#reposting from my main blog since that's kind of...semi private in a way
featheredfurther · 6 years
They sit in silence.
Reyes works. Jean doesn’t stop him-cannot stop him. For so long as Kadara’s heart beats, and life pulses from the port, Reyes is never done. He is the captain of this wayward ship-Kadara, sailing on the endless sea of time.
Jean sits. He does…nothing. His feet are propped up on the coffee table. He thrums a melody on his stomach, using the rhythm of his breathing as a metronome. Idleness usually makes him agitated. He needs to move; pace around the room as he concocts intricate plans and projects.
Reyes usually listens, always does. He’ll even listen to Jean talk nonsense.
Today, Jean has nothing.
And perhaps…he likes it-revels in it, having nothing. His mind rests, and he focuses on the small details. Like the lights in Reyes’ room are tinted pink or that Tartarus is surprisingly empty in the afternoon.
A data pad drops by his feet. Reyes stands in front of him.
“You seem bored,” he says.
“I am,” Jean agrees. “I like it.”
“Okay, who are you and what have you done with Jean Ryder?”
Jean laughs. He stands up, and snakes an arm behind Reyes’ hips. Jean pulls him close. “I’ll give you a hint.”
He leans down and captures Reyes’ lips. They taste sweet from the whiskey he had earlier, and distinctively Reyes which has Jean coming back for more. Reyes scrunches the back of Jean’s hoodie. He hums.
“Hmm…I’m convinced,” Reyes says when they part. Always flushed and breathless, like Jean has sucked the life out of him after every kiss.
Maybe he has, and that’s why he feels so full, so lively when Reyes is around. And he makes Jean do impossible things like revel in nothingness.
“I have an idea,” Reyes opens his Omni-tool. He scrolls through a list of songs, most are unfamiliar to Jean.
Moonlight Serenade is where Reyes stops. He selects it. A slow tune comes from the speakers. A waltz maybe? Or a ballad, Jean has no idea. But one thing he’s certain is what Reyes intends by the way Reyes looks at him.
“I thought I told you I don’t dance,” Jean says.
“You told me a lot of things,” Reyes counters, “some of which turned out to be untrue.”
“I hate you.”
“Fair enough,” Jean says simply, and lists it as one of the impossible things Reyes makes him do.
It’s the best thing Reyes has made Jean done. Love him. The galaxy is brighter with Reyes in Jean’s life. It makes him forget that this galaxy made him an orphan, or this galaxy made him watch his sister die.
Or the Archon, always the Archon.
“I still don’t dance,” Jean says again.
Reyes bows. He offers his hand. “Try me.”
Jean accepts, and Reyes spins him around, catching him by the hip. They sway, or Reyes attempts to make him sway, follow the rhythm of the tune with his feet.  
He fails. Their movements are awkward. Jean is almost a head taller than Reyes, he should be the one leading.
Except Jean has one undeniable fact about him which is obvious now if Reyes ever wants him to try again.
Jean cannot dance.
He knows how electrons travel inside a transistor, can say Asimov’s laws of robotics  like a prayer but dancing is never him.
To salvage what little romance remains in their dance, Reyes wraps himself around Jean. He sways them. They are close, too close. Jean feels the steady beat of Reyes’ heart on his own, as if theirs are connected by a red thread.
It’s making love without the making, but Jean doesn’t need to be gasping at the sheets, begging Reyes for more to make. They simply do.
The song stops. Reyes replaces it with a melody in Spanish. He pretends Jean cannot understand a single word. More romantic that way, he once told Jean. Jean thinks it’s less, more if they can speak love in a language aside from English.
They can communicate love in four different languages, five if they count love as its own universal language. Jean wants them to communicate in six, wants Reyes to know how ibig and mahal are stronger than love or amo.
In another time, Reyes will sing it to him too, under a canopy of constellations. They are the audience to their performance, glittering in the night sky while Jean looks over a window.
It’ll be just like the old vids.
In another time, they may not be together. An ocean divides them both, and so do the ills of their lands.
Reyes stops humming. He brings their lips together, deeper this time-hungrier. He leads Jean to the sofa, not once leaving his lips.
When they tumble on the sofa, Reyes removes his shirt. He pauses and allows Jean to marvel at the curves of his body. It’s not perfect, not the chiseled, muscular torsos Jean sees in those extranet sites.
