#rebooted thistlestar's reign
dreamingblacktabby · 2 years
Thistlestar's Reign(part 4)
Leader: Thistlestar - Gray patched tom with yellow eyes
Deputy: Whitestorm - Big white tom with yellow eyes
Apprentice: Brightpaw
Healers: Spottedleaf - Pretty dappled tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Cinderpelt
Fireheart - Small ginger tom with green eyes
Warriors: Patchpelt - Black and white tom with amber eyes
Lionheart - Big golden tom with green eyes
Darkstripe - Dark tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Brackenpaw
Frostfur - Pretty white she-cat with blue eyes
Brindleface - Pretty dappled gray she-cat with green eyes
Runningfoot - Lithe brown tabby tom with green eyes
Mousefur - Small brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Thornpaw
Longtail - Pale tabby tom with black tabby stripes and an elegant long tail
Dustpelt - Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Ashpaw
Sandstorm - Pale ginger tabby she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice: Fernpaw
Swiftfoot - Black and white tom with amber eyes
Apprentices: Cinderpelt - Gray she-cat with heterochromia
Brightpaw - Ginger and white she-cat with blue eyes
Brackenpaw - Brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Thornpaw - Light brown tabby tom with blue eyes
Fernpaw - Pretty dappled gray she-cat with green eyes
Ashpaw - Pretty dappled tom with dark blue eyes
Queens: Willowpelt - Diluted tortoiseshell she-cat with unusual blue eyes
Kits: Expecting
Nurses: Speckletail - Golden tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Kits: Snowkit and Mistlekit
Goldenflower - Big golden queen with green eyes
Kits: Bramblekit and Tawnykit
Elders: Smallear - Small gray tom with folded ears and amber eyes
Sparrowpelt - Skinny tabby tom with amber eyes and part of his tail missing
Pale-eye - Pale gray tabby she-cat with a green eye and a scarred face
Robinwing - Small brown she-cat with a distinctive ginger chest
Dappletail - Pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Fireheart promises to tell Robinwing about this
Dewpetal then reveals she’s pregnant and has a mate, Runningbrook(with a surrogate)
At the Moonstone, Spottedleaf makes Fireheart a full healer so she can take Cinderpaw on as an apprentice and names her Cinderpelt
Fireheart sees Bluefur in StarClan and she tells him not to give up hope for there is “a fire in his heart that will burn away the darkness plaguing ThunderClan”
Upon returning to camp, Fireheart goes straight to Thistlestar and tells him that he’d had a vision that the leader would destroy ThunderClan
Thistlestar does not appreciate the warning and sends Fireheart away, telling him he might be a healer but he carries kitty-pet blood
Fireheart returns to the healers den and asks Spottedleaf if poisoning Thistlestar would be so wrong
Spottedleaf sways him away from the idea because he might get executed for it if he fails
Soon a couple ShadowClan cats show up on ThunderClan territory, begging for medicine to help them with a disease wracking ShadowClan
Thistlestar kills Whitethroat and tells Littlecloud to deliver a message to Nightstar that they will get no help from ThunderClan
Fireheart and Sandstorm help Littlecloud carry Whitethroat’s body to the border and Fireheart gives Littlecloud some herbs anyway, telling him he will leave some more the next day as well
Littlecloud thanks him profusely before attempting to drag Whitethroat’s body back to camp
Sandstorm warns Fireheart that he’ll get in trouble to which Fireheart tells her he is done with Thistlestar’s cruelty and will be helping cats who have been wronged by him
Fireheart notices Thistlestar taking an interest in Goldenflower’s kits who are revealed to be Tigerclaw’s
Fireheart can’t help but feel guilty knowing its partially his fault the two will grow up without a father
The three healers prepare to leave for the Moonstone when Thistlestar calls them to his den
He tells them this will be the last half moon gathering they will be attending as he plans on closing the borders and focussing on only ThunderClan
All three healers protest against this but Thistlestar dismisses them, telling them to pass along the message ThunderClan will no longer got attending any gatherings
On the way to Mothermouth, Cinderpelt asks if Thistlestar is actually allowed to block them from attending half-moon gatherings
Spottedleaf tells him he shouldn’t be allowed to do it but that won’t stop him from punishing them for disobeying his orders
When they meet up with the other healers, Runningnose reveals the sickness was a bit worse than they’d expected and they were leaderless again, Runningnose himself acting as the sole leader
