#remember when I was like 4k out of 6 is unsettlingly crude smut
comradeocean · 3 months
Poisson d'avril (One Day, Emma Morley/Dexter Mayhew, E, around 9900 words)
Dexter showed up on her doorstep with a rucksack clanging with bottles and that wounded sad boy smile that used to go straight to her cunt. As things stood, Emma sidestepped the embrace she sensed they were meant to fall into by hoisting the bin bag she'd left by the entrance for this expressed purpose. "Go on in. Make yourself at home." She ushered vaguely towards the kitchenette, the sofa with its stack of VHS tapes artfully arranged on the afghan. Large arm motions meant to convey the deep interior of her flat so he wouldn't be tempted to linger in the narrow hallway, and once she returned sans rubbish, try to greet her with the prelude to teary wall sex. Or something.
tags: possessiveness, jealousy, first time, resolved sexual tension, or is it, angst, missing scene, ~ one night of love ~ take two, it doesn't pan out any better, arguably much worse, messy, in all senses of the word, poorly described ego death in the middle of sex, melodrama
warning: extremely self indulgent, crude/vulgar, a hundred flowers blooming, a hundred versions of the night they had intercourse three times and Dex was so 'drunk' he tried to take off his pants before his trousers contending. i.e. a if not quick then dirty rundown of mine.
Enjoy! And please let me know what you think! it's maybe another weird one and I'm hungry for feedback re: whether the particular flavour of weird works!!
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