#reminder of YAHusha
faithofyahyah · 11 months
REMEMBER YAHusha your saviour
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malkahpariyz · 11 months
Its supposed to be :
Yahusha (Jesus)
The Music (My only husband)
And Me.
* it’s just me God and the music, that’s all I’m here for and I’ve known it since I was a teenager and all I get is reminders every time I try to find love. It’s Gods love, my big brother Jesus love, my love, and my love for music. That’s all I meant for. That’s all that’s for me. But I do hope that God will provide me with a man that is stronger, wiser, and more of a leader than even me and that does not intimidate by or feel emasculated by everything great that I am and never hide from a man.
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holdonendure · 2 years
Submission is an important issue in relation to marriage. Here is the plain biblical command: “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to Adonai. For the husband is the head of the wife as MASHIACH is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to MASHIACH, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything” (Ephesians 5:22–24).
Even before sin entered the world, there was still the principle of the headship of the husband (1 Timothy 2:13). Adam was created first, and Eve was created to be a "helper" for Adam (Genesis 2:18–20). Yahuah has established several types of authority in the world: governments to enforce justice in society and provide protection; pastors to lead and feed the sheep of Yahuah; husbands to love and nurture their wives; and fathers to admonish their children. In each case, submission is required: citizen to government, flock to shepherd, wife to husband, child to father.
The Greek word translated “submit,” hupotasso, is the continuing form of the verb. This means that submitting to Yahuah, the government, a pastor, or a husband is not a one-time act. It is a continual attitude, which becomes a pattern of behavior.
First, of course, we are responsible to submit to Yahuah, which is the only way we can truly obey Him (James 1:21; 4:7). And each Believer should live in humble, ready submission to others (Ephesians 5:21). In regards to submission within the family unit, 1 Corinthians 11:2–3, says that the husband is to submit to MASHIACH(as MASHIACH did to YAHUAH the Father) and the wife is to submit to her husband.
There is much misunderstanding in our world today about the roles of husband and wife within a marriage. Even when the biblical roles are properly understood, many choose to reject them in favor of a supposed “emancipation” of women, with the result that the family unit is torn apart. It’s no surprise that the world rejects YAHUAH’s design, but YAHUAH’s people should be joyfully celebrating that design.
Submit is not a bad word. Submission is not a reflection of inferiority or lesser worth. MASHIACH constantly submitted Himself to the will of the Father (Luke 22:42; John 5:30), without giving up an iota of His worth.
To counter the world’s misinformation concerning a wife’s submission to her husband, we should carefully note the following in Ephesians 5:22–24 1) A wife is to submit to one man (her husband), not to every man. The rule to submit does not extend to a woman’s place in society at large. 2) A wife is to willingly submit to her husband in personal obedience to Adonai YAHUSHA. She submits to her husband because she loves YAHUSHA. 3) The example of a wife’s submission is that of the church to MASHIACH. 4) There is nothing said of the wife’s abilities, talents, or worth; the fact that she submits to her own husband does not imply that she is inferior or less worthy in any way. Also notice that there are no qualifiers to the command to submit, except “in everything.” So, the husband does not have to pass an aptitude test or an intelligence test before his wife submits. It may be a fact that she is better qualified than he to lead in many ways, but she chooses to follow Adonai’s instruction by submitting to her husband’s leadership. In so doing, a holy wife can even win her unbelieving husband to Adonai“without words” simply by her holy behavior (1 Peter 3:1).
Submission should be a natural response to loving leadership. When a husband loves his wife as MASHIACH loves the church (Ephesians 5:25—33), then submission is a natural response from a wife to her husband. But, regardless of the husband’s love or lack thereof, the wife is commanded to submit “as to Adonai” (verse 22). This means that her obedience to Yahuah—her acceptance of His plan—will result in her submission to her husband. The “as to Adonai” comparison also reminds the wife that there is a higher authority to whom she is responsible. Thus, she is under no obligation to disobey civil law or Yahuah’s law in the name of “submission” to her husband. She submits in things that are right and lawful and Yahuah-honoring. Of course, she does not “submit” to abuse—that is not right or lawful or Yahuah-honoring. To try to use the principle of “submission” to justify abuse is to twist Scripture and promote evil.
