ya!"
Yasumu: "... Thank you." Is all he he says, before the call is over.
  Yasumu would have half a mind to feel bad for being rude like that, but really -- he wasn't in the right mind to talk. So instead, he just lies back down, and pulls the sheets over his head... trying not to remember the scent of the one who usually laid with him.
  Today was going to be a long day.
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boredanddead · 10 years
Week 7: The Musical
Cindyquil: It is the musical for Week 7. The previous scene was the dramatic event wherein something particularly awful happens. Things quiet down. Kazuya takes center stage.
Cindyquil: He starts to sing. A beautiful sound emits from him - a strong, baratone sound - and an opera number unfurls. The strings stir, the piano creates a mood of melancholy and hope, the singer- starts speaking in Japanese.
Kaz ( ᐛ ) | N: oH MY GO D
Cindyquil: It flows too smoothly for people to notice at first, but he's definitely speaking in another language now.
Cindyquil: "Kaz-" an actor says, but he's too into it to be interrupted,
Cindyquil: The number stops.
Cindyquil: The stage is filled with silence.
Cindyquil: "- And a ching chong nip nong to you too, young man!" Trick says.
Cindyquil: And the show goes on-
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trieyedserpent-blog · 10 years
"Your timing could not be convenient enough. I've heard of your abilities from the Higher Plane, and I can say without a doubt that your assistance is vital."
"- I understand that your file clearly stated your discomfort with Shibuya's closeness to Minato. But if I could offer any consolation on the matter, it would be this: Minato has shown no interest in Shibuya beyond her alliance with us."
"... So, uhm... the chances of them dragging me back is..."
"Severely low, if I do say so myself. In fact, it underwent radical change over the past seven decades, the last time I checked. I highly doubt the Officers in Minato would hold a grudge against your past actions, nevermind remember you."
"- Ah, but in either case. The Composer gravely injured my friend here. Your primary skill deals with healing, doesn't it? So, if it wouldn't be too much trouble..."
"... M'kay... I'll see what I can do..."
"Thank you. ... Ah! And Regi?"
"I highly recommend that you give this district a shot. In fact, I could arrange a private space for you to stay in, should you choose to do so. Not that I'm demanding your stay, but-"
"Mister Juvias?"
"- Yes?"
"You speak too much."
"... Pardon me."
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And we're off!
We’re off- to America, it seems. I’ve got some things to clear up, and Noel’s got some things to return. We’ll be back in a month! See you then!
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ofthetricked · 10 years
[Kogasa] Day 2: A MAN
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