#related to mummy and darren and me
40sandfabulousaf · 5 years
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Happy hump day from Southeast Asia! 🐫 Tbh, I'm SO strapped for time right now due to work demands (from that unreasonable cow of a boss I wrote about earlier). Something good did come outta it and I'll share when the time is right. I also hafta juggle caring for elderly parents during this harrowing coronavirus period and friends, so many pursuits have taken a backseat, including having new jewellery customised - there just isn't time to come up with something I really like!
Enjoyable as fashion is, sharing such posts isn't a priority at the mo. I did that last year anyway so, in 2020, what would really be fun is to focus on normalising exercise for all body types. Sharing curvy babes being active is also in line with my personal goal of getting stronger at a holistic level this year.
Our bigger friends sharing the same mindset will be taken by the hand and lifted up in this blog if I come across them. In this way, they help their communities to be accepted when they're out engaging in movement that they enjoy. Everyone's happy so, why not? All of us benefit; it would be utterly dumb to turn down a win-win situation.
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As a friend, Darren, said to me last year, people are more interesting when they have a hobby or hobbies they're passionate about. By that, he doesn't mean travel or vacations. No shade to frequent flyers here; there're definitely lots of interesting stories to tell about different cultures. As normal everyday people though, how many of us have the luxury of time (or finances for some) to traipse around the globe regularly?
Those with a passion, however, possess a certain je ne sais quoi that draws people to them. It makes them seem more multi-dimensional as people and, to a certain extent, I understand what Darren means. Stephanie of @bellabombshel, Amanda of @amandalacount, Georgina of @fullerfigurefullerbust and Jolene of @boardroomblonde stand out because, outside of the usual beauty/fashion/lifestyle influencer shenanigans, they're passionate about something and they bloody try to excel or improve at it. This spirit truly wins my utmost respect.
Now MY personal passion, which is no secret at all, is exercise. I have derived benefits from it and truly believe that everyone deserves to experience the same. I will always be dedicated to being active and, rain or shine, 24/7, for many years now, it has been my constant companion, keeping me self assured and ready to face another tough day (this time with the cow 😅).
So it's absolutely delightful that curvy babes are embracing exercise, including braving the shitstorm that jerks sometimes subject them to. By soldiering on, they pave the way for others to be seen and to normalise wellness as a concept that everyone deserves.
So without further ado... the darlings.
Alright, yummy mummy, good for you! ✊✊✊
Gorgeous sweetheart Sarah persevered to the end with a zumba class and will you just look at her radiance. She's practically glowing! Definitely still got it all - that sass, that drive, every single damn thing. You may chant 'All hail Queen Amidala now'. Proud of this babe.
Speaking of proud...
I can definitely relate to Jolene. She'd hurt her shoulder some years back and the pain prevented her from trying out exercises that could possibly have strengthened those muscles. I totally get this because when my auto accident spinal injury worsened once I hit 30, it frightened me so much, I gave up the sports I loved. For 1 year. The darkest year of my life and also the year I spiralled into depression.
Discovering calisthenics gave me a new lease of life, thus I'm happy to know that Jolene is likewise trying out new exercises to strengthen her upper limbs. It might take awhile, but OMG I'm rooting for her to succeed because in a way, her story is so similar to my story. Wishing this babe all the best. Never. Ever. Give. Up.
And then we have Jessica.
Curvy babes who have hangups about working out should absolutely check out her post. I wholly agree with what she said:
This is the reason I refuse to pit 1 of my faves, Stephanie of @bellabombshel, against anyone else. Sure, sometimes I may tease out of playfulness but it would feel crap if she ever thinks I'm comparing because I'm not. And she should never ever compare herself to any other curvy dancing babe I share.
As far as dance is concerned, Stephanie ranks right up there for finesse, fluidity and stamina. If Amanda LaCount - may I add this wicked babe is a professional who's done what she does since 2yo - is shared regularly here, it's for a reason and I'd rather all of you curvy darlings realise that being joint faves is a wonderful thing. Remember: I love you because of your passion for what you do and it shows - you're gloriously excellent!
So whilst waiting for my babe Stephanie, here's the amazing Amanda and her latest stunning routine.
You know what would be really fun? If these 2 divas come up with their own choreography for the same song. That is when their skills and individuality would really shine. Until then, Imma enjoy both of them!
Joining them? The delicious Nabela (don't worry, I won't like, swallow her up 😂).
You never ever know who you inspire, ya know 😋 Being active and fun in the washroom/dressing room should really be a thing 🤣 This ol' bird is lovin' it plenty!