Littlecloud is revealed to be training under him though and he thanks Fireheart for his help as the herbs he gave them helped save several cats
Spottedleaf tells the other healers about Thistlestar’s orders
When they all go to commune with StarClan, Silverpelt warns Fireheart that ThunderClan is not the only clan being threatened now
The next day Thistlestar calls a meeting and reveals he plans on wiping out ShadowClan much to everyones shock
Thistlestar reveals that ShadowClan is weak and they’ve always been a thorn in ThunderClan’s pelt, so he’s decided they will just remove the throw permanently
Fireheart protests against this, stating StarClan will punish them if Thistlestar goes through with his plan
Thistlestar attacks Fireheart and warns him to know his place
Whitestorm manages to stop Thistlestar from doing any lasting damage to Fireheart, warning his father they’ll need all their healers soon
Fireheart turns on Whitestorm once Thistlestar is gone and is furious that Whitestorm is taking Thistlestar’s side
Whitestorm explains he doesn’t want to wipe out ShadowClan but also doesn’t want to see his father kill anyone else from ThunderClan
Fireheart asks Whitestorm to join his rebellion against Thistlestar which catches Whitestorm completely off guard
Fireheart explains the plan is to eventually take Thistlestar down, but for now they are simply going against the leader’s orders if they deem it cruel or excessive
Whitestorm agrees to join the rebellion as retribution for his aunt and son(Bluefur and Graystripe respectively)
Fireheart also explains the visions he’d been having about Thistlestar
A couple days later Thistlestar calls a meeting and asks Whitestorm if he has gathered up the cats to wipe out ShadowClan
Whitestorm reveals he has not because they won’t be wiping out ShadowClan
Thistlestar is infuriated and demands to know why Whitestorm disobeyed his orders
Whitestorm reveals Fireheart’s visions and refuses to endanger ThunderClan for the sake of glory
Most of the clan sways to Whitestorm’s side after hearing this, much to Thistlestar’s anger
Thistlestar warns everyone that disobeying the leader’s word is going against the warrior code and ThunderClan will be punished either way
Fireheart worries about what Thistlestar will do
That night the forest catches fire and the clan awakens to a camp full of smoke
Whitestorm orders for the clan to evacuate to Sunning rocks but Thistlestar blocks the camp entrance telling everyone that the fire was sent to punish them all and they shall wait to see if StarClan will let them live for their disloyalty
Fireheart attacks Thistlestar and orders everyone to escape
Whitestorm helps hold off Thistlestar until the rest of camp has escaped, leaving the three cats the only ones remaining left behind
A burning tree falls and blocks the camp entrance trapping the three in camp 
Thistlestar accuses them of disloyalty and Fireheart yells at Thistlestar for ignoring all of the warnings he had received about how Thistlestar was destroying ThunderClan
Whitestorm points out that Thistlestar had almost trapped all of ThunderClan in camp where they surely would have perished
Thistlestar seems to snap to his senses and realize what he almost did
Whitestorm uses the distraction to grab Fireheart and flee
They manage to find a small opening in the flames getting only a little singed in the process
They make it to Sunning rocks where cats are already crossing the river to escape the flames
RiverClan arrives to help and they agree to shelter ThunderClan until the fire is out
Despite his injuries, Fireheart sits beside the river, waiting to see Thistlestar but he never arrives, leading Fireheart to suspect Thistlestar didn’t make it
As the clan stays in RiverClan territory, Graystripe introduces his parents to their grand-kits as well as getting to meet his own younger siblings
Sandstorm frets over Fireheart and she reveals she was afraid she had lost him when he didn’t arrive at Sunning rocks right away
Fireheart realizes that Sandstorm likes him and reminds her that he’s a healer to which Sandstorm reveals she doesn’t care
Cinderpelt reminds Fireheart that she’s training to be a healer now so he can be a normal warrior if he wants
Fireheart wants to think about it but promises to greatly consider it
Fireheart notices the fire seems to have been properly put out by the rain and asks permission to check for Thistlestar’s body because he won’t be able to relax until he knows for sure what the leader’s fate is
Sandstorm is sent with him and they manage to find their way to camp where they find Thistlestar’s body under Highrock
Fireheart sees Bluefur’s ghost and she tells him that Thistlestar’s spirit has been taken care of and he will no longer be a threat to the clan
