#rebecca was an absolute gem and i wish she had more time in the comics
celestialscribbler · 4 years
It’s over
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Heres a dumb quick drawing to commemorate something so impactful in my life ending beautifully. My thoughts on the finale (spoilers) and what imma be doing going forward below
Yeah that hurt, a lot. I’m so glad they were able to delve into his ptsd but sadly it kinda came at a bad time for me (and probably a lot of people rn) so i don’t feel like i’ve been able to really enjoy it to the fullest. Seeing him dodge and deny and everyone in his life not know what to do as things spiraled out of control was to real for me. I love that Connie never gave in to self pity over her role in his breakdown, that everyone came together to be there for him, that Connie helped him establish some structure, that he’s really seeing a therapist, that he’s embracing new experiences away from his trauma, that we got these sweet wrap ups with everyone and Jasper was included. I’m going to choose to interpret him telling the gems he’d never come back as an exaggeration to try and get a more emotional reaction because he is still a child and should absolutely feel comfortable to go back if he needs to. I really liked how they went about his transformation, maybe because i’d seen to many super angsty takes on the idea (including my own >.>) it was fast and cartoony enough to not destroy me to much even tho his breakdown was heartbreaking. Wish we got a bit more Spinel and Jasper but they could always make comics and stuff looking at them closer. Generally i think it was wrapped up beautifully. And as for me, i don’t wanna stop but honestly i wouldn’t say i’ve been that active in the fandom anyway. I have a few comic ideas from the past few episodes i may do and even some au/spinoff ideas i may explore but i don’t know. I still have this 3/4 done anamatic i may finish too, tho it’s just a worse version of the finale at this point. Please let me know if you’d actually wanna see another corrupt su anamatic. I wanted to finish it before the end but i’ve been so sick and stressed i just couldn’t work on angsty stuff. Or really anything. Going forward i’ll probably pivot to other cartoons like i jumped more to SU when gravity falls ended, but i may just post more original art. I do a lot of dnd stuff i don’t post here for no good reason. Steven Universe has meant so much to me. I remember finding rebecca sugars adventure time demos and realizing she had been my favorite part of the show. Being excited about her getting her own show only to feel kinda letdown by the tone of the first few episodes only to let go of my expectations and fall in love with it’s unique style. I remember watching it while going through the worst mental health crisis of my life, dropping out of college and giving up on trying to be an animator and on everything. I remember this dumb kids show depicting anxiety and loneliness and loss and love in a way i needed to hear just when i needed to hear it. And i remember seeing how this creator i looked up to was so much like me, enby and bi, and literally from my hometown and thinking maybe the only thing i want isn’t completely out of reach and i can keep trying a little bit longer. I don’t think i’ve really made many friends from this fandom because im a coward and frankly interacting with people just takes to much energy sometimes, but despite how some people view it i’ve seen so much positivity and love here. I’m glad i got to be a part of this fandom. If anybody read this far, i don’t know why you did but thanks!
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lupienne · 7 years
Comic Negan Fic Recs!
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Alright, guys! It’s high time I start posting this again! As of last update (July ‘17 I believe?) there have been some fics that appear to have been deleted :(, so I removed those. But never fear, there are new additions.
At the beginning of every month, I’m going to repost this. New additions will be in italics (and most likely at the bottom).
