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afimivilla · 11 months
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Experience opulence at Seaview Chateau in Montego Bay! A 9-bedroom French-style haven with exquisite decor and breathtaking views. Your essential stay in luxury! #MontegoBayVilla #LuxuryGetaway https://bit.ly/47S5fbt
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perfectstayz1 · 11 months
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justinwilson0857 · 2 years
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Jamaica Vacation Rental Villa By Owner
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wrinkledparchment · 2 years
the absence of everything (iii)
Summary: Based on 1x22 | 2x1 - After your trip to Vegas was rudely interrupted by a suspicious manila envelope being delivered to your hotel room, you and Spencer have to cut your vacation short to go back to Quantico. Although you and Spencer try to resume your professional relationship after sharing a bed, Spencer realizes just how much you mean to him, and can finally put a name on what he feels, once and for all.
Word Count: 6,030 words
Author’s Note: So... I’ve been gone for so long but this series is probably the main thing I still receive praise for in my notes. I’m currently focusing more on writing for HL but I’ve had this in my drafts forever and I decided to feed you guys!! I hope you like it... upon rereading it, some of my favorite fluffy lines I’ve ever written are in here. How did I manage that. 
Content Warnings: Your general criminal minds ish, death, stuff like that. Some fluff content for you guys!!
Series Taglist:  @liviasaugusta @l0ve-0f-my-life @imsuperawkward @nxstalgicnxbxdy @marciscaspar @april-14-blog @sweetreid @essenceproxima @sammypotato67 @idkanymore-05 @slep-slop @squirrellover1967 @irjuejjsaa @yomama-umbridge @holybatflapexpert @rosignoelle @ladyravenclaw @yours-truly-r @spenciepoo338 @masieofthevalley @throughparisallthroughrome  @afuckingshituniverse   @ladyravenclaw @irjuejjsaa @danandphilfan6​  @yasminwashere​  @mayempress  @kys-things
the abscence of everything: i | ii | . . . 
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“It is me. I am his madness. For years he’s been looking for something to put his madness into. And he found me.” – John Fowles, The Collector
. . .
The coffee table in your Vegas hotel room had cluttered manila envelopes, the key and note given to Spencer, and a piece of missing evidence from your father’s murder scene. Rage bubbled in your stomach, so as Spencer called Gideon on the hotel room phone, quickly putting it on speaker, you paced around, unable to stop seeing your dad’s case files and his dead, mutilated body over and over again.
“Gideon, [Name] and I both got a package, I got a key and a note reading ‘She will die unless you save her, Doctor Reid. Call Gideon. He knows.’ She got two binded pieces of paper from a book her father was binding and repairing when he died.”
Gideon finally let out a sigh, “Yeah, I got a Nellie Fox baseball card from 1963 and a head in a box. Everyone on the team got something, but Elle was hit hard. She was framed for murder in Montego Bay, Hotch and Morgan went down to get her released and bring her back to Quantico.”
You walked closer to the phone and stopped chewing on your nails, rage bubbling inside your chest. “Gideon, whoever the hell this was had access to missing evidence from my father’s murder investigation. Meaning, this son of a bitch is the guy who robbed and killed my father. This is personal.”
“Don’t worry, [Name]. We’re going to find him. Get on the closest flight back here and Garcia will tell you where we are, we’re going to get this guy as soon as we can.” Right after he finished, Gideon hung up, leaving you and Spencer to race to get to the airport in time.
You left your rental car at the airport kiosk, signing it out and rushing after Spencer to get on the flight back home. It was all a blur, blended together to create your perfect disaster. You were stressed, overworked, and ill-prepared. This was the case you’d joined for—to find your father’s murderer and lock the bastard up.
You’d searched and searched and searched, and the criminal found you. Just as you’d eased out of work mode, just as something besides work and murder and blood filled your mind, he stole you away. Because of course he did. Because he was looking.
Spencer was a mess, but not for the same reason. You were obviously under duress, but you were so scattered that he felt like he couldn’t do anything. He did his best, carrying your bags for you, getting you iced chai while waiting for boarding. When you did get on the plane, he immediately lifted the armrest between you back, and pulling out Dante’ Inferno, handing his leather-bound copy over to you.
Your fingers ran over the spine of the book, feeling the indents where the title was, the smooth texture everywhere else. Fine craftsmanship, it must’ve been from a passionate, talented individual bookstore owner with a knowledge of binding. It reminded you of yourself, the care and attention devoted in the craft.
“You’ve got a fine copy here, Spence,” you smiled, as much as you could. “My dad would’ve loved it.”
“Do you think you can still bind books well?” he asked, seemingly out of nowhere.
“I’ll never forget.”
He nodded, smiling something bittersweet, “We’ll find your dad’s old book. And you’re going to fix it.” You smiled again, a little more genuine, and flicked open Spencer’s copy of Dante’s Inferno.
“I’ve got supplies in a closet somewhere,” you recalled, voice soft and quiet in case it suddenly broke. You didn’t want to cry, and you shouldn’t, not here, but it was becoming harder to not be vulnerable with Spencer. “I dream about him every night.”
Reid nods, moving his hand to rest on your knee, moving his thumb gently, allowing you to continue. “I’ve been waiting for a lead, since before I was even in the FBI academy. I’ve been waiting for 8 years and now that I’ve finally got it… just when I was happy, too.” You pause for a minute, letting one tear roll down your face but holding the rest in. “I see his body everywhere I go, can’t stop remembering how the blood felt on my hands, how lifeless he looked. I miss him, even after all this time, and now that I’ve finally got a chance to figure out who did it, I don’t want to.”
