solar-net · 2 months
Hi there, read your intro post in the Queer Experience community page and decided to take a peek at your blog. Couldn't help but notice you were looking for art ideas? I've got one, if you're interested! Hatsune Miku singing her heart out! Go crazy with it!
sorry it's just a sketch >~< i didn't want to burn myself out
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Start ID/ A digital sketch of Hatsune Miku on an off-white background, her body is turned to the right while looking towards the camera. Her leg facing the camera is up while her arm facing the camera is held up in a motion gesture. Miku's is also holding a square microphone with her index and middle finger up. Her hair is in motion with light grey bubbles, mimiking light, float around her /End ID
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nin-jay-go · 1 year
Could you do M!Lloyd in 10b?
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you're lucky i'm rereading the grass is always greener rn, otherwise i would be lost for movie lloyd kdjghkjhf its been a while since i've watched the movie (gi is from memory lol)
[ ask referencing this ]
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dykeobsidianblock · 1 year
Dating headcanons for Kukui, Kabu, Peony, and Saguaro with gn s/o?
This includes: Mentions of food, Gendernetrual Reader
Expect a lot of Pokemon to be in your guys' house at all times, he's a professor after all and is constantly researching moves
He's VERY supportive of your interests!! You're into books and reading? You're getting books every major holiday (Well, not every major holiday, but you get the point), you like collecting stuff? Here are containers for your collection(s), you like drawing? Here are the best quality sketchbooks he could find, etc
But other than that, he's very chill! Loves hanging out with you, talking with you, loves to do just about any couple-y thing as long as it's with you!
On the like side, you're also very supportive of his work and hobbies, always there to be his hype man when he's wrestling and to help repair any torn clothing he gets from testing Pokemon moves
The both of you take turns cooking, if he cooks breakfast then you cook lunch, then Kukui makes dinner, etc
If you're a trainer than Kukui really loves battling your Pokemon, always asking if you're up to it
He's a pretty reserved person, so things such as physical affection and date nights aren't common,
He'll be affectionate and will take you out here and there but they are not regular occurrences
But that doesn't mean to say that he's a bad boyfriend/husband and that he doesn't love you! Quite the opposite, he loves telling you how much he loves you and will often talk about you when the topic of romantic partners are brought up
He often tries to be there for you but as a gym leader it's quite hard, but whenever he has time off Kabu makes sure to spend that time with you
Likes to just sit in silence with he can, he finds it soothing to just hand out with someone without having to worry about talking
He's very loud about his love for you just like how he's loud about his love his daughter
He likes showing you off and complimenting you, loves telling people that he's dating someone as amazing as you
Peony sometimes comes across as slightly overbearing but good intentioned, he's still learning to turn it down a little, but he's getting there
Peony was nervous when he was introducing you to Peonia but was quickly relieved when you two got along almost instantly
Loves taking you out on dates so expect dates a few times every week!
He loves cooking food for you, will always make sure that you eat at least one of your favorite meals
Will cook you breakfast, lunch, dinner, anything as long as he has the ingredients for it
You help him stand up for himself, to not feel like he has to keep up a certain image the students put on him
He's getting better at it, but he still has a lot to go
He loves you dearly and you love him back
On days where the both of you are able to stay home and sleep in are days where he cooks you breakfast in bed
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windows-kinhelp · 2 years
hey, argbur here, could i get some stim hcs, or hcs that center around behavior/mannerisms please? thank u a lot
Hiii ARGbur!! It's ya boi Ghostbur doin another type of req i have NO CLUE on how to do!! Sorry if it's not the best, but I hope you like it regardless! Tell me if you want anything changed!
→ Pulling the zipper of your jacket up and down!
→ Rubbing your hands together/playing with your fingers!
→ Twirling the temples of your glasses between your fingers!
→ Tapping on tables/keyboards w/o pressing hard enough to type!
