#reposting for Masters week obvi :)
nialledfromfics · 7 years
a niall horan oneshot
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pairing: Niall/ofc
word count: 14,226
warnings: explicit sexual content
If I could be anywhere else in the world right now, I would. I hated being at the club. Full of nothing but rich grumpy old men walking around drinking their scotches and smoking their cigars and occasionally partaking in, what is possibly, the most boring sport in the entire world. Golf. It seemed to have become more of a social club at this point for the older members, with the younger, newer members filling out the greens and the putting lanes.
So, yes, I hated it. The only time I remotely even pretended to tolerate it, was when it was absolutely, crucially necessary. Basically only showing up to look pretty and stick on a smile for whatever family photo-op my Dad needed for the club’s yearly annual or if we were referenced in the city’s paper and on the news, which was often the case. We were a highly influential family, rich in money and our many charities.
See, my father owned the most prestigious and exclusive members only golf club in the state. Has since before I was born. A southern country club girl born and raised, I don’t really know much of anything else besides attending the best private schools and how to successfully run a golf club. I’m an only child, and a bit of a Daddy’s girl, and proud of it.
But none of that meant that I enjoyed lagging around after my father as he got ready to play his morning round before the club opened on this particular day.
“Daddy! This is insane!” I shrieked at him, huffing out a breath as I shuffled behind him. “I'm supposed to be meeting up with my friends in an hour!”
“Lambchop, I told you,” he told me, his face staring forward as he stopped at the large glass doors that led out to the veranda and the putting greens, “I need you to be here with me this morning.” I caught up to him, stepping by his side just as glanced down at me.
Shaking my head, I crossed my arms over my chest. “I just don’t understand why you need me here. You play a round every morning just fine without me.”
He gave me a smile, throwing his arm around my shoulder. “Because, Lambchop…” I looked up at him, watching as he turned his stare back to fixate on the vast open green of the course in front of us through the window of the door, “I just want to spend a little time with you.” He turned his face back to mine before grabbing the handle of the door and pushing it open, dragging me through with him as I rolled my eyes. “Twenty minutes, okay? Then you are free to go.”
“So, I’m just supposed to follow you around the course for twenty minutes?” I snapped at him, stopping in my tracks as he laughed and whipped around to face me.
“Don’t like spending time with your old man, huh?”
I cocked my hip out, pursing my lips together. “Daddy…”
He shook his head as he pulled his white golf glove out of his back pocket, both of our eyes falling to watch as he slipped it on his hand. Interrupted by the sound of footsteps across the concrete veranda floor, I glanced up and my lips slowly began to part as I caught glimpse of him. A boy. My eyes ran from the tips of his bright green runners all the way up his slim body, my stare stalling to fixate on the completely transcendent blue of his eyes.
Gulping back a shaky breath, I watched as he locked eyes with me, his lips tugging up at the corners as he smiled big, nodding his head and walking right up to my father. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. It was the first time I had ever seen him around the club and I couldn’t help but think that he was, without a doubt, the prettiest boy I had ever seen in my entire life.
Setting down my dad's golf bag with a thump, the boy held out his hand to him. I watched as my dad reached out to shake his hand, my stare flicking between the both of them. “Lambchop, this is Niall–"
I roughly knitted my brows, confused but incredibly intrigued. “What happened to Steve?” I asked him, cutting him off as my voice went unusually high.
“Steve had to be let go. Niall is my new caddie now,” he informed me, eyes focused on his clubs that Niall had placed in front of him.
The blond headed boy turned his body and took a step towards me, holding out his hand. Flicking my eyes down, I couldn’t help but notice the slightly worn and reddened skin around his thumb nail. Looking back up into his eyes, I hesitantly reached out, my bottom lip tucking into my mouth as he gently wrapped his fingers around my small hand and lightly shook it. “Nice to meet ya, Lambchop,” he mumbled out to me in a heavy Irish accent, a half smirk pulling on his lips as he raised his brow. I rolled my eyes and quickly yanked my hand back from his.
Giving me a chuckle, he spun around to grab at the handle of my father’s golf bag and swiftly slugged it up over his shoulder. I quietly kept my stare glued to him, letting the two of them walk in front of me as I reluctantly followed them over to the golf cart. Hopping in next to my father, Niall sat himself in the back and held onto the clubs as we drove over to the first tee. The short ride was a silent one, and I was desperately fighting off the urge to peer over my shoulder to get a quick glimpse of him.
Pulling up to the tee, my father stepped out and Niall jumped up from the back seat, grabbing the bag and throwing it over his shoulder. “Need a hand?” he asked, stopping beside me and holding out his large hand, his thick fingers spreading apart slightly. I flicked my eyes up to his and shot him a forced smile.
“No. I stay in the cart,” I told him sternly, my voice low. He rolled his lips in his mouth and faintly nodded his head before spinning around and strutting over to the tee. Sitting back against the seat, I crossed my legs and intently watched as Niall lugged the heavy bag over to where my father was standing and handed him his driver club. He stepped back to watch him as he took a few practice swings.
Licking at my lips, I narrowed my eyes and hooked my arm up on the back of the seat, resting my head in my palm as I took in the sight of Niall. He was a lot different than the other caddies my dad usually had, much younger and a hell of a lot better looking. His body was lean; skinny legs and broad shoulders and he had a neck on him like a damn tree trunk. He had this really thick blond hair, obviously dyed as his dark roots were showing and the bluest eyes I had ever seen, literally breathtaking. His nose was tinged a cherry red, his pale Irish skin must having burned easily in the southern sun and he had a smile on him that was so bright, it could probably light up the world if it needed to.
Shaking my head from my absurd thoughts, I reached into my sweater pocket to pull out my phone and began typing out a text to my friend. A smile quickly spread on my face and a light giggle slipped out of my mouth as we started to text back and forth.
“Somethin’ good on there?”
His deep voice startled me and I shot my wide stare up to look at him, squinting one eye shut from the glare of the sun as he picked up the golf bag and tossed it in the back of the cart. “None of your business,” I grumbled out, tipping the screen away from his view so he couldn’t see anything.
He rolled his eyes at my blunt action, shaking his head as he stepped around to the driver’s side of the golf cart and sat down in the seat next to me. Pulling in my brows, I whipped my head around to where the tee was as I searched for my dad. “He’s already walkin’ down,” Niall mentioned, “Told me to drive ya there.”
I looking back over at him as he started up the cart. “Wasn’t lookin’ at your phone, by the way. Could care less what a spoiled little girl like you is doin’.” I scrunched my face up, my mouth falling open slightly at his comment as he began driving down the fairway path to the green.
“Excuse me?” I spit out, my eyes practically glaring right through him.
He let out a snort, peering over at me through the corners of his eyes. “What? Did I say somethin’ wrong?” he sneered, his stare flicking back in front of him.
“Um...yeah,” I quipped, my one hand flying over to grip tight at the side handle as he drove faster down the allotted paths. “You do realize you are working for my father, right?”
He harshly pressed on the brake, my body slinging forward as the cart came to a screeching halt. Keeping his grip tight to the wheel, he tipped his head over to look at me as he raised a brow. “Yeah. Work for your dad. Not you.”
He hopped out of the cart, my mouth still hanging open in shock as my stare followed him walk around to the back of the golf cart and grab at the bag. “What is your problem?” I snapped at him, fully twisting my body around to watch as he pulled a 9-iron out of the bag and slung the strap over his shoulder before lifting it up with a hefty grunt.
He flicked his blue eyes to mine, his jaw clicking over to the side. “Spoiled little rich girls like you, are me problem. Can’t even get their head out of their own arse for two seconds to even say a proper hello to someone. Let alone have a decent conversation.”