Fireheart and Sandstorm return to Whitestorm to deliver the news that he is the new leader of ThunderClan
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dreamingblacktabby · 2 years
Thistlestar's Reign(Part 1)
Leader: Thistlestar - Gray patched tom with yellow eyes
Deputy: Tigerclaw - Big dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and huge front claws
Apprentice: Dustpaw
Healers: Featherwhisker - Pale gray tom with amber eyes
Spottedleaf - Pretty dappled tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Warriors: Patchpelt - Black and white tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Ravenpaw
Bluefur - Blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice: Firepaw
Rosetail - Diluted torbie with a bushy red tail and yellow eyes
Apprentice: Dewpaw
Lionheart - Big golden tom with green eyes
Apprentice: Graypaw
Whitestorm - Big white tom with yellow eyes
Apprentice: Sandpaw
Darkstripe - Dark tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Cherrypaw
Brindleface - Pretty dappled gray she-cat with green eyes
Redtail - Tortoiseshell tom with amber eyes and a distinctive bushy red tail
Willowpelt - Diluted tortoiseshell she-cat with unusual blue eyes
Runningfoot - Lithe brown tabby tom with green eyes
Mousefur - Small brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Chestnutface - Brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Longtail - Pale tabby tom with black tabby stripes and an elegant long tail
Apprentices: Ravenpaw - Skinny black tom with white markings and heterochromia
Dustpaw - Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Cherrypaw - Tortoiseshell she-cat with purple eyes
Sandpaw - Pale ginger tabby she-cat with green eyes
Graypaw - Big gray tom with yellow eyes
Firepaw - Small ginger tom with green eyes
Dewpaw - Torbie and white she-cat with green eyes
Queens: Frostfur - Pretty white she-cat with blue eyes
Kits: Cinderkit, Brightkit, Brackenkit and Thornkit
Nurses: Dappletail - Pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Speckletail - Golden tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Goldenflower - Big golden queen with green eyes
Kits: Swiftkit and Lynxkit
Elders: Smallear - Small gray tom with folded ears and amber eyes
Sparrowpelt - Skinny tabby tom with amber eyes and part of his tail missing
Pale-eye - Pale gray tabby she-cat with a green eye and a scarred face
Robinwing - Small brown she-cat with a distinctive ginger chest
Part 1 under cut
A queen is fleeing through the forest when she is ambushed and killed by Thistlestar
He notices a bundle and finds two kits inside which he attempts to drown before Featherhwisker stops him, reminding him that killing the kits goes against the warrior code
Featherwhisker then has a vision about the two kits and tells Thistlestar that if he kills the kits than ThunderClan would fall into ruins
Thistlestar agrees to take them in despite hating the idea and they are given to Willowpelt and the other queens
Cut to the future where Firepaw is training with Sandpaw but ultimately loses to her because she’s had more training than him
Bluefur praises Firepaw for how well he did after Firepaw complains about losing
They return to camp in time to hear a patrol explaining how ShadowClan attempted to move the border which pisses Thistestar off
Thistlestar complains about Brokenstar and Crookedstar both being such big problems recently, mentioning how Fuzzypelt had been recently killed in fights over Sunning rocks
Thistlestar tells Tigerclaw to prepare a raiding party on ShadowClan for them trying to move up the border
Bluefur mutters to Firepaw about how many raids Thistlestar has been sending out lately and she’s growing worried for the rest of ThunderClan
Firepaw is sent off to check the bedding in the nursery before he’s dismissed for the day
The queens greet him as he enters and the kits beg Firepaw to play moss ball with them 
Firepaw asks about Dewpaw(Princess) to which the kits explains she’s out hunting with Patchpelt
That evening Firepaw settles down to eat with Dewpaw, Graypaw, Ravenpaw and Sandpaw
Sandpaw announces that she, Graypaw, and Dustpaw were chosen to go on the raiding party to ShadowClan which relieves Dewpaw and Ravenpaw who didn’t want to go
Dustpaw arrives and states the reason Dew and Raven weren’t chosen was because they had both failed their battle assessments
Firepaw watches the raiding patrol leave the next day before Darkstripe arrives and announces the remaining apprentices would be doing battle training
Firepaw ends up going against Cherrypaw and she goes overboard, leaving deep scratches on the sides of his neck
