#reminds me of wildmoore too
gcorgefan · 1 year
harper and stephanie are very hizzie coded
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strangerambeau · 3 months
I just finished this book I bought a few days ago and it’s so cute!! It’s about 2 teachers who used to be best friends but became “enemies” because they kissed and Grace moves away. They reconnect when Grace moves back to their small town and they have to coach the girls bowling team together
It is so hard to find books where the main characters are lesbians let alone black lesbians so I was so excited to read it.
Their banter is so funny too, it lowkey reminds me of Wildmoore 🥹
“I don’t mind cooking something as well”
“Oh? So, you’re telling me you’re no longer the girl who burns water?”
“That was one time!”
“Twice. In one week.”
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pippytmi · 3 years
Wildmoore Week Day 7: Future/Head canons (aka Baby/Pregnancy Fic)
“Ryan. Pst, Ryan, wake up.”
“In a second, babe,” Ryan mumbles in response, blindly reaching with one arm to tug her wife closer—except her hand hits an empty space, and then the insistent whispering above her turns into poking, and there’s really only one person with no boundaries who would do that. “Alice,” she snaps, swatting away the hand prodding her forehead. “What the hell? Where’s Sophie?”
When she opens her eyes, she notes it’s still dark outside; the barest hint of sun has yet to filter through the blinds, and yet Sophie is gone. Instead there’s a blond psychopath at her bedside, and Alice does not seem particularly apologetic about the fact.
“Don’t worry, Luke and Kate have promised to bring her back in one piece. Something about nesting, or pillows.” Alice shrugs. “I wasn’t listening. Now get up, will you? Mary’s waiting.”
“For what?” Ryan blearily squints at her phone, which flashes 5:37 A.M. “Why the fuck are you in our house?”
“Well, because I lost the coin toss,” Alice sighs. “I was hoping to be on Sophie’s side of the festivities, so I’m stuck.”
“Side of—?”
The room is illuminated in light all at once, and an all-too-chipper Mary Hamilton comes sashaying in. “Happy pre-baby-party!” she says, holding up two Starbucks cups. “Like a baby shower, only for the parents. There’s no catchy name to call it, so we’re stuck with pre-baby party until someone thinks of something better.”
“You forget that my suggestion of ‘Eve of the apocalypse’ was vetoed,” Alice reminds her, and Mary gives her a pointed stare, which makes Alice sigh again, only huffier.
“Okay, ignoring the part where this is not a thing,” Ryan says, accepting a coffee cup when it’s pressed in her hand, “why is it happening at five in the morning?”
“Sophie mentioned she hasn’t been sleeping well, so Luke suggested their group could go for an early morning drive to the mountains,” Mary explains. “You know, since she misses the hike up there, they wanted to watch the sunset.”
“She’s never asked me to take her,” Ryan says, concerned. “We should go too. Let me just—”
“Oh no no no,” Alice says. “We’re not joining the lame party. Mary promised me mimosas without a judge-y pregnant lady staring at me.”
“I never called her that,” Mary is quick to correct. “And also, I never mentioned mimosas?”
“They were implied.”
Ryan takes a sip of her coffee and doesn’t attempt to mask her confusion. “Okay, when was this planned? I don’t remember anyone discussing this, ever. Or asking if I also wanted to leave the house at five in the morning. Have I mentioned that yet, Mary? Do I need to say it again?”
“Maybe we got a little too excited,” Mary admits, and she smiles apologetically, while Alice shakes her head beside her. “But we’re just so happy for you guys! My best friends,” she’s about two seconds from tears now as she drops everything to yank Ryan into a hug, “having a baby any day now!”
It’s way too early for this, but Ryan allows it—if only because Mary has supplied her with at least two extra shots of espresso in her drink. She can even forgive Alice fake-retching above their heads, if she closes her eyes and blissfully imagines Alice being hit by a passing train; Ryan’s been actively trying to be the bigger person (because Sophie asked her to).
And then a thought occurs. “So am I not allowed to go back to sleep?” Ryan wonders aloud, and Mary’s sheepish ensuing laughter is her disappointing reply.
Ryan supposes it could be worse than this. After her coffee is drained they watch the sunset themselves, only on the back porch that Ryan painstakingly painted the week earlier to match Sophie’s “vision.” The yard, too, has been decorated and re-decorated a million ways per Sophie’s request. Truth be told, Ryan doesn’t even care that Sophie changes her mind every other week. She’d do just about anything to make her wife happy.
Which is why this sunset thing is weighing heavily on her mind. Why hasn’t Sophie said anything? How has Ryan not even noticed? She always assumed having a baby together would’ve brought them closer, but what if they’re drifting apart? What if—
“You know, your liquor cabinet is Scotch-taped shut,” Alice’s voice breaks through Ryan’s thoughts annoyingly quickly. “I had to fight to get some vodka. Is Sophie holding your drinking hostage?”
Ryan rolls her eyes. “No, she’s…baby-proofing,” she says. “She’s done it so well I can’t operate the damn toaster anymore.”
“Uh, does she think the baby’s going to climb on the walls?” Mary asks. “That seems a little obsessive.” 
“Once a Crow, always a Crow,” Alice says without an ounce of sympathy. In fact, she seems rather gleeful about Ryan’s predicament, and takes a swig of vodka straight from the bottle. “You know she loves you when she gives you a baseball bat to sleep with.”
“Okay shut up, Alice, because if you bring up sleeping with my wife again—”
“Platonic sleeping,” Alice assures a now horrified-looking Mary. “When we were roomies, sometimes I would sneak into her room just to keep Sophie alert. She likes to be spooned, for the record.”
“Wait, hold on,” Mary says. “Should Sophie still be baby-proofing this late? She’s eight months pregnant.”
“You try saying no to her,” Ryan says. “Don’t worry, she makes me do most of it. Yesterday she insisted I de-stock the higher shelves of the pantry just in case anything might fall.”
“On a ladder, I presume,” Alice chimes in, and Ryan grits her teeth.
“Alice I swear to God—”
Mary coughs conspicuously into her hand. “Well, the house looks great,” she says, brightly changing the subject. “And to think, you guys thought it used to be haunted.”
“Sophie thought it was haunted,” Ryan corrects, but she smiles at the memory all the same, feels her body warm from head to toe as the first sun rays glint off the early morning dew on the lawn. This is the life she never imagined she’d have; a house in the suburbs, a yard with a baby playset just waiting for an occupant, the family surrounding her. (Even if it has to involve Alice, sometimes). “She made me sleep on the couch when I told her the ghosts were just our welcoming party.”
“Aw,” Mary says dreamily. “So domestic even when you fight.”
Beside her, Alice gives a long-suffering groan. “This is boring,” she says. “Why are we the boring party? Mary, come on. Mimosas. We’re supposed to be having a wild, drunk party before Ryan is stuck home for the next eighteen years.”
“That wording feels a little dramatic, but she does have a point,” Mary says. “How do you feel about mimosas?”
“I don’t exactly have the ingredients on me,” Ryan admits, thinking of the empty fridge she’d promised Sophie she would stock this afternoon. “I mean…I have that.” She points at the vodka still clutched in Alice’s hand, and Alice gives her an unimpressed glare.
“You’re the worst bartender in existence, Wilder.”
“Well I’m not exactly a bartender anymore,” Ryan defends herself, but it’s a moot point; they have screwdrivers instead of mimosas anyway, and it gets them tipsy enough all the same.
“So now we need to find some fun, no-responsibilities-involved activities to do,” Mary says. “I guess around your house…” This she says while swaying, looking greener than she should, and Ryan lowers her glass before she can follow suit. 
“No way, we need to go somewhere,” Alice says. “Like a strip club! I can drive.” Of course she’s saying all of this while laying down on the floor, so, she also does not inspire much confidence.
“Actually,” and maybe it’s the alcohol talking, but Ryan has a genius idea. “I do have a fun activity we can do until Sophie comes home.”
“I hate Luke so much for picking heads. If I had gotten heads, I could be sipping an actual mimosa in the countryside. Pregnant women can have champagne, right? That doesn’t count as alcohol. I bet Sophie is enjoying a mimosa right now.”
“Can you shut up about your mimosas? You’re in my way,” Mary says, elbowing Alice until she shifts, and then resumes taping up the doorway. “Okay, where’s the tarp? Alice. You need to lay a tarp on the sinks in case anything drips.”
“Oh, that,” Alice says. “You know, I would get it, but I just…don’t want to.”