The submission of the wife to the husband in Ephesians 5 does not allow the husband to be selfish or domineering. His command is to love (verse 25), and he is responsible before Yahuah to fulfill that command. The husband must exercise his authority wisely, graciously, and in the fear of the Elohiym to whom he must give an account.
When a wife is loved by her husband as the church is loved by MASHIACH, submission is not difficult. Ephesians 5:24 says, “Now as the church submits to MASHIACH, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.” In a marriage, submission is a position of giving honor and respect to the husband (see Ephesians 5:33) and completing what he is lacking in. It is Yahuah’s wise plan for how the family should function.
Commentator Matthew Henry wrote, “The woman was made out of Adam’s side. She was not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be loved.” The immediate context of the commands to the husband and wife in Ephesians 5:19–33 involves the filling of the Spirit. Spirit-filled believers are to be worshipful (5:19), thankful (5:20), and submissive (5:21). Paul then follows this line of thought on Spirit-filled living and applies it to wives in verses 22–24. A wife should submit to her husband, not because women are inferior (the Bible never teaches that), but because that is how Yahuah designed the marital relationship to function.
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tobias5819 · 3 years
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True friendship is almost extinct nowadays! It seems people today only help others if they pay them back for their help! They keep a tally of everything they do for you but forget so easily what you did for them! That's the way of the world! Yahusha did not keep tabs on what He did for us now, did He? He forgave us of our debts as a matter of fact He sacrificed Himself for our debts! It's a shame that people that call you friend seem to remember everything they have done for you and constantly remind you of it! Is that what Yahusha taught us? Think about that and remember when you don't forgive one another the debts you are owed! Neither will He forgive you! On the day of judgment, His words will be, I know you not!
John 15:12-14
This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.
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hadassahtorah-blog · 4 years
Remembering Past Successes
To be honest, a lot of us are negative thinkers when we find ourselves in challenging situations. But to move past trying times, you have to take your negative thoughts and turn them into positive thoughts.
Yahuah wants to take you on a "truth journey" through studying His Word that produces amazing results. It will help you purge your negative thoughts and give you the ability to see the positive in your situation.
Being positive is powerful. And a big part of being positive is simply reminding yourself of your past successes.
When David faced the giant Goliath, he remembered the lion and the bear he'd already defeated, and it gave him courage in his current situation.
If you're going through a difficult time right now, let me remind you that this probably isn't the first challenge you've faced. You survived the last one (and probably learned some valuable lessons through it) and you will survive this one too.
Like David, remember your past successes. Then go to the Word and see what Yahuah says. Better days are on their way. Yahuah promises it!
Prayer Starter: Father, sometimes the situation in front of me seems impossible, but You have brought me through difficult times in the past, and I know You can do it again. Help me to remember past successes and to think positively about my present situation. In Yahusha's Name, Amein and Amein.
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postie974 · 2 years
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✝️🔛🛐 Now brothers and sisters, let me remind you [once again] of the good news [of salvation] which I preached to you, which you welcomed and accepted and on which you stand [by faith]. By this faith you are saved [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose], if you hold firmly to the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain [just superficially and without complete commitment]. For I passed on to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to [that which] the Scriptures [foretold], and that He was buried, and that He was [bodily] raised on the third day according to [that which] the Scriptures [foretold], 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 HalleluYAH!!! REMAIN HUMBLE YAH BERAK ATAH! TRUST IN YAH ALWAYS! BE READY AT ANY MOMENT • • Accept Yahusha (The Word) as your MESSIAH & SAVIOUR, confess & repent from your sins believing in Him accepting His gift of Salvation. You WILL be saved through grace by faith in Him! • I AM The Way The Truth And The Life I AM... THE WORD • THE SINNERS PRAYER Yahua, I know that I have broken Your laws and my sins have separated me from You. I am truly sorry, I now want to turn away from my past sinful life and repent. Forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your Son, Yahusha died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Yahusha to become the RULER of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Send your Ruach HaKodesh to help me obey You, doing Your will for the rest of my life. In Yahusha’s name Amen. The TRUE Hebrew names of our LORD GOD and SAVIOUR • YAH aka I AM aka ELOHIM aka GOD YHWH aka YAHUA aka HEAVENLY FATHER YAHUSHA aka THE WORD aka JESUS HaMashiach aka The Anointed One RUACH HAKODESH aka HOLY SPIRIT — Brother Mark — • #creation #christian #faith #mercy #grace #love #agape #shalom #shabbat_shalom #worshipyah #trustinyah #yahisgod #praiseyah #luni_solar_sabbath #metonic_cycle #creationcalendar #trinity #halleluyah #hosanna #ruachhakodesh #ruachofyah #yhwh #yahua #elohim #yah #theword #yahusha #saviour #savedbygrace #discipleofchrist (at Disciples of YAH • Father-Son-Spirit) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcV5zajPCeZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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christianmenatwork · 3 years
What You Can Control-Selah71-CMAW168
  Got an email from OnePathPublishing with clarification on an issue I raised last week which is that Jesus, or Yahusha, will return on on 1st of Tishri and when He said that we would not know the day or the hour He was referring to the fact that the Feast of Trumpets is on the 1st day of the month, which is defined by when the moon first appears, to be confirmed by 2 priests and so it's impossible to predict on which day that will be, let alone the hour.