Rounding up this exercise post is Kristen, because yoga definitely is part of wellness.
Dunno about you but I'm completely behind the message behind her post because of that never-say-die spirit. The more curvy babes there are out there, the more stereotypes are broken and the more minds are changed.
Lastly (I promise promise).........
Showing that a number, whether that be age, weight or size, is completely irrelevant where fitness is concerned, check out this amazing post.
This can be YOU! And me, because I'm bloody motivated.
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I hope you've enjoyed this long-ass post because I sure as heck have enjoyed working on it. Saluting all the fabulous ladies here!
Till the next post, stay sweet!
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Previously, cult horror-related tv series such as The Night Stalker, Dark Shadows, and the Outer Limits have been examined. Even though Doctor Who is primarily a science fiction tv series, over its 55 year history it has delved into horror many times. After Darren McGavin’s The Night Stalker series was cancelled in 1975, I sadly still tuned in at the same day and time in case it ever came back (see 2015: #5-GUIDE TO THE NIGHT STALKER). Weepers! Eventually it was recommended to me to watch this Doctor Who show, but I was not interested in another Marcus Welby, MD series at age 6. I tuned in anyways to find an argumentative older man yelling at people, and I soon became bored and quit watching the series. However, I was encouraged to persist and watch further episodes, so I did. One twenty-two minute episode was shown a day. A few episodes later and the older argumentative man was now in an apocalyptic world with people devolving into monstrous green werewolves! It was terrifying! I was hooked!
Doctor Who was scheduled to premier on November 22, 1963, but it was delayed until the following day due to the assassination of President Kennedy. It features an alien, a Timelord, who can change its body, and currently the Doctor’s latest body is female as played by Jodie Whitaker, with her debut episode appearing for the first time this Sunday afternoon! This alien serves often as the savior of the Earth as well as the closest the universe has to being a good, near-godlike force. The original series ran from 1963-1989 featuring the Doctors’s first seven bodies or “regenerations.” In 1996 Doctor Who returned in a U.S. production with a new regeneration of both the Doctor and his primary villain, the Master. In 2005 the new series continued with a new regeneration, but in later seasons it is revealed that one regeneration was skipped between the tv movie and the new series. This regeneration, technically the ninth, played by John Hurt, renamed himself the War Doctor. The new series has also featured the Eleventh Doctor, played by David Tennant, who consumed a regeneration to heal himself, and eventually the Doctor used all of his thirteen regenerations. But he got more, and he even doesn’t know how many.
There are a variety of rare facts about Doctor Who. A spacesuit costume from the series was reused in the Empire Strikes Back and worn by the scaly bounty hunter, Bossk. Peter Cushing starred as Doctor Who in two movies in the 1960’s (see 2018: #1-GREAT HORROR FILM ACTORS). The two color movies are remakes of popular televised stories featuring the evil alien race, the Daleks. One of the films, 1966’s Dalek’s Invasion Earth 2150 AD, included British comedian Bernard Cribbins as a police officer, and he joined the tv series in 2007 as another character. The movies differed from the tv series by Cushing portraying the character as a human, not an alien. There is an original pilot of the series from 1963 that had a significant scene removed from the first story, An Unearthly Child. The First Doctor, portrayed by William Hartnell, shares that he and his granddaughter are from the year 5,000 and may be humans. By cutting that from the final broadcast, it made alien bodily regeneration a much more plausible concept. The Doctor also is not always the benevolent good guy. In An Unearthly Child, the Doctor prepares to cut the throat of an unconscious caveman because he is annoyed and wants to leave prehistoric Earth. In Doctor Who canon, there is still at loose a future evil incarnation of the Doctor, once known as the Valeyard. Big Finish has dozens of the continued audio adventures of previous regenerations of the Doctor including many of the surviving actors who played the Doctor as well as supporting cast members.
There is much written about Doctor Who, but for the purposes of Halloween we are primarily interested in horror episodes as well as potential crazy costumes that could be made based on aliens in the series. If you have a spare plunger and a box, you can make a Dalek costume. Dressing as one of the regenerations of the Doctor is easy if you have any of the specific costume elements. The easiest is probably to dress as the Third Doctor with a velvet smoking jacket. A lot depends upon if you require your costume to be widely recognizable to not. Don’t dress as the Doctor’s time and space vehicle, a blue police box, the Tardis; that is stupid. The three best aliens to create costumes for include: Alpha Centauri, appearing as a green, hermaphroditic, one-eyed Beholder from Dungeons & Dragons with a high pitched voice (see 2015: #3-STRANGE MONSTERS FROM DUNGEONS & DRAGONS). Alpha Centauri is one of the few characters from the original series that have reappeared in the new series. Another amusing costume option is the Face of Boe, a large sleepy head resembling a Japanese Nuppeppo yokai (see 2018: #10-YOKAI). Or perhaps an alien from the planet Vortis which are large, vaguely humanoid insects, such as the Menoptra bee/butterfly people. Doctor Who is a series that offers cosplayers a huge amount of possible costumes as well. The series is a wealth of creativity.
