#removing the glove with his teeth is foreplay fr
ahsoka-lives · 4 years
Off Moon
Iris pt. 4 of my Inquisitor!Cal x Reader fic
Warnings: Cal is kind of a *ss in this, thigh riding, foreplay.
A/N: This is a big one in terms of the plot of the fic. I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you all enjoy it!! I don’t think it’s my best but I still enjoyed the process. Please feel free to leave feedback because I absolutely love hearing from you guys!! Gif is by @water-aesthetics​
Word Count: 3689
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The waves of Iris crashed into the shores. The tranquil sound floated into the cracked window of the room. The glow of the lamp beside the bed filled the space with a soft yellow hue. Never have you felt such serenity, such peace. But there was something strange and unfamiliar about this place. Where were you? Why were you here?
“You’re here because I wanted you here.” Cal’s deep voice spoke into your ear bringing a gasp from your throat. His arms snaked around your waist and held you to his chest. “I can feel it. Your place is with me, no where else.”
“I can’t be with you all the time, Cal.” You try to move against his hold but it only tightens.
“This isn’t up for discussion.” He chided and pressed a kiss to your cheek. “Pack a bag, I have work off moon and you’re coming. I’ll be at your apartment shortly, be ready.”
“Y/n, wake up, y/n” BD was nudging your shoulder with one of his hands as he tried to wake you. “You were talking in your sleep. Please stop, it is very annoying.”
Your droid turned and left your room, leaving you to stare at your ceiling wondering how you had a dream so vivid. It was like a memory more than a dream and you couldn’t decide if it was what you wished for or what you feared.
Sighing, you decide to take a shower and wash the feeling off of your skin. You strip and let the cool droplets of water fall over you. It soothes your tightly wound nerves and resets your mind. Knowing you had to be at work soon, you finish and quickly get dressed. 
You combed through your hair before pausing over the sink. You could hear the same idyllic sound of waves from your dream, the familiarity startles you and you suddenly feel like someone was watching you. All of your motions come to a halt, your shoulders tense, and chills cover your body.
“I thought I told you to be ready, little girl.” A distorted voice scolded you. Your eyes shoot up to the mirror and behind you stands a tall Inquisitor who was dressed to kill. A black helmet shielded his entire skull, armor covered his upper torso with a white imperial branding pressed to his shoulders, black combat boots look worn down, and a saber hung from his waist.
Within seconds of his words you scream out in fear and stagger away from the man who had stepped in from the doorway and reached out to you with a menacing arm.
“Gods, calm down, y/n. It’s me! It’s Cal!” The raspy modulated voice from behind the mask rushed out as he removed it. “I forgot I had this thing on, I’m sorry.” 
You were pressed to the far wall of the bathroom panting heavily from the idea of being brutally cut in half with a lightsaber. Thankfully, the fear subsided quickly as you were distracted by Cal’s appearance. 
He looked kinda hot in the gear, something you hadn’t noticed when you saw him from the bridge days ago. The pants fit him well making his legs appear longer and the armor across his chest accentuated his broad stature. His eyes were his normal green and they contrasted well to the darkness of his attire. 
“Wha-what are you doing here?” You ask as you begin to regain composure. His now exposed face allowed you to see his confusion at your question.
“I already told you. I have a mission off moon and you will be coming with me, we’re lucky I came to get you early or this would have made us late. Come, I will help you pack.” He explained nonchalantly before leaving you in the bathroom. 
Your mind reeled at how fast all of this was happening. He never told you anything. Well, not to your face.
“That was real? How did you get in my head?” Now you were the one with a commanding voice. You couldn’t believe someone could be so bold.
He chuckled before turning on his heel to face you. He looked you up and down dropping his helmet onto your bed.
“It was very real, y/n. There are many things you don’t know about my abilities but now is not the time to talk about these things. Please collect your temper and pack, I won’t be happy if we’re late because you decided to have an attitude with me.” His voice was smooth outside of the mask but equally intimidating. His eyes hadn’t left you and the two of you seem to be locked in a staring match. 
“I- I can’t just leave. I have work, I have BD-5, I-” You were cut off by Cal groaning like a frustrated teenager who just wasn’t getting his way.
“BD-5, come in here please.” He called, eyes still locked onto you.
