#redbone’s on in the background he can’t be bothered
honeyedlashton · 1 year
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✨on the town🤍🩵
30 notes · View notes
peeterparkr · 4 years
perfidy;tom holland|3
chapter 3: the background music
enemies to lovers au/enemies with benefits 
story summary: Tom and you have been sworn enemies since you were young. However, you happened to be best friends with the twins. When one of your friends challenged you to break Tom’s heart, you immediately accepted to get back at him for all the times he’s hurt you. Old feelings might come back, while both of you try to go past your pride and your lies.
chapter summary: you get a chance to get closer to Tom, and you take it.  
pairing: tom holland x y/n
warnings: swearing, alcohol, mentions of sex (? didn’t proof read
word count: 6k (whoops)
here’s a playlist
previous chapter next chapter series masterlist wanna be tagged?
Hi! I’ve been super busy I’m sorry! And I rewrote this like a thousand times but I like where this is going, so please! Tell me what you think, comments and reblogs are very welcome. (Btw it’d be cool if you listened to the songs) 
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It’s been a while since you felt your heart halt with excitement. You hadn’t felt your stomach jolt with butterflies since your first date with Timmy. And you kind of missed it, that ever lasting and wonderful joy to experience on a first encounter. The smiles, the tingle and the hand shaking. The little hints of flirting that led to asking someone out. It’s like walking into a movie theatre, with a promise of joy, with the taste of popcorn,  and you find yourself walking in with excitement and getting transported into a whole new other world. 
Love, like any movie, can be good, can be bad. Like a good story, one that’s promising and you can’t stop watching, and you want to see yourself in the emotions, and feel the air and the breeze. 
Love is like movies, some of them you like, some of them you don’t. Movies make us cry, make us feel. Some of them make us laugh, some of them not so much. 
And love, it has its own background music. Like in films, there are songs that just transport you back to that moment, to that scene. With Timmy, it was a calm song, too calm for your own convenience. 
But Tom, not that you loved him, somehow had his own soundtrack. 80’s chaotic rock n’ roll. Rolling Stones vibes. Every time he walked into the room, it felt like one of those scenes in a movie, a bar with little lightning when the guy with blue jeans and white t-shirt walked in, cigarette in the edge of his mouth, walking in vainly, as if he thought everyone had their eyes on him. They probably did, if you were honest that made you hate him even more, but somehow it was interesting. A character that probably had no other personality trait than being an asshole. 
It wasn’t always like that. Not that notorious, at least. Tom had changed from a 60’s chaotic rock n roll. Always rock n roll. You could picture it, if you had to imagine a scene from your childhood with Tom, you’d probably play The Kinks. Picture Book. 
When Tom and you were younger, it was absolutely clear you didn’t get along. Constant hair pulling, insults, and pranks. A parade of hatred, yelling, fighting and very unnecessary arguments over very stupid stuff. And yes, Tom was still wrong, Robin Hood was not the superior Disney movie, just to clear that out. 
Everyone said it: Those two can’t hate each other more. They were right. 
At school, if you ever crossed paths, there’d be trouble. You’d often be at the principal’s office after having a heated argument with Tom or a prank, or…whatever you guys had come up with this time. 
It was quite clear. 
Your mother and Nikki, however, had a very different opinion on your relationship than anyone else, they were aware of your attitude and Tom’s, but they were still convinced they would fix it, and you didn’t blame them, you’d also be pissed if in the future your children didn’t get along with Harry’s or Sam’s, you’d try to force it as well. At a point, they stopped forcing the ‘future romantic relationship’ bullshit dream and settled with trying to get you guys getting along without fighting. They were sure that the fighting was probably because you had only a few things in common, so they pushed your activities together. 
Add in some Johnny B. Goode to remember the following. 
First, it was piano lessons. First class and you had already knocked down the piano while yelling at each other. You weren’t welcomed for a second class. Then it was baseball, and Tom had hit your nose with the ball, it had been an accident ‘allegedly’. It wasn’t. You weren’t welcome for that class either. Painting classes, you had painted Tom’s clothes all green and made his hair pink. The teacher had claimed she’d never seen two kids more unfit for art than you two. 
So, yeah, it didn’t work out. 
Eventually, Nikki and your mother decided to stop trying, or at least they gave up the extra classes. At least not together, Tom started ballet and you found joy in photography classes. You were getting along better since you didn’t have to actually spend time together. 
So they’d just ask how your relationship was going and whenever they wanted to have tea together they’d avoid bringing you two together unless you were cool with each other. It made it very difficult that you were very good friends with the twins. 
