#reminds me of the package office level in mirrors edge. another favorite
dexaroth · 1 month
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years
❝ I broke my wings pt.2 ❞
Plot: When you finally find a different side of your boss and you start asking yourself who’s really that person.
Pairing: JinkixReader
Words count: 3,9k+
Genre: RealLife!Au / Sorry for the plot twist lmao 
Gif isn’t mine, credits to the owner! ♥
The italics part is a flashback!
P.S. Our favorite cutthroat will soon have a series of its own, but in the meantime I’m really happy you enjoyed this little story. I'm glad that helped you and I hope that you’ll like this second as much as you liked the first. Love ya. ♥
P.P.S. Thanks to anyone who has read this scenario, I love all of you. ♥
- M.
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The limo without Minho seemed more boring than the outward trip, but it had reassured you to go away without any problems that he would find a way back home. Alone in the rear seats, you started to quietly turn that mysterious package in your hands, asking whether or not to open it. You had always had an incredible level of curiosity, but you almost felt uncomfortable accepting a gift from your own boss. 
“You’re incredibly beautiful.” 
“Aish, that bastard. I know you don’t believe it! ” You exclaimed by remembering that compliment said with sincerity, throwing the package on the seat next to you, “But was it really Lee Jinki? Or did I dream? He was so different.. ” 
You closed your eyes, letting yourself be lulled by the silence around you and the gentle movement of the car in night traffic. You had always loved the city at night, assuming the nuances that had always been its greatest charm. 
“C'mon y/N, open it.” 
With courage, you took the package and started to discard it with attention, almost frightened to ruin the contents of that small box. 
“Who knows what it is..” Curiosity was having the best and when you finally raised the blue lid of the box, your heart stopped for a few moments and the confusion made its way into your mind. 
They were a pair of wing-shaped earrings and they were so beautiful that had completely taken your breath away. With the fingertip of your finger, you caressed one of the two earrings, noticing they were embedded with small red stones that drew the outline of the same. 
“Don’t you–what the hell.. that man is crazy.. Rubies?!?!?!?! “ You almost screamed after observing your present, astonished and upset; "I don’t think he mad–” 
“Just accept them, miss.” 
“Holy shit!” You bite your lip, jolting on the seat and dropping the box at your feet. 
The black window that divided the driver’s seat to the rest of the limo had been lowered and a man in the 40s was observing you from the rearview window. 
“AHJUSSI! He made me frighten! ” 
“I’m sorry, Miss.” He apologized with a little nod, remaining concentrated on the road. “I was telling that you should accept them.” 
“But they would cost too much..” 
“Do you think it’s a huge cost for him? And anyway this is for her. ” 
At the first red light the man turned and handed a beige envelope and Jinki’s calligraphy stood out on the color of the envelope. 
“T-thank you..” 
“We’re almost there, anyway.” 
“Huh? Thanks, Ahjussi. ” 
You couldn’t understand why, but by squeezing that letter in your hands a strange and annoying feeling made its way inside you. So much to make you wish you never accepted that gift or that passage to go home. ~ ~ 
The sound of your heels resonated in the hallway while in a hurry you headed to his office. You didn’t care to be in the evening dress, you didn’t care about the looks of the guardians as soon as they saw you get off the limo. 
You were sure he was in the office because that was more of a house for him than a workplace. And the bright light of his office was the proof you needed. 
You wouldn’t knock, but as a fury, you opened the door and entered. You could feel your body tense, almost ready for a war that might not have arrived but that it was better to keep controlled. 
“What the hell is this?!?!” 
Jinki was turned from the shoulders, his gaze on Seoul Skydive and didn’t wear the jacket since he had never had the care of recovering it during the evening. It was the second time in three years that you saw him not dressed to perfection, he had rolled his sleeves right on his elbows and kept holding his hands on his hips. 
He was going to ignore you, at least it was what you seemed to be doing. You approached the desk, violently beating the package and the letter was given to you even an hour earlier. 
The letter you had read and reread to see if it was a joke or not its content.
“Yah! Yah! Lee Jinki, answer me! ” 
“I had never heard you scream in this way; Y/N. ” 
“Answer me!” 
“I thought you knew how to read.” It was his answer and his calm made you only want to choke him, but when he turned that desire disappeared in the moment of a breath. 
His eyes were sad even though he was smiling and was watching you in a way that you had never seen. Perhaps he had looked at you other times, but you were always busy to hating him for his behavior that you never took the time to really look at him. 