Here’s a little list of Comic Negan (or at least comic-leaning) fanfiction! These are all great authors and entertaining fics. If you’re looking for that good ole original Negan fiction(with each author’s personal twist, of course)… check these out. And if you like them, give ‘em a warm fuzzy feeling with a like, favorite, kudos, reblog,shout-out or comment!  (List after the cut)
In no particular order:
Stigmatic by 217. Follow Negan’s POV as he leads the Saviors in what starts off as comic canon, before venturing into wonderfully AU territory. Also featuring 217’s most excellent OCs; she is truly a master at crafting real, well-rounded and interesting characters. She also has such a talent for writing Negan true to the comics and yet making her own unique version of his character as well. The plotline of this story is always moving forward as the Saviors travel through the highs and lows of life in the apocalypse. On ff.net On A03
217 has also done some AU series within the Stigmatic verse:
Phlegmatic: which is an AU take on Alice and Negan if they had met before the ZA. On ff.net On A03
Haematic which is another pre-ZA AU take where Negan struggles to raise his and the late Lucille’s daughter, Lulu (and her pet lobster, Crusty!), all by his lonesome. On ff.net On A03
Fics by Harleyquinzel. She has quite a few Negan fics, most of which are nice bite-sized reads and quite enjoyable. Here’s three of my favorites.
His Favorite Girl Smut involving Negan and his favorite girl… why, who else but Lucille the Vampire bat?
Making Like A funny and sexy Negan/Rick fic.
One Night Stand Negan and Olivia smut. Hell yeah.
And here is her complete TWD list
A Wolf at the Door by Misterkingdom: A very well-written fic where Negan makes sure Rick knows who the King Dick Motherfucker is around here.
Beautiful Tragedy by 217: Yet another gem by this master writer of ole Negan. However, RM (aka ‘Rude Motherfucker’) the OC of this story, doesn’t see Negan in the most flattering light. One of Negan’s (aka ‘Dumpy’s) wives, she uses his perks to support her ongoing drug addiction, that is, until Negan takes note…and he doesn’t approve. The dialogue in this story is absolutely a riot, as RM’s mouth and thoughts are every bit as vulgar and outrageous as Negan’s! On ff.net On A03
217 also has quite a few shorter fare for those that balk at lengthier stories (but trust me, they are worth every word!) My personal favorites are The Cleansing which is a pitch-back affair, Negan’s Number What? (a birthday present to me a few years ago, and the hottest Negan/Sherry smut EVER!), and Non-NEGotiable which is a Stigmatic smut where Negan loses a bet and his ass to Alice. On ff.net On A03
The Life of Negan & Lucille by TeamCarlisle: Based off the ‘Here’s Negan’ backstory, it’s Negan and Lucille’s pre-apocalypse days before it all fell apart. Sweet and yet heartbreaking, it’s a treat to see Negan in his pre-Savior days. But get your tissues out for this one!
Recollection by 217: Another goodie by 217, this is based off the ‘Here’s Negan’ backstory and contains part of his life with Lucille. On ff.net On A03
Embracing the Apocalypse by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightyDazed) Sanctuary and the Saviors has gained a new member, Rebecca, who struggles to find a foothold in this new society, but soon has captured the attention of Negan. He himself has been newly reinstated as the Savior’s leader and is also on unsure ground, unlike his previous bout of leadership. The two share a similar sense of humor and a need for a new start, but nothing is ever easy in the post-apocalyptic world.
This is yet another story that captures the charm, awkwardness and humor of Comic Negan, and features a very funny OC as well. Very much worth a read!
SomewhatSlightyDazed also has several shorts (mostly smutty, but a few aren’t.) They’re great for a quickie. A quick read, that is. ;) My personal favorites are: Post-Apocalyptic Driving School, Guys Like Him (Olivia and Negan, always a treat!), and Double-Dare (Smutty threesome with Negan and his wives. Yum!)
Through the Valley by Dusty Cookie Another merry jaunt into Sanctuary and the lives of the Saviors. Several Saviors, while out on a run, spot a female apparently living all on her lonesome and think she might be a good asset for Sanctuary. Now Negan just has to convince her she has a place there, and our story begins. :)
Dusty writes an absolutely fantastic Negan and her OCs are also well-written and interesting. Her dialogue and overall writing style is also so entertaining, witty, and just a pleasure to read. Try Chapter 1, and you’ll be hooked! On ff.net on A03
Dusty also has several short fics that are all equally great… but watch out for that catty Miss Fiona in The Hand that Feeds!