Spencer pulled you closer, looking out the small window to see the bright blue sky and all the clouds. Your breathing was still erratic, your heart still broken. And he hated how in the moment you needed him most, he couldn’t figure out what to say. “I’m here,” he murmured, over and over again until he was sure you knew what he meant.
. . .
Even though Garcia’s explanation was rushed, you vaguely understood what was happening. She refused to look you in the eye, too, possibly because Gideon had told the team about what you’d found and how it was connected to you personally. It didn’t matter though, because you’d just pulled up to a possible unsub’s apartment.
The alleyway in which all the cars were parked was also crowded by other FBI members, all unguarded, meaning the unsub wasn’t there. The local police, and an extra car were also there, you assumed some sort of medical examiner, and there was probably a body.
You and Reid were authorized to enter after flashing your badges, and neither of you were asked to put on vests. Walking in, the both of you grabbed gloves, Spencer just holding them while you slid them on and followed him over to the crime scene.
It wasn’t overly graphic, compared to other things you’ve seen, but it was traditional to become emotionally numb in the job. No matter what, someone had died here, an ‘unrepentant bad man’ or not. The bed, and with it, the man named Frank Giles, was lying in the center of the room, a sword plunged into his chest and sticking upright.
Elle, Hotch, Morgan and Gideon all stood in the room, Hotch reading something written on the sword out loud to the rest of the team. “To learn of what should next be done, leave the blade til’ the hour be none.”
Spencer stepped closer, watching as Hotch asked Elle to step back. “The bed’s in the middle of the room,” Hotch began, Morgan interrupting for a second, “And maybe the light from here casts a shadow and points to something.”
Derek quickly began explaining his theory, “Well midnight is 00:00 hours in 24-hour time. Would that be none?” Hotch dismissed this quickly, stating that there would be no shadow at midnight, until Reid finally spoke up.
“3pm.” Everyone turned to him first, then you, then back to him. Obviously, Gideon did tell everyone that this was connected to your father’s death. And surprisingly, you looked very calm for someone about to embark on their quite literal personal case, the one you’d joined for. “Hey guys, Garcia told us where to find you.”
Hotch nodded at you, barely acknowledging how personal of a situation this was for you, but quickly dismissed it, listening to Spencer talk about medieval terms for hours of the day, then asking for lighting equipment so he could replicate the 3pm sun.
While people walked in and out with various standing lights, Gideon finally walked up to you. You turned to him, offering a quick nod and smile before quickly dropping it when he mentioned your dad. “You know you can’t let your past affect this case,” he states, and you nod. “It’s obviously personal, and I know this person is targeting you, but you can’t allow yourself to make mistakes because of your past with the unsub.”
Sighing, you agreed with Gideon, instead moving next to the shadow as Reid adjusted it, and you knocked on the wall until you heard a hollow sound, ripping away the wallpaper without need for Hotch’s command. Underneath all the wallpaper was a box, and you immediately grabbed it.
Reid stopped you, “Are we sure it’s safe?”
Hotch quickly dismissed him and allowed you to examine it. You played with the lock for only a few seconds before looking back up at Reid. “Give me the key.” Without hesitation, he handed it over and you shoved it in, and to nobody’s surprise, it fit perfectly. You lifted the lid, and familiar music had began to play, one that Reid had played for you during the classical music quiz.
“Forellenquintett,” you and Reid murmured in unison, the rest of the team looking up at each other before shrugging it off. Reid reached inside to grab the note from the music box, reading it out loud to the rest of the team.
Never would it be night, but always clear day to any man’s sight.
Elle scoffed, walking off, “Well, that was worth it.”
Gideon ignored her, speaking right afterwards. “The lid. Little tab right under the lock.”
You quickly fiddled with it, revealing a CD and a lock of hair that nearly perfectly matched yours. You hummed under your breath in disapproval and disgust, Derek and Elle working together to put the lock of hair in an evidence back and grab the CD for review.
After heading back to the table room, you and Reid sat next to each other, which was your usual spot. For some reason the team seemed to eye the both of you, suspicious about what had happened in Vegas and why you two were still together when you should’ve left before that.
You carefully watched the TV after someone slid in the CD. A dimly lit desk with cluttered items all around it, and a very large throne behind it. A man wobbled into frame, clearly injured by something, which the team noted.
“I assure you, you’ll all understand in the end why it must be this way. You might even thank me. You know now you’re on a quest; a young girl’s life depends on the successful completion of it. As you can see, she’s quite beautiful . . . and in distress.”
You clenched your fists when you saw the girl come into frame, screaming at the camera, begging for something. You wondered if everyone on the team recognized just how much, even from the little they all saw, how she looked like you.
“Now please listen closely for there is one rule, and this rule must be followed. The one rule is only the members of your team may participate in the quest.” He began to list your names, and displayed pictures of each of you in the video, you and Reid in the same frame taken during one of the previous cases. “A quest must be completed in a proper way, or it isn’t a quest, is it? That’s it. One rule. Simple.
“Now, you will be receiving an item soon that will hold the final clue you’ll need to finish the quest. You will find you also need a book which has inspired many an adventure like mine. Believe me when I tell you, I truly hope to see you all soon. It will mean a successful end to this adventure for all of us, but especially [Name].”