But you had had your secrets, even after everything, you still crushed on him from time to time. However, the last time you had had any kind of feelings like those had been when he had taken you to prom. Of course it had awakened something in you, but those feelings had never come back because he had broken your heart. What else could you expect from someone like him? After that, you’d promised yourself you’d never fall again for him. Not that you fell for him, but you promised that his smile would never make your stomach jolt with joy. 
It hadn’t. 
Let’s go 70’s music now, maybe. Come and Get Your Love-Redbone. 
Even on your 18th birthday, the last time you ackwloedged you had made out---kissed- with him hadn’t brought any feelings. Or maybe, they had surfaced but they had been very different feelings. They were mostly confused and disgusted. THere had been one more thing but... You decided to ignore it. But you hadn’t really felt anything for him, less when you realized how big of an asshole he was to you. 
You were sure he had never felt anything for you. He had made it very clear. ‘I’d rather eat a frog than kiss you’. Yet, he had kissed you. 
You had once bothered him about it: “Hey Holland, I know why your face looks like that, you said you’d rather eat a frog than kiss me, so you ended up never swallowing that frog!” 
However you were now facing a predicament. You had a month, a month to make him fall in love with you when he clearly had no interest in you. 
That’s all you could think about as you had arrived at his parents’ place. You had been quiet on the ride back home. You hadn’t even told him how it had gone. But he had let you choose the music. You’d love to change the soundtrack on your relationship with Tom, maybe an 80’s more type of funky music. 
You hadn’t told your friends about it, but you had told them you’d be going to a bar later to celebrate. But you had been quiet. You needed to think of something fast because you knew how your boss liked to work, and this was the opportunity of a lifetime. You’d be away for two months and if you didn’t come back with a script for her you’d be screwed. This was the worst timing, Tom was going to start filming in exactly three days, sure he’d start in London and then go to America, but you had to do something quick and come up with a lame excuse to hang out with him. Change the background music in your scenes with him. 
How does one make your enemy fall in love with you? You thought of the possibility of changing the script and sending in an idea to Alessandra, maybe you could talk about something that was actually happening to you. The story of your breakup with Timmy? That could work, although your breakup had been extremely boring. No one would like to watch something as calm and boring and that probably was playing the worst music in history. 
And if you thought about it, with Tom, it was like one of those sexy chaotic rock n’ roll songs. 
How would you make him fall in love with you? And why did you want him to? That’s all you had been thinking about on the way home. Because there was a part of you that wanted him to feel the way you felt back when you were younger. You wanted him to feel that agony of knowing that you liked someone who would rather go eat a frog than to ever like you back. Someone who constantly found ways to hurt you. Who could ever fall in love with such a beast like him? 
Tom led the way to the door. And you gave it a thought, all of this was now just a scene, something you were writing, but writing it along the way. And you pictured it on the script. How you could start and use some childhood scenes, and then, to this exact moment, with a little bit more of imagination. 
Ext. 1989 London Suburbs-Day. 
Y/N gets out of the car, an 86 blue porsche. Tom is playing with the keys and heading to the door. 
Hey, Tom? 
You saw it, you could write it. 
“Hey, Tom?” You asked. And you had to take a look at him, and really stare. So he’d know. You knew him, that was your weapon. You knew what he liked, what he didn’t, you knew the girls he’d dated. You had that in your favor, and you knew that Tom loved being noticed. 
He noticed that you were staring and you saw him slightly concerned. 
“Oh, you’re talking, good,” he said as he cleared his throat and then you finally arrived at his face, arching your eyebrows as your eyes met his.. He’d grown up, but you could still see that kid you once knew. “Are you okay?” He asked. And you saw him, he was weirded out. He noticed you were staring. 
“Thanks for the ride, it meant a lot to me.” For starters, you could try to be nice. 
He gave you an awkward smile. “Sure.” 
You walked to the door now, but he stopped you. 
“How did it go?” He asked. And you only patted him on the shoulder. 
“Good, thanks for worrying,” and you placed a kiss on his cheek. And you thought of the camera, maybe a close up to the lipstick stain you’d left. 
He went red and paused, triumphantly you opened the door and there was his whole family. Of course Nikki  would do this. They knew how big this was and they loved making a big deal about it, especially since Tom had driven you. 
This was awkward, it wasn’t like you didn’t feel comfortable with the Hollands, au contraire, but there was that pinch of guilt holding you back, you knew what you were going to do and you felt like everyone knew about it. Especially since they saw Tom was trying to scratch the remaining lipstick on his cheek.
But you walked in, Nikki was on the phone, and she dedicated a big smile to you. 