He came up to the desk and drew the two earrings out of the box, looking them with satisfaction. He went to the desk and moved towards you, making you back a few steps because of the surprise of seeing him so close. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Wasn’t I your boss? Shouldn’t you be more respectful? ” 
“Not after that gift and that letter.” 
“I can always fire you.” You remained silent while he, gently, pulling out your earrings and made you wear the ones he gave you. He walked away from two steps, caressing his chin and observing them thoughtfully. It looked almost like a candid camera but you didn’t dare to speak. 
“Much better.”
“Those earrings are bet–” 
“Is it true, Jinki?” 
This time anger wasn’t the only thing your heart was experiencing, but also a sense of sadness that you couldn’t explain. 
“Why do you care so much?” 
“Because.. Because it doesn’t make sense. ” 
He smiled at your sentence, taking you hand and moving you to one of the chairs that were facing his desk. He made you sit and he rested directly at the edge of the desk, looking you from above. 
“Why does life have sense?” 
“Most of the time no but.. Why me? ” 
“Because you’re the only one that can really help me. If it’s a matter of money, don’t you–” “I don’t care about your fucking money, Jinki.” You silenced him before he could end up talking, asking yourself when the respect taught by your parents disappeared; “Why the Gift?” 
“No, the gift is a little reminder of what I’ve told you before.” 
“We would need time, sir.. You’re dying and.. We need time to take care of everything.. ” 
“Then you remember how you should speak to me.” He chuckled, while his eyes thinned so much to disappear and the two front incisors slightly crooked made their appearance. He remembered a little bunny at the time, but it wasn’t the right one for some thoughts. 
“Yes, sir.” 
“I’m sorry to have involved you.. But you’re the only person who could make a choice like mine. I needed another me, Y/N. ”
~ ~ 
The truth was, you couldn’t see him in another light. Every day you went to work, aware of the truth unlike all the others, and despite its coldness, its abrupt ways and your impossible times, you could no longer be angry with him. 
“The boss is looking for you.” Called you a colleague, shaking his hand in front of your face and you immediately jumped out of the chair, starting almost to run to his office. 
“Excuse me, sir, I know he was looking for me.” You panted, because of the short breath, entering the office and making a bow of ninety degrees because of the displeasure. 
“The documents?” 
“I had delivered them to the company’s legal department” 
“Well, Y/N. The other question? ” He lifted his gaze from the PC, laying it on you and almost trying to read your mind. He scared you when he looked at you that way, but his gaze still had some charm. 
“Go ahead..” 
“I’m really sorry to have you involved.” 
“I think I’ve always been tied to you with double-stranded sir, now I’ve accepted and I won’t pull back.” 
“Thank you” whispered, returning to watch the PC and leaving you unhappy with his answer. 
You would have wanted a moment more, just one, in order to understand why you, a moment in order to hear his voice, even just a reproach. But he had begun to ignore you after thanked you and you didn’t know if you had a bipolar or simply obnoxious person in front of you. 
“You could say no.” He pointed out, without looking at you but his hand trembled and you knew it was nervousness. It manifested itself that way, but you never made him realize that you noticed. 
“I don’t like to say no to anyone who needs me..” 
“I really need you, Y/N.” ~ ~ 
  “Doctor Y/L/N, Doctor!” 
The thump with the floor and the pain made you wake up immediately and the confusion was the feeling that overwhelmed you at that moment. 
“Doctor!! There’s a patient in the E.R. who needs her! ” 
“I’M.. C-COMING…” 
When the nurse finally left you alone, you raised from the floor and your reflection in the mirror greeted you, remember with little joy to you how little you slept and ate for days. 
The dream you were doing had put roots in your mind and the images of Jinki kept tormenting you. 
You never knew that guy, but in that dream, he was your boss and he asked for help, even though now the reason seemed suddenly vanishied from your memories 
“Ah.. Y/N, you have to look less drama.. ” 
You mumbled, wearing the gown and running out of the room to reach the E.R., where for the 36th hour in a row you would have done your job. 
“What do we have?” You asked once you reach your daily chaos, putting the gloves on while one of the paramedics passed the patient’s briefcase. 
“Car accident, critical conditions. Decreased pressure, loss of consciousness on the ambulance.” Minho quickly listed, while his white coat fluttered because of your race to the first free box where to do the triage of the patient. 
Your eyes moved from the briefcase to the patient on the stretcher and your legs almost succumbed under the weight of your body. 
Bleeding, intubated and between life and death. 
In front of you was Lee Jinki and you were the only one who could really save him. 
The boy you dreamed of until a few moments before was dying in front of you. And everything was clear, that was the help of those who really needed it. 