→ Twirling around like you're dancing! (thought this one fit well :)) )
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Buttigieg entered the Navy from day one as a Lieutenant from Day one.  How is this possible? Entering the military as a Navy Lieutenant. As a civilian. Without training. Source is Page One of Pete Buttigieg’s military records. Buttigieg entered the Navy as a Lieutenant from Day One with no training Feb 17 Buttigieg entered the Navy as a Lieutenant from Day One with no training   https://www.chicagotribune.com/…/ct-nw-pete-buttigieg-milit…   https://www.scribd.com/…/Poppy-Pete-Buttigieg-s-Military-Re…  Who approved it?  General Joseph Dunford or Charlie Flynn?  Yep.  Charlie is Mike Flynn’s brother.  Or it could have been someone else signing Pete’s “Letter of Authorization”.  It is also called LOA.  Letter of Authorization image form DIA DOD.png https://www.dla.mil/…/DispositionSe…/ddsr/userguide/loa.html  A public information request has been submitted for a copy of Buttigieg’s Letters of Authorization from 2009 to Dec. 2017.  DIA FOIA Buttigieg LOA request.png https://www.dia.mil/FOIA.aspx   https://www.fayobserver.com/article/20130101/NEWS/301019882  Pete’s rank came with his own command.  Commanding what?  Where?  With who?  When? Pete’s activities required no accountability.  Paperwork?  What paperwork?  The CIA has a term for Pete’s mission.  “Plausible deniability”.  Holding no one accountable.  Like Pete.  How close is he to becoming President?  Nov. 3rd.  A third of the Officers in the Armed Forces come from the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC).  It requires a college degree and four years of training.  However, ROTC candidates enter the military as Second Lieutenants.  Pete entered the service with a higher rank without training.   https://www.scribd.com/…/Poppy-Pete-Buttigieg-s-Military-Re…  All information by Brassballs.blog  
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newszada · 4 years
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British Airways accused of snubbing refund requesthttps://www.newszada.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/British-Airways-accused-of-snubbing-refund-request.png ...https://www.newszada.com/british-airways-accused-of-snubbing-refund-request/?feed_id=420608&_unique_id=5f66d4f7abfca
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itechblogco · 5 years
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📢skype-feature-request.png 👉http://bit.ly/36OB85A 📛 #News #Tech #Computer #Game
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nancydsmithus · 5 years
Creating Authentic Human Connections Within A Remote Team
Creating Authentic Human Connections Within A Remote Team
Randy Tolentino
On any given day, walk into your local coffee shop and you’ll likely see someone situated at a table, staring into a computer screen. Without knowing any details, one thing’s for sure, it’s obvious they’re ‘at work’. Many of us have been there at some point in our careers—all we need is a power outlet, internet access, and we’re good to go.
As a software developer for a global company, I have the benefit of collaborating with people from all over the world. Here, from the IBM Design Studio in Austin, Texas, approximately 4,500 miles and at least a fifteen-hour flight separate myself from the nearest developers on our product team. If we consider the furthest members, try 18 hours away by plane, literally on the other side of the planet.
In this current role, I’m a part of a multi-site team where most of the technical people are based out of two primary locations: Cork, Ireland and Kassel, Germany. On this product team, I happen to be the only satellite developer based in Austin, although I do have the benefit of sitting alongside our design team.
Scenarios like these are common nowadays. In 2018, Owl Labs found that 56% of the participating companies in their study adopted or allowed for some form of remote arrangement for its employees. While this organizational approach has revolutionized the way we perform our job functions, it’s also paved the way for new patterns to emerge in the way we interact with each other across the distance.
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Our product dev team is spread across the globe. (Large preview)
Connecting With People
I’ve always found that the most fascinating aspect of a distributed team is its people. The ‘diversity of people’, in itself, deserves emphasis. In my view, this mix of skills, knowledge, and perspectives make up the heart of the experience. Being able to integrate with people from various backgrounds is eye-opening. Hearing different accents, discovering new ways to look at problems, and learning about world cultures all within the normal flow of the day is simply refreshing.