“It’s your mum!” she mouthed.  Your parents were currently having a perfect vacation in Paris, and if you were honest with yourself, you’d rather be third wheeling your parents than trying to come up with ways to make your biggest enemy fall in love with you. It sounded so dramatic, an enemy. Calling him that seemed so immature and childish. But there was no other way to call him. He was your mortal enemy. 
Dom was the one to approach you and hugged you hello. 
You didn’t know if they sensed your tension. 
“Hey y/n, what’s with the long face?” Sam asked as he grinned looking at you, walking over. “Who died?” 
“Her hopes and dreams, probably,” Tom said behind you. “And her sex life,” he laughed, earning a glare by Nikki. 
“Tom,” Nikki turned stern. 
“What? Didn’t she just break up?” Tom pushed with a smirk. 
Nikki crossed her arms, “Thomas,” her voice was firm as she watched him leave for the kitchen, but then softened as she looked at you. “Y/N, long time no see! I see Tom drove you,” Nikki grinned. 
“Yeah, he did, didn’t leave me alone” you chuckled. “He was nice, that didn’t last” you chuckled. 
“Your brother is coming, too, by the way,” she informed you. Great. But how did it go?” She grinned. “Do you have a job now?” 
Harry tackled you from behind. “Yes,  idiot! How did it go?” 
You chuckled as you turned around to finally hug him. “Hi!” You wanted to tell Harry everything, everything, you hadn’t seen him in a while, he was too busy with his own things and his new girlfriend, Emma.
“Oh, you don’t know how much I missed you,” he said.  
“Me too,” you grinned. “How are things with Emma? How are you?” 
“Good, great, things are… great, I’ve got some news!” He chuckled. “But, okay, tell me everything about the interview, I’m so sorry I couldn’t-”
“Hey, it’s alright! It went amazing! I… Well, it’s complicated, but I kind of nailed it.” 
“Really?” Tom asked as he was opening up a bag of crisps. “Then why were you quiet all this time?” 
“I didn’t want to talk to you,” you snapped. “Never share good news with your enemy.” 
Tom rolled his eyes and forced a laugh.
You turned back to Harry. “But, hey, what is the news?” 
“Um… let’s just… Have lunch.” 
Before you knew it, you were sitting down listening to Harry and Sam, both of them making you laugh with their stories. Tom sat at the other edge of the table, far from you. This was how it usually went, him far away from you and avoiding any eye contact with you. Everyone understood it, and they didn’t try to push it that far anymore. There were times when you turned to eat, when things were bad, but right now it seemed like it was bothering Tom. You could see he wanted to join the conversation at times but he remained on his phone, or talking to his parents. 
Your brother arrived and he sat near Tom, they were friends, and they could talk to each other. And although your brother was aware of your relationship with Tom, he had grown up with him, too so there couldn’t be any hard feelings against them. Besides, everyone in the family was aware of it. This was between you and Tom only, nothing to drag them in.
You caught Tom’s eyes a few times, and you had, against your will, dedicated him a smile or two. He hadn’t smiled back. 
“Okay, so what’s the big deal, y/n?” James asked. “I mean, I love coming over for lunch here but, how did it go? Are you an official writer?” 
You chuckled as you saw them looking at you. “I well…” 
They frowned. 
“Well, they asked me to write a script, for a new series, pitch in an idea, they’re giving me two months to write it and if they like it, I am officially working for them.” 
“That’s nuts,” Harry frowned.
 “That sounds like the worst job offer,” Paddy pointed out. 
“Pads,” Sam frowned at him. 
“It’s a competition kind of thing, if they like it enough, they’ll produce it,” you explained. “That’s why I’m not as...excited.” 
“But it’s a chance,” Tom pointed out. “I… talked to your friend, he… Charlie, that’s his name?” He asked. “And he told me about that and how they’re only choosing between three people.” 
Your eyes widened. He had talked to Charlie and that made you feel uncomfortable. “Yes, well, it’s a shot, it’s better than having nothing.” 
“But wait, until then you have like… No job?” Sam asked.
You bit your lip. “Yup, but hey it’s… a good shot, I honestly thought Alessandra was going to fire me.” 
“That’s nonsense,” James pitched in. “But okay, I’m still proud of you, little one,” he grinned. 
You knew it wasn’t a big shot, but it was a chance. 
“Yes, it’s still good.” Harry pursed his lips.
Nikki and Dom watched you, and you saw it in their eyes the same pity your parents usually had. 
“But hey!” You tried to change the subject. “Harry’s got news too, right?” 
Harry popped his lips. “Yeah, uh… I got… Well, I actually, ...it got in, the screenplay, they’re producing it,” Harry explained, and he said it with the softest voice as if he was trying not to hurt you. But this was weird, you already knew that part. “But well, we’re starting the production in a week in… Scotland.” 