Your droid came in seconds later.
“Sir, what can I help with?”
”Please pack a travel bag for y/n, quickly. We’ll be having a word in the other room.” Cal took your hand, swiftly carrying the two of you to your living room. 
He led you in front of him and released your hand. Once again, you had no idea what his next move was and you stood there on high alert waiting for what was to come. 
“You will be joining me. I had you relieved of your position-” 
“You what?” Your jaw was on the floor. “Give me one good reason why I should listen to you!?” You shout in disbelief. You swore that you were ready to take him on in a fight right then and there. “Do you really think you can talk to me like a child and make decisions on my behalf just because l think you’re slightly attractive?”
“No, I think I can talk to you how I choose and make decisions on your behalf because I outrank you. You couldn’t stop me if you tried, physically or structurally. Now, stop interrupting me before I take fixing your attitude into my own hands.” He paused and leaned closer to your face, so close you could faintly feel his breath as he spoke.
 “You’ve been assigned to me, you will work as my personal technician on my ships and my tech. Your salary has increased considerably and now you won’t spend every waking moment on this rock.” His voice was sweet now, but it felt taunting. “And don’t forget, my flower, I’ve seen the way you think of me. ‘Slightly' is a rude understatement.” 
You were stuck between seething with rage and being mildly grateful. It was a major improvement but he was being an audacious prick.
“Fine.” You say through your teeth and look away from him.
“We leave for Kashyyyk in 15. My ship is where you last saw it” He straightened his posture and pulled gloves onto his hands. “I’m going to head down. I’ll see you shortly.” His words were a threat, your last chance to test his patience.
His hand stretched out to summon his helmet before pulling it over his head, the last piece of his intimidating ensemble.
Cal was kneeling on the ground talking to BD-1 through his mask when you got to the platform. He hoisted his companion into his separate compartment on the lower part of the ship and turned to greet you. You suddenly felt shy again, his presence was powerful and you wanted to cower away. 
“Your bag.” He reached his hand out to take it from you storing it next to his. 
You looked to admire the tie fighter. It was state of the art weaponry, built to be the ideal single pilot ship. Single Pilot. How hadn’t you realized earlier? The cockpit of these ships had one seat and it was fairly cramped. Your face twisted in disbelief and Cal seemed to have taken notice. 
“Don’t start with me, flower.” He sounded playful now and you decided it was best not to start. Besides, what were your other options?
He rose to his feet, pulling the ladder to the cockpit down and making his way into the ship. As you reached the top of the ladder your heart started doing flips in your chest. His gloved hands helped you down onto his lap in the pilots chair. 
“Comfortable?” His distorted voice asked as he released your hips and snaked his arms out to begin fiddling with the controls. 
You simply nod to avoid the stutter or cracking of your voice, not wanting him to know how nervous he made you. 
“Nothing to say now, y/n?” He mused, now using one arm to hold you in place against his chest. He pushed a few more buttons and pushed the central lever forward. The ship was lifting off the ground now. He skillfully steered the ship away from the facility with his free hand and before you knew it the buildings were miniature specks below. 
“Alright, BD-1, take over.” He instructed releasing his hold on the steering. Both of his gloved hands moved to his helmet and revealed his face once again. “Once we reach minimum safe distance from the imperial fleet up here we will jump to hyperspace so, be prepared.” He muttered close to your ear making your breath shallow. 
You acknowledge his words with a nod and relax slightly into his lap. He was radiating warmth and his arms snaked around your waist. “Still mad, flower?” His voice hummed, vibrations coming off of his chest weakened you further. 
“I-I’m fine.” Your mouth was dry, you were struggling to keep composure and he wasn’t helping. 
He suddenly gripped your hips and hoisted you around to straddle his waist. The movement almost made you dizzy and you felt yourself get annoyed at how much he’d man-handled you today. He's lucky he’s cute. 
You were face to face with Cal. You took a moment to take in his appearance, his hair was somehow still neatly pushed back despite time in the helmet and it looked as soft as ever. As your eyes rake over his face you notice a look of concern covering his features.
"Your heart is pounding, are you a nervous flyer?” His hands were still gripping your hips tightly and your top had ridden up slightly allowing him to feel your bare skin. 