  Luke 7:37-38 "37 “Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38 Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.”"
Teacher on the radio said we often use this verse about giving to talk about finances, but it's context is right after telling us not to judge and to forgive.  Jesus was providing a foundation for all our relationships and ministries, if we want to experience gods kingdom and see our circumstances really change, we must change and forgive, world teaches we must wait for others to change but if we follow that advice we may remain in bondage forever, we can become a blocked channel or vessel unable to receive the love and mercy God has for us, forgiveness is a gift we give to others and ourselves and we will receive God's best as a result.  
I've seen conflict in many parts of my world.  At the macro level, we see nations in conflict, Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan, Israel and Iran and many other countries.   In our country it's right vs left, vaccine mandates vs freedom of choice.  But at the micro level I see conflict within the church even in my own church, within families, I see pretty major conflicts not within my immediate family but in my extended family in a big way. 
In all of these instances, I can see how forgiveness is the solution.  We cant' control others.  We can only control ourselves and one of the best choices we can make is to forgive others.
FM 92.1 on 2/20/22
  Self Help in 2 Chapters
Ps 1 and Prov 3
Today I'd like to read Psalm 1 and next time I'll read Proverbs 3.  IT's a reminder to me that I don't need self-help books, even if they're called Christian.  I need the Bible.
      Do not toil to acquire wealth; be discerning enough to desist. When your eyes light on it, it is gone, for suddenly it sprouts wings, flying like an eagle toward heaven.
Proverbs 23:4-5 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage?search=Proverbs%2023:4-5&version=ESV
  I have a chocolate bar joke I could tell, but it will probably only get a snicker
      Check out this episode!
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artonthehill · 3 years
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Oh dear Father in Heaven,  thank you for sending your Son.. for ME..so I may live FOREVER , till then I am reminded of YOUR SWEET LOVE, everyday you protect and provide everything for me.  Your word is so sweet and feeds my very soul !  How sweet is your love . There is no place I would rather be than in YOUR LOVE.. Thank you for sending YAHUSHA to die on that cross and rise again three days later !!!  SO I MAY LIVE AS WELL..THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE AMEN..ITS A FREE GIFT FOR ALL..AMEN
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 I want to take you on a journey through a short five part series. It is a journey of one Man, who lived over two-thousand years ago. Many of what you will read is truth, based on Scripture as it is written in the Word, and some, after some research to answer some questions many of us have, could be pure assumption, but mostly, how I feel it may or could have been, or as an alternative possibility where Scripture is not clear on the matter. However, I do request that whatever you may read, please pray about it and allow the Spirit to reveal and confirm truth to you. Don’t just take my word for it purely because you read it on a site.
 Once upon a time, in a little town far from here….
 This is normally how most fairytales begin. Fortunately for us, this is no mere fairytale, but a true story…. It is a love story filled with grace and a love that is never ending. This is a tale of a Father that suffered so much heartache caused by His children, but still had so much more love to give them, that it made Him give them the greatest sacrifice and gift in the history of mankind, in order to get them back to a place where they use to be long, long ago.