Tender Prey by bigcatsandkatanas I’m very bad and haven’t reviewed this one yet. I haven’t read a lot of them, so maybe it’s a bit pre-mature to say, but I think this is my favorite Regan fic. We have a bit more of a humble and lonely Negan due to his incarceration by good ole Prick Grimes, and it makes for one smutty tale I adore. Negan is written really great in this and despite being mostly smut, it’s also got some nice character moments for Negan. I really like it.
Gifts by redheadedwhat A nice little Negan/OC smut for your reading pleasure. Some humorous bits and of course, some very lovely smut.
Hurt by opheliadawnwalker3 Perhaps leaning more towards TV Negan, this is still a really good (and heart-wrenching) short about Negan and Lucille and her very bad news.
Satellite Days by Kinkozan After the Whisperer War, Negan has been living in an old outpost from the Savior days, and he finds himself in the company of Toni, another survivor who isn’t quite welcome around her old communities anymore either. They must try to survive in their new environment, as well as survive each other.
Backspin by Kinkozan Negan’s wife Charli’s plans of giving him a much-deserved spanking and trying to assert herself in the relationship might come back to bite her in the ass. Smut and angst.
Lupienne’s Negan fanfictions. Here’s my additions to the Comic Negan bookcase. I have a long WIP involving Negan and the boring domestic affairs of his wives, as well as a few shorter reads that are mostly of the smut variety. On A03 On ff.net (I don’t have them all on there, but if you prefer reading on this site…)
Enigmatic by 217: Based off Here’s Negan 15, where Negan receives a nasty wound from a fellow survivor. Upon going to clean out his wound, Negan meets an OC who is all too eager to give him some ‘healing.’ On ff.net On AO3
Love(d) by Dusty Cookie A pre-ZA short with Negan and Lucille. Dusty doesn’t just tug at your heartstrings, she rips them right out of your body.
WIP by Metal Butter Metal Butter mentioned a prisoner Negan fic they were writing, and upon my request, posted a snippet of it! It’s not complete, but it’s awesome just as it is. I love the way Negan is written as he narrates from his prison cell. Also contains shades of Regan. Yum!
In the Twilight Kingdom by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightlyDazed) Filled with grief over his recently deceased Lucille, Negan struggles to live and find a reason for doing so in the dangerous new world of the apocalypse.
Decomposition by 217: “Do you know what decomposition is? Answer the goddamn question.” A dark short of Negan’s thoughts as Lucille claims another life.
Bedtime Stories by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightyDazed): What happens when Negan finds out some of the Sanctuary women have been writing porn about him?
Wounds to Mend by Lupienne: A short based off events in Here’s Negan 14. Sherry tends to an injured Negan’s wound (with a little sexual healing involved.)
Last Chance Revival by 217. This fic follows an AU, non-ZA Negan as he tends bar in a rough part of town, where the highlight of his night is watching quirky OC’s Murphy’s ass leave the bar in her tight leopard print spandex. On ff.net On AO3
Heart in a Blender by Bigcatsandkatanas. A Negan/Rick fic set in a non-apocalyptic AU verse. Negan, lonely and despondent after his divorce with Lucille, decides to take a chance and use a dating app. When he accidentally matches with Rick Grimes, it’s the start of an awkward friendship (and maybe more?) Bigcatsandkatanas writes an excellent Negan, from his personality to his dialogue.
I Bless the Rains Down at Sanctuary by Redheadedwhat. Negan’s wife Tallulah discovers the hilarity of a drunken Negan. And an important question is pondered…just what did happen to the band members of Toto after the apocalypse?
Exhaust by Spliced-up Angel. An AU take on All out War. What if Negan hadn’t lost that last battle? Told from Carl’s POV, the young Grimes struggles to adapt to Negan’s rule over Alexandria. Since the story is all from Carl, Negan isn’t painted in the most flattering light. His dialogue is hilarious and poor Carl finds himself in a few embarrassing situations due to Negan’s lack of shame.