Doctor Who has a lot of episodes, and out of the entire series, here are the ten best horror-related stories:
10-The Chase: features the First Doctor encountering Dracula and the Frankenstein monster.
9-The Unquiet Dead: Christopher Eccelston, technically the Tenth Doctor, finds zombies and dead ghost-like aliens possessing bodies.
8-The Pyramids of Mars: the Fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, has major problems with an Egyptian god and his mummy servants.
7-The Brain of Morbius: Baker’s Frankenstein episode, but featuring a Hitler-like Timelord trying to be more than just a brain in a jar.
6-Midnight: Tennant in a tense, claustrophobic episode about a telepathic thing outside of a stalled tour bus on a deadly planet.
5-State of Decay: Baker versus a giant vampire, the ancient enemy of the Timelords, on a planet ruled by vampires.
4-The Daemons: The Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee, dealing with a giant horned demon running across the English countryside, summoned up by a satanic cult led by The Master.
3-The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit: Tennant discovers the physical, Godzilla-sized body of the Devil himself, a being from the universe that existed before this one.
2-The Seeds of Doom: Baker meets The Thing, including in a polar setting.
1-Inferno: Pertwee popped into a parallel world and is faced with a dreadful apocalypse with the planet rapidly being destroyed, people devolving into green werewolves, the world is ending and there is nothing he can do. This scared the crap out of me when I was six years old. The episode set a Guinness Book of Worlds Record for the longest drop by a stuntman. It is also one of the longest complete stories.
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There are many other Halloween-worthy episodes of Doctor Who. The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances are two very popular episodes with Eccleston in WW2 investigating very creepy unexplained phenomenon, and he also meets John Barrowman’s very popular assistant, Captain Jack, in that story. The Caves of the Androzani is an acclaimed Phantom of the Opera story with the Fifth Doctor, Peter Davison. Werewolves appeared in Tennant’s second story, Tooth and Claw. An infamous mummy appeared in Mummy on a Train with the Thirteenth Doctor, Peter Capaldi. Many of Patrick Troughton’s episodes, who is the Second Doctor, are lost and missing. But there is surviving footage of his stories versus the Abominable Snowmen, who were quite frightening skulking about in the London sewers. A prehistoric lizardman species is discovered on Earth in Pertwee’s The Silurians, and an aquatic version of the species is encountered in Pertwee’s The Sea Devils, one of my all-time favorite stories of the series. The Master as virtually an undead lich appears in Baker’s The Deadly Assassin (see 2013: #10-LICHES). Baker’s The Horror of Fang Rock flows just like a horror film, with people barricaded in a lighthouse to escape a prowling monster. The largest monster that has appeared in the series was a tentacled, Lovecraftian swamp monster the size of a city in Baker’s The Power of Kroll. Doctor Who tends to be at its best when delving into horror.
There are some noteworthy Doctor Who stories that were planned or written, but they were not made. The adventures that almost happened! Pertwee’s Third Doctor was planned to start the tenth season with “Deathworld.” It was about the President of the Timelords basically playing chess with Death, and he summoned up the first three Doctors to be pawns in his game. The Doctors were to materialize in the Underworld to face the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as well as personification of the Seven Deadly Sins. Content from the plot seems to have drifted into the stories: The Three Doctors and The Five Doctors. Pertwee’s final story had to be changed because the actor portraying the First Master, Roger Delgado, was killed in a car accident. “The Final Game” was planned to reveal that the Doctor and the Master just were not brothers, but they were the same person – divided into two halves – with the Doctor effectively being a Freudian ego and the Master as the id. Both the Master and the Doctor were planned to die in “The Final Game.” The Master was going to permanently die saving the Doctor, yet the Doctor would regenerate. There was also a second U.S. tv movie planned with McGann’s Eighth Doctor which would have included a major redesign of the Daleks. A third Peter Cushing film was planned but cancelled, Daleks vs. Mechons, based on the story, The Chase.