Bluefur chews Cherrypaw out for it but Darkstripe defends his apprentice, stating Firepaw needs to get better at fighting if he wants to ever survive an actual battle
Firepaw is brought to the healers’ den where Spottedleaf tends to his injuries and questions what happened
Featherwhisker bemoans the trouble ThunderClan is going through if their apprentices are becoming too violent to which 
Spottedleaf mentions that Featherwhisker is thinking of retiring
Cherrypaw comes into the den and apologizes to Firepaw for going overboard before insulting him for not being clan born
The raiding patrol comes back with a dead Chestnutface which causes Robinwing to fall deeper into her grief
A couple days pass and Dewpaw attempts to convince Robinwing to eat but she refuses
Ravenpaw and Longtail come in and manage to convince their mother to eat a little bit but Pale-eye states she has lost the will to live
Dewpaw overhears Darkstripe stating the loss of an elder is better for the clan because its one less useless mouth to feed
Dewpaw brings this up to Rosetail who warns her Darkstripe will face no punishment for his words because he’s Thistlestar’s son
Cute moment with Swiftkit and Lynxkit asking where papa Lion is at, revealing Goldenflower was a surrogate for Patchpelt and Lionheart
Firepaw goes hunting alone and gets attacked by Yellowfang who is too weak from sickness to actually win the fight
Firepaw takes pity on her and feeds her which gets him in trouble when a patrol finds him
Yellowfang is brought back to camp to be questioned and Firepaw is berated for breaking the warrior code
Yellowfang is questioned extensively and Thistlestar decides to keep her as a prisoner to possibly extract more information from her in the future
Firepaw is put in charge of her care and stripped of the possibility of going to the gathering as a punishment for feeding Yellowfang 
Firepaw is very upset over this because he’s hasn’t been to a gathering yet
Dewpaw, Ravenpaw, Graypaw and Sandpaw secretly help Firepaw care for Yellowfang, and Yellowfang in turn kinda adopts the apprentices
Dewpaw is allowed to attend her first gathering and when she arrives she notices that the ShadowClan apprentices seem really small
Brokenstar announces that he chased out WindClan and demands for ShadowClan to be allowed to hunt on ThunderClan AND RiverClan territory
Crookedstar hesitantly accepts but Thistlestar straight up rejects the idea and warns Brokenstar that if his warriors step foot on his territory there would be blood spilled
Thistlestar also berates Crookedstar for being such a weak leader and giving in so easily
Thistlestar returns to camp and announces to the rest of the clan to be prepared for a war with ShadowClan
Thistlestar gives Yellowfang an ultimatum, telling her to help ThunderClan beat ShadowClan or be executed for being an enemy
Yellowfang only agrees to helping him to take down Brokenstar which leaves her with a shaky alliance with Thistlestar
Featherwhisker warns Thistlestar that a war with ShadowClan would lead to more losses within ThunderClan but Thistlestar says it is an honor to die for ones clan
Featherwhisker attempts to protest further but Thiestlestar forcefully retires him, stating he has gotten too soft in his old age
Spottedleaf warns Thistlestar against retiring a healer right before a war so Thistlestar gives her Yellowfang as an assistant and offers to give her Dewpaw or Ravenpaw as an apprentice since they were useless in a fight
Thistlestar orders for every warrior to partake in battle training in preparation for the upcoming fight but tells Dewpaw and Ravenpaw to focus on hunting for the clan 
ShadowClan attacks ThunderClan camp and attempts to kidnap the kits but fail
Rosetail and Redtail are killed and Thistlestar loses a life which angers Thistlestar
He orders cats to reinforce the camp walls and for the injured to get well rested because ThunderClan would be going after ShadowClan in a couple days
Dewpaw mourns the loss of her mentor and is given to Willowpelt to complete her training
Firepaw sees the ghosts of fallen ThunderClan cats who tell them many more would be added to their ranks if Thistlestar kept up his attacks without a strategy
Firepaw brings this information to Tigerclaw who tells Thistlestar who decides Firepaw’s vision was a sign he should be a healer
Firepaw protests against this but Thistlestar makes him Spottedleaf’s apprentice anyway, stating they need more healers for the upcoming battle
Dewpaw grows increasingly nervous about the upcoming battles and confides in Sandpaw about her desire to run away from ThunderClan
Firepaw is learning herbs from Spottedleaf when she has a vision and tells Firepaw that he would save the clans