With that, the clip was over and all that was left was static. Reid had tensed after he’d mentioned you by name, and it didn’t fly over the heads of any of your coworkers either. The unsub knows you so well, doesn’t he? Pictures of you and Reid together, knowledge of just how to tick you off, and additionally, he knows what happened to your father the last night he was alive and is plunging that knife of knowledge right into your heart and twisting it. Involving all your coworkers in it, making it clear that all of this, it’s all for you.
You were the subject of madness, the main target of all of this. You were the ‘protagonist’, he was the villain, and everyone else—the dead, your coworkers, the girl he’d kidnapped—were all side characters in the story. But Reid, standing right next to you in the picture while everyone else was photographed individually, that said something to you. He knew about whatever was happening between the two of you, so much so that it was terrifying because he probably knew better than either of you.
Suddenly, the team was active. “This guy’s got pictures of us?” Elle exclaims.
Reid fiddled with the pen in his hand, “What do we do now?”
Hotch eyed you, noting how tense you seemed when only just minutes ago, even with a dead body in front of you, you were eerily calm. “The lock of hair’s being analyzed for DNA. There might be something on file.” JJ walked out, vowing to figure out who the girl is. Hotch nodded, “Let’s get the clues up on the board. Maybe we can make some sense of something.”
Elle immediately objected, “Wait, we’re going to play this guy’s game?”
Reid sighed, glancing at you for a few moments, “Do we have a choice?”
Everybody stayed silent, Spencer’s words lingering in the air while Gideon and Hotch went to a different room. You began quietly pinning the clues in the evidence bags to the board, not saying a single word to anybody else in the room. Elle found the soft crumple of the evidence bags relaxing, eyes closing softly until Hotch interrupted her nap and sent Anderson to take her home.
Soon enough, yet another piece of evidence, a list of number sets in a strict pattern, though it may not seem like it without a keen eye. Just as Spencer opened his mouth, you beat him to the punch. “Sets of numbers, page number, line number, word number. It’s a cipher based on a book which he expects us to know.”
Derek stares back at you, Spencer’s mouth opening and closing like a fish. Sure, you were quicker sometimes than he was, but you seemed so rigid, it was odd to them. “Yeah but what book?”
“Well, this ‘quest’ is clearly meant to be personal to you, [Name],” Derek proposed, “Meaning this is a book he expects you to know.” Spencer sighed, walking over to grab the ripped pages the unsub had sent you and examines them, reading the words hoping he’d remember reading this book at some point but he doesn’t.
“Dante’s Inferno?” Reid questioned, even though he obviously knew it wasn’t.
“Both of us would recognize it. Whatever book my dad was fixing that night, it was that book. Specifically, a first edition. Let’s see… that was eight years ago. Do you think memory recall would work?”
Elle and Derek simply stood off to the side while you and Reid debated each other, glancing at each other occasionally. Yet, the body language was the same as it always was, and maybe what had changed was the way Elle and Derek read the situation.
“When you got there, the book was gone; how would you know which one he was supposed to be working on?” Spencer rebutted.
“I was closing, I must’ve—” you stammered, “I must’ve known what book he was working on, I have to!” Soon, you were pacing around the room, muttering things underneath your breath and attempting to retrace your steps from 8 years ago that also occurred across the country.
Derek set his hands on your shoulders, holding you in place and stopping your pacing. “Okay, [Name], calm down, we can always try memory recall, and if not, the clues should be in the evidence—this guy is meticulous, I’m sure he’s accounted for this.”
Suddenly, Gideon walked back into the room, looking at the four of you. Spencer was still staring at the evidence board, Hotch leaning back in his chair, and Derek and you standing in the middle of the room. “[Name], you don’t have to relive that memory if it’s not necessary. How would we proceed if we didn’t have all these clues? What’s the first thing we’d look at?”
“Victimology,” you swallowed, both thankful and displeased that Gideon was looking out for your wellbeing. Everybody was watching you so closely, especially because this was a personal case to you, as if they expected you to break down at any moment.
“And we have a victim, Rebecca Bryant. Hotch and I will follow the mailman lead. Derek, take JJ and find out everything you can about Rebecca. Reid, [Name], stay here and find the book. If anybody can do it, it’s you two.”
Everyone else left the room, Reid and you staying. Sure, Gideon didn’t want you to relive the worst moments of your entire life, but you were so close. So you shut the door to the roundtable room and turned back to Reid. “I want to do memory recall.”
. . .
The chair you were sitting on was soft and sturdy, so you let yourself lean back, and you closed your eyes. You breathed, waiting for Reid to begin. You tried to calm yourself, enough to the point where your anger flooded away and all you could do was think. See your memories in a clear light.
“I’m going to try and calm down first, can you guide me?”
Spencer nodded, breathing along with you. “What is your favorite memory?”
You focused in on the word, smiling; favorite. You could hear Spencer’s giddy laugh echoing in your ears, bright city lights clouding your vision. The hood of your black rental car from Vegas reflected them, the smaller model of the Eiffel tower standing tall, neon signs and main strip casino windows. The cool, night breeze in your hair. You could still feel Reid’s lingering presence in the passenger’s seat, the way he looked at you with those doe-y, hazel eyes. His pupils were inflated, shrinking again when he turned away to change the stereo.
You could feel the pain in your toe when you stubbed it on the hotel bedframe, you could feel the newly replaced bedsheets of the hotel against your legs, and you could see Spencer standing over you, smiling so widely when you laughed. The way his warm skin felt against yours, how gentle he was with his arms around you.
You imagined the pool water as he splashed it back at you, the water droplets against his skin and the way he slicked back his wet hair. His laugh and shy smile after you told him he still looked like a rat when he was wet. The understanding look when he listened to your struggles with the BAU, your life story, the interest in your past and your hobbies.
