#reply:Peter (tasm)
in--somnium · 2 years
@mcsaiccfmuses​ (For Jean <3)
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“So, uh, what’s the problem?” He asked. It seemed like anytime he was asked to get involved with the X-Men, there was something bad happening. Or about to happen. So he figured that this was probably the same kind of situation, “How can I help?”
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in--somnium · 3 years
Open Starter!
Open to: Anyone! (Mutuals, non-mutuals, any gender, any fandom / non-fandom, ocs, etc!) Muse: TASM!Peter Parker Fandom: Marvel / MCU / TASM
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“This?” Oops. He hadn’t realized he was bleeding through, “Uh… ketchup. It’s just ketchup. From a hotdog. I got a hotdog on my way here.”
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in--somnium · 2 years
Nadya hadn't seen him without the suit or without a shirt before. Not that she had expected to anytime soon. But he had gotten banged up pretty bad on this last go round and he had little in the way of familiar faces here.
She had offered to help him if he needed it. So when he showed up in the middle of the night, bleeding, she had applied everything that her mother had taught her about this.
It had taken her some time to get him cleaned up even after he was out of the top half of the suit. She had never seen it before, the scar, but that made sense. It was fairly nasty. "How did you get this?"
She shouldn't be asking but her curious nature had gotten the best of her at the moment. She finished cleaning up the new cuts and bandaged what she could. Then her fingers traced lightly over the scar almost in a ghost like fashion.
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He wanted to go home. The thought was suffocating. The things he'd left behind. The people he'd abandoned. Was his Aunt May okay? After what happened here, to younger Peter's Aunt May... the thought wouldn't leave his head.
But between long nights of attempts to get back, he did what he could to help the other Peter keep this place safe. He owed him at least that much. Besides, having something to do in his down time kept his mind occupied. It also, however, meant that he got hurt from time to time.
Nadya wasn't his first choice of person to get help from. Not because he didn't like her or appreciate her or anything, but because he didn't want her worrying or anything. Besides, they'd been getting a little closer lately and Peter knew the risks that ran with it. He couldn't stay here. She couldn't go back with him. It was useless to get attached.
And yet here he was, letting her tend his wounds, letting her bandage him up. He really shouldn't be here.
When she asked about the scar on his back, he shrugged, "Don't remember, honestly." It could have been any number of things at this point, he'd been at this for years back home, after all. In fact, it could have been scars overlapping, injuries in the same place again and again tearing new scar tissue. But truth be told, even if he couldn't see for certain which scar she was talking about, he was pretty sure he knew. And that was a story he didn't really want to tell today.
Then her fingers ghosted over the old, faded, injury and he knew with certainty, now. He pulled away quickly, like her touch had burned, and grabbed his t-shirt. Immediately, he changed the subject so she wouldn't have a chance to ask, "Sorry, again, for showing up so late. I'm an idiot, didn't notice the time, you know?" A forced chuckle as he slipped the t-shirt back on, "Thanks for the help, though. I tried to do it myself but I couldn't quite see back there." He'd told her this already, when he'd gotten here, that he'd tried to patch himself up but had struggled with the injuries on his back. He realized that he was saying it again now as just a way to keep talking so she couldn't, "Anyway- I should get going. Got a lot of, ya know, stuff to do tomorrow. Breaking barriers between realities without messing everything up and whatever is a little harder than we expected. So I have to head to Stark's place early. The other science guy- uh... dark hair? glasses?- Bruce! Bruce is gonna be there at, like, 7am. Don't wanna keep him waiting in case he gets impatient and goes green, right?" Once more, a forced chuckle to accompany a forced joke, grabbing his backpack off the floor. Rambling. He did it whenever he was uncomfortable or anxious. Right now, it was a bit of both. He was feeling things he knew he shouldn't be feeling, and he needed to suffocate it.
"Really, I appreciate the help." And now the quick words had slowed, become softer, more sincere. But he still took a few steps closer to the door before turning to look at her once again, "I'll be more careful next time." She might not have realized it, but he meant to be careful about more than just fighting.
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in--somnium · 2 years
❛ let’s go somewhere, just you and me. ❜ ( nadya and peter. I'll send more later my brain is just mush )
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"Yeah. Okay. Why not?" He smiled, "What did you have in mind?"
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in--somnium · 2 years
@forgivingtouches​ ((Another random starter just because <3))
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“I know this isn’t a date or anything-” Nobody had even suggested it was, and now here he was saying the word and probably sounding stupid but, well, damn- okay, move on, pretend you didn’t say something dumb! “I thought it would be weird to show up empty handed so I brought flowers and... I’m sorry, I’m being weird. Um... here!” He held the flowers out to her, “Flowers.” Yup, Peter. That’s what they are. Flowers.
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in--somnium · 2 years
@forthewinn​ liked this post for a short starter!
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“See? Still in one piece. Like I promised!” Though Peter was certainly a little roughed up despite the awkward smile- which hurt because his lip was busted. But, you know, he was alive, so no complaints!
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in--somnium · 2 years
send a 😻 and I’ll generate a number, 1-103, and post a starter using the lyric I got.
(Peter and Nadya)
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“I didn’t know if you’d care if I came back”
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in--somnium · 2 years
[ SACRIFICE ]:     sender sacrifices themselves, either fatally or otherwise, in order to save the receiver’s life. ( Peter and Nadya)
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This wasn't meant to happen. She wasn't even supposed to be here! She'd told her not to follow him! To stay home! This was... god, this was all too familiar. The same kind of stubbornness, the same refusal to stay behind and let him handle it, that had gotten Gwen killed. And it was happening all over again.