Firepaw isn’t sure how to respond to this and leaves camp to collect more herbs for the battle that would take place the next day
Firepaw spots ShadowClan cats heading towards ThunderClan camp and rushes back to warn the clan
Clawface and Blackfoot are caught trying to sneak into camp and brought before Thistlestar
Thistlestar orders for the two to be executed and their bodies to be left at the border for ShadowClan to discover
Firepaw sees a ghost(Goosefeather) who tells him that the clans would be filled with blood if Thistlestar is not stopped
Firepaw repeats this warning to Tigerclaw who responds by stating it wouldn’t be ThunderClan blood that would be spilled
The next day Thistlestar decides to lead the attack on ShadowClan, leading a large number of cats out of camp
Dewpaw and Ravenpaw go to the healers den where Firepaw tells them about his vision and Dewpaw suggests getting WindClan’s help
Spottedleaf warns her that WindClan had been chased off by Brokenstar so they likely wouldn’t be able to return until he is gone
When the battle patrol returns they return with a dead Cherrypaw 
Thistlestar announces that that he has killed Brokenstar and left ShadowClan leaderless
Dustpelt, Sandstorm and Graystripe are made warriors for doing so well in the battle
Firepaw helps tend to the injured cats and notices that none of the apprentices are celebrating over the victory as they mourn Cherrypaw
The warning about spilled blood rings in Firepaw’s ears and he knows Thistlestar needs to be stopped before more innocent blood is lost
That night Dewpaw comes to Firepaw and announces she would be going to find WindClan to bring them home but Firepaw convinces her to wait until the next gathering before she does anything impulsive
Yellowfang is called to Thistlestar’s den and she is given the option to swear loyalty to ThunderClan and become another healer or she will be exiled
Yellowfang decides to walk away while she still can and as she’s leaving, Dewpaw tells her she should find WindClan which she agrees on
Firepaw wonders what the future holds in store for ThunderClan
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dreamingblacktabby · 2 years
Thistlestar's reign(part 2)
Leader: Thistlestar - Gray patched tom with yellow eyes
Deputy: Tigerclaw - Big dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and huge front claws
Healers: Spottedleaf - Pretty dappled tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Fireheart
Warriors: Patchpelt - Black and white tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Ravenpaw
Bluefur - Blue-gray she-cat with blue eyes
Lionheart - Big golden tom with green eyes
Whitestorm - Big white tom with yellow eyes
Darkstripe - Dark tabby tom with amber eyes
Willowpelt - Diluted tortoiseshell she-cat with unusual blue eyes
Apprentice: Dewpaw
Runningfoot - Lithe brown tabby tom with green eyes
Mousefur - Small brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Lynxpaw
Longtail - Pale tabby tom with black tabby stripes and an elegant long tail
Apprentice: Swiftpaw
Dustpelt - Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Sandstorm - Pale ginger tabby she-cat with green eyes
Graystripe - Big gray tom with yellow eyes
Apprentices: Fireheart - Small ginger tom with green eyes
Ravenpaw - Skinny black tom with white markings and heterochromia
Dewpaw - Torbie and white she-cat with green eyes
Swiftpaw - Black and white tom with amber eyes
Lynxpaw - Golden tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Queens: Frostfur - Pretty white she-cat with blue eyes
Kits: Cinderkit, Brightkit, Brackenkit and Thornkit
Brindleface - Pretty dappled gray she-cat with green eyes
Kits: Fernkit and Ashkit
Nurses: Dappletail - Pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Speckletail - Golden tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Goldenflower - Big golden queen with green eyes
Elders: Smallear - Small gray tom with folded ears and amber eyes
Sparrowpelt - Skinny tabby tom with amber eyes and part of his tail missing
Pale-eye - Pale gray tabby she-cat with a green eye and a scarred face
Robinwing - Small brown she-cat with a distinctive ginger chest
Featherwhisker - Pale gray tom with amber eyes
Vigils are ended and Cherrypaw’s body is carried off to be buried
Spottedleaf tells Firepaw about the other healers he would meet at the upcoming gathering
She offers Firepaw an out, stating, while rare, healer apprentices can be rejected by StarClan and forced to remain a warrior(she’s willing to lie and say Firepaw was rejected)
Firepaw turns down the offer but thanks Spottedleaf for the consideration
Thistlestar decides to give Dewpaw and Ravenpaw a surprise battle assessment to see if they are ready to be warriors yet and both of them fail his standards
