reinaraecnt · 3 years
Kuree said ye enemy/freind in most parts 
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A piece from not that long ago
“this was a fun,short piece of Kuree before her evolution with Raei and Ash I like to flip flop between the past and present of the storyline. You all will see more art pieces from me as well as animations here and there a comic is coming soon and is in the makings stay tuned. 😉”
Fun-fact Kuree is Blasian (Black and Asian) my story consists of mainly POC bc god knows we need it 🙄
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reinaraecnt · 3 years
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Examples of the shifting tattos/markings
“I did some doodles explaining a little about her shapeshifter tricksta ways😚 ;]
She controls water,the larimar necklace found in Caribbean waters 👌🏾”
The owl/bird she prefers to shift to if she needs to fly
the Silky Shark (peep the lil silky Durag ahah) she prefers to shift into if she needs to swim under water for long periods of times/breath underwater (which come in handy bc the trouble she tends to be in-)
and the last but not least the African wolf dog form for running faster /attacks enemy’s if she needs to on Land ;] she has a lot more but these are the top three you’ll mainly see her using
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reinaraecnt · 3 years
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Another old art piece from a. While back still proud it it for grayscale😭
This is still Keo she is a “Spirit walker” an Original specie of mine and this is her Wolf Dog form
Spirit walker have the ability to shift into anything at anytime but they’re try recollection show wishing the shadow of their element and there markings on their faces change to fit that object/figure they’ve shifted to I’ll be posting the examples after this
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reinaraecnt · 3 years
An old piece I did with my usual art style,ps I have I a LOT
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With my old tag name
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reinaraecnt · 3 years
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A more Recent piece I had done
Cell shaded a mini scene with Keoraei and Kuree,and of course they’re bickering
Keo with her sarcasm dealing with Kuree’s picky bull lol
Kuree is most likely going on about how her feet’s hurts
Keo: “Listen,princess....you can either shapeshifter into ya fox form and do or do whatever the hell y’all do,and stop Whining!?”
Ku:“Okay “princess” Luka-“
Keo: “Do not-“
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reinaraecnt · 3 years
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“The land...our land my people land is dying!
And with every passing second another one of our kind is being killed ,for our blood...the blood that heals
With every passing second of our people dying the same peoples that are bonded to this land?,it dies ,and we can’t even do our proper ceremonies for them to come back”
Did some background practice ,which is a. If part of the story bc of the history,Keo lost her people and her land all for greed,because they were seen as demons,evil in-natural with tye way of theyre forms ,Spirit walkers blood is taken for rituals and healing hence why they’re wounds don’t take long to heal,but that’s the problem,how can something so good be so dangerous,just living is seen as a threat
Every once in a while Raei would visit the place she used to lived before it was invaded all of the nations living peacefully in hopes she can find a clue...and just maybe come back for her ,she knows they’re out there tye land isn’t all the way dead
But normal people don’t know that,that land thrives as long as the people thrive...
They may be more “natural” then the “naturals” that claim to be
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reinaraecnt · 3 years
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Manifestations ,we are more bad nite good we live with the earth,the universe we breath with life and freedom
tricksters ways
We as Spirit Walkers are like Wata,shifting our bodies,
Our spirits are like Fiya a never ending flame,our Hair is like the Air coming in different currents blowing in different winds ways....,flowing and going wherever it pleases
And our bodies are like Earth strong like our will
Our cultures is what bind us and our bonds 🧿
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reinaraecnt · 3 years
a clip pic from a personal storyline of mine called ”ONCE New”
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I’m not sure where I’ll be putting the full story- I might make a partreon or post some slides and sneak pros on here,keep it clean
But all the characters that I post on here are my OC’s that I’ve had for years so please don’t reference or base anything off of them this is a younger drawing/sneak peak of my persona called Keoraei which is my name 💜
Her past:..
#ON #ONCEnew
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reinaraecnt · 3 years
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Keo using bit of her power she calls “shush” remover that so called power she thought was destructive,but is actually neutral?,
Of course she wasn’t using it for harm ,but as a little kid that had to hide who she really was,”shush” was the only way to shit people up, it temporarily traps them in their own fantasy,dispatching them from the reality they live in temporarily she stole only when she needed,she kept low she did everything she could to survive
More art about it coming soon
If you like my art hit the watch button and support me :]
This Original story of mine is called “ONCEnew”
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