#rebi said i did it and i'll do it again
ladybugsimblr · 2 years
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some random squad pics sunday
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haven-raven012591 · 6 years
Christmas Enigma
Paring: Jeff Hardy X OC Luna
Warning: Fluffy Smutty goodness
Word count: 1,674
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Art work by @wrestling-edits-af
We have a saying in North Carolina, if you don't like the weather, wait five minutes and it will change. That holds true even in the dead of winter. Living in North Carolina his entire life Jeff Hardy was pretty sure that everything was going to work out. The night before it was just raining and the news hadn't said that Cameron was going to get any snow. So he figured the saying he grew up with was going to hold true. But what happens when the one Christmas you expect it to happen and it doesn't?
"Oh my God!" Luna said looking out of their bedroom window. Jeff looked at his fiance and propped up on his elbow. "What's wrong?" Jeff asked sleepily. He had decided to remain calm in this situation because Luna hadn't sounded very upset. "We're snowed in!" Luna said. Jeff blinked and shook his head. "Luna that's not possible babe." Jeff said. He got up and walked over to her kissing the top of her head. But as soon as he looked out the window he saw that she was right. "Damn!" Jeff said. He was looking at a lot of snow!
"Good thing we all live on the same land." Luna giggled. "Yeah." Jeff said. "You seem upset." Luna said looking up at him. "Just wasn't expecting this babe it was only raining when we went to bed." Jeff said. "At least it snowed on Christmas though, the kids will love the snow." Luna said. He kissed her long and slow. "Not just the kids." Jeff said. "I'll get ready and we can go play!" Luna giggled. He smirked and held her close. "I'll call Matt and Dad to see what they wanna do about later!" Jeff said. "Ok." Luna said.
She went into her huge walk in closet and started getting ready. Luna put on thick socks and jeans then pulled on a long sleeved sweeter. She went down and put on her boots and sat on the couch waiting for him. It was so pretty where they lived, out in the woods with all the trees and snow. "You ready?" Jeff called. She got up and went to him. "Yes." Luna said. Jeff framed her face kissing her long and slow. "We'll go over later to Matt's and then you can help Reby." Jeff said. "Ok." Luna said. They put on their coats and gloves going outside.
Jeff grabbed a handful of snow and formed a perfect snow ball, as he watched Luna walk around. "It's so pretty." Luna said. He waited and then threw it hitting her in the back of the head. "Jeff!" Luna gasped. He ran and hid. She grabbed some snow making a snow ball as she looked for him. "This is wonderful!" Matt yelled. Luna turned and threw the snow ball at Matt. He dodged it and Luna ran behind a tree. "I see you have recruited her to your side Brother Nero!" Matt said. Jeff laughed and grabbed Luna from behind. "She is my moon and all the stars." Jeff said. Luna put her hands on Jeff's and smiled.
Soon Matt and the boys had gone inside to get warm again leaving Luna and Jeff to play alone. Luna sat behind the snow fort that Matt and the boys had made. Jeff sat behind the one she and he had made. "Luna!" Jeff called. "Yeah!" Luna called back. "Let's go in and warm up!" Jeff called. "No, I'm gonna kick your butt." Luna called. She threw a snow ball at him and he threw one at her. He laughed and they countined to run and throw snow balls at each other. Luna ducked behind a car and slipped. "Luna!" Jeff called.
He'd been looking for her for ten minutes with no answer. When he turned the corner and he saw her laying there he froze. She was breathing and he didn't see any blood when he picked her up. "Baby wake up!" Jeff said as he laid her on the couch. He took her wet clothes off and put her in warm ones wrapping her up. "Jeff." Luna whined. He ran to the couch from the fire place and took her hand. It was like ice so he kissed it and held it against his lips between his hands. "I'm here." Jeff said. "I'm so cold." Luna said. He got on the couch and held her tightly against himself. "I'll warm you up." Jeff said.
She snuggled close to him and he rubbed her back. "You scared the life out of me." Jeff whispered. "Sorry." Luna whispered as she snuggled closer to him. "It's ok I'm just so glad you're ok, I love you so much Luna." Jeff said. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. He kissed her forehead and sighed. She was still so cold. He put her on their bed and built a fire in their room adding more blankets to the bed. Jeff called Matt and they came to his house. "Thanks for understanding man she's still cold!" Jeff said.