Pursing my lips together, I furrowed my brows as he gave me a nod and began sauntering off towards where my father was standing on the green. With my eyes still glued to him, I could feel the wicked heat of anger pulsing to my cheeks as he stopped and turned back around to face me, holding out both of his hands as he walked backwards. “It’s a shame too,” he called out to me, but not quite loud enough for my father to overhear, “ ‘cause you’re pretty fuckin’ cute.”
My jaw clenched as I huffed out a breath, rolling my eyes and slumping my body down into the seat. I heard him let out a laugh, possibly as loud and obnoxious as he was as he swung back around and half jogged over to join my dad.
His stupid bright blue eyes and wide beaming smile were literally the only things I could think about the whole rest of the night. After I stormed off, huffing and puffing all the way back to my car, I sat in a tizzy, absolutely fuming that some overly cocky and outright annoying caddie had totally gotten to me. I had forgotten about him for a little while, the distraction from my friends helping to push that horrible morning out of my head, but as I laid in my bed that night, wrapped in my soft lilac sheets, I just couldn’t shake him from my mind.
He had acted like complete asshole, but really, I had totally acted the same to him. Under all the shitty remarks that fell from his mouth in that scruffy Irish accent, I guess he had a point. I hadn’t even said a hello to him.
Climbing out of my bed the following morning, I made the conscious decision that I was going to go back down to the club that day and apologize. I was going to be the bigger person and admit that I had not been the exemplary person that I usually was for my family or for the club. I wasn’t stuck up or spoiled, not by any means, but I sure did put that off to him the day before.
Now, I don’t normally just show up at the club, definitely not without a valid reason or being asked to be there, so when I walked in that afternoon and immediately ran into my father, I was a bit stuck for words. “Lambchop!” he bellowed out, his strong voice bouncing off the high ceilings of the clubhouse. “What brings you in here today?”
Smiling at him, I watched as he knitted his brows at me a bit at my obvious nervous candor. “Um, I just-...nothing, really, I was bored,” I stammered out, rolling my eyes at the utterly lame excuse.
He took my answer as was and gave me a smile, tapping my nose with his fingertip before patting his hand at my upper arm. “Well, good to see you. Go get some lunch, okay? Shrimp bisque fresh today.”
I nodded my head at him and watched as he walked away, continuing his interrupted discussion with his colleagues that had been following him around like puppy dogs. Huffing out a breath, I began to walk out towards the green, determined to find Niall, apologize and get the hell out of there. Standing out on part of the fairway green, I scanned the area and raised up on tiptoes to try and see past the guests as I peeked over the golf carts and down the rolling hills. I walked over towards the putting area, my eyes skimming across the line of members, hopeful that I would catch the sight of that familiar green cap that he was required to wear and those electric blue eyes.
After searching the grounds for about ten minutes, I let out a defeated sigh and decided to grab a table out on the veranda for some lunch. Might as well since I was there. Keeping my eyes peeled for him as I ate, I smiled sweetly at the older men who passed by and said hello, most of them members of the club since before I was born as I quietly finished my lunch.  
I came to the conclusion that maybe he hadn’t come into work that day for whatever reason and after lunch, I began following down a small path behind the outside veranda, sneaking out of the sight of the normal patrons. Looking up, I caught glimpse of another caddie, whistling a tune as he walked a bit ahead of me before pushing his way through a door that led into a side building that hooked right off the main clubhouse. I hadn’t really ever explored too much of that side of the course; my father liked to keep me out in the main area, this back part basically belonging to the staff.
Biting at my lip, I could feel my curiosity start to get the best of me and I slowly stepped over to the door, immediately freezing in place as it suddenly swung open. Another caddie walked through, stopping in his tracks as he saw me standing right in front of the door. Parting my lips as my words got stuck in my throat, I quickly gave him a kind smile and clumsily stepped back to let him pass, his narrowed eyes never leaving me as he made his way out to the green. He, for certain, knew who I was. They all knew who I was, which made this whole situation even more awkward and totally forbidden.
Members were barely allowed to interact with the staff unless absolutely necessary, let alone the owners’ daughter. And even more so, me slipping into what appeared to be the staff’s quarters? That was probably something no one would ever expect.
Sucking in a breath, I carefully pushed open the door and quietly stumbled inside. I flicked my eyes around the smaller hallway, noticing it was lined with a few doors. Tucking my bottom lip in between my teeth, I slowly began walking down the long corridor, my inquisitive eyes glancing into a few of the empty rooms before I heard what I knew could only be his laugh. I paused right outside the door that the sound had come from, my fingers curling into tight fists at my sides as I strangely began to feel this fluttering sensation take over in my lower stomach. Shaking it off with a huff, I closed my eyes for a moment and raised my chin, placing my hand on the door and gently easing it open.
About ten sets of eyes flew over to me, the room falling deathly silent as I stood right inside the door frame, my mouth parting slightly. It was a locker room. Half dressed men of different ages all over the place. I nervously flicked my eyes around, my voice struggling to get out through my embarrassment. “I...um–”
I heard the rasp of his voice blister out from the back of the crowd. My eyes quickly shot to where it had filtered from and locking in on him as he stood up from a bench in the back. He was dressed, thank God, and I let out a relieved sigh as I began walking towards him, slipping my body past the men as they kept their hushed stares on me. I guess it wasn’t everyday that the owner’s daughter came strolling into the locker room. “What that hell are ya doin’? Probably shouldn’t be in here...” he said as I got closer to him.
“Probably not but, I-” My stare bounced around the room as I stopped in front of him, a few of the other caddies surrounding us with all eyes glued to me. “Um, can we talk?” I softly asked, looking back up at him.
I watched a small smirk pull at his lips, the slight peak of his white teeth showing as he sat back down on the bench, peering up at my as he bent over slightly to tie his shoe. “Oh, now ya wanna have a conversation, eh?” he quipped, a ripple of wrinkles pressing into his forehead as he raised his brows.
Pressing my mouth in a line, I flicked my eyes to the other men and gave them a knowing glare. Thankfully, they got the hint and got up, walking away without a word and leaving Niall and I alone. Niall’s eyes followed their obedient movements before he sat his body up, tipping his head back to stare at me. “Got a power here, don’t ya?” he commented, nodding his head in the direction of the dispersed men.
“Listen,” I began, ignoring his comment, “I wanted to apologize for yesterday. You were right.” I locked eyes with him as he peered up at me, his back hunching over slightly as his tongue jut out to run across his lips. “I should be nicer.”
“I never said ya weren’t nice,” he replied, quirking his brow as he hooked his hands at his knees, “Said ya were a spoiled little rich girl.”
Dropping my eyes to my feet, I drew in a heavy breath before perching my hands up on my hips as I caught his stare once more. “Well, can’t really apologize for that, now can I?”
His mouth opened wide in a smile, his eyes squinting shut slightly as he let out a rumbled laugh and shook his head. “Fair enough. Guess not.” Tipping my face down, a shy smile pulled across my lips as I crossed an arm over my chest and raised my finger to my mouth, my nail running nervously at the front of my teeth.
“Sorry I snapped at ya,” he continued, making my eyes shoot back to his, “Wasn’t me place to be talkin’ to ya like that.”
I gave him an acknowledging nod, pinching my bottom lip in between my teeth as I dropped my hand to play with the bottom hem of my skirt. “Can we, I don’t know...start over?” I asked, my voice sweet, “Like, a proper hello and all that?”
I heard him let out a soft chuckle, my stare darting over his as he pushed himself up from the bench to stand in front of me. “I’d like that.”
Smiling through my bitten lip, I promptly tossed out my hand to him. He glanced down at it before looking back up at me, tipping his head to the slide slightly as his blue eyes narrowed a bit. I watched a half smirk form on his mouth and he reached out to take my hand.
The heat was blinding from his touch, his hand so big around mine and the skin of his palm was soft compared to the calloused pads of his fingers. I had to struggle to regain my breath. “Hi, Niall. I’m Caroline,” I stated, gently shaking his hand up and down, “I’m your boss’s daughter.”
