#remiel 'remi' lynxwiler connections > charlie lorne
voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@grccvy​ said,  « you should’ve left when you had the chance. »
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      At first, Remi had thought that he was dreaming - that all of this was a nightmare, one of the really bad ones, and soon he would jolt awake, and he would be alone in his bedroom, just like always. But pinching himself didn’t help, and when he tripped and fell and gashed his knees, he didn’t wake up either.
      Then he wondered if it was a hallucination, or an illusion - something that IT was doing, something to try and break him down, or torment him before the final blow... before whatever Pennywise did to its victims. He stumbled backward, breathing hard, torn between his instincts screaming at him to run away and his heart screaming at him to run closer, because goddammit, that was his best friend standing there. Or it looked like his best friend - how could Charlie ever do this, be so cruel? 
      Remi’s head hurt, struggling to parse out what was real and what was fake, whether who he thought he saw before him was truly there or whether it was another illusion from some dark force that sought to cause him pain. His whole body shook, but he forced himself to stand his ground, refusing to break his gaze even as Charlie spoke. 
      “No! I wasn’t gonna leave you. I promised I wouldn’t, and I’m not gonna break that promise. This isn’t you, man, c’mon.” Against his body’s wishes, Remi hesitantly moved forward a few more steps, limbs trembling, throat tightened, tears already falling from his eyes. He knew this was a bad idea. Knew that whatever had happened to Charlie might very well mean that he wouldn’t make it through tonight alive if he didn’t try to run and hide. 
      But he also knew that without Charlie, what was the point? He had only stayed here in this godforsaken town because of Charlie. He had only suffered living with his parents here for Charlie. He had only made it this far in his life because of Charlie. Without Charlie, what the hell did he have left? 
      “I’m not leaving you, Charlie. I’m not. We can fix this. It’s gonna be okay.”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ liked this post for a halloween/autumn starter, part II
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       Sneaking out had been a success, much to Remi’s relief as he crept along his lawn and made his way down a few streets to where he was meeting up with Charlie, flashlight in hand and perhaps comically large warm jacket on. (It wasn’t his fault he didn’t regulate body heat well, was his general retort to anyone who teased him about the matter.)
      “Our house got TPed.” The words were slightly out of breath from the fast pace at which he had walked, but that didn’t stop the grin that played across his features. “Mom and Dad were pissed but I thought it was kinda funny.” He glanced up and down the street, more or less abandoned by now, despite how active it must have been earlier in the evening with trick or treaters. He didn’t care that he had been forbidden from taking part in the festivities; all that mattered was he got to see Charlie, even if he had to sneak out to do it, and here he was, feeling safer, happier, and more at peace than he had all day. “So... where’d you wanna go?” 
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@grccvy​ said,  “  for once in your life, what is it that you want.  ”
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      Remi knew why Charlie was asking this. He knew that he had a bad habit of being nice to others whenever he could and giving them whatever he could, all while ignoring his own desires and his own needs. He hadn’t been to therapy in a long time, but he figured it had something to do with hoping that maybe if he gave enough, it would mean something. Like maybe if you did enough good things, eventually it would add up and the universe would cut you a break. The Bible was all about selflessness and stuff after all so it made sense.
      Or at least, he thought it made sense. It didn’t seem fair, but he did it because he had no idea what else to do. Asking for something meant bringing attention to himself and being dependent on another person to give it and that had historically gone poorly. 
      In this moment, looking up at Charlie, he could think of one perfect thing he wanted. And it was the one thing he was too terrified to ask for. “I-I--”
      I want you. I think I like you, like... more than a friend. And I don’t really know if that’s okay but I can’t help how I feel and I’m afraid it’ll mean we can’t be friends anymore and--
      A few seconds passed before he managed to speak again, voice small, all his thoughts and words and feelings tangling up inside his head and making it ache. “I’m scared to say.”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@grccvy​ said,  ❝ i don’t feel okay . i’ve never felt okay . ❞
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      He knew exactly what Charlie meant, and wished he didn’t. Every so often, Remi would run across someone their age who seemed to be just fine - their families supported them, they did well in life, they didn’t live in constant fear of creatures other people couldn’t see. He envied them; envied that they could be ‘okay’ when he and Charlie could not.