After all the memories you’d made yesterday had flashed through your head in a matter of seconds, you registered what it meant. When you thought of happy, you thought of him. Some of your favorite moments in life were with him, being around him, watching him. Him, him, him. This feeling—it was consuming you, and it felt so delightful. You wanted it to devour you, and you let it.
“Yesterday,” you whispered after a minute of reliving the best day of your life. You didn’t open your eyes, but you could hear Reid shift in his chair and you smiled, assuming he was blushing. Profiler or not, he knew what that meant.
He sighed, “Are you ready to go back?” You nodded. “It was eight years ago. How old were you?”
“I was sixteen, and about to graduate high school.” You still remember how frustrated and overwhelmed you were. The night before you discovered your dad, you had the closing shift along with a massive pile of homework and colleges to apply to. You sat behind the wooden counter, combing through your homework as fast as you could, eager for your father to come and take an overnight shift in working with the books.
“What time was it?”
“It was five minutes until the clock struck 11,” you said, which was the beginning of your father’s shift at the bookstore. You were packing up your homework and college applications back into your bookbag, noting on a stray piece of paper all the leftover homework and applications you had to pour over in the morning. You were so tired, but you wanted to thank your father for taking the shift tonight and letting you rest.
“My father is coming in,” you tell Spencer, reliving the last moment you saw him alive. The door rang, signaling his entrance. His hair and shoulders were wet from the rain outside, something you didn’t remember about the scene until now. He smiled, asking you how your day went.
“Okay, sweetpea,” he had begun, “are you ready to go home?” You nodded to him, but not before helping him with his bags. He looked at you, smiling while you followed him down to the book storage, an icy cold basement.
You watched, setting out his materials for him while he brought out the book, which was partially bound but tattered still, especially the cover, and you had to take a double take, pausing and hearing Reid’s voice. You weren’t listening, but rather going through the evidence in your head.
JJ’s butterfly, Reid’s key, and a lock of hair all on top of a piece of bloodied parchment. You could see the dainty, cursive letters, shocked as to how you’d not remember the cover when you worked at a bookstore. You gasped, nearly crying as you remembered the last thing you’d seen your father doing alive.
You tried to shake it all out of your head, the unsub wanted to get to you. This quest was curated for you and him, a chess game, and you needed to have a level head to win. Sitting straight up, your eyes shot open and you and Reid shared a glance, him smiling proudly. You handled yourself so well.
“The Collector, by John Fawkes,” you stated, rushing over to the board where all the evidence was pinned. You took off the butterfly, the lock of hair, the key and the bloodied paper and set them in front of Reid.
“These are all on the first edition front cover, a bloodied piece of paper as a background, the key, the lock of hair and the butterfly all on top. Not only do they have a personal significance to us, but to the book. I should’ve known sooner,” you berated yourself, explaining quickly before walking off, ready to call the nearest library for their first edition copy of The Collector.
. . .
Reid, Garcia, and you had all stood around, them solving the cipher and writing the message on the board. Elle had been sent home earlier, so you were a team member short, but you were closer than you’d ever been on solving your dad’s murder. So close you could almost imagine him, smiling down at you and telling you that you were doing a good job. That’s all the encouragement you needed.
Hotch had berated Anderson for only dropping Elle off rather than staying at her house, stating that the unsub had all of your personal information. You begged Hotch to let you go to her house and stay, but he said he had needed you too much because of your connection to the case.
Instead, you watched as Reid and Garcia went over the cipher with the librarian. You walked away from the team when Hotch called you. “Yes sir?”
“Elle was shot at her house, I’m at the hospital now, I need you and Reid to keep working on those clues. I’ll update you when she’s out of surgery.”
Your stomach twisted, wondering why in all hell the unsub took Elle. This was your quest, the team were all there to aid you. Why would he hurt Elle instead of you? Instead of your family or someone you were close to? You nearly cried out as you broke into tears—this team, the BAU, is your family. And you’ve brought all of them into danger just by being here.
When you walked back into the room, you’d discovered that Reid had called his mom to be flown into Quantico by the federal agents there, and that you’d be meeting his mom for the first time. She was involved in this case now too, and you wondered if you should stick around after this. If all of this, if Elle’s shooting was your fault.
. . .
You leaned against Reid’s desk as he fiddled with the evidence bag that the poem was in. “Your mom’s safe,” you said, “agents just picked her up and she’s flying over here now. Garcia told me.”
Reid didn’t even dare to meet your gaze, staring at the poem still. “I forgot she always used to read me this poem,” he started. “And I realized that nobody knows things like the fact that JJ collects butterflies except for me. People tell me their secrets all the time, and I think it’s because they know I don’t have anyone to betray them to… except for my mother. I tell her pretty much everything in my letters. Did you know that I write her everyday?”
You smiled, leaning forward, “I did, Reid. And I know that you feel guilty about not seeing her two days ago. That you write all of those letters to make up for the fact that you think you don’t visit her enough.”
He looked up at you, a clear question in his eyes. How do you know?
“Reid, during my memory recall, when you asked what my favorite memory was… I’ve been alive for twenty-four years, and out of any memory—the ones with my best friend, the good days here, my childhood—I chose Las Vegas. Not because of the beautiful city lights, or the fancy car, but because you were there with me, just us.
“I told you about my father not because you don’t have anyone to betray me to, but because I want you to know. Because I trust you whole-heartedly, and if anybody in this world should know me best, it’s you.”
