#renato luna; threads
vicioushauntings · 1 year
renato luna && open
Ren did not realize that the sunny skies present when he left his apartment would soon change to be dark and stormy. He intended to run to catch his appointment with a student -- when the sky suddenly opened up and the downpour began. “No, no, no -- this is silk!” Ren darts under the cover of a store’s awning. Immediately, he pulls his shirt off from his body. “This’ll be ruined with water marks if it gets too wet...” The average person may not care, but Ren takes pride in caring for his shirts - and he couldn’t stand to show up at his tutoring appointment soaked with a stained shirt.
“You...wouldn’t happen to have an extra t-shirt...would you? I guess I should’ve known to follow one of the top rules...always bring a second outfit...”
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solitaryspirits · 3 years
thaddeus wilson
“Okay, be honest...on a scale of one to ten...how was that?” Ren asks. The hotel room still has the Valentines decorations that Ren went all out to get - heart shaped balloons floating at the edge of the bed, rose petals scattered across the ground, scented candles that have burned out since Ren lit them long before Todd had even arrived. Most of the rose petals he scattered over the bed sheets were kicked off during their...er...fiasco. Ren picks up a missing pillow off the floor and rests it against the headboard before leaning back on it. A few petals have managed to wiggle between the pillow case. Ren pulls one free, tickles Todd’s chin with it, then discards the flower back onto the floor. “Is this the Valentines Day you thought it’d be?” He asks. “I don’t think we should leave bed at all tomorrow. I bet if I tip room service well enough, they’ll bring the cart right to the side of our bed,” Ren pulls his legs closer to his body under the thin sheet as he goes to lay on his side. Its the better way to look at Todd rather than catch his face out of the corner of his own eyes. “You’re doing okay...right?”
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peachymoonbeams · 2 years
he’d gotten the message on his cellular device. the siren-like alarm sounds notifying him of the storm caused a mild alarm in his ears, until finally he was able to understand the gravity of the situation. it was a disaster hidden in plain sight– storm advisories were all over the news, and while he was expecting a bit of rain, Todd Wilson-Luna had never heard of a storm interfering with the magic of the city.  the raincoat he wears should further propel the man out of his home and into the wild storm that continues to brew and thunder and flood. the DEA agent was on call– duty should have been the first concern of his, but even as he pulls on the doorknob it doesn’t budge. it’s an insult to his strength.
he tries again– fighting with the doorknob, twisting violently and tugging at the door. even using the frame as leverage does nothing to help his pulling. his grunts and groans fill the empty house ( empty save from his husband, of course ) as he continues to fail at opening the door. and because the door is stronger than him, Todd Wilson-Luna is under every impression that magic is afoot– he begins to divert the blame, “If this is some kind of curse you’re placing on me, lift it, Renato.” he has no proof that his husband is the culprit of the immovable door, but that doesn’t stop him from further stating his claims. he hardly realizes that these are amongst the first words he’s spoken to his husband in the past couple of years, “I said open the door, I’m running late.”
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Ren remains hidden in his office. Despite the storm brewing outside of the window, his eyes remain trained to the computer screen that illuminates his face in the dark room. He’d noticed the dark clouds rolling in some time ago, but having grown absorbed in his readings, he simply never bothered to stand and turn on the light. It’s the alarm from his phone that draws his attention away from the screen -- Emergency alert, magical weather, stay indoors.
He hadn’t realized exactly how stiff his neck had become.
Meetings will have to be moved around - video calls instead of in person, and while he waits for his emails to be replied to, Ren finds his way to the kitchen to brew a cup of tea for the evening inside. Todd at the door doesn’t get a second glance - Ren had grown used to seeing only his backside leaving out the door, walking down the street, always, it seemed, turning away from him. It’s the banging that comes as a surprise. The water heats on the stove, and Ren peeks his head back towards the door.
“...Is that what you think I do all day?” Ren blinks at Todd. “Think of ways to inconvenience your day? Draw up mud puddles for you to step in? Seal doorways so you can’t leave? I’ve never stopped you from leaving whenever you’ve wanted before,” His words are very matter-of-fact. “...Are you really planning on leaving again? On going out in that weather?”
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vicioushauntings · 1 year
renato luna && kyle todd
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Ren decides that he hates Kyle’s job.
Not because he doesn’t make okay money at it. But he hates having to wait outside of that dull building for Kyle’s bright and shining face to greet him. Every time one of the other agents open the door, he sits upright...only to find it’s a stranger that Ren doesn’t recognize or care to learn. He’s sure someone at the front desk must think he’s a stalker because of how frequently he stands outside waiting...but Ren wants to be the first one Kyle sees on his way out of the job.