 This tale takes us back thousands of years to a garden named, Eden. It was there that God made a promise to humanity, as well as satan, that a Redeemer will come to lift the curse that satan has placed on humanity, all in order to bring humanity back into relationship with Him, our heavenly Father. Where satan came to take humanity away from the grace and spiritual freedom, given to them by God, God promised that one day, that loving relationship will be restored. Genesis 3:15 “ And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
 This is the tale of a Father that sacrificed His only Son, in order to fulfill a promise made thousands of years ago. This Son had no teacher, yet people called Him Teacher. He had no servants, yet was called Master. He was no doctor, but yet He was called their Healer. There were no military forces under His command, yet kings feared Him. He won no earthly wars, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crimes, yet He was crucified. As a human he was buried, but yet till today….He lives…
 This is the tale of a very special and unique ‘Man’. A Man destined to die even before He was born. This is the tale of our Saviour and Lord, Jesus Christ, or otherwise known in His native tongue, Yahusha Ha’Mashiach, from the crib, to the cross.
 Humanity reached a pinnacle point very early on in history in the garden of Eden where Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought a curse unto all ever since. Romans 5:19 “ For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners….” God, however, had a plan to release humanity of this curse through His promise made in Genesis 3:15. The plan was perfect and it was flawless. No human being was worthy enough to intervene on behalf of humanity and so, God stepped in again on behalf of His creation. For thousands of year after the garden of Eden, God constantly reminded humanity of His promise. Through many prophecies given to individuals, God gave comfort to humanity that everything will be okay again.
Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” 
And thus, humanity awaited the appearance of this great Messiah. For many generations, people were on the lookout for signs that would announce the coming of Him that will save them from this curse. As time passed, humanity itself underwent many changes. The hope of humanity was at an all-time low. People were oppressed by slavery and suffering. People began to pray for a saviour to release them of their anguish and at some points even forgot about the actual reason they were in need of a Saviour. Doctrines were still followed, but the prophecies began to look more like dreams and fantasies, even for many of the scribes and scholars of the nation. God chose His nation for a reason, and the time of the coming of the Messiah was at hand. Humanity was now ready to become reconciled with their God, just as promised roughly five-thousand-five-hundred years ago in the garden of Eden.
 The entire ‘known world’ in those days was under Roman rule. At the head of the Roman rule was the Caesar and he had his seat in Rome itself. All countries and nations under Roman rule were forced to pay heavy taxes unto this Roman ruler. The Romans Empire was controlled and monitored through officials and an occupying power that was appointed throughout the various countries they owned. Thus the Jewish nation of those days too was under Roman rule and they passionately longed for someone to set them free. For many political and diplomatic reasons, the Romans allowed king Herod to still retain his dignity and kingship status in the Palestinian territory, although he was only allowed a limited power. Herod was an Edomite, and thus a direct descendant of Esau. After him coming into power as the king of Judea, he became very afraid of the Maccabees, a nation of Jewish leaders that stood up in protest of the political and religious suppression of the Jews.
 Herod commanded that all the descendants of the Maccabees be killed, but in an attempt to win back the favour of the Jews, he married a lady named Marianne, who was herself one of the Maccabees. But as time passed and for various political reasons again, Herod even had her grandfather, her father, their own two sons and her, murdered. Because of this, he became hated by the Jews. In newer attempts to gain the trust of the Jewish people again, he decided to expand and beautify the temple in Jerusalem. This however, did not bring him any closer to the Jews. On religious grounds, the Jews made a political and national statement about the prophecies of the Old Testament and they eagerly awaited the Saviour again, to come and release them of the Roman tyranny. Once again, because the salvation they hoped for did not come, disappointment again set in. The philosophical systems of the Greek sages could not deliver any satisfaction either and so the world of that time, was once again, in a hopeless state.
 The time for profound salvation has arrived. Known as the fullness of time, Galatians 4:4. During this time, there was extremely good communication between the nations throughout the Roman Empire. For those living with hope, came a big expectancy that salvation was at hand and suddenly came a spiritual receptivity for the Gospel that would later become known throughout the entire world.
 Preceding this time, at the stage when the Jewish nation became part of the Roman Empire, God allowed His people to become part of the political systems of that time and through this, many other nationalities were able to learn and appreciate the Jewish religion. All of this was part of the preparation process which would later open doors for the missionary work done by Paul, Peter and many others. The Jewish religion was full of internal contradictions. Aside from a longing for a saviour, a return to the Lord and a continuous reading of the Law, the emphasis was mainly placed on outward things.