      “I know.” Remi’s voice was quiet, but he paused for a moment to draw in a few deep breaths. He needed to be strong right now. “I know...” He reached out, tentatively, and took the other’s hand in his. “Is-is there anything I can do? I mean, I know I can’t fix it--can’t fix all of this--but maybe I can help you feel... less not-okay?”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ said,  ‘ your nose is bleeding. ’
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     Charlie’s words reached Remi through a fog, registering only enough for him to reach up with one tremulous hand and press a finger against his upper lip, being met with warmth that trickled further down. He licked his lips on instinct and was left with the taste of copper pennies. Pennies...
      He couldn’t remember what had happened. He couldn’t remember if Charlie had been there, or if he had only just arrived... the longer Remi thought about it, the more he realised that he didn’t remember much of the last day at all. He only knew that his body felt like ice, his very inner being weighing heavy inside of his guts, and his thoughts were hazy. And, apparently, he was bleeding.
      For a moment, he said nothing, staring blankly at his fingers. Finally though he managed to lift his head, blinking at Charlie with a tired gaze, an unnameable sensation of relief warming a small part of his frigid chest at the sight of the other. As long as there was Charlie, everything would be okay. “I don’t kn--don’t remember... rem...” A few heartbeats of silence. “... why am I s-so c-cold... where am I?”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
continued from here with @evildecd​‘s charlie lorne!
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      The whispers had seemed to get worse as Remi grew, despite his parents and his doctors all telling him that it would get better - that the symptoms would ease up over time as his child’s imgagination faded, or whatever bullshit they liked to feed people. They were wrong, though, because of course they were wrong. 
      At least he wasn’t alone.
      Hunched over and curled up in the very centre of the blanket fort, Remi could feel the weight on his chest lessening, his muscles relaxing as he worked on remembering to breathe and kept his eyes on his friend. Charlie was safe. They were both safe. (They had to be, they were inside a fort: those were the rules.)
      He shook his head and scooted closer to Charlie. “Nah. Just... other voices. I never get a good look at ‘em, they’re just... quick shadows. Don’t think it’s the clown though...  just somethin’ else. My parents say they’re not real but...” Remi shrugged slightly, reaching for a large blanket not currently being used as a wall and draping it over himself, holding his arm out and inviting Charlie to wrap up in it as well. “They’d pro’lly say that about Pennywise too.”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
@evildecd​ said,  ❝ stop acting like you’re happy .  i know you’re not . ❞
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      With a sheepish expression, Remi looked away, unable to maintain eye contact with Charlie as he rubbed the back of his neck and responded, “I am happy...!” The words faded off as even he realised they were a lie, and that he wasn’t fooling Charlie one bit.
      The truth of the matter was, putting up a mask was almost the only thing he knew to do. He had grown used to it with his parents, to keep them from sending him to more therapists and more doctors that wouldn’t help, and he had learned to do it in all other social interactions to hopefully stave off the amount of people who saw him as “the weird kid”.
      He let out a sigh, glancing back up at his friend. “I know. I just...” Remi shrugged. “I figured life’s real hard already, and I know you’re goin’ through a lot, so I don’t wanna make things harder by bein’ sad all the time. I wanna be... like...” He gestured aimlessly with his hands, animated as he struggled to put his feelings into words. “I wanna be somebody you can get away with. Not have to deal with everything with. Y’know?”
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
continued from here with @evildecd​
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      “Wh--hey! I’m not that small... anymore.” Remi reached out and gently shoved Charlie’s shoulder, brow furrowed in a mock expression of anger. He took no offence at the comment though, expression brightening into a grin a few moments later. Anyone else, and he would have been hurt, but this was Charlie. He knew Charlie didn’t mean nothin’ by it.
      “Whatever. Just means I’m faster’n everybody else.” He smirked, arching both eyebrows as he grinned at his friend, simply enjoying being in the other’s company.
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