“I will get the tarps,” Ryan chimes in. “Alice, new assignment, you can make yourself useful and go entertain the ghosts while we paint the bathroom.”
“Fine, but do you have a Ouija board? It won’t be any fun otherwise.”
Before Ryan can even turn away so as to not dignify that with a response, she hears an all-too-familiar: “I’m sorry, what is going on here?”
“Paint fumes are not good for a baby!” Mary shouts, and starts shoving Ryan smack between her shoulder blades in an effort to get her moving. “Quick, stop Sophie from coming inside.”
“What? Mary, we haven’t even opened the paint yet.” But Ryan still moves, if only to intercept her heavily-pregnant wife at the door. “Heeey, babe. How was your…pre-baby party?” 
“My what?” Sophie allows Ryan to lead her towards the couch, but she still cranes her neck looking back in confusion. “Ryan, I like our guest bathroom. It still works. If you let Alice in there—”
“Don’t worry about Alice, we have her contained.” Ryan gently hugs her wife from behind, and can’t resist placing a kiss on the back of her neck; her skin is cold from the mountain air and there’s even the lingering scent of pine sticking to her clothes. “Where are Luke and Kate?”
“There was a Batwing emergency, they had to drop me off,” Sophie explains, and she allows Ryan to fuss over her a second more before she stresses, “I’m fine, I don’t need to sit. I was sitting for a long car ride, I’m just going to stretch.”
“Okay, but let me take care of breakfast. I know our little bloodsucker takes up too much energy this early in the morning.”
“Don’t call our child that.” But even as Sophie arches a warning eyebrow, her voice is unmistakably fond; Ryan crouches and whispers a quiet apology to her belly, and Sophie is smiling when Ryan rises again. “You three have been busy, huh? I see wine glasses.”
“It was a moment of weakness, and Alice is entirely to blame.” Ryan cracks open their fridge and winces at its meager contents. “Maybe I’ll go pick up breakfast.”
“It’s fine, we’ll ask Luke to bring back donuts when he takes care of whoever is terrorizing the bank this early,” Sophie says, and when Ryan uneasily starts to clear the wine glasses on the counter, gestures her to leave them be. “Just come here and hold me, I missed you.”
“Oh you did?” Ryan feigns confusion. “Is that why you allowed Alice in our house at five in the morning? Because anyone who loves me wouldn’t put me through that cruel and unusual punishment.” But she lets herself be looped in by her T-shirt collar, her hands naturally gravitating to rest on Sophie’s hips.
“I did tell them to let you sleep in,” Sophie points out. “I knew you wouldn’t be up for a drive.”
Ryan’s burgeoning smile abruptly fades. “I could have, if you told me,” she says. “I would have taken you up by your hiking trail every day. I didn’t even know you missed it.”
Sophie sighs. “I know. It just seemed silly. Like, a silly thing to miss,” she says. “I talked to my doctor about it and he said hiking was okay, but with the drive…it didn’t seem worth it.”
“Hey. Anything for you is worth it,” Ryan promises. “No matter how small, or how big.”
“Even if I were to drag you out of bed before dawn?”
“Um, yeah! I don’t know if you’ve heard, but we’re about to have a baby. They are generally very bad about letting their parents sleep,” Ryan says, and her joke is worth it even when Sophie pinches her arm, because Sophie is smiling and Ryan will never, ever get tired of that smile. Even when slightly tipsier than she’d care to admit (and definitely sleep-deprived), Ryan would forsake anything just to be able to see Sophie Moore happy.
“God that’s true, isn’t it?” Sophie bemoans. “At this rate I won’t be able to go hiking for at least another year.”
“Everything I’ve read says more about six months,” Ryan offers, and Sophie gives her the patented glare™️ which usually translates to don’t be a smartass, Ryan. “Wow, tough crowd.”
“I changed my mind, I want to sit,” Sophie says, abruptly letting go of Ryan and wincing. “Oh, ow. Even our son is ready to disagree with you.”
“You say that every time he happens to kick you when we’re talking,” Ryan counters, but she hurriedly takes Sophie’s hand and ensuing iron-clad grip without complaint. “Do you need water? A pillow?”
“No, I just.” Sophie inhales deeply. “I just need a minute.”
“Right.” Ryan soothingly places one hand on her back, the other on her stomach. “Hey, little guy. Be careful with your mommy, okay? We're very excited to meet you, but not yet. We were promised at least another three weeks.”
Sophie smiles when Ryan looks at her, but it's a sad smile, just verging on the edge of worry. “You know, everything I've read points to one,” she says, and Ryan's eyes widen.
“But we haven't finished repainting the guest bathroom yet. Maybe I should go supervise Mary before she tries to let Alice help.”
“That can wait,” Sophie says, stroking her fingertips against the inside of Ryan's wrist, and Ryan stays put. “Ryan, do you ever feel…I don't know, afraid? Sometimes I think I'm not ready. Every time I feel him moving I'm so in love, but it's going to be so different when he's here.”
And Ryan smiles, memorizes the way Sophie worries her bottom lip between her teeth, the way her brown eyes gaze so fretfully. “You know something that I used to hate about you?”
“Something that used to drive me crazy about you,” Ryan reiterates, “is that you're so damn good at everything, Sophie. Seriously, it's like you don't even try.” She takes both of Sophie’s hands in hers now, reassuringly, and goes on: “You’re going to be an amazing mother. And it's not even because you're good at everything—it's because even though you are, you still worry about whether or not you're going to be good enough.”
“Did you seriously try to cheer me up by insulting me?” Sophie narrows her eyes, and Ryan blinks, mouth opening but no words forming, until Sophie slowly begins to smile. “You're cute when you think you're in trouble.”
“Wow, so you were just going to mess with me like that? Right in front of the baby?” Ryan places her hands on both sides of Sophie's stomach. “Baby boy, I'm so sorry you had to hear that.” A kick against her fingers makes her gasp. “Shit, Soph, he agrees with me! Oh fuck, not shit. I mean not fuck—”
Sophie halts her with a gentle touch to her chin. “Maybe stop while you're ahead,” she suggests, and when she leans in for a kiss, Ryan is more than happy to oblige. “Thank you. In your way, you know, you actually said everything right.”
“In my way? Now this kind of feels insulting,” Ryan says. “You're setting a bad example for our kid.”
“Will it be better if I mention that I love you?”
“That could be a start,” Ryan agrees, and she's the one who kisses Sophie next, sweet and slow and entirely unhurried. “So…I have something to ask you, but first I want you to remember when Alice threw your bachelorette party.”
Sophie visibly restrains a full-body shudder. “Okay, you need to stop doing that every time you’re about to make me mad,” she says. “One of these days it won't work.”
“But it makes you so receptive to anything,” Ryan says, and Sophie is undeniably fond when she rolls her eyes this time.
“What do you need to ask me?”
“Can you  promise that next time you want to go see a sunrise, we can go together? Even if it's until after the little guy is born,” Ryan says. “I’d love for us to make that our thing. I don’t ever want you to feel like it’s silly.”
“You don't need to preface that with the bachelorette fiasco,” Sophie says softly. “I'd love that.”
“Then that can be our first family outing,” Ryan swears, and Sophie rests her head against her shoulder, and they stay in their little bubble for a total of ten blissful seconds. 
“Hold on. What were you and Mary doing in the bathroom when I got here?”
“Oh, we were repainting the bathroom with that new color you mentioned,” Ryan says. “The seafoam blue, the one you kept as a bookmark? I bought the paint yesterday, but with a set of extra hands I wanted to get started today.”
Sophie’s eyes widen; she turns to face Ryan all at once with a rather surprising sense of urgency. “Really? The way I told you I wanted it done last week?”
“Yeah, we wanted to surprise you.” Ryan rubs comforting circles into Sophie’s thigh as a silent apology. “I should go, come to think of it. Mary is probably already painting without me.”
Sophie bites her lip. “God, I love you,” she says, and her voice is notably hesitant. “How much would you hate me if I told you that color is actually really ugly when I think about it?”
Ryan shakes her head, but she knows she’s smiling even before it happens. “I'll tell Mary to stop production.” As if on cue, the sound of an electric drill begins to buzz, and Ryan immediately rockets to her feet. “What the—Alice!”
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newgenog · 3 years
Reruns and Retcons
Wildmoore Week Day 3 - When you started shipping them
I thought this would be a fun opportunity for a few callbacks. Also added a small note at the end.
