#reposting bcs i accidently hide my tumblr ksjksjd
yoboyyyy · 2 years
wanting to add more about the post bcs really im pent up and tired of this fandom. I really don't understand why people are so upset when we have our opinions being negative towards certains aspects of the show or just even monsta in general.
We all have rights and what we feel. It is very justified of someone to feel uncomfortable to post things on their own blog or account when several different monstaff just lurk around and see what you say or do. Even if its not tagged, even if its not mentioned anything about Boboiboy the monstaf stills finds it. Do guys not understand how fucking creepy and how lack of privacy we have? Even monsta themselves actively say that they just lurk around...like do u know what that impression have on us fans. Its basicly saying "yall better do anything to upset us". Inturn were just too afraid to even post our own thoughts of the show. Even if its completely innocent or justified.
Like seriously the whole company and the fandom need to set up boundaries. A company does not have a right to control a fandom. The FANS are the ones who should keep each other in check. Because a fandom is OUR place. The word litterally has FANS in it. Staff should not dictate on what we can and we cant do unless it actually hurts someone. But if your trying to restrict us on just say "Gopal is a bad character bcs of xxx" than you really need to reevaluate how you approuch us fans. If your using "its for the kids argument". Look around. Most active fans you see are at the range of teens to young adults. The most kids i see is just on ig or on tiktok. The ones that are active are twitter are mostly veteran fans but even then theres not a lot of us. The fandom is a very niche community. So monsta having this boundaries is really unhealthy towards fans ESPECIALLY IF THERE ARE ACTUALLY KIDS AROUND.
Imagine being a kid and you just wanna have an open discussion about the show, but the moment you say "i dont like how they did xxx" they get bashed or ppl say "you cant say that bcs its rude". You are teaching them how to be quiet on their opinions, making them forced to feel insecure on what they say online for discussing something they like and passionate to talk about. Talking about dislikes of a show isnt a start of an argument, its a start of a discussion and conversation. If you disagree on somebody's take dont immediately shit on it or get mad on it. Discuss with them on how you feel about it. Exhange with other fans on what they think is good or bad. That is a very healthy way to have conversation in a fandom bcs u are actively seeking what other ppl think and that is the best part of being a fandom. It is the fandom experience to talk to someone else about what you like and be open to it. Its simply just fun for us to do.But bbb fandom doesn't understand that. They think anything other than "positive feedback" should not be discussed bcs they think it'll hurt monsta's feelings. Sure we can block them on socmed or make private accounts if were not comfortable looking at us. But imagine actually to have to do that JUST so u can feel safe from prying eyes. Do you not see how fucked up that we have to go to the point of blocking staffs?? We dont even know who monstaffs are, how exactly are we going to block them if we dont know them. But even after doing that you still wont feel safe. Bcs the atmosphere is already made uncomfortable for fans to post anything, and im talking about personal experience as well as talking to other fans about it. Were not alone when we say this . ALOT of fans feels about this. Doesn't matter if your big or small following everyone in the boboiboy community just does not feel comfortable to post their own fandom talk/post.
If theres people who actually prefers monstaff monitering us let me ask you this. Do u really want a company dictate a fandom to the point its pushing the fans away. Im honestly asking if you guys think that is healthy or better to have long time fans who actually enjoys the show despite it flaws, who actually tries to support the studio bcs your proud of the show, ends up being pushed away to leave a fandom by the same company that they tried to support. Let me ask you this and im being serious, do you actually support fans who are struggling to stay, or do you support what a company wants?
Im not trying to cause drama , I just wanna be that one person who talks about it so other people realize they feel the same way bcs alot of people have the same opinion but they never talked about it bcs they think theyre the only ones who feels like this.
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