The tumblr Masterlist for Dusty-cookie. Suitable for liking, rec’ing and reblogging!
Dixon Dallas by 217. An AU smut involving Negan as a porn star :D
Sometimes You Just Need A… by Lupienne. My latest fic. It’s a fluffy short with platonic Negan/Rick.
Priorities by Dusty Cookie. A fluffy short, perfect for snuggling up with on a cold winter day!
Happy Fucking Birthday by Dusty Cookie. Negan gives the present of smut to his favorite birthday girl.
Careful What You Wish For by Dusty Cookie. More glorious smut! I only wish for more!
The tumblr Masterlist for Embracetheapocalypsewithme. Great for reblogging and giving this writer more exposure. Do it! 
An Enemy of the Crows by redheadedwhat. A chance encounter with a crow will change Negan’s life forever. :)
Don’t Look Back by Lupienne. Lucille’s last hours as she lays dying from her illness.
Cursed Land by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightlyDazed on AO3). This tale begins with a map with a blacked-out section Negan refuses to speak about… a fic to read with all the lights on!
The Love You Take by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightlyDazed on AO3). A lonely, exiled Negan investigates mysterious music he keeps hearing at night…
Yes, Mistress by Embracetheapocalypsewithme (SomewhatSlightlyDazed on AO3). Negan gets some new jewelry for Sherry to wear. She isn’t exactly enthused about it…but Negan can be pretty convincing ;) Glorious smut!
I’ll Always Be With You by Maggie Monster. Lucille has passed on, yet she has never left Negan’s side.
Alright! That’s it for this update! There’s some really good fics here, if I do say so myself. We need some more Comic Negan writers in the game though! Come on, people! ;) (And by all means, if you have a comic Negan fic, or know of one…be sure to let me know.)
For now, enjoy the fics and don’t be shy about commenting if you like any of them! Writers appreciate it so much.
And if you’d like, please reblog this post to give these authors some more exposure. :) See you in February!
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Steven Universe: The Movie review
By Nico Beland
Movie Review: *** ½ out of 4
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Garnet, Steven Universe, Pearl and Amethyst in Steven Universe: The Movie
           Taking another detour from theatrical movie reviews to talk about another TV movie premiere and the second one this year following my review of the live-action film adaptation of Kim Possible. This time it’s for Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe: The Movie, based on the series of the same name created by Rebecca Sugar.
           Before I dive into the movie let me take a moment to discuss my history with the Steven Universe show. It’s no secret that I’m an “oldie” when it comes to Cartoon Network as I grew up with their earlier programs like The Powerpuff Girls, Ed, Edd n Eddy, Dexter’s Laboratory, and Samurai Jack to name a few and I remembered the late 2000s-early 2010s to be a dark age for the channel when it comes to programming with an experimental phase of live-action shows, game shows desperately trying to compete with Nickelodeon, and cartoons that just weren’t all that good with some exceptions like Chowder and The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack.
           It wasn’t until the releases of acclaimed shows like Adventure Time and Regular Show and a new management team was brought in to Cartoon Network when I got interested in their programs again. One of the shows that really took off aside from Adventure Time was Steven Universe which became a critical and cultural phenomenon with cosplays, merchandise, and garnering viewers of all ages and genders being completely engrossed in the gorgeous animation, memorable characters, and poignant and mature stories and themes geared towards a family-friendly audience but done in an intelligent and thoughtful way (Not gonna lie, there have been episodes that actually got me teary-eyed!), it quickly became one of my favorite shows on the network, got the DVDs, and even had a couple of encounters with Steven’s voice actor Zach Callison at Comic Con.
           Because of the success it had over the years, we have Steven Universe: The Movie celebrating its six-year run (as of this review) and as a thank you to the fans for making one of the greatest and most influential animated shows of all time. Does the movie live up to the hype and do the show justice? The answer…ABSOLUTELY! And it has the honor of being not only one of Cartoon Network’s best movies but also one of the best films based on an animated series I have ever seen whether theatrical, television, or direct-to-video.