Ryan and Sophie are taking point in the bat cave, and Sophie has decided they need another shot at surveillance over Crispy Joe's Wontons, which also allows her to make good on her promise to buy Ryan dinner. They're sitting on opposite sides of the desk, with Sophie facing the monitors, because she’s the real eyes on the city when Luke’s away from the cave.
S: So, do you flirt with everyone, or am I special?
R: Huh?
S: Oh, come on. When haven't you been flirting with me, Ryan? "Love the hair Soph…" and "Please say this isn't a booty call."
Sophie’s rhaspy attempt at mimicking a deeper version of Ryan’s voice makes the comment even more unexpected.
R: Oh, so you're just going to recite everything I've ever said to you back to me?
S: Just the import lines.
R: First of all, you are special. And second, do we really want to travel down memory lane? Is this what we're doing right now?
Sophie pleads with Ryan through her eyes. Never the one to spend precious time sorting out her feelings, always preferring to show instead of tell, Ryan is being beseeched to fill in some gaps from their shared memories.
R: I guess we're doing this.
Sophie shifts towards Ryan, eagerly leaning over the table. Even while appearing doubtful but humored, Ryan matches the gesture so that there's less than a couple of feet between them, like they’re about to exchange secrets. Anything for Sophie.
R: Okay Soph, what do you wanna know? Question me like old times.
Sophie rolls her eyes at Ryan for a change, but decides to go with it. She’s waited for what feels like a lifetime for this.
S: Well, Ms. Wilder, when was the first time you actually saw me as Sophie and not just a Crow, because you've been dropping one-liners on me since before…
R: I got locked up.
Sophie clears her throat. That point in history will always be difficult to swallow.
S: Well…yeah.
Ryan takes a second to form her answer.
R: Was I flirting with you…I mean, you were always cute for a Crow, but I think I was really just trying to downplay a stressful situation for myself back then. You being cute didn’t hurt, but a baseball cap and all that gear in the dead of night… Even if I can appreciate a good looking woman in uniform, it's not like I could really see how pretty you were, or that you're built like an Amazonian warrior princess.
That earns Ryan the soft eyes and ginger grin Sophie seems to have developed just for her.
S: So, when, then?
R: You just said it: the last time you ever questioned me. I really wasn't expecting to see you. I guess that helped me pay attention. And you were in that 'I run shit around here,' pantsuit…
S: Really? That wasn’t my finest moment, honestly. I was pretty harsh.
R: I'm a great multitasker; I could recognize a fine ass boss, while also being frustrated that she’d already made up her mind about me, and judging her choice of employment.
Sophie cringes, and Ryan's arched eyebrow reminds her that this was her idea. Sophie decides that even the uncomfortable parts are worth knowing, and also that it’s probably now or never.
R: I still don't understand why you were sent in to question me, though.
S: I wasn't. Sent in.
R: Wait, what? So you wanted to interrogate me.
S: I wouldn't put it like that.
Ryan deadpans, daring Sophie to continue.
S: I- I hadn't seen you in a while.
R: Tell me you didn't miss seeing me in the interrogation room.
Ryan is enjoying goading Sophie, and watching her struggle to admit what was really behind that seemingly stern exterior.
S: I told myself I was being nosey. I wanted to know if your little girlfriend was getting you into trouble again. I don't know. I just wanted to know…
Sophie searches for the right words to explain. Ryan is all too familiar with her protective girlfriend, now, and decides to assist.
R: You wanted to check on me?
S: I wanted you to be okay - better. I was sad when I heard you'd gone down for Angelique. It was always so ‘wrong place, wrong time’ with you. So, if I was being indignant, it was because I didn’t want to see you back there. You didn't deserve any of it, though.
Ryan reaches over and rests her hand on Sophie's, sliding her thumb back and forth, like she always does.
R: I remember you saying that: I was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. I finally found my place.
Sophie meets Ryan's eyes, which say that Ryan’s place is in large part with her, and she relaxes.
S: Alright, that was the night of the lethal bat swarm, and the next time I saw you as Ryan and not Batwoman was at The Hold Up. You really didn't like me then. I don't think Ryan flirted with me again until-
R: Do you always think about me as two different people?
S: Besides the fact that I thought you were two different people, you didn't exactly treat me the same in the bat suit as you did in your jeans and bar tank.
Ryan thinks about that, trying to recall.
S: Batwoman thought I was asking her out on a date the first time we worked together.
Ryan breaks, chuckling.
R: I'm probably a little more Sasha Fierce in the cowl.
S: You're not shy, that's for sure.
R: So, wait, let's go back. Are you telling me you had a crush on me when you thought I was a criminal?
S: Hey, I'm a professional!
R: But you did!
S: You’re not the only one who can recognize an intelligent and fine ass woman while judging who she hung out with.
R: I thought you just saw me as a street rat.
S: I might have been a little tougher on you because I thought I was helping.
R: A little tough love, eh?
Sophie’s soft smile returns, and she knows she’s about to show all of her cards.
S: I might have also wondered what it would be like to run into you under different circumstances, for both of us.
R: Like, at a lesbian bar, if we were both single and not on opposite sides of the law.
S: I was really happy for you when I found out you were working at The Hold Up.
R: Happy for me, or happy for you?
S: Both? Not that I thought there was a shot in hell you’d ever stop seeing me as your enemy.
R: You definitely had a crush on me!
S: Oh, whatever.
Sophie’s coyness is irresistible, and Ryan can’t help but eliminate what little space remained between them by kissing the woman who was definitely not her enemy, but one of her most trusted friends, and so much more than her lover, while making a silent prayer for an interruption free night in the bat cave.
You can use your imagination about what went down in the bat cave from there. My friends know I don't limit their activities to where they reside. 😉
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youngerdrgrey · 3 years
[excerpt from] I know you (even if you don't want me to) - chapter eight
because the new chapter will be out to you all tonight, and I want to give a little scene, as a treat, and a thank you for those who've been reading, commenting, and sending messages over the very long three months that it took me to work on the chapter. all of 3A happened in between smh. if you wanted to read chapter seven again for a refresh, it might be a good idea.
if you've never read my multi-chap wildmoore fic -- I know you (even if you don't want me to) -- please go ahead and read on AO3!
Mary to Ryan: Text Sophie!
Ryan’s phone vibrates on the ground. She glances down as she continues her training drills in the center of the Bat Cave. First day officially back in the suit means she needs to rebuild her strength and stamina. A self-led kickboxing class is the right way to do it. Plus, Luke can see her progress while he buffs out the scratches that he left on the Batmobile.
Ryan runs over to the punching bag. “Vesper needs to mind her own business.”
Luke rolls his eyes. “The only way to stop her would be an interview.” At Ryan’s grimace, Luke adds, “It wouldn’t have to be with Vesper. Kate did one with her friend, Kara. The one that had the kryptonite.”
Ryan cringes at the reminder of nearly dying. Her shoulder might be radiation free, but the phantom ache still pops up every now and again. “I’d rather take my chances with Vesper.”
“You wouldn’t need to take any chances if you didn’t go out there in the suit.” Luke sets down the buff and strolls over to Ryan. She hits the bag rather than responding. “You could’ve put a target on the Center, Ryan. Or given Black Mask more reason to go after Sophie.”
She hits harder. “Black Mask already knows about Sophie. If he wanted to use her to get to me, he’d do it.”
“And it would work. Clearly. You haven’t even kissed her yet, and you’re losing it.”
Ryan freezes for a second. Barely a second, but the quietness is clearly enough for Luke.
He gives this conflicted, high-pitched groan. “Ryan!”
She grabs hold of the punching bag to steady it. “Hey, she kissed me!” Ryan returns.
Which is, probably the wrong thing to say. Luke's eyes quadruple in size. His questions fly from his mouth. “Are you serious? So she told you? You told her? Wait, as Batwoman or as you?”
Ryan can’t handle who’s telling who what. She answers, “As me. Us.” She hugs the punching bag to her chest, remembering the feel of the kiss. That wasn’t a casual sort of kiss. Ryan’s had casual. She’s seen Sophie have casual too. Even short, it felt like more. “That means something, right?”
Luke nods. “Yeah, it means you have to tell her who you are. Before anything else happens between you two.” Ryan hits her head on the punching bag. “Hey, I’m serious! She would want something real.”
Ryan groans. “Been there. Done that. Gone to Blackgate.”
He clicks his tongue. “Hey, no, it’s not right to compare Angelique and Sophie.”