 The Law was kept to the letter and religion went up in outward ceremonies. The manner in which the Pharisees construed the Law and basically forced the common man to follow the Law to a point where it became a burden, practically drove the people of that time to a point where they yearned again for true salvation in a world there they could find no rest. During this perplexed and complicated time, many different expectations arose for what the Messiah’s purpose was to be. Mainly the Jews hoped for the Messiah to release them from Roman rule, while to the East, the wise men were also awaiting the arrival of a Messiah. Even the Greeks yearned for the revelation of truth. There were a multitude of faithful people in Israel, poor and lowly people under the Jews that eagerly awaited the fulfilment of the promise made by God, as it was written it in our Old Testament.
 I hope that this intro was enough to make you a little curious for what is to come. Thank you for taking the time to have read this. May what follows next begin to open up a new way of thinking within you and may you be blessed even more.
 Up next: The life of Messiah, From the crib to the cross, Part One (Birth).
 Stay strong and courageous!
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faithofyahyah · 11 months
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my beloved, repent and believe in 😁YAHusha😁
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holdonendure · 2 years
Brothers and Sisters
It’s the sort of thing we expect a vigilante to say in a violent action film. But this promise "vengeance is mine" was first spoken by our Creator, the Author of our story. We are not to repay or vindicate, as YAHUAH has given more righteousness than we could ever deserve.
Moses was the scribe, but YAHUAH authored the words “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.” (Deuteronomy 32:35)
This is YAHUAH’s promise and His law, given first in Exodus and a second time here. Deuteronomy is a reminder of the covenant that YAHUAH made with His people. The word ‘Deuteronomy’ is ‘eleh ha-devarim’ in Hebrew” meaning “‘these are the words.’”
Moses is preparing to pass the baton to a new generation of Israelites led by a next-generation leader, Joshua. Moses is reminding the people to remain faithful to the one true ELOHIYM and His laws. ADONAI has fed them and provided water in the desert. And now, knowing he will soon die and not see the Promised Land, Moses rebukes the people:
For I know your rebellion, and your stiff neck: behold, while I am yet alive with you this day, ye have been rebellious against Yahuah; and how much more after my death? DEVARIYM (DEUTERONOMY) 31:27 את CEPHER
In Deuteronomy 32, referred to as ‘The Song of Moses,’ Moses sings to YAHUAH and the phrase “vengeance is mine” is first recorded here in Deuteronomy 32:35. It is a promise Moses claims for himself and his people. He continues with: In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.” YAHUAH will vindicate his people...
Later, Paul quotes this verse to the Believers in Rome to emphasize the point that they should not “repay evil for evil.” (Romans 12:17)
A dictionary definition of “vengeance” leads us to “retribution” or “repayment.” Strong’s Hebrew Concordance explains that the word used here—naqam—means “avenged, quarrel, vengeance."
Paul would have used the Greek which is “ekdikēsis” or “vengeance, vindication.” “Vindication” is a little different, meaning “acquittal, clearing, exculpation, exoneration.”
When we see these two definitions side-by-side, we can take the phrase to mean:
1. YAH punishes the wicked.We are not to exact punishment on behalf of YAHUAH for His honor: He will satisfy His own wrath. YAHUAH destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah out of vengeance for their iniquity. He withheld vengeance from Nineveh when Jonah preached truth to them and they turned to YAHUAH.
2. We are saved to offer mercy not vindication.Thanks to the Gospel, we do not receive retribution (vengeance) from YAHUAH for our sin. If someone hurts us, we must not become absorbed in proving who is right (vindication).
YAHUAH’s Old Testament law tells the people how to deal with criminal behavior and certain sins such as adultery and murder, yet we are told not to take vengeance. How can this be? And should we never take a case to court to clear our name if we are slandered or abused?
I think we can clear up this confusion by asking: how far would you go in order to be “right?” What motivates your actions? Is it a desire of the flesh? Or is it righteous anger?
There is no one righteous, not even one. – Romans 3:10
The only way to righteousness is “through faith in YAHUSHA” (Romans 3:22). If we are saved by grace, then grace has set us free from punishment, but also from condemnation under the law.