           After redeeming the Diamonds on Homeworld, Steven Universe (voiced by Zach Callison-Diary of a Single Mom, Sofia the First, Just Add Magic) who is now sixteen-years-old returns to Beach City and reunites with the Crystal Gems, Garnet (voiced by Estelle-Empire, We Bare Bears, OK K.O. Let’s Be Heroes), Amethyst (voiced by Michaela Dietz-My America, Mighty Magiswords, 101 Dalmatian Street), and Pearl (voiced by Deedee Magno Hall-Dellaventura, Rear Window (TV movie), Third Watch) as well as his dad Greg (voiced by Tom Scharpling-Tom Goes to the Mayor, Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, Adventure Time) and friend Connie (voiced by Grace Rolek-Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, Lou and Lou: Safety Patrol, Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five) to finally have his “Happily Ever After”. However, a new threat comes in the form of Spinel (voiced by Sarah Stiles-Tootsie, Get Shorty (TV series), Unsane) who plots to inject a toxic liquid into the Earth’s core and destroy the entire planet.
           That is the least of Steven’s problems as Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl lose their memories in battle with Spinel and Steven’s gem reverts back to its old state where he’s unable to use his powers…again. Steven along with gems Peridot (voiced by Shelby Rabara-Glee, The League of Extraordinary Dancers, Me and My Grandma), Lapis (voiced by Jennifer Paz-The Defender, The Angry Beavers, As Told by Ginger), and Bismuth (voiced by Uzo Aduba-Orange is the New Black, My Little Pony: The Movie, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir) must find a way to stop Spinel, fix Steven’s gem, and get Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl’s memories back through nostalgic callbacks and references to events of the series.
           However, the key to stopping Spinel’s wrath may lie within Steven’s past and the actions caused by his gem mother Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond. If he’s able to get his powers and his friends’ memories back in time, Steven might be able to confront Spinel and put her on a different path.
           Overall, Steven Universe: The Movie offers the same magic, beautiful animation, and LGBTQ themes that made the show a hit done in the style of a Broadway musical much like other films based on cartoons such as South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut and the first SpongeBob Squarepants Movie. Given how the songs and music in the show are just as popular and acclaimed as the series itself, the musical tone works perfectly for Steven Universe.
           Since the series’ creator Rebecca Sugar also has a successful career as a singer-songwriter you can tell her determination was set to overdrive in creating the best songs she could for this movie, and it shows in the musical numbers on-screen. From the lyrics, vocals, and the animation set to the music there is a kinetic energy to these songs that makes the movie feel bigger while still retaining the Steven Universe charm.
           Like the series, the animation and art design are absolutely gorgeous and despite being a made-for-TV movie the animation looks higher in quality than the show with extra polish, shadows, and vibrant colors to make the characters and environments really pop. It makes me wish Steven Universe: The Movie had a theatrical release because of how stunning and lively this animation is.
           However, the animation definitely embraces its wacky and bouncy side as well with the villain, Spinel who I can best describe as a gem version of The Mask running entirely on cartoon logic and one of the show’s more comedic antagonists. She’s completely cuckoo and psychotic and can stretch, inflate, and transform parts of her body like an old Tex Avery cartoon but she also has a tragic backstory that makes you understand why she’s doing all this and like most of the show’s antagonists she’s more of a lost soul rather than an evil entity.
           I don’t know what else to say, Steven Universe: The Movie is absolutely wonderful and one of the best movies Cartoon Network ever put out alongside Ed, Edd n Eddy’s Big Picture Show and the Samurai Jack premiere movie as well as one of the best films ever made based on a cartoon. It’s guaranteed to satisfy fans of the show and I’ll go on record and say it’s a great movie to watch with the entire family, whether half your family is gem or not it’ll make you laugh, cry, and “Believe in Steven” over and over again.  