“Let’s get him to the O.R. now, he has a laceration of the pericardial. If we don’t operate him right away he’ll die. ” Your voice shouted against the nurses, as you dropped his briefcase at his feet and climbed on the bed, putting astride on him starting to practice CPR. He had to stay alive.  “I said Move!” 
“Yes, Doctor.” 
“Hold on Jinki.. Hold On. ” You whispered while forcefully continuing to practice the heart massage. 
His eyes opened for a moment and just as in your dream they met, while a violent shiver made you tremble from head to toe. It was so familiar that look that scared you. 
“Everything will be fine Jinki, everything will be fine.” 
“Help me..” A blood clot made him almost suffocate while with fatigue he said those words, and your heart almost broke at that sight. 
You couldn’t lose him and you’d do anything to prevent it. 
~ ~ 
“Congratulations, doctor, perfect surgery. That patient is alive thanks to her. ” One of the nurses congratulated with you as you left the operating room, completely exhausted and covered with his blood. 
Everyone applauded your passage, but you couldn’t enjoy that moment. The pictures of you two at that dinner, the black dress, the earrings.. Everything seemed so real that you couldn’t figure out what the dream was like between the two. 
“Y/n! Nice work first in the O.R.” 
“Taemin.. Thank you for your work, where can I find a good anesthesiologist like you?!? ” He smiled at your compliment and you caressed his shoulder as a Thanksgiving, moving away almost immediately because you were too exhausted to really hold up a conversation. 
Your feet seemed, however, to have their own life and without realizing you found yourself in front of the door of the intensive care unit. 
He was there, who still fought against death but with more weapons in his side. 
“Oh, Dr. Y/L/N. Must you see her patient?” Asked with kindness a nurse just out of the automatic doors, smiling at you. 
You simply nodded your head, overgo her and headed for your patient’s room. In silence you entered, noticing that no relative or friend was at his bedside. It was just like in your dream. 
You paraded the white coat, carrier to the bar of the bed and sitting on the armchair usually used by the family. You had no right to stay there, but you felt oddly the need. 
“Lee Jinki.. How is it possible? ” You hummed, taking his hand between your own; “How can I made such a vivid dream..? You looked so real, the things you told me.. Not to break my wings.. And then you barged into my E.R. What should I think? God.. My head bursts. ”
“I’ll become a doctor!”
“Sure and I’ll create from nowhere a billionaire company!”
“Jinki don’t kidding!!”
Jinki’s laughter filled the air while she’s observing her best friend who kept passing the rice cakes that his mother used to do.
“I’m older, bring me respect yah!”
“Y/N, if you become a doctor you must promise that you’ll save many lives and help me to help the neediest.” The little and chubby 10 years old child said with a serious tone, looking at his best friend, a cute girl of only six years.
They made a deal shaking their hand and spitting on the ground, a way they had seen to do in an American television show and that they had always wanted to try.
“Y/N, let’s get one thing!” “What?” The little girl asked, looking Jinki as if he was the most beautiful child in the world.
“That whatever happens we will always be together and never allow anyone to break our wings. Mom always says that you and I are destined for great things and that we’re special. Promised? ”
“Breaking the wings..? But we’re not angels! ”
“For me you are.” He whispered, approaching her and giving her a kiss on the forehead, making her blush immediately.
Two days later, however, they both understood that the promise couldn’t be kept. Jinki’s parents had decided to leave for Europe and everything they left to that little girl was a void that she failed to fill.
But her brain protected her. Instinctively it erased completely Jinki from her memory, leaving her happy after all. The doctors weren’t surprised, it happened more often than what has believed that the human mind erased something painful to preserve himself It was strange that it had happened in a child so young and full of vitality.
Y/N had deleted Jinki because of the pain, but Jinki had never forgotten that one person and their promise. “Doctor? Doctor?” Someone was shaking your shoulder gently and you snapped up your head, noticing you fell asleep in the chamber of Jinki. 
You immediately checked the parameters on the monitor, pulling a sigh of relief seeing that the situation hadn’t changed. Neither improved nor worsened.
“Excuse me, doctor, but we saw you here and we thought you wouldn’t feel good.” 
“No, I’m sorry nurse Oh. I was coming to check but the fatigue had the best.. Do you have any news from his family? ” 
The nurse shook her head sadly and you nodded, thanking her for the kindness of waking you up. 
As soon as she came out, you would focus your attention on him. It was identical to how you dreamed him and a strange feeling of familiarity, not due to that dream, began to make you think more and more. You didn’t leave his hand even when you fell asleep but you couldn’t stay there forever. 
