#reasons why I should not be up this late while being sarcastic XDD
detectiverickitubbs · 7 years
Sonny Crockett critiquing other people’s driving and Tubbs just kind of face palming like... dude ...you ...
1: picked this cab with the driver who learned to drive from the Rockford Files... and let me tell you James Rockford is not a good role-model. How many darn times does he wreck that car of his?  (yes the mun is familiar with the Rockford files because it was on between the A-team and Simcon & Simon/ Magnum PI)
2: don’t drive all that much better --yah control freak
3: Are getting a dose of your own medicine, Pal. See what riding shot gun feels like to me. Especially, when you play chicken. Yah. Not so funny now. Is it?
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13luecloud · 7 years
Dreams are Not Wishes - DK
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Title: Dreams are Not Wishes
Member: DK
Genre: Fluffy fluff 
Summary: In times of self-doubt, a few wise, comforting words to push your back will be enough to remind you, “Keep chasing your dreams!” You just did not expect to hear those words from a busy guy like DK though.
Word count: 1.3k
Notes [!!]: 
A short reminder to everyone to keep working hard towards our dreams (yepp, our).  
Funny, I actually had an angst idea for DK, but I changed it to a fluffier one because I don’t want him to cry. XDD
I am not sure if they do, but I wrote this under the assumption that they have a “dorm ajumma” helping them weekly.
Yeheyy for the 1.3k word feat. ;D
I am suddenly tagging @saythename17scenarios for all the support she has given to us co-writers. THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D 
          You sighed your n-th sigh of the day. “Focus Y/N, focus” you echoed to yourself. Again, you cleared your throat, strummed the guitar strings and sang the song from the top.
          ♫ It’s a beautiful life
          I’ll stay by your side
          It’s a beautiful life
          I’ll stand right behind you
          Beautiful love
          If I am with you under this sky
           ♫ Just breathing alone makes me happy–!
           Wrong note.
           You heaved a groan as you threw your head back, feeling the climb of frustration and exhaustion to your brain. You sensed a familiar sting behind your pupils and before long, your vision gradually blurred. “What mediocre singing,” you mocked yourself.
           Apparently two weeks’ worth of practice wasn’t enough to get you through the simple second verse of a simple acoustic arrangement of a simple drama original soundtrack. While your friends moved on to their second song choices, you lagged behind, stuck on your first song’s first verse.
           Disheartened was your new name.
           You brought your head to your hands and gloomed.
           “Is everything alright, dear?”
           You lifted your head in a whip and saw the concern on your aunt’s face, and you knew that it was your cue to start pretending. “I am okay auntie,” you faked a smile, “I am just a tad bit drowsy from last night’s late studying.”
           “Then you should go home first and take some rest!” she suggested. “Health is wealth, Y/N, and I wouldn’t want my precious niece to discomfort herself because of me.” There she went again with her worried drama, but nonetheless her words brought a bit of sincerity to your phony smile.
           “I’m fine auntie, promise! I will wait for you here outside like usual and we will be on our way home by noon, as usual too.”
           She beamed at you and then lightly pinched your cheek before assuring you that her work will be done in an hour or so, returning back inside the dorm.
           You held on your smile until the door beeped closed.
           As you were ready to drop your high spirit, the door swung open and revealed a casual-looking DK walking out. Scrambling to your feet, you greeted him with stuttering words and a bow.
           You had known that your aunt worked for Seventeen and you had seen them in and out of their dorm countless times already; however seeing one of them up close in personal again never failed to mesmerize you. They were guys who were recognized for their fresh, energetic and self-produced performances and good… vocals.
           He acknowledged you with a greeting in response but eventually excused himself to leave elsewhere.
           When you heard he had gotten far enough, you sat back and sighed once more. You readjusted yourself and your guitar on lap before strumming the strings again.
           You noticed your fingers weighed heavier than earlier as they moved on the instrument. Soon your whole body felt like it did too. You were still down after all that faking.
          ♫ It’s a beautiful life
          I’ll stay by your side
          It`s a beautiful life
          I’ll stand right behind you
          Beautiful love
          If I am with you under this sky
           ♫ Just breathing alone makes me happy–
           Surprise, surprise, you sarcastically cheered, inwardly, I still can’t sing that part.