“That’s amazing!” You grinned. 
And his whole family started to cheer for him, and the tension in the room faded out. 
Except when Tom finally… realized something. “Wait, in a week?” Tom asked. “Then… you’re not...coming to help me out?” 
And the table went quiet. Harry was Tom’s assistant, he knew schedules, clothes, everything. Harry was basically Tom’s boss. 
“Yeah, I wanted to talk about that, too,” Harry bit his lip. “I can’t… I would’ve told you sooner so we could find another assistant but-” 
“No, no, don’t apologize,” Tom cleared his throat. “I’m super excited I just… I need to find an assistant.”
And then you saw it. A chance, as if you had just wished upon a star and it had granted you an opportunity. If this hadn’t been the situation you probably would’ve called him out on being so selfish and arrogant and vain as you usually did, but this was unexpected as if the universe was trying to help you with your plan. 
The family started to give him so options and they were trying to find a balance between finding somehting that could soothe stupid Tom and congratulate Harry
“What if… I’m your assistant?” You said, loud enough for all them to quiet down. 
Tom laughed. “What?” 
“Yeah, think about it,” you shrugged. “I don’t have a job right now, and it’ll be what? Two months filming? It’s a perfect time for me to help you out and write” 
Tom frowned, staring at you. “You can’t be serious?” 
“Why not?” You grinned. 
“Because you can’t stand each other,” this time your brother popped in. “And being his assistant would mean spending this entire two months with him.” 
“And he gets pretty annoying,” Sam said. 
“I’m used to that, I can handle that,” you said. 
“I can’t handle you,” Tom frowned. 
“Now, now, Tom it might be… a good idea,” Nikkie said, and of course she would agree. Of course she wanted you to be around him, with hopes of you getting along. And right now, you wanted more than getting along. 
“Yes, you’re both adults now, you can be decent, right?” Dom intruded.
“I can,” you smiled. 
“No, you can’t,” Tom clenched his jaw. 
“Oh, c’mon, Tom, help her out,” Harry said. “Besides, I’m sure she’ll be great, she'd be amazing at planning.” 
Tom looked away. “I’ll… think about it.” 
Lunch became quiet on Tom’s side of the table, while you kept talking to Harry and Sam. You weren’t quiet, and eventually ended up in the living room, having a laugh and waiting for it to get dark so you could go to the bar where you’d meet your friends. 
You borrowed a hoodie and then you were good to go, Sam, Harry and you were about to walk out when you bumped into Tom who had also stayed, talking to your brother, who had just left. 
Tom looked at the three of you and walked past you. 
“Have fun.” 
Usually, he wouldn’t be invited, but right now you were under very different circumstances. It felt different. And there was still that tinge in your ear telling you to back away, no one should play with fire unless you want to get burned. 
“You can come, too,” you said as you turned around. 
“What?” Tom frowned as he stopped. 
“You’re invited,” you cleared up, as he slightly turned to you. 
“Sure,” you smiled. “C’mon it’s my way to pay you for the ride.” 
He clenched his jaw, but he quickly accepted it and joined you. 
Before you knew it, you had a beer in your hand and he was sitting right beside you. You didn’t understand how or why, but he had been the one to sit without a warning. You were in your favorite booth at the end of the pub where you had a little bit more privacy. And you watched Tom, and his cap. 
You didn’t stand him, why were you going to risk it all for this? And the idea of being his assistant was giving you a headache. 
But you thought about it, how stupid it was of Alessandra to ask for a script based on real life. It was probably one of her most stupid ideas, and you knew that she probably was doing it because she believed of herself as a teacher that was giving the key of art to the interns. When in reality she was only pushing everyone back. But maybe this would be a challenge for you, you’d never written anything remotely close to a love story, only when younger, maybe, but you didn’t like writing love because it didn’t feel like a challenge to you. Maybe it was now. 
Somehow, Charlie and Danielle had decided that the perfect way to get the evening going was to ask about your childhood. 
There was a live group playing music, and somehow you felt it was a sign. 70’s and 80’s rock n’ roll. It suited the vibe, as the light was dimmed out. 
“Man, I—If I’m honest, I think we probably have everything filmed,” Tom said, as he answered Danielle’s question of your childhood. “Y/N and Harry used to carry that camera everywhere.” 
The beer in your hand was bittersweet, you had stopped counting how many you had had, Tom kept ordering you both beer, something advised by Harry and Sam, who had pointed out you both needed to be a little bit tipsy to stand each other. 
“Really?” Charlie asked. 