Getting plan you were trying to loosen the grip but suddenly his hand squeezed on yours, preventing you from leaving it. You lifted your face and watched him, feeling the relief start to dissolve that weight you wore in your heart since you saw him dying on the bed in the E.R. 
“Jinki-nim, do you hear me?” 
He simply nodded, not being able to speak because intubated, provoking you a huge smile. His reactivity was something that boded well, but still, the danger wasn’t yet quite pass away. 
“What?” You wondered when he began to point out his personal effects, completely bloody and enclosed in a transparent envelope. He was so insistent on showing you that envelope that left his hand you approached the small table on the other side of the bed, starting to rummage between them. 
His hand moved more vigorously when your hands reached his wallet; but you couldn’t open it. It was something too personal, you already felt incredibly uncomfortable to rummage through his things despite his “permission”. 
“I call the nurses so we take the tube out and then you can tell me everything you want and look personally in your wallet, Jinki-Nim.” You assured him, dropping his wallet on the table and almost running out of his room. 
You felt suffocated and your head started to hurt, so much you just want to get away to your house and stay in the dark of your room for three full days. 
But you were a doctor and you couldn’t get away that way. With two nurses you came back to his room, trying to get back the tears that suddenly were threatening to make you crumble to weep, smiling at him with sweetness and explaining that would have felt a slight sore at his throat but then it would end immediately. 
You paraded the tube slowly, passing it to the nurse and focusing immediately upon him. He wasn’t even coughing, but he looked at you intensely. His gaze made you shudder, not because his face was, unfortunately, full of bruising and cuts, but because of his eyes, despite he was almost dead, were full of a happiness that you couldn’t explain. 
“Here.. Do you want some water? ” 
Hearing your name you froze, lowering your gaze on you to see where he could read it. But the gown was at the foot of the bed and no identification plate was pinned on the surgical “uniform”. 
How could you know your name, then? A shiver along you back made you come back to reality, while a small but pulled smile was delineated on your lips.
“How.. How do you know my name..? ” 
“You don’t have.. You don’t have.. Broken your wings, right? ” 
Immediately you walked away from the bed, under the astonished gaze of the nurse left with you to control the patient, starting to tremble. It had become so confused that now your head was a whirlwind of thoughts, without finding the slightest answer to any of your questions. 
“H-How do you know..? Who are you? ” 
“L-Look in the wallet Y/N..” 
With anger you took his wallet, opening it and looking through the banknotes and in every possible space. You were about to close it when a yellowed and slightly crumpled photo captured your attention. Your hands now trembled so convulsively that it was difficult to take out the photo, but your heart took a dip when two seconds were enough to recognize the smiling face of the little girl who stared at you from the photo. It was you. 
“How do you get this picture? Who are you? ” 
“Doctor, calm down ple–” 
“OUT.” You shouted at her and hesitant she bowed her head, leaving you alone. 
You shook the picture in front him, trying to keep a certain calm despite the difficulties. He was your patient, you should have let him rest but now you needed answers. 
“M-My mother.. my mother, t-taken it.. Y/N.. Please remember.. Your M-mother told me what h-happened.. I was c-coming here w-when that car took i-in full my.. I was coming to you.. ” 
“I-instead you know.. I built that billionaire company and you b-became a-a doctor. And w-we both kept t-that promise "He stammered breathless, making a little grimace of pain but without stopping to look at you. It almost seemed to depend on his life from that look, from you. 
“I REPEAT, I DON’T KNOW WHO YOU AR–” Your scream choked in your throat, while the memory of that day flashed in your mind, letting you collapse on the chair without force. 
His smile, his cheeks chicks, the way you look at him as if he were your personal hero. You remembered everything, as well as the pain of having lost the only friend you ever had. 
The tears began to slip onto your cheeks, falling on the picture and on your hands held almost without life on your own womb. The pain went to waves as if he wanted to recover the time lost in those twenty years. 
“Of w-which.. D-Dream you were talking..? ” 
“I was one of your L-lawyers.. But.. I didn’t even know what face you had.. H-How did I dream you..? ” 
“Do you think there is always a s-sense in things, Y/N?” He asked you, smiling with an effort and trying to sit down. 
You immediately locked him in bed, shaking your head and setting the pillow under his nape. He was even more beautiful than your dreams and his gaze was sweet, apprehensive and full of displeasure. 
“W-why now..?” 
“Because you were flying thanks to your talents, you’re an amazing doctor and I.. I didn’t want to break your wings, y/N. Not like I did with mine.. ” 
“I can always help you to stitch them.. That promise for me is still valid, Lee Jinki. ”
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