I have attended some science fiction conventions and have had correspondences with some of the stars of the series. I met Pertwee several times, including once with Elizabeth Sladden, aka the assistant, Sarah Jane Smith, at the Granada Theatre in Chicago in 1989. I met and chatted with Tom Baker who is really tall, about the various death scenes he had in various roles. But I spent an entire morning with Peter Davison, Sandra Dickinson, his then wife who appeared in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and the series producer, John Nathan Turner, wearing a bad Hawaiian shirt. We all sat together with less than ten others and watched Davison’s excellent Cyberman story, Earthshock, more than a year before it aired in the United States. There is nothing better than sitting next to the lead actor in Doctor Who and watching them star in the series in a great story. I had correspondence with the Sixth Doctor, Collin Baker, who wrote me that he was not sure how much longer the BBC would keep him in the role, and he was fired shortly later. I also ran into the enigmatic Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy at a bar the night before a convention. I was sitting with the stars of the cult British science fiction series, Blakes 7 including Gareth Thomas, Paul Darrow, and Brian Blessed (see 2011: #7-SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTIONS). Over the shoulder of Gareth Thomas could be seen Sylvester McCoy sitting at the bar by himself, silently and sadly meditating on his ale. I had correspondence with another Master, Anthony Ainley, one of my favorite actors in Doctor Who, and he wrote back to me on his wonderful Master stationery.
Doctor Who offers a wealth of treasures for Halloween. If not costume ideas, then sheer entertainment. I am very much looking forward to the new season starting this weekend. Not only has the lead actor changed but so has the entire production team, sets, producers, etc. I was totally turned off by the previous Steven Moffat production team, so I am looking forward to the new Chris Chibnall team. It’s one of the only series that regularly reinvents itself, and few series exceed being fifty years old. Just about anything goes in Doctor Who, from very odd aliens to all sorts of monsters – even McCoy’s Seventh Doctor encounters a dragon in one story (on Monday see 2018: #3-DRAGONS)…
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ashley-virginia · 8 years
Alright I'm gonna be "that guy" and be totally annoying, but for the unusual asks thing, answer all of them (or whatever ones you want to/have time for) bc I'm honestly genuinely curious :)
Ahhhh thank you so much! I actually love you a whole bunch, because this was so fun and I never really get to do things like this!!
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? spotify
is your room messy or clean? my room at home is messy as hell, but my dorm is pretty neat and pretty.
what color are your eyes? brown, but like a nice chocolate brown!
do you like your name? why? i guess i like it, i think it’s kinda adorable when people mess up the pronunciation and add an extra syllable in the middle. so they say ash-uh-lee instead of just Ashley.
what is your relationship status? s i n g l e 
describe your personality in 3 words or less calm, friendly, shy
what color hair do you have? brunette
what kind of car do you drive? color? white ‘99 solara. i named him caspar :)
where do you shop? target, forever21, kohls (if i’m feeling like dropping big bucks), lush
how would you describe your style? terrible. i have zero style whatsoever. but i guess it’s classic? trendy? what words do you even use to describe style??
favorite social media account tumblr or twitter
what size bed do you have? queen i think
any siblings? only child!
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? somewhere warm so i don’t freeze my butt off, and my skin gets super dry when it’s cold out. so like maybe florida or cali. the outer banks is pretty nice in the summer, they have great beaches
favorite snapchat filter? the butterfly crown thingy
favorite makeup brand(s) COLOURPOP, maybelline, ulta brand?, nyx, too faced…(i have a ton of favs)
how many times a week do you shower? usually 7 because i work out quite often so i don’t want to go to work or class smelling gross like some people do 
favorite tv show? gotham, the flash, supergirl, ouat
shoe size? 6 or 7
how tall are you? 5′3
sandals or sneakers? sneakers because i have ugly, wide feet
do you go to the gym? not really, i usually go on runs or use the treadmill/elliptical that i have in my house. but since there’s a gym on campus i might start going, but it’s also out of the way so idk
describe your dream date cute lunch or dinner at a cute cafe. i’m sipping some hot chocolate and munching on a soft pretzel or muffin. and my date, whoever he or she is, is munching on their snack, telling me about a book their reading or something that makes them happy. maybe afterwards we’ll go on a walk and find a quite place to read
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? maybe like $30? about to be like 10 after i get my lab notebook
what color socks are you wearing? maroon and white
how many pillows do you sleep with? at home: two regular pillows, a body pillow, two pillow pets. at school, one pillow, three decorative pillows.