You falter at his words and look away. Trying desperately to relax and ignore the feeling of arousal that came from your current position. You were flustered, pressed tightly against him feeling his thumbs trace circles on your hips. The memory of him kissing your neck was fresh in your mind and right now you all you wanted was to feel that again. But you were still so agitated with him, you weren’t used to someone being so brazen. 
A gentle hand grips your chin bringing your eyes back to meet his. He’s watching you intently, eyes flickering to your lips.
“If you don’t tell me, I’ll just look for myself.” He muttered, watching your face intently
“I just haven’t flown in so long.” You shrug and try to keep a straight face. You were beyond comfortable flying, you even had a pilots license. 
“You’re a terrible liar.” He chuckled, his smile making your stomach flutter. “I can see you don’t like being told what to do.” 
“No, I don’t. I’m not some prisoner for you to shove around, Cal.” Your face was scrunched in anger. You hated having this conversation while in such a compromising position. 
“First of all, I don’t take prisoners.” His voice was dripping with confidence.          “Secondly, prisoners don’t have the luxury of traveling throughout the galaxy with round the clock protection and someone around to meet their every need.” 
“What if I told you I don’t need to be taken care of?” You were being persistent with your defiance, making him wonder what it would take for you to just give in.
“I think you’ll find that you enjoy being put first by someone that can provide for you.” He was taking his time with his words, letting each of them flow through you. “Regardless of how you feel, I feel a pull toward you and I’m trained to never ignore my instincts so I won’t. It’s not only a want, but a need. It’s up to you to cooperate or continue to test me. 
A light on the control panel began blinking in front of him. It meant that BD-1 has activated the hyperdrive and there was less than thirty seconds before the ship would jolt forward and undoubtedly startle you. 
“I’d say we have 15 seconds till we blip out of here. Please tell me you’re not actually a nervous flyer.” He hurried his words and secured a hand behind your back. 
The ship lurched forward and you pressed further into Cal. His grip on you was tight as you buried your face in his neck. A few moments later the ship had  begun to travel steadily and you feel your muscles revert back to normal. You put some distance between the two of you be leaning slightly against the control panel.
“...I’d feel much safer if I was in a chair of my own.” You finish your statement. 
“Where’s the fun in that?” 
“We have a couple hours of flying and we will be physically stuck together for it’s entirety. You call that fun?” 
“Yes. That’s exactly what I call fun. It gives me plenty of time to handle your attitude before we reach our destination. I can’t have my troopers hearing the way you talk to me.” His eyes darkened as he spoke. His words were electrifying and you were starting to crave more of him. 
You watched as he removed the gloves from his hands and placed them beside the seat. His now bare hands gripped your hips and pulled you forward onto his lap, the friction of his leg against your core making a wave of pleasure ripple through you.  
His movements cease and he tilts his head in mock confusion. Your breath caught in your throat as you remembered his irritating habit of reading your energy signature. 
“That felt good, didn’t it, flower?” 
Now you wanted to scream, a recurring theme when you were with Cal. His warmth was washing over you and you could smell the musk of his cologne and the mint of his breath as he spoke tantalizing words to you. You were all but trembling in his lap, the small fantasies you’ve had about him that floated through your mind seemed dull in comparison to what was happening. Your brain felt fuzzy from the overwhelming feeling of desire, but you had no intention of giving him the satisfaction he so clearly wanted.
“Your silence doesn’t help you, y/n.” His voice was stern. One hand moved to cup the back of your neck, the other remained holding you steady. He gently moved his lips to ghost over yours, testing your restraint. 
A light and soft kiss pressed to your lips. It felt like a wave of relief crashed into you as he continued to move his lips against yours. His tongue was gentle as it licked your bottom lip just before his teeth grazed over it. You were in shock at how well he knew your mouth. The hand resting behind your head had begun to fan out, his touch was firm but careful. 
He separated his lips from yours with a soft groan and looked into your eyes, his hand still in place. 
“Do you want to learn something new about me? About what I can do?” His question rang in your ears and all you could bring yourself to do was nod. 
“Atta girl.” He muttered before looking down and blinking several times. When his eyes returned to yours they were tinted a familiar yellow. “I can usually feel a persons most significant emotion radiating from its source, right here.” He taps the base of your skull with two fingers. “Right now, you’re giving off a mess of emotions and it’s clouding my focus. But I know how to get a clear view and once I do, I can help you with your mess.”
