#reniah elementary au
treasure-goblin · 7 months
Lu Elementary School Au
Grippy socks (ft. Hyrule)
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"Ok, Rulie, this has to stop."
Reniah sighed as he once again found Huryle playing under the table with his shoes nowhere to be found. The kid clearly hadn't heard him, so he crouched down and tapped the first grader's head.
"Hey bud, where are your shoes?" He asked gently, an amused and slightly exasperated smile on his face. The boy looked up from his cars and smiled brightly.
"Renna!" He chirped excitedly, wiggling put from under the table and latching onto his book buddy. The teen laughed and hugged him back, poking his nose gently.
"Don't avoid my questions," he teased. "Where did your shoes go?"
"Gone. Disappeared. No one can find them." Rulie shrugged, looking at his feet for a moment, then gasping. "Uncle got me something! Come look!"
With that, the little boy dragged Reniah along after him to the cubbies, pulling his backpack out and dumping the contens on the floor.
"Oh wow, Rulie, slow down." The older boy giggled, putting Hyrule's folder and lunch back in his backpack.
"Sorry!" The kid replied with a grin, grabbing something that fell and unrolling what appeared to be socks. When he had put them on, he kicked up one of his legs to show Reniah. "See? Grippy socks! Uncle got them for me! They're so cool, and better than my shoes!"
Reniah covered his mouth to keep from squealing excitedly. The black socks had little orange rubber grips on the bottom of them in the shape of a cat's paw-pad. The socks themselves had little cat faces and ears at the top.
Rulie may be a little old for them, he really should start keeping his shoes on, but the kid was so excited, and they were so cute. Reniah couldn't help but nod in agreement.
"Yeah, way better than your shoes." He laughed, shaking his head. "I'm assuming this means your uncle is ok with you not wearing shoes in class?"
"He said, 'If you can't beat them, join them'." Rulie shrugged. "What does that mean?"
Reniah shrugged. "Probably more socks in your future. Come on, let's go pick out a book, ok?
The shoes, of course, didn't make a reappearance until it was time to go home, as usual. Hyrule's hiding places were impossible to find. But that was ok, for now, at least. He seemed to be fine with leaving the grippy socks on, and they were so cute and he was so happy that no one would correct him.
Just as Rulie had planned, Reniah was certain. But he was also guilty of indulging the kid, so who was he to judge?
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