For more movie reviews please visit www.moviewatchinpsychopath.blogspot.com
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tumblunni · 7 years
* i love zircon and i feel so sorry for zircon aaa And even for Other Slightly More Smug Rival Zircon! I mean, they’re both just doing their job and it was merely a stroke of fate that the blue one got assigned to steven’s side of the trial. Rival Zircon barely even got two lines of dialogue so we dont even know if she was remotely evil or just like.. well, a smug office rival. It was a really nasty shock that yellow diamond just poofed both of them! I hope they’re okay when they reform, i hope they dont get blamed for what happened and shattered or something!! steven plz come back and rescue the endearing neutral office gems along with the more clear ally ones and stuff * I’m not quite sure if Zircon was right, though... I mean yellow diamond being 100% super bad and having framed rose for killing pink diamond would probably be in-character but it wouldnt be revealed so soon if it was what actually happened, right? What I took from this instead is that maybe Pearl was actually pink diamond’s pearl, and she’s the one who betrayed her instead? OR... possibly whenever we finally get white diamond revealed, she’s the one who’s the big evil boss who did it all? at least we saw some sort of statue of her so we can confirm she has the crazy cool goku hair, lol * I LOVE THE OFF COLOURS AAAA * I kinda love that its now canonical that conjoined twins can happen with gems, I mean its always nice to know that your favourite fictional characters could be like you which is why I think its great the show has all these different disability metaphors. Also I did not know that that kind of strange shape is actually possible with Rutile gems! * also, as predicted, I ADORE CENTIPEDE GRANDMA!!! and apparantly she’s a fusion of like.. the most gems ever. Polyamory grandmas! Combined into the ultimate grandma!!! did anyone else picture that ‘ariel needs legs’ comic tho ‘seven fusions... maybe more. imagine.’ * I think it’s spelled Paradshvana? No, its parashivana, I think. I hope she gets mentioned in a book or a comic or something so I can make sure I have the correct spelling of her name. But I love her! I like that the writers picked a type of sapphire that has such an interesting name, it helps set her apart from the blue one we all know and love. * LARS IS STEPPING UP!! aaaaa I’m actually kinda liking lars A LOT, he’s had so much character development and for once is actually keeping it between episodes and showing self awareness of his problems and providing actual reasons for why he’s doing them, rather than just sitting there refusing everyone else who keeps trying to help and support his salty ass. I wish we’d seen actual signs of this a lot earlier though, tbh it feels more like theyre rewriting his character rather than revealing something that was always there. * I didnt expect that humans would actually have an advantage against gem tech that only recognises gems! that was a cool way to have lars actually be able to make an impact when he gets his character development and decides to fight back. It was pretty badass! * okay, I’d seen so much speculation about the lars death thing and then i got spoiled for him being revived by steven’s magic somehow, so it didnt have as much of an impact. but it still hit my heart a little even as someone who knew it was coming and someone who ABSOLUTELY HATED LARS until like right this exact episode when he finally showed some character depth. But still, even if it succeeded at being sad, it kinda suffered a lot from the show’s usual rushed pacing. Like.. even in a ‘one hour special’ it seemed like every episode was still forced to work as a standalone and squish every plot point into 15 minutes. We BARELY got actually meet the off colours before we moved on to this next lars death plot, and like.. he died SO FAST, and it had barely a moment to breathe before he’s suddenly back. You couldnt even really tell what killed him, he just fell off the exploded robonoid and was dead immediately. And like.. with no clear wounds except one small face scar, so it seems like it did indeed run on harmless cartoon explosion rules. And I guess he just fell too far and hit his head or something.I mean I know they couldnt show a guy realistically covered in burns with limbs missing or whatever, but could they have at least had him covered in shadow or something so the nature of his wounds is left up to