"Hey- hey- you're okay. Nadya? Nadya, look at me." Her eyes flickered open- still something left. Her blood stained his hands and he knew the vision of it would never go away, even if she survived, "Help's coming, okay?" It was. Soon, he hoped. Soon enough to save her like he hadn't been able to, "Just keep your eyes on me. Everything's gonna be okay. Just hold on. Please, Nadya. Please just hold on." But he could see it in her eyes, the way the light was slowly fading. He kept pressure on the wound, tried his best to keep as much blood in as he could, but if they didn't get here quick... "You can't leave me. Not yet." He was all but pleading now, begging her to hold on. She couldn't go. She couldn't. She couldn't...
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in--somnium · 2 years
"Oh wow! A portal?!" His little eyes got huge and he stared at his dad like it was the best thing he'd ever heard. "And you met mom in this place?" But was this that place or was this where he had been? Wow, he had a lot of questions. "So, how did you end up--being mom and dad?"
"Yup! A portal! A portal thiiiiiis big!" He held his arms out as wide as they'd go, even though this was all kind of exaggerated for entertainment purposes, "I met your mom, and she helped me figure out where I was... and then we got pizza." Because Peter hadn't eaten any time recently before suddenly being all but dropped into the middle of a totally different universe. Of course, it was all a lot more complicated than that, and it's not like they immediately went and got pizza together... but while they'd been talking his stomach had growled. Twice. Or was it three times? "Well... your mom helped me a lot while I was at this new place. She was really nice to me, and I thought she was the prettiest girl in the whole entire universe." In any universe, "But eventually I had to go back home and she couldn't come with me." Not the first time, at least, "I missed her every day." That was not an exaggeration, unlike other parts of the story, "But you know that wizard you met? He and some of his other wizard friends helped us find each other again. And then we fell in love and got married and then you came along. And now we're mom and dad." He chuckled. Yup. Definitely an oversimplification, and he knew the questions were coming... but at least it was pretty cohesive and understandable so... good job, Peter!
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in--somnium · 2 years
"Yes!" The excited answer came out too fast. He was more than ready to find out. They always seemed so happy together and he always had everything he wanted or needed. Lots of love. Lots of hugs and he had lots of Spider-man toys to sleep with at night. He wanted to know how they had met. He went to his chair and settled in. "Tell me."
Okay, cool. He could manage this and it would buy him some time to think about how to answer his son's other question, in the process! Though now he had to think about how to answer this question without both telling his son that he was Spider-Man and starting the conversation on multiverses before Nadya got home.
He watched as his son settled into his chair, then Peter did the same, "Okay... where to start..." He wasn't a particularly great story teller. What he was good at was fumbling words, "So... it must have been fate that your mom and I met! Because I was at home, doing laundry-" Washing dirt out of his Spidey suit in the sink, but that was neither here nor there, "And then this BIG portal just..." He opened his arms wide, then smacked his hands together loud, "Swallowed me whole!" Yeah, this was going good so far. Or, at least, he thought it was, "Next thing I knew, I was somewhere I'd never been before!" Well, actually, he was somewhere he had been before, kind of. But it was different. He'd, uh... he'd tell his son that at a later time, after the whole multiverse conversation, "And your mom? She was the very first person I met there." Second, actually. But the first had been some random guy who bumped into him and spilled his coffee on him, so it sounded better to say he'd met Nadya first.
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in--somnium · 2 years
send me 💬, and i’ll use a line from a sentence meme i’ve reblogged to make a starter for you.
Peter & Nadya!
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“Why are you smiling at me like that?”
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in--somnium · 2 years
“Do you know how to fix a hole in the ceiling?” (@ any peter??)
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"Uh..." Did he know how to fix a hole in the ceiling? Well, not really, "I could give it a shot." He offered, "How hard can it be?" He could just... watch a tutorial on youtube or something. But he supposed that wasn't the entire point of this conversation, because: "But, um, why is there a hole in the ceiling?"
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in--somnium · 3 years
“ it’s been a long day. why don’t you stay here tonight? i can take the sofa. “ ( nadya and peter )
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"I don't know. I've got kind of a lot going on." He answered quickly. To be honest, it was nothing against her, but he had things he needed to be doing. Super hero things, specifically. Not that he'd say that to her. She'd understand, sure, but he still didn't like talking much about his endeavors as Spider-Man, "I don't live that far away, and I like walking at night, anyway. So it's not a big deal." He insisted, "Then you can sleep in your bed like you should. And that's a- you know, that's another point I wanna make here- if I was gonna spend the night, I'm not, like, I'm not gonna sleep in your bed. That's your bed. And I've slept in worse places than on a sofa before. It's not a big deal. I can curl up and fall asleep just about anywhere." By which he actually meant that, since Gwen's death he didn't really sleep much anymore anyway, so it wouldn't make sense for him to take the bed just to not sleep in it, anyway, "So, ya know, for future reference, you get the bed. I get the couch. But not tonight. Because tonight I've gotta go do some things, anyway." Ah, he got rambley when he was nervous or feeling awkward and this was obviously one of those times. It would be best if he just... walked out while he still had a tiny shred of dignity left, "But it's been real cool hanging out with you. Let's do it again sometime? I'll call you. Or you can call me. Or texts are good, too. Easier, probably. Let's just do that, instead."
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