The contrast of this freedom with our former depravity should make us acutely aware that we are not owed anything by YAHUAH, yet He already bought our freedom at the cross. We have no right to receive earthly honor, but if that’s what we want, then if we are honored on earth we “have received our reward in full.” (Matthew 6:2).
Ideally, we will let YAHUAH avenge His people when they suffer for MASHIACH and we won’t seek vindication from the world. His glory is all that matters, and “before all the people I will be glorified” says YAHUAH (Leviticus 4:3).
We have a tendency to want justice for ourselves; to be treated fairly. Our society spends a lot of time talking about “rights” but these, for the Believer, are merely self-centered expectations.
YAHUAH has never told us we will be treated fairly on earth.
In fact, we don’t get what we deserve. We live under grace and not the law (Romans 6:14).
We are better off under grace than under “human rights.” John Piper once preached, “Our rights are to belong to MASHIACH, to stand justified before a holy ELOHIYM, to own everything and inherit everything, to love our enemies, to return good for evil, to treasure MASHIACH above all things” which are “blood-bought rights. They cannot be secured for us by laws,”
Everything else, Paul wrote, “is loss.”
Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Mashiach Yahusha my Adonai: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Mashiach, PHILIPPIYM (PHILIPPIANS) 3:8 את CEPHER
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holdonendure · 2 years
Brothers and Sisters
Anger is a common human emotion and one that is difficult for many people to manage. There are two Greek words used for anger in the New Testament. One is defined as passion, energy and the other is agitated, boiling. Not All Anger Is Sin! Often anger results from a sinful attitude. Other times it has a righteous source. Either way if it is not handled properly it can quickly become sin.
We know that not all anger is sin because YAHUAH gets angry. TEHILLIYM (PSALMS) 7:11 says ELOHIYM judges the righteous, and EL is angry with the wicked every day. When YAHUSHA went into the temple and saw them buying and selling he became angry. And what did YAHUSHA DO??? He made a scourge of small cords and drove them that were taking part in those acts out of the temple. Just about every church building that I have entered into participates in the practice of buying and selling!!! WHAAAAAT! YAHUSHA'S ANGER AT THIS ACT DOESN'T MAKE YOU TREMBLE! IS THERE NO FEAR OF THE CREATOR!
Anger that is prompted by seeing things that go against YAHUAH is righteous in nature. Like seeing the mistreatment of YAHUAH'S people for serving HIM! We also may feel anger when YAHUAH'S Word is maligned or when man attempts to steal HIS glory! But we must remember YAHUAH'S call to humility. PHILIPPIYM (PHILIPPIANS) 2: 3 says Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than themselves. We must also recognize that everything that WE deem as an injustice is not truly worthy of anger. For YAHUAH resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble.
The Bible says that Death and Life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Here this idea is extended to remind us that the tongue not only has the power of provision, but also of death and life. The evil tongue slays three, the slanderer, the slandered, and the listener. Those who are wise enough to love and appreciate the power of what a man says will be blessed and will eat the pleasant fruit of wise and effective speech. The words we speak will either build us up or tear us down. Our tongue will either bring blessings or curses upon us from both YAHUAH and man. KEPHA RI'SHON (1 PETER) 3:10 says For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile. The Creator sees all and He is watching over the righteous and His ears are open unto their prayers. His Face is against them that do evil. So in other words if you are praying to Yah for the desires of your heart and living in sin then your prayers are NOT being heard.
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man QOLASIYM (COLOSSIANS) 4:6. When Paul wrote this he believed that Followers of YAHUSHA would answer others by communicating YAHUAH'S Truth and not their own. That way when Followers are communicating with unbelievers their speech will be inspired by YAH.
In the multitude of words there lacks not sin: but he that refrains his lips is wise
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holdonendure · 2 years
Brothers and Sisters
I have often been puzzled by something missing from the Bible: marriage ceremonies.
Although lots of people are married in the Bible, there are no descriptions of any ceremonies. Adam and Eve are “married” simply by the fact that they are made for each other and they procreate. Jacob marries Leah by mistake, which happens not because of a disguised bride at a wedding ceremony, but because he consummates the marriage in the darkness of a tent. YAHUSHA attends a wedding in Cana which consists of a family party, but no ceremony is described.
The only “ceremony” I can find in the Bible is Tobit 7:12-14 in which a father places the hand of his daughter in the hand of the husband, and then writes a contract.
