#reminds me of this one woman who refused to swap out the bra I bought at the store a day prior
dustofthedailylife · 5 months
Atp, my favorite pastime activity is slapping rude customer supports some paragraphs in the face and reciting the legal norms when they're refusing to do what I legally have the right to get from them.
Because you're wrong bish and I know you are. Now do your thing - no matter how often you tell me you cannot do this - I know for a fact you have to do it. Don't mess with me.
Kind regards, your local law student (soon to be diploma lawyer) who takes no shit from you <3
They're usually really quiet really fast and do what I ask, as soon as I come around the corner with reciting laws *evil cackle* Studying law is absolute hell but the gratification you get from stuff like this makes it somewhat worthwhile.
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