“Yes, we should pick that up again, you know?” You nodded, as you let down your beer, you brushed your fingers against Tom’s. “It's good to have memories.” 
Harry grinned. “I mean we didn’t really stop.” 
“No, but you know, we used to literally film everything we’d be filming this!” You pointed out. 
Tom chuckled as he took out his phone. “Hey everyone, it’s Tom and I’m kind of drunk here,” he admitted to the camera. “On my side, you’ll be able to see a troll, one of a kind, viewer discretion is advised,” he pointed at you as you glared at him. 
“Oh, piss off.” 
“See? Oh maybe I’m wrong, are you a witch?” He smirked as he pointed the camera at you. 
“Change a letter there, sweetheart,” Charlie grinned. “It’s not a w it’s a b.” 
Harry snickered. “Oh, don’t give him ideas.”
Tom shook his head. “Nah, she’s more of a witch,” Tom said carefully as he turned to you. “The wicked witch of the east.” 
“It’s the west, dumbass,” you corrected him. 
“No, because the one who died is the one from the east,” he winked at you. “And I’m Glinda.” 
“You know she’s the real villain of the story right?” You frowned. 
“She is not.” 
“No, she’s not but—“you chuckled. “I’m drunk. I dunno.”
But the conversation was flowing and you were hinting some flirting at Tom sometimes, like casually touching his shoulder or batting your eyes a bit more, and he was catching up on it. But your nature would show up and you’d end up mocking each other and rolling your eyes. If anything, you could blame it on the alcohol. 
“You know, you know what you two need?” Charlie said between drunken giggles. Tom was recording again as he made silly faces to the camera but then started to record you.  
“A burger,” you answered, turning back to Charlie. 
“With chips, yes,” Tom agreed and you laughed and slightly leaned against him. You had significantly gotten closer to him through the night and you were sure his hand had landed several times on your waist. His hand was slightly now behind your shoulders, resting against the booth. 
“No, you guys need to bone,” Charlie snaked. You felt your heart falling down and you quickly shifted away from Tom. He retracted his hand to himself. 
Harry burst into laughter. “This dude is mental.” 
“These two?” Sam threw his head back. “oh gosh, if you told them to screw they would actually bring nails and screw,” Sam laughed. 
“Yes, I’d rather have grounds in my coffee than have to spend 5 minutes with him,” you said. 
“And I’d rather eat a frog,” Tom chuckled. 
“Just swallow the one in your mouth,” you giggled,  poking his cheeks then proceeded to make more faces at his camera. 
“I’m serious, all that hatred you’re showing it’s only a facade,” Charlie said. “All of it would be gone if you gave in to that sexual tension you’ve got going on.” 
“Gross,” you stated
“It’s simple psychology,” Charlie explained, “you’re both rude to each other because you can’t have the other.” 
Harry coughed, “That would never happen.” You saw Harry gulp down his beer, 
“Why can’t people just accept we don’t like each other?” You wondered as you watched them. 
“You’re like my soulmate but for hate,” Tom zoned out for a minute. “My soulhate.” 
“Besides it’d be weird,” Harry pointed out. “We grew up together.” 
“That would make it weird?” Tom raised his brow. 
Charlie took a long sip of his vodka. “I’m just saying.” 
“Well, don’t,” you rolled your eyes.
 But the night continued, Charlie and Danielle left eventually leaving you with the Holland’s. The twins left and, you hadn’t accepted their offer to drive you home. Surprisingly Tom hadn’t left either, it seemed like he had picked up on your little flirting game. This was a good start. 
“So, you really do want to be my new assistant?” He asked, as he snatched your drink out of your hand, taking a sip. 
“I actually do,” you sassed as you took it back, sipping it. “I need a job and might as well have something to kind of do with a big star, you know?”
He watched you. “You think we will last without fighting?”
“Well, you’ve got a better idea? Have anyone else for the job? You start in three days” you pointed out. 
He rolled his eyes. “I know, I know.”
“Besides, I know you, Tom, for better or for worse,” you admitted. 
He clenched his jaw. “I guess. You do realize we’ll have to spend an awful lot of time together? And that you’ll have to travel with me?” He was condescending. 
“It’ll be strictly business, won’t it?”
“Yes but-“
“I’ll be as professional as I can be, Thomas Stanley Holland,” you grinned
“Don’t call me that.”
You giggled. “Little Stanley…” 
Tom frowned. LY/N, see? This. This is what I mean.” 
“Ah, c’mon Stan,” you laughed. “I won’t be showing all your embarrassing pictures and telling your stories to everybody.” 
Tom stood up, ready to leave. “That’s it.” 