The reason why there are no marriage ceremonies in the Bible is because marriage did not involve a ceremony. Marriage in the Bible simply consists of a man and woman, with the consent of the woman’s father or guardian, living together and attempting procreation.
No vows, no priest, no ritual, no prayer, no pronouncement, no license, no registration.
The early Church split because of practices which became law/custom yet they were not stated/or acceptable in the Bible, for example, bowing to images, baptising children and praying for the dead. In Matthew 15:6-9, YAHUSHA warned on adopting laws of men and imposing them on YAHUAH’S people.
This is emphasised in Titus 1:14.
Pertaining to marrying in church, I have not yet found it anywhere in the Bible that the Church shall conduct marriage. The authority to marry off children is vested in the parents and this is a divine authority which cannot be substituted by man’s law.
It is also clear in the Bible that a marriage is not made holy by the ceremonies in church. For this reason, the Bible recognises that a marriage between a non-believer and a believer (of course not made in church) is holy or sanctified by the faith of a believer according to 1 Corinthians 7:12-16 and they bear holy children.
Therefore, it is not the pronouncements in church that make the marriage holy, but the faith of the believer. As regards marriage vows, church leaders need to be reminded that the New Testament does not allow people to make vows any more.
In Matthew 5:33-37, YAHUSHA commanded us NOT TO VOW AT ALL. This is repeated in James 5:12. For that reason, it is not right for any BELIEVER to make a vow or to swear to enter into marriage.
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holdonendure · 2 years
Brothers and Sisters!
Paul’s charge to us in Romans 13:8 to owe nothing but love is a powerful reminder of YAHUAH’s distaste for all forms of debt that are not being paid in a timely manner (see also Psalm 37:21). At the same time, the Bible does not explicitly command against all forms of debt. The Bible warns against debt, and extols the virtue of not going into debt, but does not forbid debt. The Bible has harsh words of condemnation for lenders who abuse those who are bound to them in debt, but it does not condemn the debtor.
Some people question the charging of any interest on loans, but several times in the Bible we see that a fair interest rate is expected to be received on borrowed money (Proverbs 28:8; Matthew 25:27). In ancient Israel the Law did prohibit charging interest on one category of loans—those made to the poor (Leviticus 25:35-38). This law had many social, financial, and spiritual implications, but two are especially worth mentioning. First, the law genuinely helped the poor by not making their situation worse. It was bad enough to have fallen into poverty, and it could be humiliating to have to seek assistance. But if, in addition to repaying the loan, a poor person had to make crushing interest payments, the obligation would be more hurtful than helpful.
Second, the law taught an important spiritual lesson. For a lender to forego interest on a loan to a poor person would be an act of mercy. He would be losing the use of that money while it was loaned out. Yet that would be a tangible way of expressing gratitude to YAHUAH for His mercy in not charging His people “interest” for the grace He has extended to them. Just as YAHUAH had mercifully brought the Israelites out of Egypt when they were nothing but penniless slaves and had given them a land of their own (Leviticus 25:38), so He expected them to express similar kindness to their own poor citizens.
Believers are in a parallel situation. The life, death, and resurrection of YAHUSHA has paid our sin debt to YAHUAH. Now, as we have opportunity, we can help others in need, particularly fellow believers, with loans that do not escalate their troubles. YAHUSHA even gave a parable along these lines about two creditors and their attitude toward forgiveness (Matthew 18:23-35).
The Bible neither expressly forbids nor condones the borrowing of money. The wisdom of the Bible teaches us that it is usually not a good idea to go into debt. Debt essentially makes us a slave to the one who provides the loan. At the same time, in some situations going into debt is a “necessary evil.” As long as money is being handled wisely and the debt payments are manageable, a Believer can take on the burden of financial debt if it is absolutely necessary.
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holdonendure · 2 years
Brothers and Sisters!
It’s the sort of thing we expect a vigilante to say in a violent action film. But this promise "vengeance is mine" was first spoken by our Creator, the Author of our story. We are not to repay or vindicate, as YAHUAH has given more righteousness than we could ever deserve. 
