#ref: yana x eren
writermuses · 5 months
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marimelwrites · 2 years
At Yana's logic, Eren broke out into laughter once again. "Here I was thinking you were just trying to compliment me out of the kindness of your heart, but all this time it was just so that you make my head bigger and keep me held hostage here until the end of time. I should've been more careful with the people I allow to compliment me incessantly." The mention of there being worse food atrocities than anchovies on pizza made Eren cringe. "I don't even want to know what could be worse, honestly. I might not end up wanting our pizza or our snacks and I'm really not in the mood to completely upend my appetite. I'm a growing boy, after all."
As Eren plopped down onto the couch with a sigh, he raised his hand, "Can I make a vote for Spoil Eren Day to become a national holiday? Somehow, I feel like this needs it's own designated day. When Yana returned and offered up two options, he took a moment to consider before breaking out into a grin. "Let's play twenty questions while we wait for the pizza to get here. I hate when I get into a movie and then have to pause it. It always ruins the mood. I'd rather wait it out and start once we're settled in and we can go straight through without stopping." He arched a brow at her then and then said, "Alright, ask away. What do you want to know about me?"
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writermuses · 6 months
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 8 months
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writermuses · 9 months
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 2 months
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writermuses · 1 year
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writermuses · 2 years
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writermuses · 2 years
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marimelwrites · 3 years
@writermuses​ - continued from your reply here!
When Eren had decided to show up at Yana’s door with a tangible apology, he hadn’t even considered that she might already be lounging without any plans to do anything but hang out at home on her own. He felt the slightest bit guilty at interrupting her plans, but he barely hid the smile that appeared on his face at the sight of her in her pajamas, using the bouquet of flowers to try to hide it. As if that wasn’t enough, her reaction had him chuckling, that only grew to open laughter before he finally shook his head and let out a sigh. “Well, I had all these plans on where to try to take you out if you had agreed, but now I’m not so sure I want to do those plans.”
He chuckled softly and then quickly added, “Not that I’ve changed my mind on wanting to spend time with you in the least. I’m just now wondering if... is it rude to try and invite myself into your house to do this whole... lounging and whatever the heck else there is going on in here? Because, honestly, I don’t know that I even remember what it’s like to just have a chill time.”
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writermuses · 2 years
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marimelwrites · 3 years
🥱 - Ilya x Sol 😍 - Maddie x Tadgh 🥴 - Eren x Yana 😔 - Azra x Vincent
From this Voicemail Meme here!
🥱 - Ilya x Sol - a sleepy voicemail:
--> [Voicemail left in Italian, minus his pet name for her.] Solnishko, I'm sorry that I've missed talking to you. I got held up. It's very late now, so I'm glad that you didn't answer. I would have felt very guilty for waking you up. I'm very tired now, but I still wanted to call to let you know that I did make it home so no need to worry since you didn't hear from me earlier. *Yawns* I'm much more tired than I even thought. Please give some scratches to Neto for me, and maybe a treat or two, but be sure to tell Neto they're from me... not from you. Artur is sniffing around the phone, so he says hello to you as well. I hope you sleep or slept well, and have a beautiful day. We will se each other very soon.
😍 - Maddie x Tadgh - a loving voicemail:
--> Hello, love. I'm just calling... well, because I had a feeling that I should call you. I know that we talked not too long ago, and I saw you only yesterday, and we texted each other earlier this morning, but... it felt important. So, I'm calling you know to let you know how much I care about you. And I hope that you're having a beautiful day today. It's lovely outside, and I want you to be outside enjoying those horses, and that open field, and maybe reading a good book. I should be done in a couple of hours. The animals here are loving the sun and warmth, at least most of them. I'm going to come by and see you once I'm off work, okay? Maybe, if you're in the mood, I can make us some pasta. I'm really in the mood for pasta. Would that be okay with you? Anyway, have a good day... and... and just know that I miss you, and that you're loved.
🥴 - Eren x Yana - a drunk voicemail:
--> Yaaaaanaaaa, why didn't you answer my call? Did I do something wrong? Again? I told you I'm terrible at relationships. I work too much. I do... stupid, stupid things. I never apologize, but I did apologize to you that one time. That was kind of a special situation. But are you mad now? Or did I just miss you. I mean, I miss you. But did I miss you? *snorts and laughs* Okay, I really should've cut myself off on drinks ages ago, but I had too many people buying me drinks. Why do people always try to hit on me? Is it because I'm hot? It's because I'm hot, isn't it. Are you in pajamas again? I bet you're in pajamas because that seems like a thing you'd do... lemme guess... Christmas patterns even though it's March? *muffled* What? Huh? *comes in clear again* Sorry, gotta go... don't be mad at me, I'm only stupid.
😔 - Azra x Vincent - a sad voicemail:
--> *sniffles* Vince? I... *clears throat and sniffles again* It's been really lonely since you've been gone. I don't... there aren't really a lot of... you know, people don't really pay a lot of attention to me. It's not a bad thing, it's just... I miss the fun stuff we used to do, you know? I... *small cry* I just miss you a lot right now. Did you know that today would've been our anniversary? I know... I know, it's stupid and... *voice sounds like she's trying not to cry* I just really miss you. I... okay... this... I shouldn't have called anyway. I really hope you're doing well where you are now. Maybe you've... you've met someone really nice and... and they make you happy? *sniffles* Anyway, I'm okay, really, I'm fine just feeling... *long pause* just feeling nostalgic. I'm sorry, bye.
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writermuses · 3 years
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