You pulled him back down. “Tommy, I’m joking.”
He glared at you. “I don’t trust you.” 
“You think I trust you?” You laughed. “We both can lose a lot here, Tommy, I won’t be risking my career in spite of yours.”
He bit his lip, looking away. 
“Tommy, please.”
“I...fine. But I need you to understand… You’ll be spending time with me.” 
“I’m looking forward to it,” you said, but it came out very poisonous, earning a scoff from Tom. “Why are you scared?” 
“Because I honestly think this is the most time we’ve shared without tearing each other apart,” he shrugged. 
You stared down at the half full bottle that you’d been sharing. You took it into your hands. 
“Ah, it’s the beer, probably,” you grinned
He took it from your hands and sipped it. “Right, alcohol makes us nice to each other.” 
“You call this nice?” You took the beer back. 
“I’m not trying to ruin your life so yes,” he smirked, taking it back. 
“Am I ruining yours?”
“Kind of,” he admitted. 
You smirked as you finally took the beer back and downed it. “Good.”
“Shall I remain drunk all the time, then?” He laughed, his laughter was dragged. 
“Dunno, it’s up to you, you do tend to get a little nicer,” 
He laughed. “Me? You’re the one who hasn’t been able to keep her hands to herself,” he pointed out as your hand had brushed his. 
You clenched your jaw. “And you haven’t pushed me away,” you smirked, as you took his hand and pushed it away.
Tom licked his lips as he stared at you. “Well.” He shrugged, as he placed his arm back behind you, resting it back on the chair. 
“See? Alcohol.” 
He laughed. “I can’t be drunk all the time.”
“I can.” 
“Tom, I’m joking, and I genuinely want to help you,” you said. “Besides, I’ll have time to write this script.” 
He rested his hand on his head, you could smell the alcohol even from that distance. “What will you write about?” 
“Dunno, I’ll see.” 
“You’re good, don’t worry.” 
You rolled your eyes. “You’ve never read me.” 
“I’ve read many of your scripts,” Tom scoffed. “Not only the ones when we were little, I...also the ones you’ve shown to Harry, they’re all good.”
You frowned. “Thanks.” 
“I don’t see why you’re so stressed about this.”
“Because… it’s complicated,” you shrugged. “It’s not...something I usually write.” 
“Hm. Is it a love story what you need to write?” He mocked. 
“I well, kind of, so shut up, you know I hate writing those,” you rolled your eyes.
“Hm, you do, now?”
“Yes, I don’t think I’ve ever written some true authentic love story,” you admitted. And you hadn’t, you really hadn’t. 
“Because you’re the villain of the stories, you said it when we were kids. The villains will never…”
“Never find love, I know. Maybe you’re right. But you’re the villain in my story so…” You wrinkled your nose. 
“We’re doomed.” He bit his lip. 
“Or…” You grinned. 
“Or?” He frowned. 
“Maybe the villains end up falling for each other,” you suggested, shooting your shot. 
He laughed to himself and turned away. A slight blush upon his. “Hm, hinting a crush again, y/n? I think I’ve been clear with you before, you’re not my type.” His voice had turned darker. 
“Oh, please, Tom, I’d never fall for some jerk like you,” you pushed. 
“You did once.” 
“I was 9 and stupid” 
“Oh, right you’re not 9 anymore, but you’re still stupid,” he grinned. 
You shrugged. “But not as stupid as to be one of those many who’d fall for you, you know?” “Ah, the I’m not like other girls cliché,” Tom laughed, rolling his eyes. 
“Yes, but it’s not really a cliché here,” you pointed out. “I mean if we’re honest, I know you enough to know you’re an asshole, and everyone else sees you through the cameras, you know?”
He raised his brows. “I guess… yet...You’ve always been different, y/n, you know? Like, I’m always on the edge with you.” 
You grinned. “Are you now?” 
“Yeah, one minute you’re flirting then the other you’re doing this,” he pointed at your glaring face, as you felt yourself blushing ignoring his gaze. “it’s weird. I never know if you’re flirting or not.”
“I’m not,” you crossed your arms. “Not with you.” 
“Then who were you flirting with all night? Harry? Sam?” Tom pushed. 
“No… Charlie.” 
“Charlie? The gay guy,” Tom laughed. 
You flipped him off. 
He smired. “See? Just two seconds ago you had your hand in my hair.”
The lights were dimmed. 
“We should… get out of here, I’ll get us an uber.” 
You walked out, tipsy enough to walk and just slightly cold. You knew that asking for his jacket would earn only a laugh from him. He had been just nice enough now, and you knew this could blow up. But you felt dizzy, and to keep yourself steady you grabbed his arm. He didn’t move as he stared at his phone. 