“It’s not right to talk about my love life either.” Ryan lets go of the bag. “You’re the one who said we weren’t going to talk about girls. So, let’s cancel the therapy session.”
Her phone buzzes again, and Luke drops down to get it before Ryan can. “If you’re not talking, then you’re training.” He looks down as the phone vibrates again.
Mary to Ryan: hello?? Ryan!
Luke types back.
Ryan to Mary: It’s Luke. Ryan’s working out right now. She’ll look at these later.
Mary to Ryan: ughhhh
Ryan to Mary: Relax, I’ll make sure they talk about the kiss.
Mary to Ryan: THEY KISSED!?
Luke winces. Ryan glares over at him.
“Tell me you’re not texting on my phone,” she says.
“It’s Mary,” he clarifies. Ryan relaxes slightly, so he barrels forward. “I might have told her about your kiss.”
“Luke!” Ryan rushes over to sock him in the arm. He winces at the punch. “You talk too damn much.”
“How was I supposed to know you didn’t tell Mary?” He rubs the sore spot on his arm. “Remember when we talked about you opening up? Open, direct communication?” He huffs. “What am I saying — you probably ran from Sophie last night.”
Ryan’s phone buzzes again. He steps back to keep Ryan from looking at it. She mumbles, “I drove away, thank you very much.”
Mary to Ryan: Luke, two weeks
Luke stifles a groan. “Yeah, that’ll make Sophie trust you.”
Ryan to Mary: Mary, you started this
It’s already too much — balancing this conversation with Mary, plus the other with Ryan. The last thing he’s doing is adding in the fact that he and Mary threatened to tell Sophie about Ryan’s identity.
Ryan glances away from Luke. “If Sophie really wanted some of this, she would’ve been at the loft last night. But she wasn’t, so clearly it was a moment between friends.”
Mary to Ryan: and you can finish it. Do it Luke.
He snaps, “I don’t kiss my friends.”
Ryan does a full scale head tilt. Eyebrow quirked to the heavens, tone so incredulous that it makes Luke’s defenses sky rocket. She taunts, “You wouldn’t kiss Mary if she wanted to?”
“You wouldn’t kiss my ass if—”
Ryan cuts him off. “Ah, wait, really.” She motions for him to go on. “Go ahead and tell me what’s different between me and Sophie, and you and Mary. I’ll wait.”
Luke considers not going into the trap. Obviously she wants him to own up to having a crush on Mary. She wants him to point out that all of them are friends, and a few heated looks doesn’t change that.
But the thing is — and he says this — “It’s different. Mary’s never asked me out, Ryan. Never waited all night for me, or texted me all day, or kissed me ‘just because’ at the end of the night. It’s different.”
and that's it for the excerpt! See y'all later tonight for chapter eight! Let me know what you're excited about, or if you need any reminders on
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Now titled, The Wild Ride. Part 2 of my newest Wildmoore AU.
Read part 1 here
As Sophie waited in The Hold Up for Ryan, she thought to herself how crazy she was for accepting a ride with a stranger, especially while being injured and then agreeing to go to some sketchy under ground clinic below a bar with said stranger. But there was something about Ryan that intrigued her. Obviously the girl had secrets but she didn’t think it was, I keep people locked in my basement, type of secrets. Plus Sophie could take care of herself if she needed to. Some years back she had started to take martial arts classes because of a near attack one of her friends had experienced while walking home one night. Her friend was alright but they both had decided after that happened that they would start taking self defense classes. She wasn’t an all world champion or anything but If she needed to defend herself she could at least put up a good fight. She carried mace, a rape whistle and a pocket knife. She didn’t think she’d ever have to use it with Ryan though, or Mary for that matter. She felt safe when she was with Ryan. Protected. 
“Hey Soph, sorry about that. You ready to go? Mine and Mary’s place is above the bar.” Ryan pointed up at the ceiling. 
“Yes, lead the way.” Sophie said. Ryan wheeled Sophie towards the elevator and they went up to the loft. 
“Wow, you guys got a great place. Loft above, bar below and hospital underground. Why would you ever need to leave?” Sophie joked. 
Ryan laughed. “Yeah it’s a great set up. Mary has her license and everything but she likes to save her skills for people who can’t afford it and the ones that society likes to shame and turn their noses up at. She’s always been that way. Helping people who can’t help themselves.” 
“Looks like you two have that in common.” Sophie said. 
Ryan blushed despite herself. “So the bathroom is down that hallway, the kitchen is over there. We have water. I can make some tea or coffee. If you’re hungry I make really good vegan pancakes. Umm we could watch a movie or something too. Do you want me to help you to the couch?” Ryan asked, trying to be a good hostess. 
“I think I got it. I’m fine really, Ryan. But I appreciate the offer.” Sophie chuckled. Sophie gingerly got up and made her way to the couch. “Come sit down.” She said to Ryan. Ryan joined Sophie on the couch.
“So.” Ryan said. 
“So.” Sophie echoed back. “Thanks for saving me.” Sophie offered. 
“Oh it’s no problem. I’m glad I was in the area.” Ryan said.
“I’m glad you were too.” Sophie said softly. “How’d you get so strong? That was honestly unbelievable strength, like superhero strength.”  Sophie pondered out loud. 
“Uh, huh, yeah, nowhere near a superhero. Just naturally strong I guess.” Ryan said. Sophie eyed her with curiosity. 
“So tell me about yourself.” Sophie said, sensing Ryan’s nerves and that she wanted to change the subject.
Ryan laughed. “What is this, a date?” She said. 
“Only if you want it to be.” Sophie said, her voice carrying a flirty edge. 
Ryan’s smirk mirrored Sophie’s own. “Well I’m getting my Masters in African American studies and I’m minoring in naturopathy. I’m also dabbling in some writing and directing of short films. Oh and I’m the manager of the bar downstairs. And I’m gay.” Ryan added on. 
“I mean the flannel was kind of a give away for me.” Sophie quipped. 
“Hey, I could be straight.” Ryan threw her hands up in the air and then let them drop down dramatically onto her thighs. 
“Yes it’s good to have a dream.” Sophie rasped out while giggling. 
“Well, I know you’re not straight either.” Ryan said stepping out on a limb. She wasn’t entirely sure of Sophie’s sexuality but the door was open for the conversation. 
“Damn. What gave me away?” Sophie said. 
“Well that raspy voice of yours for starters.” Ryan said. 
Sophie laughed. “What! How does my voice make me gay! It’s just my voice!” 
“I don’t know, but it’s a thing.” Ryan said with a shrug of her shoulders
“Ok, well that’s not much proof.” Sophie rolled her eyes good-naturedly. 
“Well, also the way you been looking at me is another dead give away.” Ryan said. 
Sophie played along. “Oh, and what way have I been looking at you Ryan, do tell.” 
Ryan regarded Sophie and then bit her lip. She raked her eyes over Sophie and looked at her lips. “You really want me to show you how you’ve been looking at me.” Ryan clenched her jaw and she watched as Sophie’s eyes dropped to Ryan’s lips. Neither of them moved closer but the energy between them was electrically charged. Suddenly the door swung open and in walked Mary. She froze when she saw both Ryan and Sophie on the couch looking a lot closer than two people who just met each other an hour ago should be looking. 
“Um, hey you two. Sorry to interrupt whatever this is.” Mary wildly gestured to the two of them. She walked over and stood by Sophie. “Is Ryan taking good care of you?” Mary asked with a glace at Ryan. 
“Yes, she’s wonderful. You both are.” Sophie said, sincerely. 
“Hey, why don’t we order some vegan delivery?” Ryan suggested, not wanting to get rid of Sophie so soon. She’d been enjoying spending time with her and hey, she did still technically have to make sure that she didn’t have any internal bleeding or a concussion. She liked spending time alone with Sophie but she had a feeling that she would get a lot more chances to spend time alone with her. Mary went into her room to take off the day and left Sophie and Ryan alone again. Well that was fast. 
“Hey Ryan, I wondered if you would like to go out with me some time. Like after I heal and everything.” Sophie said once Mary closed the door to her bedroom.
Ryan tried to hide the big smile that was threatening to take over her face. But she could not contain it. She really liked Sophie, and by the looks of it, Sophie liked her back. Ryan wondered if she could eventually tell Sophie who she was. How long could she wait to tell her the truth about herself? And if she finally told her, would Sophie be upset that Ryan lied or didn’t confide in her sooner. This was part of Ryan and if her and Sophie ended up really connecting, she would want to share that part of herself with Sophie, otherwise would Sophie really know her at all?