A low giggle left his lips and he cocked his head back a bit, his half lidded eyes darting over mine. “Hi, Caroline. I’m Niall. Your father’s caddie.”
Leaning into me slightly, the air cinched in my lungs as his face pressed dangerously close to mine. I strained to breathe, the smell of his musty sweat permeating thick off his skin. “It’s a pleasure to meet ya,” he softly whispered before shifting his body back, never once breaking eye contact.
I slowly let go of his hand, swallowing hard as I barely tilted my head to the side. “Were you being serious yesterday?” I asked him, my eyes faltering down the soft curves of his face.
“When you said I was pretty cute?”
He let out a laugh, a solid one and reached up to grab his green cap off his head to push a hand through his thick blond hair. Holy crap, he was so hot. I couldn’t tear my eyes off him and I was positive everyone else in the room could tell. “No,” he snipped, wiggling the cap back on his head to sit just right. My eyes went wide, my mouth parting as I furrowed my brow.
“Think you’re far more gorgeous than that,” he finished, giving me a smirk, my eyes catching glimpse of a tiny dimple that was pressing into his cheek. “Just didn’t want your pretty little head gettin’ all big about it...”
Rolling my eyes at his comment, I crossed my arms over my chest in a playful huff. “You’re a bit of a jerk, you know that?”
He quirked a brow, his jaw jutting out to the side as he ran his tongue across his teeth. “And you’re still a spoiled little rich girl.”
I narrowed my eyes at him and pursed my lips together. “You better get back to work now, Niall.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
He brushed past me slightly as he stepped up to a small locker that was right next to us. Blowing out a heavy breath, I whipped around as I began to make my way out of the locker room. “See you around then?” I blurted out, quickly peeking back at him over my shoulder.
He turned his face slightly to look at me out of the corner of his eyes just as he had reached a hand into his locker. I felt my heart start to beat just a tiny bit faster in my chest as I stared straight into the cerulean blue of his eyes and saw the edge of his mouth barely tug up. “See ya on the green, Lambchop.”
I waited a couple days before deciding to show up at the club again, itching to go back and see him, but totally not wanting to let him know that. I had to keep some dignity, but there was just something about that boy that I could not get out of my head. The way he spoke and carried himself; so sure and confident and the fact that he wasn’t afraid to speak his mind to me. It was something that I didn’t encounter too often. It made me giddy to think of how he looked at me, the way his hand felt against mine. It was probably silly of me to think that way, I had only just met him and only had a few minutes conversation, but something was pulling me towards him, something that I couldn’t explain.
I did know one thing though, if my father ever found out about any of it, whatever it was would be over faster than it had begun.
Rushing out onto the green as soon as I arrived to the club, I wasted no time and frantically began searching for him. Checking the golf cart station, down by the first tee and around the other side of the veranda. He was no where. Finally seeing one of the other caddies that was in the locker room the other day, I stopped to ask him if he knew where he was. “What do you need Niall for, Miss Caroline?” he inquired, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.
I swallowed hard, shuffling on my feet as I tried to come up with a decent excuse. “My dad needs him. Told me to find him.”
“Is he getting ready to go out on the green?”
I shook my head, holding out my hands in exasperation. “I don’t know, he...he just asked me to find him.”
The guy quickly glanced around, licking across his lips before leaning in a bit closer to me. “He’s out on the far back green, all the way at the end, over by Rose’s tree line.”
I shot my eyes to him, knitting my brows. “Why are you whispering?”
“Because...we’re not supposed to be out there.” He raised his brows as he began to walk away. “Not without a golfer anyway.”  
Biting at my lip, I watched as he turned the corner before I ran back into the clubhouse, past the reception desk and out to the side, back to the golf cart station. Slipping in behind the desk, I grabbed a numbered key and hurriedly made my way over to the lot, grabbing the matching cart number and hopping in. I hadn’t driven one of them in a couple years and I had quite a bit of a shaky start as I pulled out of the little parked spot and began to follow the paved paths down through the fairways, but soon got the hang of it.
Flying down the slopes and over the hills, past the groups of members playing at various tees, I finally rounded the corner that led down past the very last hole. I caught glimpse of him standing in a small clearing by Rose’s tree line, just as the other caddie had said. Slowing down the cart, I stopped it right by the edge of the green, far enough away that he couldn't hear me pull up but close enough that I could quietly watch him for a moment.
Resting my chin down on my folded arms that laid at the top of the steering wheel, I let the warm summer breeze gently blow through my hair as I fixated my eyes on him. His back was to me and I sat, mesmerized by the fluid movement of his body as he took swing after swing, the loud ping of the golf balls being hit by the club and flying into the air the only sound filling the small valley that was nestled between the trees. His body was incredible. Those broad shoulders and muscular back flexing with every swing of his arms, his tiny waist that evened out his wide chest so perfectly. His ass. Oh my God, his ass was probably the best looking thing I had ever seen in my life. My eyes fluttered lightly, a sigh falling from my lips as I ran my stare across every single part of him. His biceps contracted under the snug fit of his golf shirt, the front of the material pulling tight across his chest and was tucked so perfectly into the front waistband of his shorts–
I quickly got snapped out of my daydream, my head yanking up from the cradle of my arms as I focused my eyes back on him. He had seen me, his body turned around with his hand up by his face, shielding the sun from his eyes that his hat didn’t quite cover. Starting the golf cart back up, I shook my head at myself for getting caught and slowly drove over the green to where he was. He began walking over to me as I came to a stop, dangling the handle of his driver in his hand. “What are ya doin’ back here?” he asked me, stepping up to the stand by the drivers side of the cart. He brought his forearm up to rest at the top of it, leaning his body against the cart and crossing his ankles.
I tucked my hair behind my ear, the breeze picking up a little and blowing it across my face. “I don’t know. Just...just driving around,” I told him, squinting my eyes to look up at him as I had forgotten my sunglasses in my car.
He propped his hand the jut of his hip as his golf club dangled by his leg, his held tilting down a bit to peer at me. “Drivin’ ‘round lookin’ for me, yeah?” he commented with a smug smirk on his lips, the outright cockiness of his words making me roll my eyes.
“Ah, well, okay then,” he said, lifting his head for a moment to look back over at the tee. “Since you’re here, ya wanna join me? Maybe hit a few? I’m no professional, but I could show ya how.”  
I scoffed out a laugh, stepping my foot out of the cart to push myself up from the seat. Standing in front of him, I perched my hands on my hips and tipped my head to the side. “Niall, I’m the daughter of a club owner. I’ve practically grown up here. I could probably show you a thing or two in golf,” I softly quipped, a chuckle leaving his mouth. Reaching for the club in his hand, I slipped it from his grasp and walked past him over to the tee.
He slowly followed me, standing back far enough so he could watch my form. With his arms crossed over his chest and his feet spread wide, he was quiet, his eyes glued to me as I bent down to grab a ball and set it up. “It has been a while though, so don’t judge,” I mumbled to him, flicking my head to get the hair out of my face as I took my stance. Eyeing down the green, I looked back down at the ball, steadying my hands and locking my elbow as I swung my arms back and followed through, a loud crack heard as I sent the ball soaring down the fairway.
I heard a clapping from behind me and swung my body around to look at him. His mouth was turned down at the corners and he was nodding his head at me in approval. “Very nice. You’re pretty fuckin’ good.”
“Yeah,” I admitted, turning my head to look back down to where it had landed, “could have been better. The wind is crazy today.” He gave me a smile as I glanced back over to him and held out the club. “Your turn.”
He shook his head, tipping it down as he grabbed the club from my hand. “Might make a fool outta meself now,” he grumbled, stepping up to the tee.
“I doubt that.”
He shot me a lopsided smile, his body wiggling a bit as he got in his stance. “You’d be surprised, Lambchop.”