Spencer finally held his eye contact with you, swallowing hard. You let your words hang in the air before putting your hand on his shoulder and squeezing, allowing it to linger there for a few seconds before walking back to Garcia’s lair, wanting to soak up all the information she might have. 
You heard the signature ‘beep’ of Garcia hanging up on someone, and shut her door gently before striding over to her desk. “What’s going on so far?”
She didn’t lift up her eyes to look at you, typing furiously on her computer, “I’m searching for Rebecca Bryant’s biological family, turns out she was adopted by the Bryant family and her real last name is Garner.”
Penelope filled you in further on the details, actively working to unseal her adoption papers and find out what happened to the original family; after all, the victimology is the first thing you look at. 
Could you consider yourself a victim? He’d been taunting and tormenting you and your entire team, he was most likely the man who had killed your father, or at least knew what happened or was involved somehow. Your father had been murdered prior to Rebecca’s disappearance, and you considered why this man would have been involved with your father’s murder and Rebecca’s disappearance. 
Were you actually a target?
You went to sit back at your desk, looking at your old piece of parchment paper with your favorite canto of Dante’s Inferno written in cursive, the fifth, the canto of Francesca. The most famous line written in bold and in the original Italian, “Amor, ch’a nullo amato amar perdona,” or “Love, that excempts no beloved from loving in return.”
The bullpen was a shuffle of people, other agents you didn’t interact with that much, that didn’t come with you on cases, and tons of other people rushing around, going through files, making phone calls. Spencer strided over from the small kitchenette to sit at his desk, which was connected to yours, sitting across from you with a small wall of transparent glass in between. 
He smiled at you, a warm, small smile that frequently was exchanged between the two of you. Sometime in between your talk at his desk and the hour or so you went without seeing each other, there was a microscopic layer of tension between you, beginning right where your desks separated. 
The shuffling of the bullpen dulled the ache of the tension, and so did your eyes slowly closing to rest for just a few minutes as Reid spent his time half-dozing off while reading a printed out version of The Collector. Reid finally broke this silence when your head began to tilt to the side as you fell into a tiny cat nap. He called for you, with no response, so he got out of his chair and poked you in the forearm. 
You wiggled a bit in your sleep, shifting around trying to find some semblance of comfort in your uncomfortable office chair. He takes a moment to stare just for a bit at your face. Looking at your eyes gently closed, your face peaceful even in this painful position, his mind fogged with the soft midnight laughter you traded with each other in the Vegas hotel room. He imagined the weight of your head on his chest, your arm laid over his stomach, your face and warm breath against the crook of his neck. 
He realized quickly the words that came along with the happy memories made along with you. The constricting yet freeing feeling stuck in his throat and squeezed around his heart, the sort of euphoria you associate with the warm feeling of sun on your skin and driving a convertible along the coast. That beautiful, powerful, devouring feeling of knowing that someone has you. You’re theirs, completely and utterly. 
The feeling of pure joy when you stop daydreaming and start remembering memories instead. When the words to describe this feeling escape you because all you can think about is that one, special person who has altered the course of your life forever. When you can no longer write romance because none of the words you put onto a page can do this feeling--this love--justice. 
He was in love with you. He felt it in everywhere he looked, everything he did, and every moment he lived. 
Spencer took a quick look around the office, and gently prodded at your sleeping form again until you open your eyes just a little, squinting against the bright lights of the bullpen. He held out his hand, which you, in your sleepy, half-awake state, took with no hesitation as he guided you into the conference room and turned off most of the lights. 
He showed you to the couch, sitting on the far end, leaving you room to lay down and take the rest of it while the two of you rested and waited for Spencer’s mother to arrive. The crown of your head was just barely touching the side of his thigh, and eventually, moving and wiggling around in your sleep made you lay your head straight in his lap. 
He felt the sudden movement and then the weight, and stared down at your side profile, admiring the way the dim lights highlighted your face perfectly. He brushed hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear, and he swear he saw a ghost of a smile on your face. He fell asleep, fingers still intertwined and resting in your hair. 
Spencer dreamt of city lights and midnight laughter and Vegas hotel rooms. He dreamt of walking up behind you while you made pancakes in the morning and piling kisses all along the side of your neck and face, arms wrapped around your waist and the way your body would be decorated in stripes by the morning sun. 
He was woken up by the distribution of weight changing, your head shifting to stare up at him, hair surrounding your face in a pile on his lap. The sleepy smile that graces your face twists his stomach into knots and melts his heart. 
You seem to not mind the fact that your head had wound up in his lap, and instead, you muttered a small, sleepy, single word. “Coffee?”
He almost laughed, just stunned by how natural the domesticity and comfortability between you two felt. Like the wall that had built between you--separating your pinkies from intertwining, separating your fates from inexplicably linking--had suddenly vanished. There was a mutual understanding there--you make me feel safe, you make me happy, you are mine.
He slid out from underneath your head, turning around just before he reached the exit to look at you, splayed across the couch comfortably, the dim 5:00 am moonlight gleaming through the windows, and your eyes, shining even brighter back at him with a giant smile on your face. 
In the small kitchenette, he tidies himself up as much as possible, fussing with his hair while coffee brewed, and just as he finished pouring the both of you a cup, a group of FBI agents gathered around the entrance with a blonde, tall and pale woman that was Spencer’s mother. 
“That’s why you’re so skinny, you know,” Spencer’s mother, Diana Reid stated only a few seconds after walking into the bullpen. Spencer turned his head, setting down the pot of coffee. His mother’s eyes were sunken just a bit, dark circles underneath, worry lines accenting her face. “Too much coffee.”