“Finally. I feel like I’ve been waiting for you forever,” A smile suddenly grows on Ren’s face the moment he lays eyes on his boyfriend. “I wasn’t sure when exactly you finished, so I didn’t call Gabs to come wait for you,” Not like she would wait around for Kyle anyway, “Soo...I can tell her that I need a ride...or we can try and wait for the bus?
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vicioushauntings · 1 year
renato luna && ariel speedwagon
“Oh god, Ariel, I’m so glad I found you --” Though, truth be told, he hadn’t actually been looking for her. Quickly, Ren hides his left hand behind his back, and plasters on the most sheepish smile that he can. “I ah...was wondering if you could...ah...uh...um...” He’s desperate for some sort of answer, but nothing on the street provides him with any help. If you could help me cross the street? No, why would he need help doing that? Help parking his car? He couldn’t drive! Help shopping? He hadn’t needed help with that since he was six-years-old. He finally relents - and displays his bare wrist for Ariel to see instead. “Okay, fine. I realized I lost our friendship bracelet and I’ve been retracing my steps trying to find it, but I swear it’s not anywhere...one of the strands must have been worn away and I didn’t realize it right away. I’m so sorry --”
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vicioushauntings · 1 year
renato luna && gabriella ryu
“Gabs. Finally --” Ren sticks his head out of his bedroom door at the sound of Gabs finally coming over. ( Hadn’t he texted her hours ago by this point ? ) “I need you to do me like, a mega huge favor while you’re here,” He hovers a little too close to her - evident that he’s been spending far too much time at Kyle’s side. His hyperactive tendencies have, unfortunately, begun to rub off onto Ren. “Can you tell your boyfriend that he’s not invited over here, actually?” He’d caught Skeeter feasting on the contents of his fridge, and he’d been at the receiving end of a purple nurple one too many times. “I mean...I guess you can bring him over when you’re here. But I don’t want to like, wake up in the morning and find him sleeping on my couch, you know?”
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vicioushauntings · 1 year
Having a famous mother meant Ren had almost seen it all - obsessed fans, uncomfortable letters, and even those desperate enough for a look at her that they had followed her home. He, luckily, had remained out of her spotlight, even if it had still affected him, Ren had never been the center of so much attention before.
He’s not sure when a stalker of his own started, but when he begins noticing the same tall man in a dark coat always a few feet behind him, even on his way home at night, Ren starts taking notes on him everywhere. When he orders his morning coffee, the man is sitting at one of the tables. When he visits Gabs, the same car is parked on the other side of the road. Even when he visits the comic book shop, the man idles at the bookstore just outside. He first notices the other girl when he picks up his lunch for the afternoon. Now she looks familiar…and Ren can’t understand what he’s done that’s lead him to attract such an audience.
Curious if she’ll still follow him, he takes his lunch outside and across the street - and minutes later, he sees her crossing the street as well. He grows frustrated, and makes his way down an alley filled with cardboard boxes - enough for him to conceal himself - and he waits until a second pair of footsteps echoes against the brick walls.
“I’m not sure what you want –” He pulls himself away from his hiding spot behind the boxes. “ – but whatever it is, I’m not interested. I don’t want what you’re selling. And I’m probably not the person you’re actually looking for,” He scowls. “Why don’t you tell me who it is you’re actually looking for? I assure you, you have the wrong guy.”
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vicioushauntings · 1 year
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some say love is a burning thing; that it makes a fiery ring
SIMON MUHN; intro. starters. musings. music. threads. memes. ULYSSES LEBEAU; intro. starters. musings. music. threads. memes. ROSALIND ALIMJAN; intro. starters. musings. music. threads. memes. RENATO LUNA; intro. starters. musings. music. threads. memes.
oh but i know love as a f a d i n g thing just as FICKLE as a ( feather ) in a stream
★ brisket ★ she/her ★ est  ★ twenty-four
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solitaryspirits · 3 years
pax min
“You know, if you wanted to meet with me, you didn’t have to leave a cryptic note on the door. You could’ve just, you know, knocked,” Ren laughs. The folded up note tucked just inside of the door to his and Gabs’ apartment had been an unusual but intriguing mystery, until it took him all of thirty seconds to realize the Dax Min? Paz? Dox? ( Ren couldn’t tell the name exactly with the erratic scrawling ) must have been the neighbor who he and Gabs all-too-often pestered for leftovers.
Speaking of leftovers, Ren holds up his lunch. “Thanks for treating me to something nice, by the way,” He, of course, assumes that Pax ( Paz? ) will be paying for their meal ( he, after all, is the one who extended a strange note to begin with ). “What was it that you brought me here for, anyway? Surely you wouldn’t have gone through such lengths if you just wanted lunch between neighbors. I don’t think that’s even a thing most people do - although if it is, it would explain why the people across the hall turn their nose up at me and Gabs and not because I accidentally threw a tennis ball at their door...which I wasn’t even aiming for to begin with, so it’s not really my fault anyway.”