Thistlestar tells Willowpelt and Patchpelt to focus on battle training them until they are competent
At the gathering Firepaw is introduced to Mudfur and Runningnose
Nightpelt arrives as the temporary leader until someone is officially assigned the position
Thistlestar taunts ShadowClan and warns Crookedstar to watch out, as RiverClan would be next if they continued to fight over Sunning rocks
WindClan is not discussed much to Dewpaw’s anger
Dewpaw vents her frustrations to Firepaw the next day and tells him she is scared of Thistlestar because he doesn’t care about the cats being killed in the battles he’s ordering
Swiftpaw and Lynxpaw ae apprenticed to Longtail and Mousefur, respectively
Spottedleaf takes Firepaw to his first half moon gathering and officially makes him her apprentice with the name Fireheart
Fireheart sees Silverpelt herself in his dreams and she tells him that the fate of the clans rests in his paws which Fireheart argues against
Fireheart feels very overwhelmed by everything and wishes things were different
Dewpaw and Ravenpaw are out hunting and Dewpaw asks Ravenpaw if he’d be willing to run away to find WindClan with her
She mentions he’s the best tracker in the clan and he’s be able to find them no problem
Ravenpaw tentatively agrees but on the condition they tell Firepaw what they’re doing
That night Dewpaw and Ravenpaw sneak into the healers den to tell Firepaw their plan and he argues against it at first but eventually caves and lets them go
He gives them some traveling herbs to help the first part of their journey and then the two apprentices disappear into the night on the trail of WindClan
Tigerclaw discovers the two apprentices missing the next day and tells Thistlestar
Thistlestar announces their disappearance to the clan and warns them to bring the apprentices in for questioning should they return
Graystripe goes out with Fireheart to help him collect herbs near Sunning rocks in case RiverClan decided to attack
He chases a vole onto the ice and has to get rescued from drowning by Silverstream
Graystripe flirts with her a bit before Fireheart ushers him back to camp to get warmed up before he gets sick
Dewpaw and Ravenpaw manage to find WindClan who has taken shelter in the sewers and find Yellowfang there, helping care for them
Dewpaw tells Tallstar that Brokenstar is gone but Tallstar points out Thistlestar is still alive and he’s barely any better
Dewpaw manages to convince him its safe enough to return to his camp but Tallstar asks to wait until his clan is well enough to travel as a couple cats are sick and there’s a queen still recovering from a hard kitting
Dewpaw and Ravenpaw agree to help hunt for WindClan until they are ready to return
ThunderClan camp has a whitecough outbreak that quickly turns into a Greencough outbreak
Thistlestar grows frustrated by the fact his clan is not fit to attack RiverClan at the moment as he’s convinced RiverClan will take back Sunning rocks while they are unable to fight back
He mentions how RiverClan already seems to be crossing the border more lately
Fireheart goes out herb gathering and runs into Dewpaw and Ravenpaw who have returned with WindClan
Fireheart warns them about Thistlestar’s orders to bring the two in for questioning which cause Ravenpaw to panic
Dewpaw decides the two of them won’t be returning to ThunderClan and instead they will join WindClan, since she is beyond done with Thistlestar
Ravenpaw is hesitant to leave his ailing mother but agrees that he can’t return to ThunderClan, telling Fireheart to tell Robinwing that he’ll miss her
Fireheart returns to camp to see Frostfur’s kits being made apprentices
Tulipkit and Lynxpaw die of Greencough
At the next gathering Thistlestar and Crookedstar accuse each other of letting their warrior cross the border and the gathering is ended by clouds blocking the moon
Fireheart notices Graystripe and Silverstream looking nervously at one another
The next day Thistlestar announces that every able bodied warrior would be joining him on a raiding party against RiverClan
Fireheart confronts Graystripe about what he noticed at the gathering and Graystripe confesses to secretly meeting with Silverstream because they’d fallen in love
Fireheart points out their forbidden relationship was the reason Thistlestar was bringing most of the clan to raid RiverClan
Thistlestar leads the raid on RiverClan and Fireheart has a vision of blood again
When the raiding party returns Thistlestar announces he took Crookedstar’s last life
Cinderpaw’s leg has been badly injured and she is stuck in the healers den for a while
Bluefur finally speaks up against Thistlestar, accusing him of running ThunderClan to extinction with provokes a fight