He’s beautiful, Jean thinks, always. He leaves Jean desperate and wanting; always like their first and not their fifteenth.
Reyes dives back to his lips. He pulls, bites, tugs until Jean is gasping for air. Reyes gives, he always does.
“Don’t you have work to do,” Jean says in-between.
“I do,” he growls. The sound sends a shockwave through Jean’s body.
“Then…” Reyes crawls back and straddles his hips. Desperate fingers work on removing Jean’s pants. With one swift motion, Reyes shucks them off, dropping them on the floor.
Jean shivers. The coolness of the room trails goosebumps on his skin. In contrast, Reyes’ fingers are like hot metal, trailing a fire from his stomach to his arousal. He whimpers, and bucks his hips when Reyes hooks a finger underneath his waistband.
“Consider this distraction,” Reyes says as he drags Jean’s underwear down.
He gives Jean something to think about.
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Okay so funny story.
I just wrote this whole ask reply and Tumblr wouldn’t let me just post it, so I figured if I hit “answer privately” I could then find it and repost it to the main blog.  That did not happen.  Sooo you’re getting an answer from not my asks lmbo, plz hav mercy I’m still unsure how to work this site properly I swear-
@didaskale-katejon​ asked for some more details about the Human AU and about the bois’ designs, which like, thank you for that it means a lot ahsiodhfaiohsdf I lov to talk about them and it’s awesome to hear some people may be interested in it too ;w;
Hi there!  Believe it or not, I did not actually forget about this, I’ve just somehow not gotten to this over the course of an absurdly long time because of a variety of dumb reasons.  First, I wasn’t sure how to get their designs down on paper in a way that I liked, and then I decided to just use drawings I already had anyway... then I pondered how much story to say or not say- I guess we’ll just talk about the basics LOL
The first and most important thing to clarify is, well, I’ll let Kitt say himself.
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Anyway, yeah, the Human AU is,,, barely a Human AU.  I use that title for it because “Android AU” could be confusing, beings that they are already artificially intelligent robots with human emotions after all.  I didn’t realize that “android” specifically meant “humanoid appearance” until recently, and I figured it was best to just avoid any potential mix-ups.
Now, their design has changed a tad bit since I drew that (it’s one of the first that I ever made for my asks on Instagram) and it doesn’t have color.  Sooo, I’m gonna include one full-body for each boi.  Yes, that does mean that Karr’s here too.
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First of all, here’s a Kitt!  In this AU, his human equivalent has blue eyes and red accents.  The size of those accents is inconsistent as heck; in fact, quite a lot is still pretty inconsistent with it.  What I know is that his glasses act as his dashboard and scanner--don’t worry, this does not mean his mouth will not move.  I just mean that there are buttons on the side of the glasses (buttons that I cannot be bothered to draw usually), and when he goes into Surveillance Mode or something similar, this happens (I had a cool gif for it but whatever this works too).
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There was context to this, but I can’t remember it.  Anyway, have some cute Kitts.
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aaand let’s move on.
To the boye who may cause some amount of controversy.
Our mans Karr.
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I’m just.  I’m just gonna say this plainly.
He’s not even kind of an antagonist in this AU.  He is here and he is a Good Boye.  He has potentially antagonistic ties to be sure, with Garthe being the one who brought him back, but he didn’t choose that path.  He chose to go off on his own and try to blend in, try to be safe.  When Michael and Kitt happen to stumble upon him, he’s nervous that they’ll once again put this goal in jeopardy.  Michael might.  But Kitt is in no rush to out his brother, not when he’s in [redacted for now] job causing no harm and, in fact, doing good.  Karr, in turn, is there for Kitt when he needs it so long as it does not put his own cover in jeopardy to begin with anyway.  If you thought Kitt was an adorable sassmaster, look out for this one <3
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He has a scanner too.  And he’s also a cutiepie, so c’mon now, we need some cute Karr spammage.
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I jus- my son is not evil he is not evil he is a good boye
Okokok just a few more of them jus vibing, I’ll get into some more substance in another post if you want I just.  I love them together the whole concept of these bros being bros is just so cute I can’t.  Not
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Okokok there, there are my sons
By the way, almost all of these silly panels have come from my Q&A, which I also have going here just through my asks, so like if you want more goofy hijinks from these two then uhhhh,,, yknow,,, owo?