Her frame was cramped up, shoulders tightened and her body looking even more frail by the minute. Her short pixie cut looked untamed, and Spencer wondered how stressed she had been. He knows that she hates planes, and the government, and basically anything else where somebody might be watching her. 
Schizophrenia tends to do that to a person. Even the smartest people get unlucky, get ill in a time where there isn’t much help or refuse it themselves. Spencer lives every day wondering about his mother’s happiness and well-being, but knows she is taken care of in her facility. He writes her everyday, and thinks about his childhood memories, about his father and mother and how he wanted a relationship that was nearly the opposite of that. 
They loved each other at one point. Enough to have him and raise him together for a few years, and all he can think about is how much he would love and cherish his wife, his children with her, and how no matter what got in the way, he couldn’t see himself ever letting go.
All these thoughts, worry for his mother, himself, his future, his children float through his head and pass by in a few seconds. The next few seconds consist of you, whether his mother would approve of you and just how much she might adore you for seeing you make her son so happy.
Finally coming back to reality, he nodded at the FBI agents who had brought her here. “Thanks a lot guys, I’ve got her.” Walking forward, he looks at the horrified look on his mother’s face, eyebrows raised and hand coming to cover her mouth, glancing around the FBI bullpen, clearly unnerved by where she was.
Once the FBI agents have disappeared around the corner of the hallway into the bullpen and Spencer takes a few more steps towards her, she lets her hand drop from her face. “You know I’m terrified of flying,” she states, shaking her head for emphasis. 
Spencer gives a small, fake smile. “I know mom, I’m sorry.”
Spencer glances over his mom’s shoulder, seeing you come out of the roundtable room and begin walking over to where he and his mom were standing. Still obviously upset, his mom continues, “Well then why did you have those fascists arrest me?”
He can hear your footsteps echoing throughout the mostly quiet bullpen, and he tries to calm his mom down before you arrive here, to introduce yourself. 
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beachluxevacations · 2 years
Places To Visit In Jamaica During Your Luxury Vacation Retreat 
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Jamaica is a Caribbean Island nation rich with lush topography, including mountains, rainforests, and reef-lined beaches. While on a luxury vacation retreat, you should visit Jamaica’s beautiful beaches, like Negril and Montego Bay, which are famous among tourists and locals. Here are the most beautiful places in Jamaica to visit: Rock House Hotel, Jamaica Giant Sculpture Park, Art Gallery, Bamboo Avenue, YS Falls, and Skylark Negril Beach Resort—these are some of the most beautiful places in Jamaica that should be on your bucket list. Now, if you are thinking about where you should stay in Jamaica, well, let us help you with this one. Book your luxury villa in Jamaica with Beach Luxe Vacations, the luxury vacation rental company that offers the highest level of luxury villas, residences, and apartments. Soleil Residences is the perfect place to stay in Jamaica. This beautiful residence is situated in Freeport's and Montego Bay's most coveted neighborhood. Here, you can get all the luxury amenities of any luxury hotel and thoughtfully curated experiences with exceptional services.
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topviral · 9 days
The Most Expensive Things in Jamaica!
The Most Expensive Things in Jamaica! 💸🇯🇲 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95xjX7IeR1M Discover the epitome of luxury with our exclusive tour of Montego Bay's finest! First, indulge in the opulent comfort of The Tryall Club, where villa rentals at $10,000 a night offer a private chef and an exquisite infinity pool. Savor the elite taste of the Appleton Estate's 50-year-old Jamaican Rum, valued at $5,000 a bottle, showcasing unmatched quality and heritage. Finally, immerse yourself in the art world at the National Gallery of Jamaica, home to masterpieces worth over $100,000. Don't forget to like and share this video! #luxurytravel #montegobay #Tryall #club #appleton #estateplanning #jamaica #art #highendliving #travelvlog via Top Viral https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClbTtzALtMT8AsToyJnTRGA September 17, 2024 at 02:00AM
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holidayexpertz · 10 days
Discover the Beauty of Dominica, Dominican Republic, and Jamaica with Holidayexpertz Vacation Rentals by Owner
The Caribbean is home to some of the most beautiful islands in the world, each offering its unique blend of tropical paradise, culture, and adventure. Whether you're seeking the untamed beauty of Dominica, the rich history and vibrant beaches of the Dominican Republic, or the lively spirit of Jamaica, Holidayexpertz offers a wide range of vacation rentals by owner to suit every type of traveler. From luxury villas to cozy condos and beachfront cottages, find the perfect place to call home during your Caribbean getaway.
Dominica Vacation Rentals: The Nature Island’s Hidden Gems
Dominica, often referred to as the "Nature Island," is a haven for eco-tourists and adventure seekers. With lush rainforests, boiling lakes, and untouched beaches, Dominica offers an off-the-beaten-path experience. Vacation rentals in Dominica provide a perfect base for exploring its natural wonders, allowing you to immerse yourself in the island’s beauty.
Top Vacation Rentals in Dominica
Rainforest Villas: Enjoy the serenity of Dominica’s lush rainforests with villas that offer spectacular views, privacy, and easy access to hiking trails and waterfalls.
Beachfront Cottages: Perfect for couples or small families, beachfront cottages on the island’s west coast offer direct access to secluded beaches and calm, clear waters.
Mountain Lodges: For those seeking adventure, mountain lodges offer proximity to Dominica’s famous Boiling Lake, providing an ideal base for hiking and outdoor exploration.
