#regressor affogato cookie
starrybibi · 2 years
baby regressor affogato moodboard ?? pls ? :]
Here you go Anon :3
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I hope you like it :3
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Can I request some caregiver DE hcs since you mentioned DE being a caregiver in pomegranate's hcs? Curious how she would be with Littles! And if she caregives for any of the other cookies of darkness if they regress.
Care-Giver Dark Enchantress HeadCanons
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⚫: DE would learn about regression helps to red velvet pet regression. At first she didnt really get it before she didnt find out Pommy was doing so as well. 🔴: After Pommy's explanantion as to the concept DE felt nothing but sympathy, let alone to her right hand. So with the expectation that there could be more (and with much pride) DE desided to be there Care-Giver! ⚫: first few times was pretty new to her, not to mention it was her first time she did take care of littles. But even so, that dosent stop her from trying. 🔴: with time she has learned which regress and which dont (depending on your or anyones headcanons anon). And for the ones that do, she would always memorise which little has which needs.
⚫: for example, Pommy always likes to be held by DE. So while DE Spectators on earthbread for any changes (or what the gingerbrave crew are up to) she would hold Pommy close to her. 🔴: keep in mind DE would also het Pommy brush her hair, she dosent really know why but Pommy seems to be adamant on doing so.
⚫: for Licorice praises are a must, so DE would have Licorice do some small and easy tasks so he can be praised after doing them. the face of Licorice after getting praised gets her everytime. 🔴: He mite also show some cool magic tricks with Poison Mushroom, so DE would be considerd a #1 fan of these magic tricks. ⚫: Red Velvet is known to both age regress and pet regress, so for DE to know in which space he is in, She gave him a collar for pet regresson and a neck scarf for age regresson. if he is in his normal space, she instruct to wear non. 🔴: its rather known that Red Velvet sometimes likes to play Tug of war when being in his pet regresson space (a dog space ofc), so when no one is here to do it with him DE offers to be his play mate. ⚫: for Affogato its always recommanded to give him some sweet treats every ones in a while, but not to much!
🔴: He's aso known to be rather imaginative when it comes to his little space, so DE would often see Affogato play dress up.... just make sure he dosent touch any of her make up
⚫: Earl Grey is known to help her with so many littles in her care, so not only did she gain an apprechiantion of his help but also of him taking care of the choco twins while doing so. it... really must be some full hands. 🔴: Choco werehound brute and Bat Cat are also known to reach a hand, but DE instructed that the 2 keep watch manly on Licorice and red Velvet while Esterházy mainly watches over Pommy and Affogato
⚫: As on now, she started doing this after Drak Choco got out of being in the DoC, but... she does wonder if he would have been a regressor if he still was here. 🔴: She also dose not know for Lobster Cookie, as she would only see him when spectating the whole earthbread. ⚫: To this day, she still wonderd what she missed when it comes to Matcha... 🔴: But at the end of the day, she would always take pride in her littles being all satisfied and happy. To her its just more of a reason to rule earthbread. If she can take care of so many littles, she can sure take over the entire earthbread.
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Finally... i did it! heres you DE headcanons with many little hits of others sprinkled in! so yeah, sorry for the whole wait. hope you enjoy it Anon
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littletealseal · 2 years
Welp, it’s been what? Two whole days that I’ve gotten into shipping Affo and Cacao? Now I’m already getting baby thoughts with Affogato -flops- tbh I’m shocked it didn’t happen sooner :Y
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🍨: I see Affogato being an age dreamer actually! Mainly since I see him finding it rather hard to fully slip into a tiny mindset due to his surroundings and work, but he greatly enjoys just taking a moment to relax and be babied ���
🍨: Since this is in my agere AU, Dark Cacao and Affo are together and also his caregiver when tiny ^^ 
🍨: Affogato age dreams in private in a secluded room connected to Dark Cacaos bedroom, so the two can always be nearby when Affo is tiny 🖤
🍨: Despite the kingdoms preference towards bitterness, Dark Cacao always makes sure to have sweet foods for Affogato to eat since his poor tummy can’t handle too much bitterness
🍨: Despite Dark Cacaos hard exterior, he has a huge sweet spot for Affogato,  especially when he’s tiny, and always coos and fusses over how cute his baby is being, in his own way of course
🍨: Affogato usually wears soft robes and cloth diapers when smol, just so he’s extra comfy when trying to relax
🍨: Affogato adores being bottle fed and Cacao always obliges, cradling him and keeping him close and safe in his arms, always preferring cookies and cream milk 🖤
🍨: Affogato gets very cuddly when tiny; which Cacao doesn’t mind one bit 
🍨: Affogato usually likes to just nap or play with toys when tiny, or cuddle with Cacao 🖤
🍨: When smol, Affogato calls Dark Cacao “CaoCao”
Man I just love these two ;; 🖤🖤🖤🖤
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starrybibi · 2 years
I don’t know if you’re doing requests at the moment, but I was wondering if you could please possibly do headcanons of Affogato as a regressor, since Affogato’s one of my comfort characters.
I’m open to requests and sure I can do some requests for Affogato Cookie :3
☕️ He regresses to a 6 month old to 14 months
☕️ Has a Nursery in his bedroom accessible through a bookshelf
☕️ Said Nursery has a soft purple hue with a basket bassinet and a mobile with stars, clouds, and a moon
☕️ Has a small collection of stuffies mostly in jelly bears and other animals which he enjoys snuggling with them and have play tea parties with them as well as other games
☕️ Likes being called “Affy” when regressed
☕️ Enjoys sweet things more while regressed
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