I rolled my eyes at him, watching as he took a swing, the ball flying and landing not too far from mine. “You’ve got to stop calling me that,” I scoffed, reaching for the club as he handed it back to me.
He let out a chuckle, his throat bobbing from the loud rumbling sound. “Why’s that?”
“Because!” I blared out, getting myself ready for my shot. “My dad calls me that. It’s...weird.” Slipping my tongue out of my mouth to spit out some hair that had gotten stuck to my lips, I frustratingly struggled to push the unruly pieces out of my face as I tried to line up my shot.
“Here,” he mumbled as he stepped up to me.
I turned my face to peer up at him as he grabbed the rim of his green hat with his fingers and plucked it off his head. Shuffling to stand behind me, I gasped in a sharp breath as I felt his fingers card down through my hair, running gently down the sides of my face as he pulled my hair back and slipped his hat down on top of my head. The tingles shot down to my toes as I felt the faint pressure of his hand at my lower back, his face pressing close to the side of mine as he leaned into me. “That should help a bit,” he whispered out to me, his hot breath cutting through the breeze to spill out across my cheek. I swallowed hard, muttering out a low ‘thank you’ as he stepped back to let me finish my swing, his rough fingertips dragging across my lower back a lot longer than needed.
Trying to compose myself, I got back into my stance, concentrating on the ball as I took my swing, the ball nearly missing the hole by mere inches. I let out a squeal, spinning around with a big smile on my face before hopping over to him and handing him the club. “Good thing we aren’t playin’ for real,” he snickered, his shoulders brushing past mine as he walked up to the tee, “afraid you’d be proper kickin’ me arse.”
“Next time we should put money on it,” I teased, biting at my lip.
“Shit...” he said, setting the ball on the tee before glancing back over at me, “I’m bettin’ on you then.”
I let out a shy giggle, covering my mouth with my hand as he gave me a wink. I kept my stare glued to him as he got ready to take his shot. He really did have an amazing golf form. Very straight and tight in all the right places. His grip was good and his swing was phenomenal. I held my breath as I the ball went flying, lifting up on my tip toes in anticipation as we both watched it bounce on the green. Once. Twice. Then rolling straight into the hole.
He whipped around to face me, dropping the club to the ground and flexing his arms in tightened fists as a loud celebratory roar came bursting out of his mouth. I tipped my head back in a laugh, his hat falling from my head before I rushed over to him and swung my arms up around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist, squeezing tight and he lifted me up off the ground a bit, my feet dangling slightly as he hugged onto me. I laughed into his shoulder, my fingers gripping into the sweat soaked material of his golf shirt before I felt him ease me back down to the ground, his hands still holding tight to me as the sticky side of his face buried in against my neck.
Pressing my nose against his jaw, my lips parted slightly and my heavy breaths blew over his ear as his big hand slid up the slope of my back, his other gripping into the material of my shorts right at the top curve of my bum. I could feel the slight brush of his lips against my skin, the tip of his nose pushing in lightly as I ran a hand up the nape of his neck, letting my fingers comb through the thick of his hair at the back of his head. He panted out across my throat, just holding my body into the warmth of his as I sucked in a short breath and slowly began turning my face towards his. He lifted his head from the tuck of my neck right as my mouth skimmed across the stubbled skin of his chin, my lips desperate to find his as I roughly twisted my fingers into his hair. I could feel the intoxicating heat from his heavy breathing, feel the erratic rise of his chest against mine as my nose slid against his sunburnt cheek and my lips faintly brushed at the corner of his.
Closing my eyes, I felt the wet skim of his lips, my inviting mouth barely falling open before he grabbed at my upper arms and hastily pushed my body away from him, our impending kiss being suddenly ripped apart. My eyes shot open and my hands dropping from him as I stumbled back, my mouth hung open in utter shock as his blue eyes stared wide at me.
I could feel the humiliation immediately starting to set in, my cheeks burning hot as my stomach twisted in on itself, confident that if I didn’t get the hell away from him I would probably burst into tears right there. His pink lips parted as if he was desperately searching for something to say, his stare pleading with me as I slowly began to back away towards the golf cart. His head lightly shook back and forth, his hand reaching out for me as I waved him off and finally turned around as I jumped back into the cart.
“Caroline!” he called out, taking a single step towards me.
I quickly started the cart, backing it up and pulling off the green. Flicking my head over my shoulder, I looked back at him right before rounding the top of the hill, my eyes beginning to water as I watched him slowly crouch down and drop his head into the full of his hands.
“Daddy, I’m not going.”
“Lambchop, you have to go,” he stated over breakfast that morning. “We have a reporter coming from the Southern Herald. They are doing an article about the charity the club is holding next weekend.”
I rolled my eyes, slouching back into my chair at the table. Flicking at my eggs with the prongs of my fork, my mind began to seep back to Niall, just as it had been over the past week since he practically ran away screaming from our almost-kiss. “Great. So another perfect family photo-op,” I retorted, sarcasm heavy on my tongue.
“Caroline,” my mother warned in a stern tone. I rolled my eyes once again in a disgruntled huff. There was no way I could show my face there. No way. No way I could walk up in there plastered with a fake smile on my face and risk the possibility of running into him. Oh God, I would be mortified. I couldn’t even think of him without getting flushed with embarrassment, how would I even look him in the face?
“I’m sorry, Caroline if you have better things to do.” My eyes flicked to my father, knowing he meant business when he used my real name. “But you don’t have a choice.”
I kept quiet, my stare focused on him as he took one last sip of his coffee and stood up from the table, signaling to Mary, our kitchen maid, that he was done with his plate. He grabbed his napkin and wiped his mouth before tossing it the table and pointing a finger at me. “Be there at noon sharp, young lady.”
Dropping my stare, I gingerly nodded my head as he walked off, snatching his suit jacket off the back of his chair. Glancing over at my mother, she gave me a knowing grin as she spread her jam on her toast. “You know better than to question your father, Caroline,” she informed me under her breath, her eyes stuck down at her plate, “He does what he does for the family. You shouldn’t try and put a wedge in that.”
“I’m not putting a wedge. I just...I don’t want to go today, that’s all,” I said back to her.
She rested her hands on the edge of the table, tipping her head to the side at me. “What’s different from today than all the other days?”
I couldn’t dare tell her about Niall. About how I had kissed, well almost kissed, Daddy’s new caddie. She would definitely tell him and my life would be over. As well as Niall’s. Shaking my head, I shot her a small smile and scooted my chair back to stand up. “Nothing. It’s nothing.” I kindly smiled at Mary and she reached around me to grab at my half eaten breakfast plate. “I’ll be there.”
I arrived at the club five minutes before noon, determined to get in, get the pictures done and haul ass out of there as fast as I could, all the while actively avoiding Niall. Seemed to be pretty easy considering I had rarely seen him out and about around the veranda as it was.
I snuck up beside my Dad just as the photographer was setting up the shot, a smile on his face as he peered down at me, happy that I had made it. Taking in a deep breath, I slapped a smile on my face, keeping up appearances for the well of the family and the club, as the photographer began clicking away. I kept my stare on the camera, smiling and squinting past the beaming afternoon sun.
There were hoards of people standing around, apparently our family taking pictures just out past the veranda was the highlight of their day. My eyes flicked about the crowds, letting out a small laugh at the spectacle my family was creating within the grounds. Turning my head back to the where the photographer was standing, my eyes followed suit before I froze, the smile immediately dropping off my face as I caught sight of Niall.
Standing off in the distance, far away from the gathers of patrons, he was leaned up against the stone wall, right under a canopied walkway as he gently swung a white golf towel between his hands. His stare bored straight into mine, my breath suddenly hitching deep in my throat as I scrambled to get the red heat that was so quickly spreading to my face under control. “You okay, Lambchop?” my dad mumbled through his smile, noticing my obvious distress.