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solitaryspirits · 3 years
anka moon
“Oh my god, what kind of dip is this?” Ren asks. He’s found himself glued to various appetizers throughout the entirety of the night. For most, New Years Eve is about seeing how much champagne and shots they can take before getting sick on someone, but Ren has never been a fan of the way alcohol tastes or makes him feel -- the food options have impressed him the most after his single champagne flute. Veggie dips, cheese dips, cocktail meatballs, something wrapped in bacon. He can’t name what half of the foods are even meant to be. All he knows is that everything he samples tastes good - way better than any pizza bagels or pizza chips or pizza bites that he microwaves back at home.
He takes a sliver of bell pepper for a rather generous helping of vegetable dip. “If I knew veggies could taste this good, I wouldn’t started eating them years ago,” He says, with most of the microwaved veggies he’s attempted to make having turned out bland, unseasoned, and wet, he gave up trying to make anything green some time ago. Ren turns to the person closest to him at the table. “You have to try this --” He holds out the slice of bell pepper and insists. “Do you know what this dip is even called? Do you think I can order it off of DoorDash?”
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solitaryspirits · 3 years
gabriella ryu
For an entire week, Ren has been waiting outside of the Caramel Apple Café & Bistro, lingered in the lobby of his own apartment complex, lurked around the corner of the Milk Bar...and hidden around every other haunt that he could typically find Gabs. His behavior earned him more than his fare share of uncomfortable stares and a litany of questions regarding his own intentions. No, he wasn’t trying to track down an ex-girlfriend, he need to have a word with his sister.
His phone calls went to voicemail, his dozens of text remained unread, even his phone call to Aunt Sunny left him with you two need to work this out like adults. Well, Ren couldn’t work it out like adults if Gabs refused to even speak to him --
He resorts to sitting in Gabs’ bedroom in the apartment they share. She has to come back for her clothing and lotion and her favorite perfumes at some point. Ren locks the door behind him, turns off all the lights, and sits in the corner of her bedroom long enough for his eyes to flutter closed. When he stirs, the toy cat still remains in his lap, but he’s lost any and all track of time. At first, Ren assumes the movement he hears on the other side of the door belongs to Todd getting a snack from the fridge until the door to Gabs’ bedroom opens and she flicks the light on. 
Ren fumbles to keep his composure. His hand strokes the fake cat in his lap the way a cheesy villain would in an old James Bond movie. “So...it’s come to this for me to get in touch with you...” He was one step away from looking into carrier pigeons to send Gabs a note. “Todd, get the door!!”
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solitaryspirits · 3 years
anka çelebi
Ren slices at an onion on the countertop of Anka’s kitchen, but his slices are far from uniform. One cut is paper thin, the next takes out an entire chunk. His dicing and slicing skills are one that he’s come to pride himself over after a few cooking lessons with Anka. Cooking meats and sautéing vegetables feels subjective and up to personal preference. When it comes to cutting, he can at least do a half-decent job of ensuring everything is of uniform size.
But his heart is simply not in it that night. He sets the knife down to wipe away the corner of his eyes. “--It’s the onions,” Ren insists in case Anka sees, though he partially tells himself that the few tears are from the onions alone. “Sorry...what is it that we’re making again? Gumbo? Soup? I...wasn’t paying attention earlier. Sorry,” He goes to pick up the knife again, only to take notice the mess he’d made of the onions. “...Okay, maybe I need a little break before I ruin the peppers too,” He’d hate to wipe his eyes again after slicing anything spicy.
“Do...do you mind if I ask you something a little personal?” He leaves the knife back on the cutting board and sidesteps to the sink to wash his hands of the lingering smell of onions. “Gabs is the closest thing to family I’ve got nearby, and I can’t really ask her about this...you’ve got siblings, right? Are you close to any of them?” He considers all of Gabs’ own younger brothers to be his own, but he’d never quite had the same relationship with them that he had with Gabs. And he really couldn’t ask Adriana anything anymore. “...What about Heather’s family?” He doesn’t know her as well as he knows Anka, but the question remains pertinent. “Would you say you’re close with her family at all? Do they...you know, like you?”
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solitaryspirits · 3 years
Ren, what'd you do for Valentine's Day?
"I don't kiss and tell."
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"Okay, that's a lie. I got a nice hotel room for Todd and I. Ordered all these foil heart balloons to float around ( no latex, duh ), covered the bed with real rose petals because I'm not cheap and about to buy the fake ones. I wanted it to be very romantic, you know? Although...the weekend didn't end exactly how I thought it would've? Todd and I...have got some things to discuss, I think."
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