“Hey you ok over there? If it’s too soon, or if I misread-” Sophie began trying to backtrack. 
“No! No. Sorry. It’s not too soon, and you definitely did not misread anything. I would love to go out with you. As long as it’s not rock climbing.” Ryan laughed. 
“Hey! I’m usually very agile! I just slipped.” Sophie said crossing her arm in her defense.  
“Yeah, yeah.” Ryan said. 
Mary came back out of her room, dressed in some comfy clothes and wearing slippers. “Alright you two, time to order some hopefully delicious food because I’m starving.” 
“I’m gonna go wash up.” Sophie said as she got up to go to the bathroom. 
Once Sophie was out of ear shot Mary gave Ryan a look. “Girl” was all Mary said. But it was enough. 
“I know I know! She asked me out.” Ryan confessed. 
“What! How long was I in there?” Mary jabbed her thumb behind herself at her bedroom. 
“I said yes, obviously.” 
“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. What are you gonna do about the whole... Bat thing.” Mary whispered the last part. 
Ryan picked up some take out menus and looked at them, trying to decide where she was going to order from. “I think I’m gonna tell her if we end up getting close. I mean, I want her to know me, and I already trust her. I mean I brought her to your illegal clinic, right.” Ryan said. 
Mary rolled her eyes. “Yeah, don’t remind me.” 
“I get good vibes from her though. I think this could turn into something. So we will see.” Ryan said as she watched Sophie walk back into the room. It was golden hour and the orange sun was beaming in through the loft windows, illuminating Sophie in an angelic glow. Ryan’s heart skipped a few beats. She looked up at the sky as if to say, really, God? This woman! Ryan was smitten, and she knew Sophie was feeling the same way, she just hoped that Sophie was prepared for the wild ride that was Ryan Wilder. 
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Did you see the promo photos?? I think your right, Katex Sophie x Ryan x Imani drama is coming 😂😂😂 i'm so stoked
They really keep releasing these promo photos at midnight my time and disrupting my sleep schedule 😜
I'm so stoked too anon! I was a little worried after the promo that we might almost be going 2 steps back in terms of Sophie x Ryan progressing, so that specific promo pic makes me so happy to see it looks like that's not the case. They're finding common ground, and hopefully Sophie is rethinking her place with the Crows.
Imani being in this ep too! Good for Ryan. She deserves this.
This season has been incredible and with Kate coming back into the picture when Ryan is now comfortable in the batsuit and with this new life. Oooh. I'm so ready for that tension.
When I say Wildmoore slowburn, I really mean slowburn. I don't see anything properly happening for at least another season. The way they're writing this dynamic is so purposeful. Nothing rushed. It's all just fitting into place. They really do remind me of the way Westallen were written.
I don't know how long Imani will be around for, but I can really see both kate and Imani having the same sort of effect as Eddy and Linda.
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sebastiians · 8 years
memory meme. | @wildmoored | status: accepting
💚- A memory that makes them feel guilty
sebastian it’s not even his memory, he knows that. he knows it shouldn’t really make him feel guilty. it’s not him. salazar isn’t him. not really. that’s what he tries to remind himself– every time the waves of guilt roll over him, threatening to swallow him whole. he tries to distance himself, remind himself that he’s sebastian o’shannon. not salazar slytherin. he didn’t make those choices. but the fact is, he did. no matter how he wrestles with it– he was salazar. once upon a time, those were his choice. he did this. and he has to live with it. salazar never knew the things that would happen– he never lived to see his visions and ideas brought to light. but sebastian did. he lived and had to watch, utterly helpless, as the chamber was opened. as people were attacked. as one almost died– one did die, in the past. and that was on him too. all of it, was on him. the memory is bitter. the feelings of pride and power make him feel sick now. to know that was how he had felt upon the creation of the chamber. all he’s left with now is a crawling to his skin and a guilt that eats away at him. even when he tells people it’s okay, when he allows himself to be forgiven– even then, it churns at his insides and clings to his heart like an immense darkness. because there’s nothing he can do. this was all on him. 
❤️- A happy memory that makes them smile
sebastian it’s the end of an era. finally. the end of an era that while certainly had it’s light parts– mostly just felt like falling into darkness. but now it’s finally over. no more wars. no more fighting. no more deaths. the school is put back together, and they’ve had four years of peace. peace. this is the memory that sebastian recalls in his darker moments. a moment of peace, four years after the war. they’re sat on a beach– all four of them, four old souls entwined in so many ways. salazar’s old hometown is a three hour drive from here, easy to get to with apparition of course. he found it in the year after the war, when he went and retraced steps of an old life in search of a new path. in search of inspiration and a new beginning. he found this little sleepy village and the beautiful beach. and he watched the sunrise and all he could think about, was bringing them here. “i think sights like that are the real magic in the world.” he’d commented as he watched the sunrise again, his three friends with him this time. and it finally felt like a new beginning. that life could indeed, move on. 
salazar the morning air was finally beginning to warm up. the winter chill finally seemed to be easing off and salazar stood outside his home, watching as the sunlight danced off the dewy grass. there wasn’t a sound to be heard other than the distant singing of birds. inside, he could hear the gentle sound of his wife sleeping– then the gentle gurgle of his son as he stirred. and salazar just stood there, taking in the beauty in it. he never imagined he might find peace and fulfillment in such a simple life. yet here he was. and it was an image that stayed with him for life. even on his death bed, his lips drew up into a smile in remembrance of that soft march morning when everything felt right with the world. 
💟- Wildcard!!! 
salazar in the distance, he could see the familiar silhouette of the school he had built. it stood, proud on the backdrop of a beautiful forest and the lake before it rippled, reflecting the moonlight. it was beautiful, and salazar couldn’t help but feel proud as he looked at the place he had once called home. the sight would always be etched into his mind, no matter what happened over time. it remained a beautiful memory for him-- the pride he felt about hogwarts would never die. but that didn’t mean he wanted to step inside. --swallowing quickly, salazar turned on his heel and in a pop, was gone. perhaps one day, he might walk those halls again. 
| also lowkey tagging @caediteos & @scxrscancomeinhxndy bc they sent me the green heart too, so here it is! |
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newgenog · 3 years
Clarity from the Distance
Wildmoore Week Day 6 - Favorite Third Wheel
This takes place between 310 and 311. Additional explanation(s) in the end note. DT @some-days-we-get-sundays who wanted a follow up to Let Me In (Rest), and is my fandom bestie, so she deserves one.
Not a full day has passed since the bat team dispersed, after Jada Jett called Batwoman out on the news early that morning. As far as they know, there is no one in immediate danger, and handing the Joker’s buzzer over to Jada suddenly doesn’t feel like the right move, at least not just yet. Even still, it’s been a while since Sohie went a full day without talking to the team or, better yet, talking to Ryan. Finally kissing her has made any denial she'd been pulling off about how she really feels a distant memory. Sophie admits to herself that she misses her, and she’s at a loss for how to say so without making Ryan feel like she's pushing.
S Cell: Hey! Checking on you…
S Cell: So, we got interrupted this morning, and I just want you to know that I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk.
S Cell: How’s Mary?
Not only does this approach feel safe, it’s also honest. Sophie cares about both of them, after all.
R Cell: She’s…trying. 😕
S Cell: I bet. Can I do anything?
R Cell: I’m not sure there’s anything to do besides letting her know we’re here for her.
Not a yes, but not a no. After pumping herself up to send the first text, now is not the time to deflate. She shoots a shot.
S Cell: Maybe I should come by?
R Cell: Sure
Sure? This is exactly as unclear as her response when Luke asked if it was a problem that he’d called Sophie to help with Renee. Does Ryan want her around or not?
R Cell: I’m not there, though.
Sophie exhales in relief for this clarifying crumb of hope.
S Cell: Oh, should I wait for you?
R Cell: I’ll come get you. I’m not even sure what I’m driving around looking for right now.
S Cell: Cool 😉
Marquis is still dried out, and Renee is jetting off to Coryana with Pam. While anything could happen at any time in Gotham, Sophie understands that Ryan probably isn’t sure what else to do with herself after the near constant urgency they’ve been living through. Whether or not Ryan is using the time to process or avoid thinking remains to be seen.
Sophie is waiting behind her building when Ryan drives up. She attempts to gracefully ease into the too low to the ground batmobile, and huffs from the effort when she plops down. Given everything that has and hasn’t exchanged between them, she’s equally excited and anxious for them to be in such close quarters.