Thistlestar kills Bluefur much to the clans’ horror and Fireheart is frozen in horror at the sight of his former mentor’s lifeless body
Thistlestar warns the clan he will not stand for cats who question his authority
Fireheart, Whitestorm and Frostfur are the only cats brave enough to sit vigil for Bluefur that night 
Fireheart feels like he won’t be enough to save ThunderClan
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dreamingblacktabby · 2 years
Thistlestar's Reign(part 3)
Leader: Thistlestar - Gray patched tom with yellow eyes
Deputy: Tigerclaw - Big dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes and huge front claws
Healers: Spottedleaf - Pretty dappled tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Fireheart
Warriors: Patchpelt - Black and white tom with amber eyes
Lionheart - Big golden tom with green eyes
Whitestorm - Big white tom with yellow eyes
Apprentice: Brightpaw
Darkstripe - Dark tabby tom with amber eyes
Apprentice: Brackenpaw
Frostfur - Pretty white she-cat with blue eyes
Willowpelt - Diluted tortoiseshell she-cat with unusual blue eyes
Runningfoot - Lithe brown tabby tom with green eyes
Apprentice: Cinderpaw
Mousefur - Small brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Apprentice: Thornpaw
Longtail - Pale tabby tom with black tabby stripes and an elegant long tail
Apprentice: Swiftpaw
Dustpelt - Dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Sandstorm - Pale ginger tabby she-cat with green eyes
Graystripe - Big gray tom with yellow eyes
Apprentices: Fireheart - Small ginger tom with green eyes
Swiftpaw - Black and white tom with amber eyes
Cinderpaw - Gray she-cat with heterochromia
Brightpaw - Ginger and white she-cat with blue eyes
Brackenpaw - Brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Thornpaw - Light brown tabby tom with blue eyes
Queens: Brindleface - Pretty dappled gray she-cat with green eyes
Kits: Fernkit and Ashkit
Nurses: Speckletail - Golden tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Kits: Expecting
Goldenflower - Big golden queen with green eyes
Kits: Expecting
Elders: Smallear - Small gray tom with folded ears and amber eyes
Sparrowpelt - Skinny tabby tom with amber eyes and part of his tail missing
Pale-eye - Pale gray tabby she-cat with a green eye and a scarred face
Robinwing - Small brown she-cat with a distinctive ginger chest
Featherwhisker - Pale gray tom with amber eyes
Dappletail - Pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes
Fireheart helps the elders bury Bluefur and contemplates running away to join Dewpaw and Ravenpaw in WindClan
Fireheart decides against it as he doesn’t want to abandon everyone else who would still be stuck under Thistlestar’s rule
Fireheart helps Cinderpaw relearn how to walk with her new leg injury
Runningfoot(Runningwind) comes to check on his apprentice and learns that her injury is permanent and will likely hinder her ability to perform her warrior duties
Runningfoot tells this to Tigerclaw who tells Thistlestar
Thistlestar sees Cinderpaw’s injury and decides she will never be able to become a warrior and tells Spottedleaf she will be training as another healer
Spottedleaf points out she already has an apprentice and Thistlestar explains ThunderClan can use all the healers they can get
Spottedleaf challenged him on this by pointing out he forcefully retired Featherwhisker so Thistlestar reinstates Featherwhisker as a healer just long enough for him to train Cinderpaw
Robinwing comes to the healers den looking for Ravenpaw as she hasn’t seen him in a while, and assumes he’s still training as a warrior ceremony hasn’t been performed yet
Fireheart breaks the news to her that Ravenpaw is in WindClan now and offers to bring her to the border so she can see him but Robinwing turns the offer down saying she doesn’t have the energy to travel that far anymore
Fireheart is out showing Cinderpaw the best places to collect certain herbs when they discover the river has flooded
They report this back to Tigerclaw and Graystripe overhears this and panics
Fireheart agrees to go with Graystripe to check on RiverClan under the excuse of collecting herbs but this results in Cinderpaw being sent with them
Fireheart decides to be honest with Cinderpaw and tells her they’re checking on RiverClan but doesn’t tell her why
They end up spotting a pair of kits stranded in the water and Fireheart swims out to rescue them and nearly drowns in the process
Fireheart and Cinderpaw check them over and dry the kits off before they follow the river to a bridge that allows them to cross onto RiverClan territory