Matt hugged him and smiled. "She is family!" Matt said. They went into the kitchen and then Jeff helped Matt get the presents into the house. Matt went and got their dad. Jeff went up and luna was awake. "Hey sleeping beauty, how do you feel?" Jeff asked. "Warm." Luna said. He kissed her and took her hands. "You are warm, do you feel ok to come down stairs the party's here now." Jeff said. "You moved it here for me?" Luna said. "We did!" Jeff said. She hugged him and kissed him long and slow.
They went down and Luna helped Reby with the food. The guys played with the kids. After everything was done and on the table they sat down and ate. After they ate Jeff and Matt cleaned up the kitchen for the girls. Reby and Luna laughed and played with the kids. "I'm so glad you're better!" Reby said. "I am too!" Luna said. They all sat and had coffee and hot cocoa for the kids while they talked. They passed out presents and the kids ripped into them. After everyone was done and the kids told everyone thank you Matt took their dad home.
Luna and Reby had divided the food and put the food into the refrigerator while Matt did that. Jeff and Matt put the food and toys into Matt's car and then they said goodnight. Luna sat next to the fire and Jeff sat behind her. He pulled her close and she turned to him kissing him deeply. Jeff pulled her closer and wrapped her legs around his waist. They laid down and started stripping each other. "Luna wait!" Jeff said. She giggled and blushed. "You don't want me?" Luna pouted. "Of course I do but you have a present." Jeff said. "I want to wait until tomorrow." Luna said. "Alright." Jeff said.
Jeff picked her up and took her to the bedroom. He laid her down and kissed her passionately. She gripped his biceps moaning into his mouth. Jeff thrust his tongue into her mouth and she gasped as he kissed her like she was everything to him. Luna pulled back and they finished stripping each other. Jeff kissed her chest and neck. "Jeff." Luna moaned. He pushed her legs apart and thrust inside her hard. Her back arched and she moaned. He pinned her hands above her head. "Keep them there Luna!" Jeff said.
Luna nodded and held onto the head board. "You feel so good." Jeff growled. "You do too." Luna moaned. He palmed her breasts and started thrusting harder. She arched off the bed. Jeff rolled one nipple between his thumb and forefinger as he sucked one then the other. "Jeff." Luna cried out as the wave of her first orgasm rolled through her. He growled and kissed her deeply. "Did I tell you that you could cum?" Jeff asked. "I couldn't stop it." Luna said. He kissed her softly. Luna shivered as he looked at her so calmly.
She moaned and gripped the head board as he picked up his pace. He growled and kissed her neck. Jeff moved her legs apart more and rubbed her clit always bringing her close but never allowing her to cum. "Jeff please I need to cum." Luna whimpered. "Do you my Luna." Jeff said. "Please Jeff, please let me cum I need to." Luna said. "Cum for me Luna." Jeff said. Luna came hard. "Jeff!" Luna screamed. "Fuck Luna!" Jeff growled and thrust one last time cumming hard. They collapsed into the bed and Jeff kissed her neck and shoulders.
"I love you so much Luna." Jeff said. He pulled her close as he wrapped them up. She rolled over and looked at him. "I love you too Jeff." Luna said. He held her closer and stroked her hair as they drifted off to sleep. The next morning Jeff woke up first and went down to the kitchen fixing the coffee. Luna woke up and went down to the kitchen and kissed Jeff's back as she wrapped her arms around him. "Merry Christmas Luna." Jeff said. "Merry Christmas Jeff." Luna said. They went into the living room and sat down by the tree as they exchanged presents.
Jeff smiled as she opened the box and pulled out a band new camera. "That's just the first part." Jeff said. "Jeff it's beautiful, I love it." Luna said. She hugged and kissed him softly. "Thank you so much!" Luna said. Jeff took her hand and lead her down to the basement. He covered her eyes and opened the door. "Jeff." Luna giggled. He kissed her cheek and moved his hand. "Welcome to your new studio!" Jeff said. Luna looked around then ran back into his arms kissing him heatedly. "Thank you so much!" Luna said. Jeff brushed away her tears. "I love you my Luna!" Jeff said. "I love you too my Jeff!" Luna said.
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