“H-how?” You were feeling desperate and all too close to giving in. 
“You just have to trust me, my flower.” He pressed another gentle kiss to your lips. “Do you want me to help you?” He cooed. 
“Y-yes, please Cal.” You whimpered. He hummed lightly as his lips ghosted over the side of your neck and you closed your eyes trying to relax your overwhelmed senses.
“All you have to do is let me into that pretty little head of yours.” He muttered as his fingertips pressed down onto the base of your skull and before you realized what he meant, he succeeded. It felt like a gust of cool air seeped under your skin as he entered your mind again. Only this time he wasn’t after a memory, this time he just wanted to know exactly what you were feeling as you trembled in his lap. 
“Gods, y/n, why didn’t you tell me?” He groaned feeling each of your feelings of frustration and arousal pile into his brain. He felt how your body hummed at the way he was gripping your hips just moments before and how close you were to bubbling over. 
You only whimper quietly in response, your eyes remained shut and somehow you didn’t mind this intrusion. His fingers faltered for a moment before dropping and the cool air left with his touch. Your eyes fluttered open to meet his, they were now golden and shining as they stared back at you. His expression was soft as he guided your hands to rest on his shoulders before he moved his hands to your hips once again. 
“Can I please help you, flower?” He pleaded with sincerity. He may have been controlling and damn near autocratic but this was one thing he didn’t want to just take. 
You carried your hand up to his face and cupped his cheek. His skin was soft and delicate, freckles were sparsely spread across his cheeks that were flushed a light pink. Your eyes fluttered shut once and you kissed him again, muttering ‘Please’ when your lips briefly separated from his. 
He was enjoying the delicate state you were in on top of him and it made it hard for him to focus. For a moment he cursed how small the ship was, it limited his options on what to do to you, for you. 
He delicately tugged on the hem of your shirt before pulling it over your head. The cockpit was frigid and you were sure that without the warmth coming off of your Inquisitor, you’d be shivering in no time. He hands rubbed the small of your back as his eyes took in the view. They moved up to release the clasp on your bra and let it fall to the ground below. 
One hand held you firmly in place while the other massaged your breast. His tongue grazed over your other nipple and your hands reached for his hair. You moaned quietly and pulled on the strands of hair that you collected in your fist. His hand left your breast and returned to his position at your hips. He lifted you up to place one of his legs between yours. 
Had you not been so consumed by his teeth pulling lightly on your nipple, you would’ve questioned him. His fingertips were digging into hips, surely to leave bruises behind on you. His teeth sank into the tender flesh of your neck making your hips buck and a breathy sigh passed your lips from the friction of his thigh against your core. 
“That’s it, sweet girl, just like that.” His hands guided your hips against his thigh sending pleasure rippling through you. “Let me take care of you.” 
You were a whimpering mess on his lap as he carried you close to your orgasm. The tension forming in the base of your abdomen was tearing straight through any composure you held earlier. 
“Cal, p-please don’t stop.” You whined in his ear, your nails scratching his strong shoulders that you held onto with a sense of urgency. 
“Cum for me, flower.” His words came right beside your moans that echoed in the cockpit as you reached your high. You were blinded by the tension between your thighs being released as the man under you carried you through your orgasm. Whimpering his name you gripped the hair on the back of his head and laid your face onto his shoulder. 
As the feeling faded you relaxed further against him, feeling exhausted but at ease. His arm reached into the air and brought over a hooded sweatshirt from behind him. 
“Arms up.” His voice was gentle but the familiar tone of command was in his voice again. He pulled the sweatshirt over your head and you noticed that it was covered in the smell of his cologne. He tapped the outer side of your thigh and motioned for you to move. “Get comfortable, we still have an hour to go. You need to get some rest, I have work for you to do on Kashyyyk.” 
You sleepily nod and sit sideways across his lap, legs dangling over the side with your face in his neck. Your eyes flutter shut and you feel his arms wrap around you.
Cal was feeling content for the first time in a very long time. He felt you beginning to trust him and that was going to be important not only for your relationship but in your work position. He finally rested his head against yours and the two of you drift off with the comfort of the other soothing you to sleep. 
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