out imagination? When it all goes by so fast it seems almost unintentionally comical that he died by just falling over a little too hard.I mean, characters have survived way longer falls in this show even if in real life you obviously wouldnt... And SERIOUSLY give us more than FIVE SECONDS to believe he might be really dead, before reviving him with a never foreshadowed new magical power. Clearly it actually was planned out a long time earlier in the show, but somehow it still feels like a bit of a cop out? I just hope this faux death revival magic has some sort of further plot effects, and could be like a catalyst for Lars’s character development or something. Cos its clear that he didn’t just come back the same as before, it seems this magic comes with some kind of cost to it.. * IMMEDIATELY WE SEE SEVERAL COSTS TO IT * okay lars is LITERALLY A ZOMBIE * a CANDYFLOSS ZOMBIE * what the FUCK * steven how did you somehow never notice lion had a weird zombie heartbeat * wait i guess steven must have assumed lion was a gem creature of some sort * WAIT LARS IS LIKE A GEM HYBRID MUTANT ZOMBIE * he isnt even hungry or tired?? suddenly?? that must be?? REALLY FRIGHTENING?? WHAT THE FUCK?? * why is this episode SO RUSHED, why are you throwing terrifying existential horror and then just immediately lars is left trapped on homeworld and thats the end, and we dunno how long we’re gonna have to wait for the next episode or if it’ll actually address this or anything!!! * GAHHHH * also in retrospect WE DIDNT SEE ANY OF HOMEWORLD DURING THIS ARC. We still know practically nothing about their culture, aside from a mild bit of hope that the gems they persecute are at least able to escape and have a small sort of rebellion here rather than all being destroyed. But seriously there must have been millions who’ve been slated for shattering and only this tiny group managed to keep hidden long enough to meet steven... gahhh how many friends has centipede grandma seen die... * but okay seriously LARS IS A GEM ZOMBIE THING * and this means LION IS ALSO DEAD * LION HOW DID YOU GET HURT AAAAA * oh god so rose must have rescued him and then he had to see his whole lion family die and sit around for ages waiting for rose to come back and now all he can do is try and protect her son. poor loyal pet... poor hachiko: kitty edition... * WTF LARS IS DEAD AND HE’S STUCK ON A PARALLEL WORLD AND HE CAN NEVER EAT AGAIN AND HIS WHOLE FUCKING JOB AND HOBBY WAS COOKING and AAAA he’s the one out of everyone who was most hung up on like.. Normal Human Society Things. of all people, this is the most torture for him! god, the only consolation is that the off colours chose to stay there and protect him, and maybe it’ll help him work out his issues to be away from it all and have some close friends he can relate to. Cos like.. we all know steven and co are always trying to be his friends, but he had that weird inferiority superiority complex that kept him from accepting the friendship. At least we know here that he feels he’s able to be equals with these gems, and they’ll all be able to protect each other and learn from each other in different ways. But still DEAR GOD POOR LARS I thought you were an asshole but I didnt want you to GET TRAPPED IN SPACE AS AN ADORABLE ZOMBIE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA * steven could you like.. throw the ube cake through the portal. i mean he cant even enjoy eating it anymore but it might still help him feel better. * steven can you throw rebecca sugar through the portal so everyone can throw legos at her for writing such torturous fates for all her characters then throw her back cos i mean its not like anyone’s gonna get a happy ending to the show if it ends on this cliffhanger, lol but still LEGOS * steven can you throw the ube through the portal to me and I’ll eat it and write a review for lars and maybe send him a small plush doll of himself * rebecca sugar can you open like a mailbox to all your characters where I send them letters encouraging them to keep going even though the world is cruel as fuck ok thanks bye * I STILL REALLY LOVE CENTIPEDE GRANDMA THOUGH * and zircon had better be okay! please tell me she escapes and ends up joining the off colours or something * also can we have the same for topaz + topaz thanks * this is just the arc of introducing fifty new characters and not being able to save any of them and also one already introduced character is also LITERALLY FUCKING DEAD * aaaaa
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