do you have a job? what do you do? i work part time at an agriculture company, currently at school though, so i work during breaks. but i help with harvest and such, i don’t really know how to explain it without going into major details
how many friends do you have? not a lot. it’s kinda embarrassing to put a number to it 
whats the worst thing you have ever done? give my phone to two of my friends while they prank called some guy that had called one of them while he was very drunk (the dude not my friend). it turns out he was in a very high position in our state, and we all got in a shit ton of trouble :/
whats your favorite candle scent? classic vanilla i suppose. or anything fall themed
3 favorite boy names noah, adam, jonathan (and any variation of it)
3 favorite girl names carrie, zoe, dorothy 
favorite actor? river phoenix or cameron monaghan. i could go on and on about why i picked them
favorite actress? i don’t really have one, but i like emma watson and elizabeth taylor
who is your celebrity crush? probably cam or river
favorite movie? stand by be, the mummy, and et are all collectively number 1 on my list
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? i’ve read 7 books in january so i guess i read a lot. and right now my favorite would probably be The Raven Boys (i’m patiently waiting on the rest of the series to arrive so i can binge read it)
money or brains? brains
do you have a nickname? what is it? sadly i have a very plain nickname. It’s Ash, just the first three letters of my name. but i do like it, usually on my family and few friends call me it, so it’s kinda special to me
how many times have you been to the hospital? oh yikes, proably like 15-20
top 10 favorite songs 
sexual by NEIKED
shout out to my ex by little mix 
anything that dodie calrk sings lol
all i ask by adele
make you feel by love (the glee version)
the dear evan hansen sounddtrack (it hasn’t been released yet but you know i’m gonna love it)
human by darren criss
driftwood by cody simpson (basically the whole album, free, is a bop)
last night on earth by green day
girls like girls by hayley kiyoko
do you take any medications daily? yep, nothing serious just stuff to keep me healthy
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) usually oily, but during very cold days, it can get very very dry
what is your biggest fear? probably being alone in life.
how many kids do you want? maybe 2 or 3
whats your go to hair style? well considering i have short hair, i just shower and let it dry
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) i guess it’s small, but before i left for uni, i was in the process of moving into a slightly bigger house, so now i guess it’s a medium sized house
who is your role model? lea michele
what was the last compliment you received? some girl in my psych class complimented my blue jacket
what was the last text you sent? “i love you” to my dad
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 7, i saw one of my presents that had yet to be wrapped in the back of my dads truck, and then on christmas day, i opened the exact gift and it had said it was from “Santa”. i didn’t let my parents know for a couple more years.
what is your dream car? idk, i kinda like the one i have now.
opinion on smoking? it’s bad for you and your health, you shouldn’t do it
do you go to college? yep, just started my first semester on monday
what is your dream job? either a writer or an actress, i’m going to school for neither of those things
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs was always the dream, but i am starting to like more rural areas.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? no, but my mom does
do you have freckles? yep, on my shoulders and face, though the latter are more prominent in the summer
do you smile for pictures? usually
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 37
have you ever peed in the woods? yep!
do you still watch cartoons? not really, but sometimes i’ll watch old pokemon episodes on netflix
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? i don’t think i’ve ever had wendy’s nuggets, but i’m sure they’re much better than McDonald’s
Favorite dipping sauce? BBQ or ketchup
what do you wear to bed? usually sweatpants and a tank top, but i’ll switch to shorts if it gets too hot
have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never been in a spelling bee
what are your hobbies? singing, acting, writing, reading
can you draw? nope
do you play an instrument? ukulele and a bit of guitar
what was the last concert you saw? hunter hayes in 2014
tea or coffee? tea
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? starbucks
do you want to get married? yeah, i’d like to
what is your crush’s first and last initial? JC
are you going to change your last name when you get married? maybe
what color looks best on you? i’ve been told dark green and blue?
do you miss anyone right now? yeah, my dog and family
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed, i like to think that it keeps the bugs out
do you believe in ghosts? hell yeah
what is your biggest pet peeve? body odor
last person you called my dad
favorite ice cream flavor? vanilla or pistachio 
regular oreos or golden oreos? regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow sprinkles
what shirt are you wearing? not wearing a shirt ;) lol i’m actually just wearing a sweatshirt
what is your phone background? my date for prom and i
are you outgoing or shy? depends, if i’m with good friends, i’m outgoing, if not, i’m usually very very shy
do you like it when people play with your hair? not really
do you like your neighbors? not really
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? morning and night
have you ever been high? nope
have you ever been drunk? nope
last thing you ate? a granola bar for lunch
favorite lyrics right now literally the entirety of Waving Through a Window. like i relate to that so much it makes me cry half the time i listen to it
summer or winter? i guess summer, but i prefer fall to all seasons
day or night? day
dark, milk, or white chocolate? dark
favorite month? october
what is your zodiac sign cancer
who was the last person you cried in front of? probably my dad
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