Moses was the scribe, but YAHUAH authored the words “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay. In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.” (Deuteronomy 32:35)
This is YAHUAH’s promise and His law, given first in Exodus and a second time here. Deuteronomy is a reminder of the covenant that YAHUAH made with His people.  The word ‘Deuteronomy’ is ‘eleh ha-devarim’ in Hebrew” meaning “‘these are the words.’” 
Moses is preparing to pass the baton to a new generation of Israelites led by a next-generation leader, Joshua. Moses is reminding the people to remain faithful to the one true ELOHIYM and His laws. ADONAI has fed them and provided water in the desert. And now, knowing he will soon die and not see the Promised Land, Moses rebukes the people:
For I know your rebellion, and your stiff neck: behold, while I am yet alive with you this day, ye have been rebellious against Yahuah; and how much more after my death? DEVARIYM (DEUTERONOMY) 31:27 את CEPHER
In Deuteronomy 32, referred to as ‘The Song of Moses,’ Moses sings to YAHUAH and the phrase “vengeance is mine” is first recorded here in Deuteronomy 32:35. It is a promise Moses claims for himself and his people. He continues with: In due time their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them.” YAHUAH will vindicate his people... 
Later, Paul quotes this verse to the Believers in Rome to emphasize the point that they should not “repay evil for evil.” (Romans 12:17)
A dictionary definition of “vengeance” leads us to “retribution” or “repayment.” Strong’s Hebrew Concordance explains that the word used here—naqam—means “avenged, quarrel, vengeance."
Paul would have used the Greek which is “ekdikēsis” or “vengeance, vindication.” “Vindication” is a little different, meaning “acquittal, clearing, exculpation, exoneration.”
When we see these two definitions side-by-side, we can take the phrase to mean:
1.  YAH punishes the wicked.
We are not to exact punishment on behalf of YAHUAH for His honor: He will satisfy His own wrath. YAHUAH destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah out of vengeance for their iniquity. He withheld vengeance from Nineveh when Jonah preached truth to them and they turned to YAHUAH.
2. We are saved to offer mercy not vindication.
Thanks to the Gospel, we do not receive retribution (vengeance) from YAHUAH for our sin. If someone hurts us, we must not become absorbed in proving who is right (vindication). 
YAHUAH’s Old Testament law tells the people how to deal with criminal behavior and certain sins such as adultery and murder, yet we are told not to take vengeance. How can this be? And should we never take a case to court to clear our name if we are slandered or abused?
I think we can clear up this confusion by asking: how far would you go in order to be “right?” What motivates your actions? Is it a desire of the flesh? Or is it righteous anger?
There is no one righteous, not even one. – Romans 3:10
The only way to righteousness is “through faith in YAHUSHA” (Romans 3:22). If we are saved by grace, then grace has set us free from punishment, but also from condemnation under the law.
The contrast of this freedom with our former depravity should make us acutely aware that we are not owed anything by YAHUAH, yet He already bought our freedom at the cross. We have no right to receive earthly honor, but if that’s what we want, then if we are honored on earth we “have received our reward in full.” (Matthew 6:2).
Ideally, we will let YAHUAH avenge His people when they suffer for MASHIACH and we won’t seek vindication from the world. His glory is all that matters, and “before all the people I will be glorified” says YAHUAH (Leviticus 4:3).
We have a tendency to want justice for ourselves; to be treated fairly. Our society spends a lot of time talking about “rights” but these, for the Believer, are merely self-centered expectations.
YAHUAH has never told us we will be treated fairly on earth.
In fact, we don’t get what we deserve. We live under grace and not the law (Romans 6:14).
We are better off under grace than under “human rights.” John Piper once preached, “Our rights are to belong to MASHIACH, to stand justified before a holy ELOHIYM, to own everything and inherit everything, to love our enemies, to return good for evil, to treasure MASHIACH above all things” which are “blood-bought rights. They cannot be secured for us by laws,”
Everything else, Paul wrote, “is loss.”
Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Mashiach Yahusha my Adonai: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Mashiach, PHILIPPIYM (PHILIPPIANS) 3:8 את CEPHER
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tobias5819 · 4 years
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I don't use crosses! Yahusha is not on it anymore! He is alive and well and if it was me I wouldn't want a reminder of what happened to me!! Stop putting Him back on it, besides it can do nothing for you! Only He can save you! Not plastic, Not metal nor wood Only Him!!
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