reapersgoddess · 5 years
LOCATION: THE HOUSE, 12:48 AM FEAT: the king, @reapersking
Though, The House was typically very packed -- tonight marked a special occasion. One for the record books, which Isabelle had been carefully crafting ever since she learned of her king’s vastly, approaching birthday. Albeit, someone should have warned her (preferably Benjamin) that Killian hated birthday celebrations almost as much as he hated the people who gave him life to begin with. Sure, Isabelle was smart. And she knew a great amount of detail about Killian’s gruesome past but, there were still some things that she had yet to learn.
Like for instance, there was a darkness that surrounded this holiday more than any other. “Leave it,” Isabelle advised the caterers, who had just finished setting up and were now debating on where to put the cake. It was carved in the shape of a reaper and even had blood dripping from it’s scythe. It looked like something handcrafted, directly out of a tv show. Along with the cake, there was also dancers beside it, sporting Killian’s classic, two favorite colors; red and black.
Izzy herself, was dressed to the nines in honor of her late, spouse. Who, leave it to Killian, showed up hours late to his own birthday party. Izzy asked Ben to keep him busy for most of the day but not so busy, that he barely even showed up.
By the time he finally arrived though, Izzy managed to get the entire gang to quiet down long enough for her to greet him outside. So she could enter The House with him later and see the look of surprise amass across his gorgeous face when he saw all of his friends (or more like his employees).
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“Mi amor,” His nickname rolled off her tongue with a salacious purr before she cupped the side of his face and lulled him into a peaceful kiss, one meant to still him, not rile him up. “I thought we agreed on 11?” Isabelle was talking to Benjamin now, who she noticed shortly after letting go of Killian. It was almost habit now to check him for blood. She could always tell judging by his ensemble what kind of day it was; good or bad. Although, tonight she couldn’t get a fair enough read and therefore she wasn’t sure what she was in store. Not a good sign, of course.
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kittyvaltersen · 6 years
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🔪 closed starter for @reapersking!!
dark chestnut strands lay sprawled and reaching for the headboard. her leg hung off the side of the bed, her hands tucked into each other and laying over her abdomen. her body was nude, minus for the dark emerald sheet that essentially covered from just beneath her collarbone to right above her upper thigh. in short, it covered the bare necessities. kitty kat lay her head with her eyes staring up at the ceiling, her lips pursed in an almost held-back frown. her hues dart to the door, upon seeing a figure cross the threshold. she examines him for a brief moment, deciding he was of no harm to her seeing as she wouldn’t have any reason to be on his bad side. peering back up at the cracks in the ceiling, she starts her explanation off with a story. 
“when i was a kid, i often ran into my mom and dad’s room. i think i was afraid of the dark, but i don’t remember anymore.” she pauses for a moment to furrow her brows, “come to think of it, i don’t recall much about my childhood, but that’s not the point.” she continues on, telling a story of how she would sneak between her mom and her dad as they slept peacefully. she explained how, over time, her dad would get irrationally aggravated with her coming between him and her mother. she said how that when her father forced her onto the other side of the bed, and her mom would cuddle against her, she eventually was forced to lay on the ground next to their bed. 
“i would only bring my small blanket. i was that young. i would curl up with it and suck on my thumb. when my dad left, my mom wanted me to sleep beside her every night, even into adulthood. i didn’t know how to step away from the codependency my mother forced me into.” she looks over at him, turning on her side and curling her hands up under her skull. “i still don’t. so, i come here and ask the girls who dance to lay down beside me. most times they think i want to have sex, which i don’t but it’s never a downside. so i let them sleep with me and then sleep beside me and then i wonder why when i wake up and they’re gone, why i feel so alone.” she looked down for a moment, and then back up at him. “but you’re looking for the queen and not here to listen to my sob story... right, killian?” though kitty had rarely had much conversation with killian, she did know who he was and his reputation, everyone did.
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