I flicked my eyes back to Niall, still standing over by the wall. Still very much staring. “I’m, um...yeah. Are we almost done?”
I felt his hand on my waist tighten a bit. “Just a couple more.”
Finally finished with the photos, I quickly raised to my tiptoes to kiss my father on the cheek before spinning around, not even daring to make eye contact with Niall. I pushed my way through the crowds on the veranda, making my way back into the clubhouse. Keeping my head down, I held a hand at my forehead, silently cursing myself for even coming back here. Stupid, stupid, stup–
The surly sound of his voice made me flick my head up to see him standing just a few feet in front of me. My mouth fell open and I darted my eyes around the open room before quickly turning to my right to hurry down a back hallway.
“Caroline. Please…wait!”
He kept calling after me, his voice getting closer with each word he spit out in that raspy accent. Feeling his fingers grip at my elbow as he finally caught up to me halfway down the darkened hallway, I stopped dead in my tracks and spun around to face him. “You’re not supposed to be in here,” I spit out at him, making sure he was fully aware that caddies were not allowed inside the member’s only clubhouse. “If my father sees you–”
“Why are ya avoidin’ me?” he asked, cutting me off sharp.
I tipped my head to the side at him, pulling in my brows. “Are you serious, Niall?”
He darted his eyes with mine, his pink lips turned down slightly at the corners. “You haven’t been here all week.”
Rolling my eyes in a slight huff, I crossed my arms over my chest. “That’s nothing new. I’m hardly ever here.”
I watched his tongue jut out and run across his bottom lip. “Is it...is it ‘cause what happened? The other day out on the back green?” Flicking my eyes away from his, I rolled my tongue in my mouth and tipped my head down. “Look, Caroline, I’m sorry, okay?” he continued, holding his hands out to me as I slowly caught his stare again, “I’m sorry I pulled away from ya like that. I didn’t want to, I-...it’s just...this can’t happen.”
“What can't happen?”
“This!” he stressed, shooting his eyes around as he leaned in and lowered his voice. “Me and you.”
Knitting my brows, I narrowed my eyes at him and shrugged my shoulders. “Why?”
He let out a huff of breath, his hands resting on his hips as he tipped his face down for a moment. “ ‘cause. Who you are and,like...who I am...”
I lifted my hands and squeezed my eyes shut as I let out a snort. “What? What is this Niall, the fucking nineteen hundreds?” I snapped, “What does that even mean?”
He rolled his eyes at me, bringing a hand up to his face to run across his forehead. “I just mean ‘cause I work for your Dad. We can’t be gettin’ into anythin’.”
“I don’t care about that.”
“I know you don’t care,” he quipped, “but I do! I got me job on the line here and I can't afford to lose it.”
Shaking my head, I pushed out a soft breath and dropped my stare to the floor, watching as I wiggled my toes in my sandals. “Niall, if you don’t like me, then just say it. It’s fine–” Glancing back up at him, I caught sight of my dad right over his shoulder, talking to some reporters and completely unaware that Niall and I were standing just twenty feet away. “Shit!” I whispered, making Niall twist his head around to look as I quickly grabbed at the front of his shirt and pulled him into the nearest room with me before quietly closing the door.
“The coat room?” he muttered out, having walked into the middle of the small room. Not turning around, I leaned in and pressed my forehead against the door as I closed my eyes and pulled in a jumbled breath. It was deathly silent, the completely enclosed walls of the room, shutting out every sound except that of his steady breathing. I heard him let out a soft sigh before stepping up behind me. His big hands came up to wrap lightly around my upper arms, the lean front of his body resting right up against my backside. I could feel the soft caress of his fingers at my temple as he reached up and brushed my fallen hair from the side of my face, and it made my knees practically go weak beneath me, my bones feeling as if they were made of nothing but jello with every drag of his rough fingertips on my skin.
Pushing my hair across the back of my neck to rest over my one shoulder, I felt the warm press of his wet lips right at the nape of my neck, a tender kiss being dotted right at the top of my spine. I gulped back a breath, my eyes fluttering from the sweltering heat of his wet mouth swarming around me as he slowly pecked tiny kisses across the plane of neck. “Never said I didn’t like ya,” he muttered against my skin, his large palms dragging down the length of my arms before moving to wrap around my waist. “Quite the opposite actually.”
With my heart pounding in my chest, I slowly lifted my head up from the wooden door and turned around to look up at him. I swallowed hard as I was instantly met with the wide blown pupils of his half lidded eyes. His arm snaked around the back of my waist, fingers digging in as he yanked my body flush to his, my feet stumbling a bit as my head fell back in a slightly thud against the door.
Gasping in a breath, his other hand pressed its way up the front of my body, his dark eyes following the path of it as he slowly wrapped his fingers around the front of my throat. My lips parted, a small whimper etching out as he locked eyes with me and let a smirk tug at the corner of his lips. I felt the slight press of his thumb as it ran down the jut of my bared throat, my chin raised a bit as his other fingers twisted tight into the light chiffon material of my short summer dress at the dip in my waist.
He licked hungrily at his lips and leaned into me, his hot breath pulsing out against my begging mouth. Nudging the tip of his nose against mine, my eyes lightly fluttered closed as I silently mouthed out the word ‘please’ before finally having the sweet taste of his lips pressed to mine. He kissed me hard, his tongue sweeping into my mouth and dipping against my own as his grip around my throat gently held me still. Whimpering into his open mouth, he dragged his spit coated lips from mine and I pulled in a much needed breath as he used his thumb to press up under the jut of my chin, his mouth attacking at the side of my neck. Sucking across the tender skin, he rocked his eager hips against mine, making a shallow cry curdle past my lips as my eyes shot open, desperately trying to focus through the warm dark haze of the room .
My hands fumbled at his sides, quickly slipping to his waist and shoving down between us to the front waistband of his shorts. He chuckled out against me, the rough pads of his fingers pressing deep into my neck. “I’ve been wantin’ to kiss ya all fuckin’ week,” he breathed out hot against my neck, his hips rolling a bit harder into mine.
“Niall…fuck,” I whined, my voice broken with lust as my fingers fought to undo the button of his shorts.
He retracted his lips from my sticky flesh with a smack, lifting his head up and loosening his grip on my neck. Bringing my face back down, I locked eyes with him, my chest rising high as I struggled to breath within the stuffy air of the small room and watched as a tiny smirk pulled at his mouth. Darting my tongue out across my lips, I threw my hands up to clasp tight around his face, standing up on my tip toes as I hastily pulled him into another kiss. I sucked at his tongue, my head tilting and harshly nipping at his bottom lip before I broke away and pressed my needy mouth down over the jut of his stubbled jaw. My tongue slipped out to eagerly taste at the salty sweat that had formed a gorgeous sheen across the skin of his neck .
Dirty and worked rough in the unforgiving southern heat of the day, I breathed him in as I sucked at his freckled skin, red patched and musty with sweat. I hummed against him, his hands gripped tight to my waist as his head tipped back to rest on his shoulders. Hearing a low groan rumble out from his throat, I slipped my hands down the front of his body, curling my fingers around the slack material of his golf tee and yanking up on it, untucking it from the waist of his pressed white shorts.
Pulling my lips from his dewy skin, he brought his face down to look at me, eyes heavy and cheeks flushed. He watched as my tongue lazily lapped the taste of him off my lips and I smiled sweetly at him, my fingers slowly pulling down the zipper of his shorts. “Jesus,” he breathed out, my body slowly falling to my knees in front of him as he leaned forward and flat palmed his hands to the wooden door. His head fell down between his biceps, darkened eyes glued to me as I peered up at him, my one hand shoving down into the top hem of his boxers to help pull his length out as the fingers of my other hand gently ease down the front of them.
