#remunporium {andy}
thebreakfastmuses · 9 months
continued from here.
Sure, Andy's about to find out where you live, but you trust him with that information more than Basil, right? And it's not like he's going to follow you inside. Nobody's allowed inside. You have declined many requests from Sirin to visit Maple.
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"Oh, it's only about ten minutes. A lot of other people are getting out of work at this time so we better hurry on. We might get a seat if we're quick enough!"
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sercphs-a · 7 months
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" Yo Shin! " Loud wave from Andy. Yes he's sauntering over. No, no amount of walking away will stop him from catching up with you.
" What's the deal with that 'Basil' guy? He keeps givin' me heat like we got beef. I don't even know the guy! "
He knew the thing with Basil would happen, and yet he didn't do more to stop Andy from going in. It's his own fault, honestly. Well... Might as well put it in a way that Andy will understand.
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"I would assume that it's because he has a creepy, objectifying 'nice guy' crush on that girl with the starry eyes and he thinks any other guy she talks to - that would be you - is a threat to his nonexistent chances."
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dcviated · 2 years
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@remunporium​ sent: " PSSST! MALKUTH! " Whispered a very not-so-secretive-and-not-so-subtle Andy, who had strategically hidden himself behind a pile of various history books. Just what in the City was he hiding from? A nervous peek shows off his shark-like grin and a bead of sweat to pair.
" I need your help! I'm on a top-secret mission that absolutely no one on my floor can know about!! "
Andy was never subtle, but then- neither was Malkuth. This manner of appearance would surely put off many others around the library, but for the Patron of History it only served to add to the mystique and urgency. Something was important enough that even a big guy like him was hiding?!
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“A mission? From who? What is it?” She gives him her rapt attention, a furtive glance around before she sidles up to his hiding place, trying to act as non-descript as possible which as you may guess is not very at all.
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thebreakfastmuses · 27 days
♡ for andy @ gwen
Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours
●●●●○ | ATTRACTION ●●●●● | AFFECTION ●●●●○ | INTEREST ●●●●○ | LOYALTY ●●○○○ | TRUST
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"Weeelll, it's not like I'd invite him over to my house or anything... Tee-hee~."
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@remunporium replied to your post “" Yo Shin! " Loud wave from Andy. Yes he's...”:
andy vc yikes lmao
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"Such a man is to be approached with caution. The eighth layer of hell is reserved for liars, manipulators, and scammers."
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thebreakfastmuses · 1 year
continued from here.
Eh? Why does this Sea King look so overjoyed to see her? Does he... recognize her? Well, she does post photos of her in her uniform to Instagram sometimes... Is he a local fan?
Andy might have caught himself almost calling her by name, but it was too late. Busted right out of the gate, dear Andy. But! Money is still money! She'll play along if he wants to pretend he doesn't know her.
If he's a fan, it should be easy to upsell to him.
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"Teehee~, you're right! It is pretty hot out! Good a time as any to swim with the mermaids, right Sea King? So, is that what you'll be starting out with? Coming right up~!" She lifts the menu out of its slot and slides over to Andy's spot at the table.
"Why don't you have a look at the menu while I'm gone? I'll be right back with your driiiink~!"
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thebreakfastmuses · 7 months
Who Knows Gwendolyn de Fey best?
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"Ooohhh... That's pretty good, Andy."
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thebreakfastmuses · 10 months
do you honestly think you could have made it this far without me? you're making a big mistake, Gwen. what? did one little water park trip convinced you he's a better mod?? - lol shut the fuck up! magical girl of hope? more like magical girl of breaking hearts < / 3
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I thought you actually believed in what I was representing. That you just needed someone that still had faith in you. For you to feel important. We could even be friends in real life if that's what would make you happy.
Why was it never enough?
She does not respond, instead she screenshots the message and sends it to her good buddies Sirin and Andy.
@boomermania @remunporium
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dcviated · 2 years
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@remunporium sent: Hod's nose scrunches up a bit when she enters Gebura's floor -- likely due to the scent of smoke lingering in the air. She never was a fan of it, but she casts aside her dislike for the sake of business. She, among some other assistants from her floor and Gebura's, work to reorganize some books from either floor into more appropriate locations. While they work, Hod turns to Gebura and smiles.
" I never was one to indulge with smoking.. " It starts as if she were about to chide her -- maybe like Tiphereth -- but. " Where did you pick up the habit from, if you don't mind me asking? Also.. Andy was interested in trying one. He told me to ask you since 'you're nicer to me.' "
If Gebura squints, she might make out a distant Andy attempting to make puppy eyes long-distance, and an irritated Mirabelle bonking him to get him to keep working.
Language is a broad topic, and given it's overlaps at times with a similarly broad topic like Literature it wasn't rare for there to be some issues with sorting. The volume of books that entered the library as a result of new receptions was at times overwhelming, leaving the Patrons and Assistants to work well past the hours they did during the lab in their previous life. Gebura sees Hod and her assistants often as a result.
The former color fixer has picked up on a few things about them as a result. Ever observant and watchful. Some of her behavior is born from experience growing up in the darkest slums of District 23. Others are from her time with Carmen. It counted for something, even if in this case it was just picking out a spying Andy well before they were mentioned. It wasn't hard.
Language. Hod used an interesting piece there. Gebura wonders why.
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"Indulge..." Gebura parrots with an edge of humor, huffing around the cigarette as the wafts join the atmosphere of her floor. Already pungent with heat and fire it almost felt fitting to 'indulge' as Hod said. Not that all of her assistants agreed, they just tolerated it more quietly. "Just happened. Fighting to survive meant taking whatever you could get in the backstreets. Food, entertainment, comfort," A derisive puff of air. "Happiness. Teh... first time, start, a lot of it's a blur still. Every day you woke up and didn't know what you were going to be or what you'd have. And that would change before your head hit the ground again to sleep. I either took em off a body, or someone thought it substituted as pay for a job." By her tone, you can imagine that it didn't play out well for the party involved.
Flicking ash from the cigarette in her hand, her gaze turns towards the distance and the other assistants.
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"Ah. And Andy!" Gebura raises her tone, muttered gravels now roaring boulders.
"You want a cigarette you gotta take it from me!"
He's not getting a cigarette.
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