S: Thanks for coming to get me.
R: Always.
It could have just been something to say, but Sophie believes Ryan means it.
They ride silently at first, both looking ahead or out of their respective windows. For Sophie, the silence feels too loud, and it’s doing nothing to help her figure out what to do with her hands. The urge to touch Ryan in some way is always so demanding. She needs a distraction.
S: So, level with me. What am I getting myself into?
Ryan looks over, unsure of what Sophie means.
S: With Mary. Are we talking tissues and pep talks? Denial by drinking? What’s the deal?
R: Honestly, I don’t really know.
Sophie frowns, trying to follow Ryan’s train of thought, and realizes that this distraction is only mildly effective. Looking through the windshield had proven to be a better bet than looking at Ryan in the bat suit, driving the batmobile. The latter did nothing to help Sophie keep her hand to herself. She balls it into a fist, in her own lap, as a physical reminder to keep it together.
R: I’m pretty sure I heard her crying in the shower, but she hasn’t actually said anything about it. She stays nearby but also doesn’t get too close.
S: I get that.
R: You do?
S: Well, yeah. I mean, things can’t just go back to normal?
R: Why can’t they? None of that was her fault. And she’s Mary.
S: I don’t think it’s that simple, Ryan.
And then Sophie realizes she’s lost the internal battle. Her hand has made its way over to Ryan’s thigh, seemingly on its own. She starts to ease away, having completed the purpose in the gesture - offering comfort while Ryan reflects on what’s happening with her best friend - but Ryan’s hand lands on Sophie’s, keeping her in place.
The moment is short, because it occurs right before Ryan pulls into her parking spot behind The Hold Up, where delivery trucks make their drops. She takes off the cowl, and Sophie instinctively shifts back to give Ryan a space to set down the mask.
S: Hey, is that why you were driving around with nowhere to go?
R: Maybe. It’s like, I’m so glad she’s home, and I want her to know that, but at the same time…
S: She’s not the only one figuring out how to get back to normal.
Ryan looks over at Sophie, searching for validation. Again, Sophie can’t help herself, and she returns her hand to Ryan’s lap, and scoots close enough that she knows Ryan can really see her.
S: You’ll get there, but I think you need to stick around if that’s going to happen.
Ryan replaces her hand on Sophie’s and squeezes it in thanks. After a beat, she lets her head fall back against the headrest, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. Sophie gives her all the time she needs.
R: Okay, let’s go.
Sophie flips her hand around to squeeze Ryans once more, before they both get out of the car. Ryan leads the way inside, and Sophie takes the opportunity to mentally confirm that she will get no answers tonight, and should not seek them out. She tells herself that this is okay, and good in fact. The three of them haven’t spent time together like this since Mary’s graduation, which is just another reminder of how they got into this situation. And, really, any time with Ryan better than no time. This will be good for everyone.
They walk into a nearly dark loft, with only the lamp next to the couch where Mary is seated turned on. She’s staring into a mug, and Sophie wonders if she’s drinking tea to calm her nerves, coffee to avoid sleeping, or something stronger to lose track of it all.
R: Hey, hey!
M: Hey guys!
Mary perks up when she sees them both, apparently happy to no longer be alone, but the relief doesn’t reach her eyes. She’s in sweatpants and a hoodie, and Sophie sees a bottle of Tequila on the coffee table, answering her question. The scene reinforces what Ryan was trying to convey. Ryan flips a switch for every light she passes, trying to brighten the place up.
M: Is everything okay? Did you end up needing backup? Luke didn’t say anything…
Confusion and doubt start to sink in, and Sophie quickly interjects.
S: No, no. I wasn’t doing anything and wanted to come hang out. Ryan came to get me.
M: Oh, cool!
R: I’m going to go change.
M: Okay. Want me to fix you a drink?
R: Sure!
Ryan’s voice echoes from inside the bathroom. Mary shuffles up, heading to the kitchen to get more glasses, and Sophie makes her way to the black, leather chair adjacent to the couch. When Ryan returns, Mary and Sophie are already drinking and chatting.
R: What are we talking about?
M: You.
R: Me?
S: Mary was telling me that it takes you ten times longer to get out of the suit than it does to get into it. I hadn’t really thought about it…Seems like it would be the other way around, though.
R: Oh…well, I sort of take an inventory of it when I take it off. And, I put everything back in a certain order so that I can get dressed quickly.
S: That makes sense.
Mary drops her eyes, nervously. Ryan doesn’t seem in the mood to be teased. Mary is seated on the side of the couch closest to Sophie, and Ryan sits on the opposite side. Sophie notes the space between the best friends. They probably weren’t going to play another game of Never Have I Ever, tonight. Sophie decides to try to break the ice.
S: You know, you’d be proud of Ryan. She’s had no shortage of statement making dresses to wear, lately.
Why not let Ryan know Sophie has noticed?
M: Oh yeah? I bet she looked hot!
S: Mhmmm…
R: Not sure when I’ll be needing to wear anything like that again, now that I’m not leading Wayne.
Sophie grimaces at Ryan’s tone of defeat.
S: We’re going to get it all back.
R: How?
What was Sophie thinking choosing to sit in this chair - so far away from Ryan? This isn’t her seat! Then she reminds herself that they’re here for Mary, and she’s right where she needs to be.
R: Anyone else want chips?
Ryan jumps up and makes a beeline for the kitchen. Sophie responds to Mary’s fallen shoulders with an ‘I’ll get her’ nod in the same direction. Ryan grabs the chips, and Sophie retrieves a large bowl from the high cabinet, so Ryan doesn’t have to grab the step stool. Then, Sophie gets close, and tries to speak in a hushed but sympathetic tone.
S: Are you sure it’s just Mary keeping the distance?
Ryan looks uncertain, and then relents.
R: No…But I was with her all day, feeling weird, and now I think I’m just in a funk. Maybe this was a bad idea.
Sophie finally grabs Ryan’s hand, steadying her.
S: Let’s just take it one step at a time. We’ll ease into it.
They're closer than they were in the forest, the last time Ryan relinquished all that she was carrying around with her to Sophie - before Sophie tried to clear Ryan’s head with a kiss. Ryan closes her eyes again, and takes another breath, like she did in the car.
M: Need any help?!
Sophie rests her forehead against Ryan's, and responds for both of them.
S: We’re coming!
Ryan lets out the breath she’d been holding, and Sophie tells her what she needs to hear.
S: I've got you.
Sophie pulls Ryan behind her. It’s definitely not an excuse to keep holding her hand.
After organizing the snack on the coffee table, they retake their designated seats, and Ryan glances once more at Sophie, who sends her an encouraging smile back.
R: You know, all those dresses were yours. And dry cleaning has always been your thing. I’m not sure I left you anything to wear.
Mary smiles, glad that whatever conversation she and Sophie had seems to have shifted Ryan’s mood.
M: You know what? I think this is actually a perfect opportunity to expand our wardrobe. We’re going to need double the clothes if we’re both going to be dressing up. Not that it seems like you need my help, anymore.
R: Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea how many things I had to try on to figure out what to wear every day? I do not like spending that much time thinking about clothes. Please, come reclaim your job.
M: Oooh! I did see this one skirt set that I think would look amazing on you!
Mary pulls out her phone and quickly finds the page. She scoots closer to Ryan to show her the image. Ryan laughs, not actually having an opinion one way or another about what her best friend dresses her in, but is enjoying seeing Many get excited about dolling her up, again. She looks at the outfit on the phone, and then quickly peeks at Sophie, who has a very curious look on her face. Ryan grins slightly, but returns focus to Mary, who’s already clicked on another outfit to show Ryan while describing the best timing for wearing such attire.
Sophie grabs her glass, and scoots back into her chair, watching her people take small steps forward. She knows her presence makes Ryan feel better, and that’s all the clarity she needs for tonight.
Because Batwoman's Gotham often feels like it exists in some kind of time warp, I took the liberty of deciding that there was enough time between the morning at the end of 310 and whatever dark hour it is at the beginning of 311 (when Ryan's back in the batmobile and Mary meets her at the clinic) for all of this to occur. We can assume that at some point, after Tequila and chips, Ryan's still antsy, suits back up, and takes Sophie home before continuing her patrol. Why Mary goes from pigtails to a ponytail at the beginning of 311 is beyond me (time warp), but maybe there's even another day that passes off screen between the scenes. Could even be a chance for another fic. You never know!
