#rejuv oc: viviere
cresvalkyrie · 2 years
You know, being opposite aspects of the same person, it's only natural that Hauyne and Viviere loathe each other on an instinctual level.
They simply couldn't help but find fault with each other, no matter how petty it is. And they know it's pointless. This hatred is merely an offshoot of their original's self-loathing, and it's something they have no say over.
But, they're forced to grapple with this emotion, because at the end of the day they don't actually hate each other. Just as they can't stand each other, neither of them can live without the other. If one of them perishes, so will the other. After all, there are two halves of a whole. Without each other, they are incomplete. Whatever one of them does to the other, it's always done out of a subconscious concern for their respective counterparts, whether they realise it or not. It's a really twisted form of love, I might say.
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cresvalkyrie · 2 years
You know, I never really talk about Viviere all that much, so here goes!
Viviere is the dark aspect of Artemis’ soul, which became fragmented as a result of the world corroding away at her dead spirit in an attempt to “correct” the anomaly. However, she isn’t just the embodiment of her original self’s negative aspects. She’s also the representation of her fragility, her humanity, and her childlike desire to experience the unconditional love of a parent/friend she was deprived of since childhood. 
Because of this, she inherits Artemis’ tertiary typing: Ghost. As a Ghost/Fire Aura Wielder, she is capable of manipulating shadows and producing illusions powerful enough to give a Zoroark a run for their money, turn herself into a phantom and even had authority over the denizens of the spirit world (i.e Ghost-type Pokemon and the dead). However, the influence of her spirit Pokemon causes her mere presence to take on a passive effect: stay too long around her, and you’ll start to feel apathy and despair icing your veins... slowly, but surely, you’ll find it increasingly harder to breathe much less move even a muscle, until you are crushed mercilessly beneath the weight of your worst nightmares given form.
Even so, the effect of her presence is nothing compared to her gaze. Whatever you do, do NOT stare into her eyes. If you do so, you will die instantaneously from sheer terror, regardless of your mental/emotional strength. 
And despite her antagonistic and belligerent attitude, Viviere doesn’t actually like seeing people suffer/die unnecessarily. So she wears a dragonskull mask over her face to shield others from her gaze, while also ensuring that they keep their distance from her so that they are not subjected to the despair-inducing effect of her presence. It also had a powerful intimidation effect while in battle, distracting her opponents and causing them to make numerous deadly mistakes which she can exploit to her heart’s content.
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cresvalkyrie · 2 years
🪨 and 👎 for Hauyne and Orion!
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it?
Hauyne - She's pleasantly surprised. Doesn't know what she did to deserve this, but appreciates the gesture nonetheless. Would also be super protective of it, refusing to let it out of her sight.
Orion - Will treasure it until the end of time! Probably the type to put it on display for everyone to see and might even humble brag about it.
👎 Is there someone your OC can’t stand, despite them being on the same side or sharing basic values?
Hauyne - The only one who fits the description is my newest rejuv OC, Viviere. It's for a reason, trust me. Otherwise, while she may have her disagreements with her allies, she usually doesn't find a problem with them.
Orion - Definitely Fern, before he got character development in the postgame arcs. And if cameos count, Flora. She might be the only person who annoyed them so much that they've deliberately hindered her search and took her on a wild goose chase out of pettiness.
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