“You’re always like that, you know?” 
“Like what?” 
“You’re like polar opposites in one person,” he commented. 
You pushed him away. “Ah great, am I bipolar now?”
“No, no, that’s not…”He closed his eyes. “Not what I meant.” 
The car arrived and you both hopped into the backseat. 
“That’s not what I meant,” he continued. 
“Then what did you mean?” You crossed your arms. 
“I don’t know.” 
You glanced at him. “And you’re worse, you’ve been playing with me since kids.” 
“What does that---?” He frowned. “I never-” 
“You always gave me hope.”
“I didn’t. Maybe you were too busy dreaming with me and misread everything, I’ve never liked you.
“I’m not implying you liked me,” you snapped. 
“I’m implying you were an asshole.” 
The driver widened his eyes as he looked at you from the mirror, you saw he was trying to suppress a smile.
Tom clenched his jaw. “Ah, that I am, but, please, sweetheart but you and I could never be.” 
“I know, mainly because I despise you.” 
He scooted closer. “And because I’m cool and you’re you.”
“And I’m me?” You saw him getting extremely closer. 
He held your chin. “Look at us, y/n we come from different worlds.” He was leaning in. 
“As long as I remember we grew up in the same one, yet you still managed to become an asshole,” you pushed his face away from yours. 
“I think we’re getting a little bit mean again,” Tom rolled his eyes. 
You remained quiet. 
“I don’t know y/n, maybe they’re all right, I—”
“Everyone maybe we—have to I dunno,” He placed his hand on your leg and you raised your brows. 
He slowly wrapped his arm behind your shoulder and leaned closer. “I feel like we need to loosen up a little y/n.” 
You felt your heart racing, you were angry, you didn’t like this and you didn’t want him to believe that you actually still fancied him, but this was all working, this is exactly where you technically wanted to have him. So, you had to give in.
“And what do you suggest?” Your voice was low. 
“I don’t know, I’m giving in to all your flirting,” He laughed as he scooted closer.
You turned around, and laughed. “My flirting?
It felt like late 60’s, rock n roll
Tom, turned your head back to him. “Please you’ve been doing it since you came out of that interview.” 
“Hm,” you nodded. “I remember being quiet.” 
“And I remember those lips on my cheek,” he gently poked your lips, and maybe it was the alcohol speaking for itself but you wanted to kiss him, and kiss every single spot on his skin. 
You cleared your throat. “Ah, please Tom, I was being nice,” you rolled your eyes. 
But then you felt his lips against your neck, you instinctively closed your eyes. 
“Hm, maybe be nicer?” he kept kissing your neck. 
“You know, lips on mine,” he whispered. 
You rolled your eyes. “You’re drunk, Tom”
“Maybe, but you are, too,” and with that he sealed the deal and closed the gap, combining your lips with yours. And maybe the driver had done it on purpose, or maybe it was faith or your imagination,, trying to get a perfect soundtrack for you, but ‘You Shook Me’ by Led Zeppelin was just the exact song you needed to listen to while kissing your enemy. But how far were you going to let yourself go? 
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tiintran · 7 years
Perfect Illusion Part 2
iWelcome back to a little reunion
I haven’t talked about this boy because he pissed me off so much but I realize it wasn’t his fault, it was mine (why the fuck is it always my fault? I refuse to accept it too so that’s why). Over the summer, he was in a relationship with this guy. When we were still friends, we were talking about it, that’s how I knew. Anyway, one Friday night, while I was at Town, I posted a picture of me & my roommate on snapchat. That’s when homeboy snap-texted me saying “oh he’s cute, introduce me” & I replied back saying, “don’t you have a boyfriend?” & he goes, “threesome”. That just gave me a NEW perspective of him. So a couple weeks past & I realize he deleted me off of snapchat. I got annoyed with him because of his comment so I deleted him from everything; snapchat, facebook, phone. A couple months later, he hit me up asking why I deleted him off of facebook, I just hit him with the, “who’s this?” & he replied back saying, “not worth my time”. Pretty much, it ended there over the summer. 