My eyes fell to the beautiful sight in front of me, his achingly hard cock twitching with his pulse as it hung out of the opening of his shorts. Uncut and mouth wateringly thick, his skin was a soft pale peach and marbled with veins all along the shaft as the tip shined a bright pink, drops of leaking precum beading up at the slit. I shot my eyes up to his face, his puffy mouth hanging open as he stared down at me and subtly rocked his slim hips.
Letting out a giggle, I grasped around his thickness, my fingers giving him a gentle squeeze before pressing my other hand to his thigh and bringing his leaking tip to my lips. Pushing out my tongue, I gave him a few kitten licks right at the head, savoring the tiny bit of salty liquid. His breathing wavered in his chest, staggered puffs of air blowing past his dry lips as he watched me and I dipped my head slightly to run my flattened tongue right up the underside of his length. I curled my tongue along the prominent vein that swirled up his throbbing shaft before wrapping my lips completely around the tip and giving him a long heavy suck.
“Fuck…” he groaned, my stare darting up to look at him as I pushed him further into my mouth. His eyes fell closed and I used my spit coated hand to firmly stroke up and down his length as I bobbed on him. Pressing the side of his face into the swell of his bicep as I worked him, my fingers slipped down to circle around his base as I opened my throat and pushed him down as far as I could, my nose burying into the dark hair that surrounded his cock. I gagged around him, my eyes squeezing shut as I breathed in the strong musty scent that was tingling my nose. Popping off his thick cock, I choked in a breath and tipped my head back to peer up at him as I jerked around his tip a few good times, before I greedily slipped him back in my mouth. My tongue swirled around the head, right up under the ridge and elicited a low hiss from his clenched teeth. Sucking hard on him, I felt his body tense and rock towards me at the over sensitivity.
His hand slid down from the plane of the door to rest at the back of my head, his thick fingers curling into my hair as I worked him harder. “Fuckin’ hell…” he breathlessly muttered. Pressing my free hand against the top of his thigh, I started to run it over the front of his body and shoved my fingers up under the hem of his shirt. My hand splayed at the hot skin of his lower tummy, fingertips ruffling through the dark hair of his happy trail as I urged him down my throat again, craving that salty taste and overpowering scent of his sweat coated body.
Before I could fully slide him down my throat, he roughly tugged at my hair, my mouth slopping off his swollen cock with pop as his other hand grabbed at my arm and yanked me up to my feet. Wrapping his big hand around my neck, he pushed my body back up against the door and smashed his mouth to mine. My arms slung around his neck as kissed me, Niall sucking hard at my overworked tongue. I whimpered between open mouth kisses as I felt his other hand slap to my thigh, dragging steadily up my soft skin and flitting his greedy fingers up under the material of my dress.
I could feel the warmth begin to pool at my center, his fingers dangerously close to my begging heat as they dug deep into my skin, tightly holding my body against his. I rolled my hips towards him, his swollen length pressed up between us and pushing against my pubic bone. Slowly his fingers moved up even more, the light scrape of his short nails scratching at my tender skin as he hooked them under the side hem of my panties and curled his fist around. His arm flexed, his knuckles turning white as he yanked hard at them, the sound of the material tearing apart making me cry out into his mouth as he completely ripped them off my body. He smirked against my lips, proud of his work as he pressed at my inner thigh with the back of his hand to spread my legs a bit.
Easing back from his kiss, I combed my fingers up through his hair, my eyes slowly peeling open to meet his stare. His calloused fingers curiously dragged up the trembling skin of my inner thigh, my body already beginning to shake against him as I felt the slight brush of his knuckle against my folds. Sucking in a jumbled breath, I held it high in my expanded chest, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip as he darted his darkened eyes with mine. His hand pulled out from between my legs, the loss of his touch making me gasp as I watched him bring his fingertips to his mouth and stick out his tongue to wet across the pads of them. My eyes fluttered as his brow quirked and he hurriedly shoved his hand back down between our bodies and up under my dress.
Cracking out a moan, my eyelids pinched closed as I felt two of his warm slick fingers immediately drag down my wet slit, pushing right into my opening. My mouth fell open in halted silence as he rested his forehead to mine, his steamy breath filling my lungs as I finally gasped for air. Burying his thick fingers as deep into me as he could, he slowly began to fuck me with them, my entire body quivering against him as he hooked the tips just right, the rough pads tapping at my upper wall.
I tightened my arms around his neck, dropping my head down to his shoulder as I struggled to catch my breath. The heel of his palm was hitting perfectly at my clit with every pump of his fingers, the feeling almost causing my knees to buckle underneath me. “God...Niall...please...” I shakily breathed out against the collar of his shirt. The pads of his fingers dug into the back of my neck and twisted into my hair as his other hand worked me faster, his fingers flicking up perfectly inside me and making me cry out against him.
I could feel the stubble along his jaw rub at the side of my face as he pressed his flushed skin against mine, his hasty breaths panting out into my ear. “Feel good?” he whispered to me, my body trembling as I desperately tried to hold myself up.
Barely nodding my head in a low whimper, he let out a chuckle at my response, his fingers slipping out of me for a moment to rub a few tight circles right at my clit. I cried out, my teeth sinking into the material of his shirt at his shoulder as my fingernails dug into his upper back. “Gonna come for me?” he urged, my breath hitching as he pushed his fingers back inside me and fucked me with them even harder, “Is that what ya want, baby? Want me to make ya come?”
I swallowed hard in between gasps, my stomach tensed as I rolled my hips towards his hand. “I want…” I paused, my voice broken as I struggled to get the words out, “I want...you. P-please...”
His fingers stalled inside me, my eyes slowly peeling open as he slide the full of his hand to the back of my head. “Ya sure?” he whispered as I lifted my face to look up at him. He stared at me, his hand moving to brush along down the side of my face as he slowly pulled his fingers from me.
Smiling at him, I raised my brow and nodded my head as I slid my hands to rest right at the front of his chest and began pushing him backwards. He stumbled as I led him to the opposite side of the room, his feet slightly tripping over one another before I gave him a hefty shove. His body slumped down onto a bench that was pressed up against the wall, completely covered in suit jackets and he slapped his hands down to the bench at his sides, tossing his head back in a loud laugh. Widening my eyes at him, I brought a finger up to my lips. “Shhh,” I warned him, softening my stare as he smirked up at me.
Biting at my lip, I cupped my hands around his jaw and leaned down to press a sweet kiss to his lips. I tipped my face down, watching as I reached between us to wrap my fingers back around his length, still swollen and pulsing for me. He looked down as I kept a hand at his shoulder, my face hovering over him to let a single drop of spit slide off my rounded lips and fall right at the head of his waiting cock. Hissing in a breath from the feeling, his jaw clenched as I used my fingers to spread the hot spit down his shaft and flicked my eyes back up to his face. His lustful stare focused on me, the corner of his mouth tugging up as I straightened my body and shoved my hand up under my dress, puffing it out a bit to easily climb onto his lap, my legs straddling around either side of his hips.
His large hands wrapped around my waist, his face tipped back to look up at me as I dragged my palm over his shoulder to the back of his head. My fingers gripped tight into the thick of his blond tips as my other hand lined him up at my entrance before I flung my hand from between my legs to the front of his chest.
Locking eyes, our mouths fell open in broken moans as I pushed my hips into him, sinking down on him. I gasped through the burn, his thickness stretching my walls as I let him bury all the way inside me. “Holy...shit,” he mumbled, his eyes rolling back as I began to rock against him, my hips slowly grinding down into his. The warmth of his hands seeped through the thin material of my dress as he pressed them deep to my body, helping me move against him.
My forehead pushed rough to his, our quick rushed breaths flowing past our lips as I fucked him, rolling my hips down and sliding against the slight curve of his cock. Pressing my mouth to his, he swallowed my heavy moans, my fingers sliding up over his chest to wrap around his thick neck, my nails digging into his sticky mottled skin as he lifted his hips to bury himself deeper inside me.
