#red: ahahahah aw. cute address by the way
What would happen if mc got released out of prison sooner? I can imagine the prison would want her to come back to keep skull content but the other two on the other hand……
Sans: He misses her. Stars, he misses her. She writes to him nearly every day (his ‘low risk’ letters don’t need to go through checks), and she definitely visits more often than he thought she would, but he misses her so much it hurts because she was his cellmate. His girl. He lays awake at night, staring at the ceiling, the emptiness of the room makes his Soul feel cold and hopelessly lonely. He opened up... now he’s paying the price.
He was extremely tempted to sabotage her release. Even for a few months- it’d be as easy as anonymously submitting ‘evidence’ against her, even if it was false it’d require some time to process and he’d have her a little longer. Had she been freed during the beginning steps of their relationship, he may have gone through with that. But something in him told him he just can’t do that to her. He’s trying to be a better person, for her sake, she’s planted seeds of empathy in his once-merciless mind, and now... robbing her of her freedom so he can hold her a few more nights? He just can’t.
He’ll see her again. He knows he will. He doesn’t get go that easily.
Red: Mc thought getting out of prison would be the thing that finally made Red drop his interest. Sure, the two had grown to genuinely like each other, and she was beginning to realise he was sweet and genuine and more than just the powerthirsty thug everyone else was terrified of... but she was totally convinced that once she was out of the prison walls, he’d find someone else to bother.
He’s got eyes everywhere on the outside. He knows exactly what she’s doing, where she’s going, who she’s seeing... and she’s aware of that, too. He makes sure his contacts aren’t subtle about who sent him. Red sends her flowers and letters (they arrive at her exact address), fancy gifts and cash, he’s flexing his power and making it clear to her that his affection hasn’t faltered just because she’s out of physical reach. It’s pretty intimidating; it’s one thing to hear about how much sway his family has, it’s another to experience it firsthand.
He misses her. He wants to make sure she knows that as soon as he’s out, he’s coming to find her; he’ll make good on all those date promises he made behind bars~
Skull: The prison is desperate to keep her around. Desperate. They’d hire her with a position they prepared before she’s even released, paying her to visit Skull as often as she can to keep him calm. It’s a pretty sweet deal, considering it’s really hard to find jobs as an ex-convict and they fork out a respectable amount for her to just sit in a cell with a smothery Skull.
He loses his mind without her. When she’s gone too long, he reverts to a state of madness and violence even worse than before, deteriorating from broken speech into frantic snarling and screaming before breaking into fits of hysterical rage against anyone who even comes close. Everything turns into a blur of confusion and fear, he’s terrified of waking up alone. Waking up alone means there’s a 50/50 chance he’ll be in a nauseous haze with blood on his claws. 
Sometimes, he wakes up to her smell. Her soft hands on his face, grounding him to reality. Her voice distracts him from the painful shivers and aches his body gets from the intensely heavy tranquilisers. Those times... those are the times he feels like there might be something in him worth saving.
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