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youngerdrgrey · 3 years
highlight(s) of my life // a WildMoore fanfic (2/2)
about: Inspired by Sophie's new S3 highlights. Good Bro ™ Ryan Wilder teases Sophie about what other post-break up activities Sophie might have partaken in. Sophie is less than amused and more than a little interested.
read part one here + read part two on ao3
Right. It’s not like Ryan hasn’t considered it. Sophie is, well, she’s Sophie freaking Moore. But she’s also Sophie ‘Kate’s ex,’ and Sophie ‘member of the Bat Team.’ Sophie ‘quit her job after Ryan wanted her to.’ Sophie ‘sat with Ryan on Coryana when they both thought Ryan was dying.’
There have been many nights where Ryan lies awake with the ghost of Sophie’s hand in hers. It’s ridiculous. She couldn’t really feel the heat of Sophie through the gloves. But she could feel Sophie’s shoulder. Hear Sophie’s breathing along with the crackle of the field. Remember Sophie’s voice straining as she urged Ryan to hold on just a little longer, just until they got to Luke.
Ryan used to say she wanted to go peacefully, in her sleep, with her wife beside her. Very The Notebook. Dying on Coryana like that wouldn’t have been the exact same, but it wasn’t the worst interpretation.
Maybe that moment did something to her. Maybe it changed them both. Maybe it… crossed some wires to have literally been there together through that. Or maybe it has more to do with the last few weeks. With everything from “I know you’re Batwoman, Ryan” through to here, in the bar, with Sophie’s expectant eyes on her.
What the fuck does Ryan say to that?
Another woman slips up beside Sophie before Ryan can respond. This brown skinned girl with dark blue box braids and a staggering set of dimples. Her smile’s amazing as she turns to Sophie.
“I’ve seen you around here before. Vodka, right?” she asks.
Ryan responds at the same time that Sophie does. “Tequila,” they say together. Ryan flashes back to that night of Never Have I Ever at the loft. Back when the couch seemed miles long and too small at the same time, when Ryan’s face betrayed her and softened as she watched Sophie think up things that she hadn’t done.
Sophie gives Box Braids a polite smile before looking back to Ryan. “Can we…?” She motions with her head to the side.
Box Braids’ eyes volley between Sophie and Ryan. “Ah. Well, can I still get the discount?”
Ryan shakes her head at Box Braids. “Deal’s off. Sorry.” Box Braids walks off, and Sophie stares at Ryan expectantly. The thing is, if Ryan goes with Sophie, then everything changes. That should be a good thing. That could be, right?
Ryan scans the bar for some kind of excuse. Sophie clocks the avoidance. Sophie’s earlier nervousness shifts into impatience. Her brows lift as she tries to tamp it down.
“Seriously? You’re supposed to be off soon anyway.”
Ryan chuckles. “Leaving work early? Issa bad look for the manager.” Sophie glares at Ryan, which, okay, that’s fair. Sophie’s trying to put herself out there, and Ryan can feel her heart pounding in her chest.
“You know what else is a bad look?” Sophie motions at the general charged air between them. “This. I’m a big girl, Ryan. If you’re not interested, then say that. I can handle it.”
After being rejected by her own mom, a bartender probably wouldn’t hold much weight. Ryan gulps. It’s not that she isn’t interested. It’s just… the timing and the bar and… the them. But she can’t let Sophie leave thinking that Ryan’s not interested.
Ryan pulls her apron off and slips it under the counter. “Come on.” She leads the way from behind the bar and out towards the back exit. Sophie follows her without another word. They turn down the small employee-only hallway and out the door to the back.
It’ll be better out here. It’s private, but not too private. The loft would’ve been an awful idea. Mary’s gone tonight, and it would’ve just been the two of them. Just Sophie with her sunshine hair and incredible lips.
The back of the bar’s well lit, but it’s an overhead light that somehow makes Sophie look smaller than normal. Sophie holds herself tighter when she’s unsure. As if exuding confidence will make up for the fact that she so clearly doesn’t know how to proceed here.
Sophie breaks the silence first. “Believe it or not, I thought this would go much smoother.”
Has she thought about this a lot? How long has Sophie been into her? Ryan bites down the questions and goes for a smooth response of her own.
“How’d you see it going?”
Sophie glances around. Her eyes land on the bench against the brick wall. It’s mostly for smokers and vapers. One time Ryan saw two people hooking up on it. Ryan’d hosed them down and taped a ‘DO NOT HAVE SEX HERE’ sign on the wall behind it. Sophie chuckles at the sign as she crosses to sit down.
She leans back. “First, I walk in with my new hair and my nice outfit, but you don’t see me right away.” She’s already off to the wrong start. Ryan had spotted Sophie the moment that she entered The Hold Up. Ryan played it off, but Ryan usually knew where Sophie was.
Sophie continues, “I sit at the corner of the bar and wait until you look my way. You’d go to make me a drink, but I’d stop you and say that we’re getting out of here.”
Ryan would’ve smiled at that. Would’ve joked that Sophie isn’t in charge here, and Sophie would’ve lifted a brow in a silent challenge. Her apron would’ve been tucked under the counter within minutes.
Sophie grins. “I drive us out to the quarry near the river. There’s not much to do there, so it’s quiet when nothing else ever is. I’ve got blankets in my car, and a hoodie since you never wear real clothes.”
Ryan cuts in. “I wear real clothes.” Sophie gives her a doubtful look from the bench. There’s still way too much space between them, so Ryan walks over to sit beside Sophie. “I’m not knocking your plan or anything, but you know I have a van, right? It’s got a heater, a ton of blankets, and a lot more space than your car.”
Sophie’s eyes widen. “Wait, is that where you went when Kate came back?” She turns to face Ryan as her own face crumples. “You chose a van over staying with me?”
“It wasn’t like that,” Ryan insists.
Sophie’s tone hardens anyway. “Yeah, right.”
Ryan shakes her head. “It wasn’t. I…. I’m used to holding space and giving it back.” In group homes, in seasonal jobs, and here, in the most important job she’s ever had. “You were so excited to have her back, and I didn’t want to be in the way of that. It’s easier if I just let go.”
Sophie breathes that in, and her eyes seek out Ryan’s. Ryan averts hers to the ground in front of them. She doesn’t need to see the pity. It’s not—
“Hey,” Sophie bumps her shoulder into Ryan’s, “You’re not in the way. You were once or twice, like when you stopped my fear toxin run, but….” Sophie takes a deep breath. “I meant what I said during the blackout. About you making Batwoman your own and giving the city hope again. It’s not the suit that did that. It’s you. And I would gladly spend the whole night praising you if that’s what it takes for you to see that.”
Her tone’s earnest and raspy in the way that makes Ryan’s heart swell. It’s hard to talk around it, so Ryan jokes, “I don’t need your praise. It’s not really my thing.”
Sophie reaches up to cup Ryan’s cheek in her hand. Ryan melts into the touch. It would be embarrassing, if not for the fact that Sophie’s hand shakes just a bit against Ryan’s skin.
As Ryan turns her head to face Sophie’s, Sophie whispers, “Show me what is?”
Honestly, the praise thing would be pretty great. Ryan could use a few reminders that she’s meant to be here, that Sophie wants this and wants them. That Ryan’s not a placeholder and is actually the reason Sophie’s sitting out here instead of going after any of the women who might want her.
Ryan lifts a hand to the highlights in Sophie’s hair. “You really do look amazing.”
Sophie smirks. “You should see them in the sun. Maybe in the morning?”
Ryan laughs. “Very smooth.” She drops her forehead, and Sophie brings hers to meet it. “I’m not that easy.”
Sophie snorts. “You’ve never been easy, Ryan. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to try.”
This could be an awful idea. But Ryan’s done a lot worse than go out with a woman she’s already falling for. Ryan has to look through her lashes to meet Sophie’s eyes. They’re rich and searching, and Ryan knows hers could give the answer. Hers could give everything. So she pulls back just enough to bring her lips to Sophie’s. A soft brush at first. A yes to trying. A yes to a night on the river and finding each other under the covers. A yes to a life, if that’s what Sophie wants.
Sophie chases after Ryan’s lips, catching her and deepening the conversation. Because she does want. She’s shown again and again that she wants anything Ryan will give her. She’s gone along with ridiculous plans and the countless times that Ryan’s iced her out. She’s here for this, and as her tongue swipes across Ryan’s lips, Ryan finally lets her in.
When they do break away, Ryan’s breathless. “You wanna see my van?”
Sophie laughs, then nods, then kisses Ryan again. “Who’s easy now?”
