#reine delos santos
nem0-nee · 11 months
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Statement of Lorreine Delos Santos, regarding a haunting dream from when she was younger. Statement given ██th of May, 20██.
Statement begins.
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Reine, The Keen Eye
An intern providing information for various organizations, mainly to The Usher Foundation. Under the alias Khl0ros, they keep an eye on various websites, often on the lookout for distasteful individuals to terrorize and expose.
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aka shit I couldn't fit in
They're currently a 3rd year majoring BS in Statistics (nerdd /j)
In terms of personality, they're an INTJ.
Her DND alignment is Chaotic Neutral.
Surprisingly, they're really bad with technology. Shutting down your computer? Nahh just let it go on sleep mode!
They heavily dislike the head of The Magnus Insitute, going as far as referring to him as "Eliass Bitchard." When asked why, she refuses to elaborate.
She has at least one account running on every social media platform out there.
Their favorite site to use for "info gathering" is Facebook, since privacy doesn't exist in Zuckerberger's domain /j
Blackmailing is their specialty! They love seeing the look on people’s faces when she cites entries of their search history.
Reine loves to sleep, but that's frequently disturbed by her friend... who's an avatar of The Vast. He pulls a prank on her by making her feel like she's falling in her sleep,
Her left eye may or may not be missing...
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[ END OF ENTRY #074 ]
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casadeoraciones · 2 years
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Oración de Prosperidad de San Miguel San Miguel arcángel, caballero angélico de María, ilumínanos, san Miguel guerrero delPadre, defiéndenos, san Miguel escudero del Hijo, guíanos, san Miguel camino recto delos Santos, vela por mi familia y eleva mi oración al Señor. Divino Arcángel Miguel: Gran Príncipe del Cielo y vencedor de Lucifer te amamos y tedamos la bienvenida, a ti y a tus ángeles, dentro de nuestro hogar y de nuestrocorazón, toma posesión de esta morada que humildemente te ofrezco purifícalo con tupoderosa presencia y haz que tu fe nos inspire siempre.Que tu divina luz sea como un potente escudo de protección alrededor de esta casa yde todos los que vivimos en ella, conviértelo en un hogar digno donde reine el amor, enun hogar donde no falte el trabajo y la educación para que nuestro porvenir seaventuroso y dichoso. Toma en tus manos nuestro destino y condúcenos amorosamente hacia Dios. Como fiel devoto tuyo y confiando en tu bondad te pido: límpianos de envidias,rencores y venganzas, aléjanos de hechicerías, maleficios y otras magias, asístenos enlos malos momentos, protégenos de males, dolores y enfermedades, Socórrenos en las angustias y necesidades, presérvanos de la ruina, la pobreza y laestrechez.San Miguel, nobilísimo Príncipe de los Cielos, ruega e intercede por nosotros ante DiosPadre, ante Dios Hijo, ante Dios Espíritu Santo, un solo Dios en Trinidad y ante la Santísima Virgen María, a quienes amamos, adoramos y damos gracias,para que nos escuchen y atiendan en nuestras dificultades, en especial solicítales quenos concedan: (pedir lo que se quiere conseguir). Bienaventurado San Miguel Arcángel, sé nuestro guardián y custodio en todaslas batallas espirituales y materiales; abre nuestros caminos a la prosperidad, inundanuestras vidas de caridad, humildad y paciencia, llena nuestros hogares de amor ycomprensión y que tu santa protección nos acompañe de día y de noche. Defiéndenos del enemigo del alma y sus agentes del mal. Guíanos por el buensendero. Líbranos de ofender a Dios, y en la hora de la muerte, tómanos de la mano y llévanoscontigo A la gloria del Padre Eterno. Amén. Rezar el Credo y la Salve https://www.instagram.com/p/CjB3UuWLgq_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phgq · 4 years
Dagupan studes take part in safe internet use forum
#PHinfo: Dagupan studes take part in safe internet use forum
DAGUPAN CITY, Mar. 13 (PIA) - Senior high school students of the Dagupan City National HIgh School  (DCNHS) took part in a youth forum here that aims to highlight the positive use of technology and the internet.
Social Welfare Officer Clarivel Banzuela of the Department of Social Welfare (DSWD) in the Ilocos region, said the event is part of the Safer Internet Day celebration to call upon young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcers, company and policy makers to join together in helping create a better internet world.
“Safer Internet Day is celebrated in over a hundred countries to urge organizations to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people,” Banzuela said during the program.
The  forum included short lectures on Responsible Use of Social Media by representative from the Philippine Information Agency; Cybersecurity Awareness by the Department of information and Communication Technology (DICT); and Introduction to Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation on Children (OSAEC) by DSWD.
SAFER INTERNET USE. The Dagupan City National High School in Pangasinan is one of the venues  of the Safer Internet Day celebration 2020  in Region I. Some 25 student leaders of the DCNHS senior high school took part in a lecture forum on responsible use of social media,  cybersecurity awareness and introduction to online sexual abuse and exploitation on children (OSAEC). The activity is led by the RIACAT-VAWC. Safer Internet Day offers the opportunity to highlight positive uses of technology and to explore the role that people play in helping create a better and safer online community. (photo by PIA Pangasinan)
  Dr. Marissa Perez of the Department of Education-Dagupan City Schools Division  said the forum is very timely as it promotes the responsible use of the internet and helps enlighten the students on maximizing the positive impact of technology.
Student leaders  Reine Cirineo and Kyla Delos Santos  said the forum was informative and very helpful especially for teenagers like them who are exposed to the internet world.
“Mas babantayan ang mga posts  namin at kapag may posts ang mga kakilala namin na hindi tama ay inform na sila agad para kahit paano, mabawasan at hindi na mas kumalat pa,” said Grade 11 student Ashley Fabia.
Jensen Ignacio, another participant to the forum, encouraged parents to be the first to comfort their children if they notice them having problems “para hindi na sa internet ilabas ng anak ang kanyang sama ng loob o problema.”
The activity, led by the Regional Inter-Agency Committee against Trafficking - Child Pornography - Violence Against Women and  Children (RIACAT-CP-VAWC), was held simultaneously in four provinces in the region -- Dagupan City in Pangasinan, San Fernando City in La Union, Candon City in Ilocos Sur and Batac City in Ilocos Norte.
This year’s theme for Safer Internet Day is "Responsableng Paggamit ng Internet, Sana All." (JCR/AMB/VHS/PIA Pangasinan)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Dagupan studes take part in safe internet use forum." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1036149 (accessed March 13, 2020 at 12:18AM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Dagupan studes take part in safe internet use forum." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1036149 (archived).
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