           The real surprise, however, was just close by.
           “You actually have a nice voice.” The sudden comment made you yelp and jerk away from the railings, snapping your head to your left then seeing DK’s eyes staring at you as he stood couple of steps down, sharing his own share of shock. “Your voice sounded sweet and soothing at the same time. It was much like Joshua hyung’s!”
           You found your voice after a moment or two of gaping, “W-Why are you back though? Were you not supposed to be off somewhere?”
           “Ah, I was going to the company building when I realized I left something back in the dorm,” he said as he walked up and stopped by the door. “Why did you stop singing by the way?”
           You gulped. You diverted your attention to your guitar, now embarrassed to meet his gaze. “I am… not a good singer. I cannot properly sing the second verse yet but it has been two weeks since I arranged and rehearsed this song.”
           DK whispered his apology and was rendered silent.
           Quietness took over the atmosphere as you both kept your silence–you fumbled awkwardly with your fingers while he bit his lower lip, pondering on words to say.
           “Ah!” he exclaimed, bringing your eyes up to stare at him. He looked back at you with equally wide eyes but they were twinkling. “Do you have time for a storytelling?” he asked as he approached you and took the seat by your side but just a step above yours. “It might help you.”
           “I guess I have nothing better to do; although, should you not be where you should be?”
           “It’s fine, I won’t take too long.”
           “Okay then, I am all ears.” You shifted in place to face him.
           ��I think it was about five years ago when I became a trainee at the company,” he started narrating. “I got in because of my vocal skills, but they were far from good compared to a singer’s. I had to improve, so I attended vocal classes with everyone, especially with Seungkwan when they appointed us as main singers of our group. Every day we had to go into sessions and practiced for hours and hours, until both our throats and ears ached. Being a hormonal young teenage boy back then, I did one thing every after class. What do you think that one thing was?”
           You shrugged. “I don’t know.”
           “I cried,” DK simply confessed. “Every single time. The bitter work I had to go through was tough that sometimes I had thoughts of quitting, thoughts of just giving up on my dreams and just not go through the hardships at all. But you know what, if I had given up during those days, if I had thrown away the chance to do what I wanted to back then, I wouldn’t be happy right now. Those days of earful reprimands and tearful nights were fruitful whenever I stood on stages because those days made me a better vocalist. And actually, at solemn nights I often recalled those days and even laughed at my younger self for crying.”
          He took a moment to pause, peering into your eyes. “Dreams aren’t wishes for a reason–they need continuous actions and efforts to achieve. It’s okay to struggle now, not to mention you will continue to struggle after reaching your ambitions. The struggle is never ending until you yourself stop doing what you do.”
           “But what if you were not destined to become a singer?” you had to ask.
           He hummed thoughtfully. “I believe in destiny, but I also believe that you can change your destiny accordingly. Whatever you do now affects your tomorrow, right?”
           And that was the last straw. All your repressed tears glazed and escaped your eyes. His gentle words caressed and softened your heart, and you could not help but let them go.
           “Oh my goodness, are you crying? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry!” DK panicked but hesitated to wipe your tears because you two weren’t even friends yet.            
           “No no, please, I am the one who should be sorry for having taken some of your precious time.” You wiped your face with the end of your shirt’s sleeve. “But, how did you know that I wanted to be a singer? I just said I was bad at singing.”
           “A fairy godmother told me a potential singer sat on the staircase across the dorm.” DK flashed his famous sunshine smile and infected you, inducing a smile from you too. “Oh!” He pointed at you, “There you go; you’re prettier that way, keep smiling.”
           You blushed at his compliment.
           Amusingly, you discovered a motivation to continue practicing. 
            And little did you know of the peeping eye observing you both through the small gap of the door across. “I’ll have to thank Seokmin later,” whispered your aunt and she giggled.  
Yes people, let us love ourselves and our struggles. One day we will thank ourselves for not giving up and our struggles for shaping the us. Good luck to all of us!! ;D
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