They immediately get caught by a patrol who assumes they’re stealing the kits and they’re brought to the temporary RiverClan camp to be questioned by Leopardstar
Leopardstar recognizes Fireheart as a healer allowing him to explain their purpose on RiverClan territory
Graystripe sees how bad RiverClan is doing and offers to hunt for them which Leopardstar awkwardly accepts
Fireheart offers to help with food and herbs which Leopardstar is a bit more grateful for since he’s a healer
Cinderpaw offers to help as well but Fireheart warns her against it because he doesn’t want her to get in trouble if Thistlestar catches them
They collect a few herbs on the way back to camp in order to avoid being caught
Despite Fireheart’s warning, Cinderpaw helps him and Graystripe bring food and herbs to RiverClan
One day Graystripe tells Fireheart that Silverstream is pregnant with his kits 
Fireheart worries about Graystripe on the way back to camp
Tigerclaw questions why the trio have been out for so long and brought so little back to which Cinderpaw points out its not easy to collect herbs in flooded areas
Featherwhisker catches the three and tells them they will need to help him collect more because Thistlestar plans on raiding RiverClan again while they’re weak 
He leads them a ways away before confronting them about what they were really doing
Cinderpaw attempts to lie but fails so Graystripe comes clean
Featherwhisker warns them that Thistlestar has already killed Bluefur for arguing with him and he will certainly kill the trio if he finds out they’ve been aiding RiverClan
Tigerclaw reveals himself and tells them Thistlestar will indeed have their throats for what they’ve done, regardless of blood relations or their status as healers
Featherwhisker attempts to reason with Tigerclaw but Tigerclaw warns them that they must be punished for their disloyalty
Featherwhisker launches an attack on Tigerclaw to try and save the trio and end up sending the two of them into a flooded creek
The two struggle against the current until Featherwhisker makes a sacrifice by latching onto Tigerclaw and drowning them both
Fireheart and Graystripe manage to find their bodies washed ashore further down the stream and they send Cinderpaw back to camp for reinforcements
Fireheart lies about what happened and explains Featherwhisker slipped into the water and Tigerclaw had attempted to save him but was unsuccessful
Thistlestar is upset by the loss but announces that Tigerclaw would have a high place in StarClan for his endless loyalty and sacrifice for his clan
Thistlestar names Whitestorm his new deputy which gives Fireheart a little more hope that the clan isn’t actually doomed
Thistlestar decides to skip the gathering due to the dangers from flooding and tells the clan they will mourn the loss of their deputy instead
As the floodwaters subside and Whitestorm gets use to his new position as deputy, Graystripe starts meeting with Silverstream by himself again
Fireheart follows him one day and confronts the pair about how dangerous them meeting is and tells Silverstream to stay in RiverClan until her kits are weaned for their safety at the very least
When Fireheart and Graystripe return to camp they find Thistlestar waiting for them and Thistlestar confronts Graystripe about his relationship with Silverstream
Thistlestar reveals Darkstripe saw what happened and believes Fireheart hadn’t known about the relationship previously but does believe Fireheart had plans on keeping it secret
Thistlestar half blinds Graystripe and tells him he will let Graystripe live only because they are kin and then he exiles Graystripe from RiverClan
Thistlestar wounds Fireheart as well and warns Fireheart that he expects more loyalty in the future
Sandstorm follows Fireheart to the healers den to make sure he is alright
Sandstorm is worried about the future of the clans as well and apologizes to him for growing so distant after her father’s death
Fireheart is caught off guard by all of this and questions her to which Sandstorm points out she’s losing too many cats that she cares about
Fireheart feels bad for her and reveals Dewpaw and Ravenpaw were in WindClan, offering her the chance to run away to join them but Sandstorm refuses to abandon everyone else
Fireheart asks Sandstorm to help him take down Thistlestar before he destroys ThunderClan which catches Sandstorm off guard but she agrees to help him
Fireheart tells her a new rebellion of brewing
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dreamingblacktabby · 2 years
Rebooting my Thistlestar's Reign AU because I hate how I wrote the original version. Be prepared for a better thought out version of that AU that doesn't completely fall apart half way through.
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