Crying out, his hand ran up the center of my back, his fingers twisting into the back of my hair and yanking hard, my head tumbling back to rest on my shoulders in a gasped breath. “Oh...my God...” I whined out, the words barely stumbling off my parted lips as I felt the slight graze of his other fingers dragging up my bared neck. Swallowing hard, I felt two of them run across my dry swollen mouth and dip in past my parted lips. I laid my tongue out, the taste of myself lingering on the rough pads of his skin and he slid them all the way into my mouth, watching with heavy eyes as I gagged gently around them.
Slowly slipping them from my constricted throat, he pressed them into my bottom lip and over my chin, a wet trail of spit following as he traced them down the front of my neck. I let out a shallow gasp as he quickly leaned forward and smashed his hot needy mouth to the hollow of my throat, gently sucking and lapping his tongue along the wetted path. My stomach tensed as we both rolled our hips against each other, the heat of my orgasm building fast in my center as he sucked down my chest, his slight stubble scratching at the exposed skin. I squeezed my eyes shut, my hips bouncing a bit faster on him as I worked to bring myself over that sweet edge.
My fingers tangled tight in his hair, my nails scraping at his scalp as his mouth ravaged down the skin of my chest, sucking at the swell of my breasts. Clamping my thighs firmly around his slim hips, my body began to shake out of my control as I clenched down around him. I sucked in a deep jumbled breath, the room seemingly collapsing in around us and the stifling air burning through me as it generously filled my lungs. He moved his own hips faster, pushing my body down on him as he fucked up into me, his perfect white teeth sinking into the soft exposed flesh of my breast. “Fuck...oh God, Niall...” I cried out, his mouth dragging back up to my throat and sucking vigorously at the dip below my ear.
“Come for me, baby,” he growled out, as I grinded my swollen center down harder on him, “wanna feel ya come for me.”
My body began to vibrate, the twinge of my release filtering through me as I bounced faster on him, the head of his cock twitching right against my g-spot. “Come…” he demanded, his gravelly voice filling roughly in my ear, “Come on me fuckin’ cock, baby…”
Gasping in a sharp breath, I held it deep in my lungs as I tensed around him, my body uncontrollably starting to convulse. My fingers gripped tight to him, holding him against my writhing body as my trembling thighs clamped tight to his, my orgasm finally freeing and coursing wild throughout me. A sweet and heavy release, the room began to spin, my eyes squeezed so tight I could see sparks of light bursting as I he buried himself as deep into me as he could, rocking his slim hips against me just enough to guide me a bit longer through my release. I pulsed heavy around him, his name slipping out past my lips, broken and weak as his mouth pressed tender kisses to the underside of my jaw.
I swirled my hips against him, still steadily fucking down onto him to help bring him to his own release, my body jolting from the aftershocks of my orgasm. Bringing my face back down to look at him, his fingers uncurled from my hair as he caught my stare. I pressed my forehead to his, our bodies rocking steadily together as our hot panting breaths filled the tight space between us, his tongue shakily darting out to lick at his lips.
“Fuck, I’m...I’m gonna-...”
His words staggered of his tongue, those pink lips falling open as his eyes fluttered closed. I could feel his fingernails dig into my skin as he gripped tight to the light material of my dress and I smiled to myself, pressing a small kiss to his sweet parted mouth before lifting myself up off of him. His eyes shot open at the feeling, a deep groan leaving his mouth as his throbbing cock slipped from me, my unstable legs shifting to kneel right in front of him. He gazed down at me, all fucked out and tongue tied as I gripped my hand around his slick and achingly hard length and leaned my face down to wrap my hot mouth around the thick head of his cock which was heavily coated with my own orgasm.
He gulped back a stunted breath, his chest rising high under the soft material of his golf shirt as I eagerly pushed him down my throat, my hand resting at his knee to steady myself as my nose buried deep into the wet matted hair around the base of his cock. “Oh my...fuckin’...God...” he groaned out, throwing his head back as I gagged around him. His cock twitched wildly against my tongue before I sucked my way back up his length, popping him out of my mouth. My fingers wrapped firmly around his shaft as he tried to focus his hazy stare down at me, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as I jerked him, my lips sucking fervidly at his tip.
His thighs shook beneath me as I flicked my eyes up to his, watching as his mouth slowly began to fall open. Stroking him, I popped my mouth off the head of him and laid my tongue flat, my wrist twisting as I my fingers rubbed up over his sensitive tip, his body careening forward with every touch.
The words barely slipped out of his mouth as his face scrunched up and his eyes screwed closed. I felt his bitter warmth spurt out heavily onto my tongue, thick white streams lacing across the flat of it as I pumped him steadily, working every drop out of him that I could. Regaining his breath, his head rolled to the side, his heavy lidded eyes slowly peeling open to peer down at me. His white load pooled on my tongue and I locked eyes with him, a wasted little half smirk pulling at his lips as he brought his hand over to caress across my face, brushing some fallen hair out of the way.
“Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” he whispered, accent thick as I wrapped my lips around his sensitive tip once more and gave him a hefty suck. I popped off, a string of white dripping from my bottom lip as I swallowed down his slightly sour load. He chuckled at my scrunched up face, the musty bitterness of his cum leaving an aftertaste that stuck thick to the back of my throat. “Sorry, Lambchop,’ he mentioned, his thumb tracing down the side of my cheek. “Drink a lot of beer.”
I giggled out at him, wiping across my used mouth with the back of my wrist before resting my hands at his knees. “I can tell,” I agreed, shooting him a smile.
Leaning forward, he cradled my cheeks within his big hands, his eyes flowing across my entire face. “That was-...holy shit, Caroline.”
I bit at my lip, suppressing a shy smile as my fingers tightened around his knees, fingers pressing into the exposed skin. “Yeah. It was.”
Watching as his tongue slipped over the front of his teeth, my eyes flicked up to his wild mess of hair before catching his stare again. He shot me a smirk and leaned down, tugging my face up a bit to meet him in a soft kiss.
Pulling back slightly, his thumb traced lightly over my bottom lip and down the curve of my throat.  “So, I guess you’re more like me dirty little rich girl, huh?” he softly teased with a snicker.
I darted eyes with him, gnawing at the inside of my lip. “I’ll be anything you want, Niall,” I breathed out to him, watching as the bright blue slowly began to fade back into his eyes.
He leaned in and pressed another kiss to my mouth as I drew in a contented breath. “Well, I like ya just the way ya are.”
I couldn’t sleep worth shit that night. Tossing and turning, my heart racing and a permanent smile plastered on my face, all I could think about was Niall and what had happened in that coat closet. I had never done anything like that before in my life. At least not that carefree and dangerous. Fucking in my father’s clubhouse? With his caddie? Oh my God.
I wanted to make sure that I could see him as much as I possibly could, so I showed up at the clubhouse the next day a little before noon. Skipping through the front doors, I headed right out towards the green, absolutely sure he would be out there. I skimmed my stare through the crowds, my eyes searching for the familiar green hat with the thick blond hair sticking out underneath. Walking slowly around the veranda, I scanned across the rolling hills of the green,  my breath hitching in my lungs every time my eyes caught the sight of a green hat and then felt my heart drop when it wasn’t followed by the bright blue of his eyes.
Shuffling back around to the side of the clubhouse, I turned down the path that led to the staff quarters and swallowed hard as I quietly slipped in the door. I walked down the short hall before stepping right into the locker room, preparedly covering my eyes with my hand this time as I heard a few hushed voices.
“You’re safe, Miss Caroline.” I heard a voice call out.
Letting out a sigh, I dropped my hand down to my side and gave the few clothed men a sweet smile. My eyes flicked around the room, brows knitted and my lip tucking in between my teeth before I stepped up to the nearest caddie that was sitting at the end of a bench. “Um, you don’t happen to know where Niall is, do you?” I asked him, my voice coming out quiet.