Top Attractions in Dominica
Morne Trois Pitons National Park: A UNESCO World Heritage site, home to Boiling Lake, Trafalgar Falls, and stunning volcanic landscapes.
Champagne Reef: A unique diving and snorkeling spot where volcanic activity creates natural bubbles underwater.
Titou Gorge: A beautiful gorge where you can swim through a canyon with waterfalls and natural pools.
Emerald Pool: A serene waterfall and pool surrounded by lush vegetation, perfect for a refreshing swim.
Dominican Republic Vacation Rentals: Beaches, History, and Culture
The Dominican Republic is a vibrant destination known for its lively cities, historical landmarks, and pristine beaches. From the colonial charm of Santo Domingo to the white sands of Punta Cana, vacation rentals in the Dominican Republic offer a mix of luxury and comfort.
Top Vacation Rentals in the Dominican Republic
Luxury Villas: In popular destinations like Punta Cana and La Romana, luxury villas offer private pools, beachfront access, and spacious living areas perfect for families or groups.
Beachfront Condos: For those who want to be near the action, beachfront condos in Sosúa, Puerto Plata, or Cabarete offer stunning ocean views, modern amenities, and proximity to local attractions.
Colonial Cottages: Experience the rich history of the Dominican Republic with charming colonial-style cottages in Santo Domingo’s historic district.
Top Attractions in the Dominican Republic
Zona Colonial (Santo Domingo): A UNESCO World Heritage site, this area is rich in history with cobblestone streets, colonial architecture, and landmarks like the Alcázar de Colón.
Punta Cana Beaches: Known for its white-sand beaches and all-inclusive resorts, Punta Cana is a beach lover's paradise.
Los Haitises National Park: Explore the Dominican Republic’s diverse ecosystem with mangroves, limestone caves, and birdwatching opportunities.
27 Waterfalls (Damajagua): A thrilling adventure where visitors can hike, swim, and jump through a series of natural waterfalls.
Jamaica Vacation Rentals: Vibrant Culture and Stunning Beaches
Jamaica is the heartbeat of the Caribbean, famous for its reggae music, lively culture, and stunning landscapes. Whether you're exploring the Blue Mountains, relaxing on the beaches of Negril, or enjoying the local flavors of Montego Bay, vacation rentals in Jamaica provide the perfect retreat.
Top Vacation Rentals in Jamaica
Beachfront Villas: Luxury villas in Negril or Montego Bay offer stunning ocean views, private pools, and direct beach access, ideal for those seeking a high-end experience.
Private Condos: For a more affordable stay, private condos in Ocho Rios or Kingston offer modern amenities and easy access to local attractions.
Cottages in the Blue Mountains: If you’re looking for a peaceful retreat, cottages nestled in Jamaica’s Blue Mountains provide breathtaking views and a tranquil atmosphere.
Top Attractions in Jamaica
Dunn's River Falls (Ocho Rios): One of Jamaica’s most famous natural attractions, these tiered waterfalls are perfect for climbing, swimming, and exploring.
Seven Mile Beach (Negril): Known for its white sands and crystal-clear waters, this beach is ideal for sunbathing, snorkeling, and enjoying local cuisine at beachfront restaurants.
Bob Marley Museum (Kingston): Dive into Jamaica’s rich musical history with a visit to the legendary Bob Marley’s home and museum.
Blue Hole (Ocho Rios): A hidden gem, this natural pool offers cliff jumping, swimming, and a chance to experience Jamaica’s untouched beauty.
Why Choose Holidayexpertz Vacation Rentals by Owner?
With Holidayexpertz, you get more than just a place to stay; you get a personalized and authentic Caribbean experience. Whether you’re planning a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or an adventure-filled holiday, vacation rentals by owner offer:
Privacy and Space: Enjoy the comfort of having your own villa, condo, or cottage with all the amenities you need, from private pools to fully equipped kitchens.
Local Experience: Many of our rentals are located in residential neighborhoods or close to local attractions, giving you a chance to experience the true culture and lifestyle of each island.
Cost-Effective Solutions: For families or large groups, renting a villa or condo can be a more economical choice compared to booking multiple hotel rooms.
Flexibility: With vacation rentals, you have the flexibility to cook your own meals, relax in spacious living areas, and enjoy outdoor spaces like private gardens or beachfront patios.
Plan Your Caribbean Escape with Holidayexpertz
Whether you're seeking adventure in Dominica, a beachside retreat in the Dominican Republic, or the vibrant energy of Jamaica, Holidayexpertz has the perfect vacation rental for you. Explore our wide selection of condos, villas, and cottages to find the ideal home away from home for your Caribbean adventure. Book today and start planning your dream vacation with Holidayexpertz!
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kiiitasticbooks · 1 month
How Far Would You Go? | A Review of Love At First Spite by Anna E. Collins
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They say living well is the best revenge. But sometimes, spreading the misery seems a whole lot more satisfying. That’s interior designer Dani Porter’s justification for buying the vacant lot next to her ex-fiancé’s house…the house they were supposed to live in together, before he cheated on her with their Realtor. Dani plans to build a vacation rental that will a) mess with his view and his peace of mind and b) prove that Dani is not someone to be stepped on. Welcome to project Spite House.
That plan quickly becomes complicated when Dani is forced to team up with Wyatt Montego, the handsome, haughty architect at her firm, and the only person available to draw up blueprints. Wyatt is terse and stern, the kind of man who eats his sandwich with a knife and fork. But as they spend time together on- and off-site, Dani glimpses something deeper beneath that hard veneer, something surprising, vulnerable, and real. And the closer she gets to her goal, the more she wonders if winning revenge could mean losing something infinitely sweeter…
This book’s opening gave me whiplash.