I don’t consider the asks canon within the AU, but I do touch on important plot points and test out how I would want characters to react in certain scenarios.
Also I totally left out Semi because idk if she’s going to end up as an android in this AU or not, but like if you want more info about her you can definitely ask and I’m more than happy to have her answer questions for the Q&A as well.
I think Tumblr was just upset that I have like 20 pictures in this
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grimahearted · 7 years
please repost, do not reblog!  feel free to add to any of your answers!  the purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write! for the multiple choice ones, bold all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
NAME:  nox ALIAS(ES)/HANDLE(S): n/a? i mean nox is technically one but i’m not comfy giving out my real name soooo it’ll have to do. that said i’m open to nicknames....lol i’ve seen a lot of creative variations on my nickname from a friend so GENDER/PRONOUNS: ze/zir or they/them preferred ARE YOU OVER 18?  yes / no IS YOUR MUSE?  yes / no WHEN WAS YOUR BLOG ESTABLISHED? uhhhhh like summer 2015?? i have the date somewhere but
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? no (anyone) / semi (most people) / yes (some people) / highly (few people) / private (mutuals only)
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU FOLLOW ON THIS BLOG? no (anyone) / semi (most people) / yes (some people) / highly (few people) / private (mutuals only)
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? not at all  / a little  / some / mostly / strictly / they’re a oc 
( depends on the verse, since i have a number of aus, and while i stick to canon events in my main verse, i would consider ruya to be a customized and/or canon divergent mu )
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? ‘one liners’ / single-para / multi-para / novella
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? no / gifs / icons / yes / sometimes
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? unplotted / open-ended plots (set up a meeting and see what happens) / semi-plotted (one or two steps ahead) / fully plotted epics (plotted beginning, middle, and end)
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? very slow (more than a month) / slow (3-4 weeks) / average (1-2 weeks) / fast (less than one week) / very fast (less than three days) / it depends 
( for friends, i tend to get to replies quicker, but it’s highly dependent on my schedule, my health, and how strong my other muses are feeling )
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) fluff / angst / smut / violence / tragedy / domestic / family / conversational
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) high fantasy / fantasy / supernatural / science fiction / historical / horror / comedy / romantic / drama / action / adventure / espionage
( [trigger] tw being somewhere in the tag is preferable, since that’s what i by default tag, but tbh anything but just tagging [trigger] is okay with me! the latter, by the way, is mainly because blood is a major trigger for me but only in visual form...and so if you just tag it as blood then i have to block the word blood, and then a lot of other stuff ends up getting blocked and it’s kind of a pain and/or leads to me accidentally triggering myself )
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? romantic / platonic / familial (canon) / familial (ocs)
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? romantic / romantic exs / platonic / familial (canon) / familial (ocs)
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? no / chemistry only / yes
( robin / lucina. not really down for robin / 2nd gen in general, but that’s the only one that really makes me uncomfy--nothing against you if it’s your thing, but if you could tag it i’d be really appreciative )
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S SEXUAL ORIENTATION? heterosexual / heteroflexible / bisexual / pansexual / homoflexible / homosexual / demisexual / sapiosexual / asexual / other (____)
WHAT IS YOUR MUSE’S ROMANTIC ORIENTATION? heteroromantic / heteroflexible / biromantic / homoflexible / homoromantic / panromantic / demiromantic / sapioromantic / aromantic / other (____)
ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT? no / selectively / yes
( lead-up towards smut is very selectively ok, though if things head that direction it goes to the sideblog ) 
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? autoship / during plotting (plotted ships) / after a couple ic interactions / several ic interactions / slow burn / never (not open to romantic ships)
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? no / selectively / yes
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (incest, canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) no / selectively / yes
( depends on what kind of problematic, and under what circumstances. HIGHLY selective on this )
ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? no / selectively / yes
ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? no / sometimes / yes
( if i want to romantic!ship with a second version of a muse, i will ask permission from my first partner. this also generally requires that my first partner be inactive )
( me: no it doesn’t. also me: remembers that time when a walhart sent in a proposal meme and i accidentally made myself kinda ship it while writing the response )
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