#remiel 'remi' lynxwiler > headcanons
voices-ringing-out · 4 years
1, 20, 8, and 10 of those flower asks for any muses you’d like?
flower headcanons
thank you for sending these! i’ll choose my four most active muses right now and assign each of them randomly to one of the headcanon asks! :3
1. Bill Denbrough + acanthus (art headcanons)
bill denbrough is a very artistic person - it was a coping mechanism when he was younger that carried on into adulthood. he’s a fan of most kinds of art, but as we see in the second film, writing is his ‘poison’ of choice. that said, while he mostly writes, he has a special respect and admiration for other types of art. he’s the sort of person who would take you on a date to an art gallery to look at paintings, or a museum to look at sculptures. he’s the sort of person to devote time to reading and listening to music in his free time to take in those sorts of art forms. one other art form he has become very good at besides writing is actually origami - he doesn’t partake in it often, but finds the folding of paper to be therapeutic in a way. each member of the Losers Club has their own personalised paper crane that bill made for them.
8. Remi Lynxwiler + dahlia (elegant headcanons)
remi is about as far from elegant as anyone can be - which is frustrating to him because he WANTS to be elegant. he loves all sorts of things but holds a special place in his heart for animals like swans, or films about the knights of the round table. he wants to be that strong but delicate, elegant but adventurous sort of archetype that he sees so often in media, but he just... isn’t able to. it was a huge insecurity of his as a kid - he hated being clumsy, and skittish, and awkward because no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop being those things, no matter how much he wanted to be the opposite. as he gets older, he begins to appreciate himself for who he is more often, and manages to change some of his habits to get to a more ‘elegant’ sort of nature, but that thought of never being able to be like the people he used to look up to is always there.
10. Beck + foxglove (insecure headcanons)
beck is insecure about a lot of things, both in life and in death, for different reasons. in life, he’s insecure because not only is he just struggling to survive and make enough money to help his family survive, but he’s gay, in a time and place that is not kind to gay people. after living almost thirty years with such debilitating insecurity, he finally takes a chance on someone he thinks is safe - and it goes poorly, leading to his death. after death, despite having amnesia and remembering none of his life or identity while alive, the insecurity sort of follows. as he finds more and more ghosts that remember their lives, he feels out of place and insecure because he doesn’t have such memories. he doesn’t know who he is and has to create an entirely new identity. the poor bastard is insecure about everything really - when he falls in love again, he worries that it’ll go poorly. t hen he remembers his past life and REALLY worries it’ll go poorly. he needs a break. or some t herapy.
20. Richie Tozier + olive (peace headcanons )
richie hasn’t found it easy to know what peace is. first all the shit with the evil clown and the internalised homophobia, and then adult responsibilities, a chunk of his life missing from his memories, and the still internalised homophobia... it’s a lot. and when he finally finds peace with one part of himself, it only brings with it turmoil of a different sort, and he finds himself focused on grief instead. he eventually finds peace, in his friends, in his memories, in his long overdue moving on. but there’s always that inkling of a thought that true peace is something he’ll never achieve because of the memories he has that still haunt him. but the closest thing to peace he has found is finally acknowledging and accepting who he is, and spending time with his closest friends and loved ones. that’s his version of peace.
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
remiel hates the taste of gum, but LOVES gummi candies; chewing on something helps keep him calm when he’s having anxiety or sensory overload, and things like gummi worms and such don’t have the chalky too-strong minty taste and texture of gum.
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
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NAME: Remiel ‘Remi’ Lynxwiler
AGE: Verse dependent: in his original story he’s 12-13, but as of right now I’ve only written him in his teenager verse.
GENDER: He identifies as a cis male, though as far as his style goes he’s very gender nonconforming.
SEXUALITY: He had no idea what sexuality he was - or even what it was - until much later in life, as he grew up in a highly sheltered environment. The older he gets, however, the more and more sure he becomes that he’s gay.
ALIGNMENT: Antihero/hero depending upon his mental state; chaotic neutral.
FAMILY: Only child, lived with his parents until he managed to move out.
LIKES: The colour silver, clovers, raccoons, pirates, Disney films, 80s music and films.
DISLIKES: His parents (with good reason), mirrors, the dark, graveyards, tomatoes (he haaaaaates the taste), churches, anything with a spongy or jelly-like texture.
STORY: Remi is from the novel tentatively titled “In The Mirror”, a story that I’ve worked on for a few years now. He is a boy that sees things - creatures, people, spirits, and more - that no one else can see. When his parents find out, they as religious folks begin to worry that Remi has schizophrenia - which in their circles is signs of demonic possession. The story follows Remi as he struggles with his own identity, and with the very real creatures he faces danger from. They’re not hallucinations; they’re real, and nobody else can see them, which means he has no one to seek protection or aid from. He’s on his own.
BACKGROUND: Remiel was born to two very religious parents, who wanted to name their firstborn son something special; and as they saw him to be their little angel, they decided to name him after an angel. When asking fellow townsfolk for suggestions, they liked Remiel, not finding out until later that their choice of angel wasn’t from the Bible at all, but from the offshoot the Book of Enoch, something that left a bad taste in their mouth but was irreversible. Remiel began to show signs of being “different” as early as the age of five. At first his parents assumed it was the usual imaginary friend phase, but the darker and more horrific the invisible beings Remiel described became, the more terrified his parents became that he was possessed by a demon, which caused schizophrenia. But no matter who or where they sent him throughout his life, there was no one able to “exorcise” him. So as life went on, Remiel suffered in silence, too afraid to mention what he saw, not wanting to go back to the camps and ‘doctors’ that claimed to be able to free him. But the older he got, the more intense his ‘visions and hallucinations’ became, and by the time he became 12, he only had so many options - give in to the voices he heard, that promised to make his life better, or continue to fight against them.
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
anyhow, joining my new current favourite muses is my oc Remiel ‘Remi’ Lynxwiler, who has a dramatic ass name because i created him when i was a dramatic ass bitch (read: all the time)
here’s an intro to my small son for anyone who’s interested:
remi grew up ostracised by his family because they thought he was “dangerous”, “scary”, and/or “schizophrenic” because he could see creatures an d monsters no one else could see
later this turned out not to be schizophrenia, but just a weird quirk of his due to being more open minded than adults, or most of the kids in ihs town
this carries on into adulthood
since he’s not great at social cues and oftentimes just says or does whatever leaps to his mind first, even if people don’t know that he “hallucinates”, they still find him too weird and too awkward and too emotional to be considered “cool” or whatever. also he’s gay. and since he sucks at social cues, sometimes he makes it too obvious that he’s gay even if he tries to keep it hidden and then oops homophobes gotta run
so remi grows up pretty much a loner, keeping company with books, drawing, and daydreaming
as of right now he has literally one (1) person who’s shown any sort of interest or love toward him and that is @derrydeadtm‘s charlie, so now remi is faced with the monumental task of figuring out whether he likes charlie in a friend way, or in a like-like way 
some fast facts before i wrap this post up:
remi’s house is slytherin
his favourite colour is silver
his favourite flower is probably clover flowers
his favourite animals are australian shepherds, and raccoons. bitch loves raccoons
he loves disney films
when asked what he wants to be when he grows up, his answer is pirate. it’s always pirate. even when he’s an adult it’s pirate
his favourite band is probably simple minds or duran duran
in the breakfast club he wants to look like john bender but relates most to allison, the emo girl
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