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Relationship Q&A - Wildmoore Edition
Who confessed feelings first?
Sophie. Definitely Sophie. Ryan is too damn stubborn to admit or even realize that she has feelings for Sophie. Sophie knew for a while that she had feelings for Ryan and she had an inkling that Ryan liked her back but she knew that Ryan would not realize it or admit it if she did realize. Sophie admittedly wanted to start kissing Ryan and going out with her romantically instead of always leaving their hangouts feeling unsatisfied lol so she knew she had to make the first move. When she did, Ryan slapped her playfully on the arm and said, damn Soph, it took you look enough. 
Nicknames for each other? 
Ryan still calls Sophie, “Crowphie” but it’s endearing and playful and Sophie doesn’t mind it. She calls her, “Soph” as well. They both call each other bae, babe, boo, baby. Sophie calls Ryan, “Ry Ry” and also calls her “Shawty/shorty.” When they’re playing video games and it gets competitive, Ryan refers to herself as “Bdub” short for BW (batwoman). Bdub finna drop this 30 piece on your head Soph. Sophie usually let’s Ryan win when they play 2k because she thinks it’s cute when Ryan gets competitive and gloats. 
Who apologizes first in fights?
Since they are enemies to lovers they are used to fighting with each other and not seeing eye to eye. So they don’t ever really freak out about a big fight. They know one of them will eventually come around. Even though Ryan is more stubborn and hard headed, it’s usually her that apologizes first. Sophie can’t stay mad at Ryan’s puppy dog face and her sweet smile. They always hug and then Ryan says, Soph, I’m sorry. And then Sophie immediately says, no, babe, I’m sorry. They are good at talking through their issues and know how to have  healthy communication Then once they talk they have a lot of make up sex and cuddles. 
Who said I love you first?
Ryan said it first. Ryan was in the batsuit and she thought she was about to die after getting bested in a big fight. She turned on her comms and told Mary and Luke to get Sophie on the line.  
Yeah I’m here babe, what is it?
Sophie, I love you. Ryan said this with zero hesitation in her voice. She turned off the batsuit voice manipulator so that Sophie could hear Ryan’s real voice when she told her. 
You wha-
I love you. I’m in love with you. And I have been for a while now. I wanted to tell you but I didn’t know the right time. I thought maybe I would take you to dinner at our favorite spot, but it doesn’t look like I’m gonna make it. Ryan’s breath was coming out in short bursts and she was struggling. Sophie heard the distress. 
BABE, Ryan talk to me! What’s happening? 
I’m ok, I just needed to tell you this incase I didn’t get the chance. I love you with my whole heart Sophie. You’re the most important thing in my life and I’m so glad I didn’t die before I met you.
Are you quoting a Bright Eyes song to me right now? Sophie let out a raspy laugh.
Damnit Soph, I’m trying to be serious here. I didn’t know you know that song.
Ryan, I hear you sing it to yourself literally every morning when you’re getting dressed.
Yeah? Ryan’s voice comes out strained but she’s holding on. 
I love you too. And you’re not dying today. Hang tight shorty. I’m on my way. 
Who is the cuddler?
Ryan is more cuddly for sure. Ryan always wants cuddles even when Sophie isn’t in the mood. Ryan likes to act big and tough and she totally is but she’s also a huge softie. When Sophie is grumpy and they’re lying in bed together, Ryan rolls over and big spoons Sophie. When they’re on the couch watching movies, Ryan always wants the cuddles. She hasn’t felt very safe for most of her life and Sophie makes her feel safe. When she’s cuddled up with Sophie she feels like she’s in a cocoon where nothing and no one can harm her. Sophie has picked up on this being the reason Ryan cuddles so much and so she lets her do it whenever she wants even though Sophie isn’t the biggest cuddler. 
Who wakes up first?
Sophie does. And she makes breakfast, has her coffee. Reads through her twitter news feed, takes a shower, brushes her teeth, does her hair, and gets dressed and is ready to go before Ryan gets out of bed. Ryan always marvels at how Sophie is always so prompt and ready. Sophie says it’s because of her military background. Ryan thinks it’s because Sophie has had trouble sleeping ever since Kate died (and then came back to life as something that is not Kate). Ryan knows Sophie doesn’t have feelings for Kate anymore and she’s not jealous. But she knows how traumatizing it was for Sophie and she’s had trouble sleeping ever since. Ryan hopes that some day she can wake up before Sophie because it will mean she has slept through the night comfortably, uninterrupted and unbothered by her worries. 
Who falls asleep first?
Ryan usually does. Being Batwoman is tiring. They don’t tell you that when you sign up for this gig. Ryan usually knocks out on the couch while Sophie is making dinner or taking off her work clothes and slipping into something more comfortable. Sophie will come out of her room and see  Ryan curled up on the couch asleep. Sometimes she puts a blanket over her and then sits near her and runs her hands through Ryan’s hair or rubs her back. Or they will be watching TV or a movie and Ryan will fall asleep on Sophie’s shoulder. Sophie always finds these moment tender because it reminds her of when Batwoman, before she knew it was Ryan, rested her head on Sophie when she thought she was dying. Sophie likes listening to the sound of Ryan’s soft breathing, in and out in and out. It puts her at ease. And she often sneaks a kiss onto Ryan’s forehead. At night when they crawl into bed, Sophie will be telling Ryan about some new case and Ryan after a while will stop responding and Sophie will see that she’s fallen asleep. Sophie always finishes her story anyway and then she reads a book until she grows tired too and shuts off the light.
Who is more Romantic? 
Ryan is. I told you she’s a big softie. She loves spoiling Sophie. She kisses her all the time, she’s always reaching for Sophie’s hand and interlocking their fingers. She makes playlists for Sophie, she goes all out on Sophie’s bday or just because. And she likes planning dinner dates for the two of them. Ryan has been out longer than Sophie and she is more used to the PDA and the dating and spoiling a girl thing. Sophie is still learning what it looks like to be romantic with another woman. Besides the sex and kissing which she is very good at. Sophie does go all out for Vday, Ryan’s bday, and Christmas though. 
Who has more of a temper?
They both are hot heads and fly off the handle but it makes for great angry sex and make up sex. 
What do they argue about the most?
The others’ safety. 
Who is more jealous?
Neither of them are really the jealous type. They know they each only have eyes for each other. Before they started dating, they both were a little jealous of Mary. But it turns out Mary didn’t like either of them in that way and they were both didn’t like Mary in that way, they were just projecting. The conversation went something like this: I thought you liked Mary? What I thought you liked Mary? No. I like you. I like you too. Some girls at the bar do try and flirt with Ryan and if Sophie is there she just laughs. She finds it more amusing than anything. Because Ryan gets all cute and flustered. Ryan finds it funny when they’re out and guys try and hit on either one of them- assuming that the two are just gal pals. They shoot the guys down and then they laugh and say to each other, “why are we so hot?”
What do they do for fun/in their downtime?
Ryan and Sophie are both huge tomboys and so it makes for a fun relationship. They play fight a lot! Mary walks in on some of their playfights and thinks they are fighting for real and tries to break it up. Then when she realizes they are play fighting she gets grossed out and says, ew is this foreplay?? They go mini golfing, bowling, go to the shooting range because Ryan wants to learn how to shoot like Sophie. They go to arcades, and they go to amusement parks and movies. When they’re at home they like to watch streaming services, watch sports, read, watch movies, take naps, and order take out. They like trying new places and ordering food for each other from the new places- and if they order food the other likes then they get a point, if they order food the other person doesn't like then they don’t get a point. Whoever gets 10 points doesn’t have to pay on their next date. 
Favorite thing about each other:
Sophie likes Ryan’s lips, Ryan likes Sophie’s eyes. Ryan likes that Sophie is not scared of standing up for herself or what she thinks is right. She likes her bravery and courage. She likes how bad ass Sophie is but also how she is so kind and sweet. She likes Sophie’s raspy voice. She won’t admit it but she likes how Sophie proved Ryan wrong. She likes that she kept her secret as Batwoman and how she isn’t like the Crows in the way she thought Sophie was. Sophie likes Ryan’s cute smile and puppy dog eyes. She likes Ryan’s unwavering confidence and strength. She likes that Ryan doesn’t back down and that she protects the people that she loves with her whole heart. She likes that Ryan isn’t afraid of anyone and will challenge and step up to anyone. They both love how the other loves them. They both love how safe, and protected the other one makes them feel. 
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