School started and I don’t plan on seeing him at all. So I dropped my roommate off to class & a few minutes later, he texted me saying he sees him. I wasn’t too bothered so two weeks later, my class started. I was on campus & this was the first time I saw him in months. So many mixed feelings were rushed into my body, rage to love feelings. Anyway, I texted him that night saying I saw him & i remember it was his birthday so I wished him a belated birthday. I tried to start convo’s with him because like I do miss hanging out with him. We ended up talking about what happen over the summer but I had to apologize, because it was my fault. I jumped to the conclusion & it lead to where we are. I told him I would make it up to him if he lets me by us hanging out. We agreed to hang out during the school day because he worked double on the weekend. Monday came around & we were texting on where to meet. So I met him in front of the building and we didn’t hug or anything, we just said “hey” as if we have already been hanging out so much. We went to Starbucks on campus so that he could get coffee. Eventually, we walked around the campus because he couldn’t sit still. We talked a lot & he asked me if I wanted to smoke weed, so I said “sure why not”. I had to drop off my roommate home because he came with me so I asked if he wanted to join so he said sure. I went home, changed into comfortable clothes & he was just sitting in the car. I drove us back to NOVA so I could park my car & he would drive instead. He drove back to his house to change & picked up the leaf & we headed out. We were stuck in traffic & he HATES it when I’m on the phone so anytime I picked it up, he would just say, “talk to meeeeee” (I find that really cute by the way). So we would talk & I realize he’s an intelligent person, like life smart wise; he might be school smart too but not important. Anyway, we got to the place he wanted to smoke because the scenery was apparently nice according to him. We sat on this bench with a gorgeous view of the pond with buildings in the background. Everything about that place was perfect, it was so surreal like it’s an imaginary world. We smoked out of a pipe & I never done it besides the blunt style so I had to ask him to show me how. I’ve been coughing for the past couple days so when I did this, I was coughing even worst. Anyway, I took 3 hit & I was feeling it like slightly. So we got up to walk around & check the scenery & I really felt like it’s a whole new world. I never felt so free & relax & escape from the real world. We caught up a little more & I learn a lot about him. Being around him made me feel so comfortable & safe. There’s just something about the way he treated me & held conversations with me, it just felt different. So after that, we went back to his car to sit & chill & listen to music. He had some pretty good songs to play as we were chilling. The only song I remember was Childish Gambino - Redbones, because when he played that song, he started telling me about how the songs he played will make him remember of the important memories he shares with people & I felt like he said that because of our moment. I’ll always remember this song from now on & think of him, he probably won't but who knows...
Eventually, we talked a little more & then we left to go run his errands. I enjoy doing little hobbies like we don’t have to go a certain place to have fun & he was talking to me about how he doesn’t really like hanging out with people. He’s more of an introvert & enjoys doing stuff on his own. I mean it did make me sad because he doesn’t want to date either. I do want to date him & spend time with him all the time, but I don’t know how he’s feeling. I’m not sure if I should tell him what I think about him, because when we first met, he told me how he wanted to get to know me a little more & what not. I feel like if we ever have a day where we hang out & get to really chill, I think I should let him know about how I feel towards him. Is it too early to tell him though? I’m not sure, because we literally just started talking about & everything is happening too quickly. 
Anyway, this is where I’m at in my life right now. Going to school, going to work, talking to this boy, & trying to survive. Life is so crazy, I wouldn’t think that I would reunite with this boy but I did. I want to enjoy the present & think about the future later. Let’s just enjoy this & I will continue to update anything important. 
Update (Sept 28th, 1:03am): These are late night thoughts but I can’t stop thinking about it. Why am I falling head over heel so quickly for this guy? I just want to text him & let him know how I truly feel about him, but I rather tell him in person because that’s how you should do it. I do have feelings towards him, I like hanging out with him & spending time with him makes me happy. The way he treats me is full of comfort and care, I don’t know, I feel so confused. It’s just another “falling for someone you can’t have” because that’s how my life function. He talks about how he doesn’t want to do any activities or hobbies with anyone, he much rather do it alone & it gives me a sight of whether he wants to be in a relationship or not. I want us to spend the whole day together & probably at the end, I’ll let him know how I feel. I think that’s the best option for me. I don’t want to text him because saying it in person will be much better. If he likes me back & wants to start something with me, then we will roll with the punches. If he doesn’t like me back, I hope that we can remain as friends because I enjoy spending my time with him doing whatever.  
Update (October 2nd): I told him over text because I keep trying to ask him to hang out but it wasn’t going anywhere. It’s time to move...yet once again. I think I want to go back to being by myself, cutting myself out from everyone & everything. The day that my R1 leave me back to NC, I think that’s when I’ll start my solitude. I’ve done it before & the only reason why I left it was because of my R1. He’s such an outgoing person & meeting new friends & that’s what strive me to join him. I realize that life is amazing when you’re spending time with friends & family’s; but I think it’s just causing too much drama in my life. I want to leave & never come back. Start a new beginning. Anyway, time to get over this guy & go back to being alone, because that’s what I do best. Once again, thanks for tuning into another hopeless story of my life.
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