He looked up at me with narrowed eyes and shook his head. “No, sorry. Haven’t seen him all morning.”
“Who ya looking for?” another man piped in.
I shot my eyes over to him, my hands swinging in front of me and clasping together. “Niall?”
I watched the man’s face half scrunch up in thought, his arms planting at his hips. “To be honest, Miss, I don’t think he came in today. He wasn’t signed in on the timesheet.”
Furrowing my brows, I pursed my lips to the side in confusion. “Oh...o-okay,” I said back to him, “Um, thank you. Sorry for bothering...everyone.” I quickly turned around and pushed my way out of the locker room door, slowly shuffling back outside.
Stopping as I stepped out of the side door, I rested my back up against the stone side of the building, my fingers coming up to my mouth as I tried to rack my brain on why he wouldn’t show up at work today. Is it me? Is he avoiding me? He wouldn’t do that. No way. He said so himself he needed this job, he wouldn’t just not show up.
Pushing myself up from the wall, I rushed back through the veranda and made my way into the clubhouse. Stopping by the front desk, I leaned my palms against the edge as I stared at the receptionist. “Where’s my father?” I sternly inquired, my voice a bit louder than anticipated.
“I’m sorry, Caroline–”
“Denise, this isn’t a joke. Where is my father?” I darted eyes with her, her mouth parting in shock as I had never once raised my voice to her before.
“He’s in the...boardroom,” she stuttered out, “But I–”
“Thanks,” I grumbled back, pushing away from the counter and hurried over towards the elevator.
“He’s in a meeting, Caroline, you shouldn’t bother him!” she called out to me, quickly covering her mouth as if to silently apologize to the entering members for her outburst. I ignored her comment as the doors to the elevator opened and I stepped inside. My eyes shot up to the glowing numbers as I pressed the button for the third floor. My daddy’s office.
I wasted no time bursting right into the meeting room, all eyes turning to me as I let the door close behind me. “Where is he?” I demanded, catching my father’s stare as he sat at the head of the long table. I stood by the door, the room completely silent and gawking at me as I waited for my answer.
“Caroline, I’m in a meeting right now–”
“I don’t care about your stupid meeting. Where is he?” I repeated, my voice going louder, more crass as I took a few steps towards him.
I watched him shut his eyes, his hand coming up to rub along his brow bone. “We will discuss this later.”
“No, Daddy!” I yelled, pointing my finger as I eased closer to him, his eyes glaring at me, “We will discuss it now. Where is he?”
He let out a sigh, crossing his hands on the table in front of him. “I had to fire him this morning.”
My jaw dropped in silence, my brows furrowing deep as I stared at him. “What-... why…why would you do that?”
“We both know why, Lambchop,” he replied, looking back down at his papers in front of him as he let out a chuckle. “Shame too. He was a good caddie.”
I shook my head back and forth as I stepped right up beside him. “I can’t believe you,” I quietly said to him.
“Can’t believe what?” he shot back, turning his head to look at me as his elbow rested on the table.
“Daddy, he...” I swallowed hard as I paused, my eyes searching his face. “He needed this job.”
“Then he shouldn’t have been sleeping with my daughter!” he screamed back at me, his palm slamming down to the flat of the table. I jumped at the sound, my flustered stare shooting down to his hand before shakily looking back at him. “You expect me to let him continue working here, working for me after knowing he put his hands on you?”
I shook my head, resting a hand to the edge of the table as I leaned over slightly. “But...but I wanted him to touch me. I asked him to,” I said to him truthfully, all eyes of the room still on me, “I like him, Daddy.”
I kept my stare on him, my eyes desperately searching his face for any kind of sign that he understood me, that he was sorry for what he’d done. Pressing his lips in a line, he ignored me and dropped his eyes down to the papers in front of him, picking up his pen to quietly began revising the meeting’s papers. “This isn’t fair,” I whispered to him.
“No,” he grumbled out to me, his booming voice filling the whole space of the room as he peered back up at me, “what’s not fair is that I have to lose a good worker because he can’t seem to keep it in his pants.”
I stared at him, my heart thumping wildly in my chest as I felt the hot tears begin to fill my eyes. I subtly shook my head, watching as he went back to work, completely oblivious to the fact that I was still standing there right in front of him. “Is that all you care about?” I finally choked out, my chin trembling as I tried to keep my voice steady. “This stupid...stupid club? I have lived my whole life doing whatever you asked me to, whenever you asked me to. All just to keep you happy. To keep this damn club running smoothly, for you.”
He shot his eyes up to me, sitting back in chair. I licked at my lips, swallowing back my tears a I continued. “Niall makes me happy, Daddy. Really happy. So why are you trying to take that away from me?”
He didn’t say a word back to me, his lips pressed tight as I continued to stare at him. Letting out a frustrated groan, I turned around and ran out of the room, the door slamming closed behind me. I rushed back down the hall, taking the stairs this time that led straight down to the main level and I pushed out of the front doors open, stumbling out to the front parking lot.
I paused as the heat of the summer day hit my skin, my eyes closing and my face dropping into my cupped hands as I drew in some deep breaths, desperately trying to collect myself. I let the warm southern breeze calm me, slipping my hands down my my sides as the air blew my hair across my face and I slowly began walking down the front walk.
I came to a stop and wiped at my watering eyes, bending down to sit at the edge of the curb that was right out front of the clubhouse. Cradling my head on my bent knees, I sat like that for awhile with my face tucked down, ignoring the members as they walked past me into the building. I didn’t want to move, I didn’t want to talk to or see anyone. I just wanted to be left alone.
“Hey, what ya doin’?”
His voice. That raspy gravelly voice and thick accent that had been playing over and over in my head like a memory, was now playing in my ears. Slowly lifting my face, my eyes trailed from his printed slip on Vans, up his pair of skinny jeans and over his plain t-shirt before finally stopping at his big bright eyes. He gave me a lopsided smirk, his dimple pressing into his cheek as his hands rested at his hips.
Jumping up to my feet, I swung my arms around his neck and raised up on my tip toes as he wrapped his arms around the small of my waist. I closed my eyes, tucking my face down against his neck as I drew in a deep contented breath. He smelled fresh, clean. Like lavender soap and I slowly breathed him in and let his sweet smell waft over me. Nuzzling my nose into the warm skin of his neck, he held me tight, his big hand splaying at my lower waist as his other softly pet down the back of my hair. “What are you doing here?” I asked, my small voice shaky.
He let out a small chuckle. “Had to come pick up my stuff from me locker,” he told me quietly. “Did ya hear, Lambchop? Someone caught us yesterday. Red handed. Musta been a hell of a show...”
Rolling my eyes, I let out a faint giggle and curled my fingers into the material of his t-shirt. “Thought I would never see you again,” I mumbled into his neck, “I’m...I’m so sorry, Niall.” I sucked in a jumbled breath, my arms tightening even more around him.
“Shhh,” he shushed me, pressing a soft kiss below my ear. “Baby, it’s okay. I’ll just find another job.”
I pulled my face away from the comfort of his warm skin, my eyes tipping down as he leaned back a bit to look down at me. “Hey,” he said to me, using a finger to lift my chin so I could look at him. He leaned in and pushed his mouth to mine, giving me a sweet kiss before easing back to catch my stare again. “It will be fine. Don’t worry,” he assured me, his fingers brushing the hair from my face. I gave him a soft smile, my hand wrapping around his neck as he shrugged up his shoulder, his mouth turning down. “Besides, it’s probably better this way.”
Furrowing my brows, I tilted my head to the side as I darted my eyes over his. “How?”
“ ‘Cause,” he replied, coking his head back a bit and raising a brow to me, “Now nothin’ can keep me away from my spoiled little rich girl.”
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