I think it’s actually kinda cool how this book played me like a fiddle on the first two pages. In reading so many different books over the years, I’ve gotten good at being able to tell the way a book is going to go just by reading a small detail. So as our main character walks with her best friend, talking about how nervous she is and wearing a white dress, I immediately assumed this book was going to open up with a wedding.
And then the paintball gun was pulled out.
We get a few paragraphs of the ensuing battle: seeking out enemies, hiding from being shot. The general way paintballing would go.
And then the main character gets shot, paint splattering her white dress, and she is happy. Because she’s trying (and succeeding) in ruining her wedding dress.
Y’all, I am being so serious when I tell you I needed to phone a friend after that opening. That’s how shocked I was.
From this paintball scene, we get more into the details of Love At First Spite and how it is going to go. Our main character, Dani, is trying to ruin her wedding dress because her ex-fiance cheated on her with the realtor who sold them their “dream home”. In order to get revenge, Dani decides to build a new house right next to the one they were supposed to live in–which her ex cannot sell–and rent it out to newly-single girls ready to party and curse out men.
Her only problem? She needs an architect to draw up the blueprints. And the only architect she knows who is available for the job is Wyatt, a grumpy coworker she’d rather stay away from.
I really liked Wyatt from the very beginning! While we don’t get his POV in this book, it was fun to dissect the things he said and did to see his thoughts on everything. For example, it was very obvious to me that he had feelings for Dani, despite it not being obvious to Dani herself, because of the little details in how he treated her.
I also really enjoyed the writing style in this book. The way Anna E. Collins wrote Love At First Spite and the sort of language used made it feel very fun and relatable, and I found myself immediately open to reading more from this author in the future!
However, I did have a few more negative notes about this book.
For one, I could only read about 100 pages at a time before I got tired and needed to do something else. This could be entirely situational–sometimes I just get the wigglies and need to occupy my brain with something more substantial–but this felt more to me like it was a problem with the content of the book itself. It wasn’t pulling me in as much as I would have liked, and I subsequently gravitated towards other things, even as I was wanting to read.
I also was not a fan of the last third of this book, starting with the fight between Dani and Wyatt and extending through the main conflict of this book as Dani’s ex realizes her plot. It felt overly dramatic and seemed to wrap up a little too perfectly, and I couldn’t understand her ex’s motives for what he did.
However, I am not opposed to reading more of this author’s work in the future, and I am excited to see if their writing gets better in their next books!
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escapewithsudlowtours · 4 months
Montego Bay Vacation Rentals
Montego Bay is accessible via the Sangster International Airport (MBJ), one of the busiest airports in the Caribbean. Numerous airlines offer direct flights from major cities in North America and Europe. Once you arrive, getting to your hotel is easy with a variety of transportation options, including taxis, shuttles, and rental cars. https://escapewithsudlowtours.com/
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remaxelitejm · 9 months
Fully Furnished Apartments for Rent in Kingston, Jamaica
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Remax Elite Realty's completely Fully Furnished Apartments for Rent in Kingston, Jamaica are the epitome of convenience and style. As each apartment includes beautiful furnishings and essential utilities, these expertly selected living spaces provide a hassle-free transition to luxury living. Remax Elite Realty provides a streamlined rental experience in Kingston, whether you're migrating or looking for temporary housing. Elevate your lifestyle with our completely furnished apartments, which provide the ideal combination of comfort and refinement in the heart of Jamaica's dynamic city.
Types of property available:
Commercial land for sale in kingston jamaica
Apartments for sale montego bay jamaica
Gated community houses for sale in kingston jamaica
Residential lots for sale in kingston jamaica
Land for sale in kingston jamaica
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afimivilla · 22 days
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luxury vacation villa montego bay
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#MontegoBayVacationCondoRentals is exactly what you are looking for if you desire a peaceful getaway and a good night's sleep. Enjoy all the comforts of home luxuriating in this delightful master suit. https://bit.ly/3mT3NUd #NoBookingFeesVacationRentals #VacationRentalsByOwner #JamaicaVacationRentals
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perfectstayz1 · 11 months
There’s no better way than booking a luxury vacation rental by owner through Perfect Stayz – No Booking Fees Vacation Rentals website.
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justinwilson0857 · 2 years
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Jamaica Vacation Rental Villa By Owner
Sea View Heights Villa Montego Bay is a lovely private home surrounded by real authentic Jamaican homes, and luscious countryside. vacation rentals in Montego bay Jamaica, Montego Bay Vacation Rental Villa
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centuryjm21 · 10 months
Apartments for Rent in Kingston Jamaica
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With the amazing selection of Apartments for Rent in Kingston Jamaica at Century 21, experience the energetic lifestyle of Kingston, Jamaica. Our listings feature tastefully decorated, contemporary apartments that suit a range of tastes and price points. Whether you're looking for a suburban getaway or a downtown residence, our selection of rental homes in Kingston offers convenience, comfort, and style. Put your trust in Century 21 Jamaica to help you find the ideal apartment so you can personally feel Kingston's vibrant energy.
Types of Properties are available-
House for Rent in Kingston, Jamaica
apartments for rent in Kingston, Jamaica
luxury apartments for sale in Jamaica
Condos for sale in Kingston, Jamaica
property for sale in Montego Bay
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