At the same time, one of the biggest hurdles for those on remote teams is forming a relationship with your colleagues, that genuine human connection. In a 2018 study by And Co and Remote Year, 30% of the respondents reported lack of community as the number one factor impacting their happiness at work, understandably so. Having virtual colleagues makes it easy to fall into the trap of thinking ‘we all have individual assignments, we only need to interact when our work crosses paths, and all we’re here to do is deliver’.
It’s just not enough.
Throughout my career, almost every project I’ve worked on involved others that were remote in some capacity. In this context, I’ve learned plenty about what it takes to build meaningful partnerships with people across varying distances and multiple time zones. My hope is that the following list of suggestions and ideas can help others out there who are navigating through the challenge of building actual human connections with their teammates.
People, Not Resources
Building A Continuous Improvement Culture
Reading Emotions Across The Distance
A Little Extra Effort Can Bridge The Gap
Staying Thankful At The Core
1. People, Not Resources
Problem: Sometimes, remote team members can be mistakenly reduced or perceived as ‘contributors only’. In some cases, people are actually referred to as ‘resources’, literally.
About a year ago, I was on a kick-off call for a project where the client was headquartered in another city. At one point during the virtual meeting, I politely asked one of the client-stakeholders about credentials and ownership of a third-party app that they used. It was a fair question, I was simply gathering requirements. But his response towards me was belittling and unprofessional, making it seem as if I were questioning his knowledge or authority. From then on, it’s been a personal goal of mine to always acknowledge remote colleagues as people, not just resources.
At the very minimum, great collaborations are comprised of individuals who respect and care about one another on a holistic level. Sure, we collectively share the same objectives, but we’re also more than just workers. The very idea of ‘having a genuine connection with people you work with’, is a proven motivator for many when it comes to job satisfaction. It makes sense because as human beings, we have an innate need to connect with one another—this is especially true on remote teams.
These are some ways to remind us that people are the foundation of your team:
Proactively introduce yourself to as many teammates as possible.
Learn about each other, share cultures, stories, and professional backgrounds.
Be mindful of your audible and legible tone (on calls and chats), keep it friendly and respectful.
2. Building A Continuous Improvement Culture
Problem: As remote team members, we can find ourselves stranded on an island if we don’t ask for help sooner than later.
Oftentimes, we make the mistake of believing that in order to bring value to the team, we must know everything (all the time). This ‘rugged individualist’ mentality is a one-way ticket to imposter syndrome. The next thing you know, a significant amount of time passes, your progress remains stagnant, and by the time someone extends a hand you’re already underwater. Remember, no one knows everything, and more importantly, teams thrive off of collaboration. We learn together.
The best functioning teams that I’ve been on all had a healthy continuous learning culture. On these teams, failure is okay, especially when our mistakes are transformed into learning opportunities. When working on a remote team, instead of running or hiding from our mistakes, I personally recommend that we fail in “public”. This lets the team know that you hired a human, one who’ll run into stumbling blocks and will inevitably produce errors. By doing so, this gives others the opportunity to either offer assistance, or learn.
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Asking for help and admitting mistakes allow you to improve your craft. (Large preview)
You can contribute to the team’s improvement culture in the following ways:
Leverage public channels to show when you’re stuck, this allows the group to help or point you in the right direction.
Share what you’ve learned in public channels, retrospectives, or through documentation.
Spend time listening and scanning for ways to help others.
When you do help your team, remind them that everyone asks for help and how you are all on this journey together.
3. Reading Emotions Across The Distance
Problem: Understanding someone’s emotional state is already difficult when you’re in the same office. When it comes to communicating online, getting a good read on someone’s tone, feelings, or intent, becomes even more challenging.
In person, it’s relatively easier to exercise soft-skills because you’re in the same physical space as your colleagues. From laughter to frustration, there’s an advantage we gain from being co-located when it comes to interpreting how someone is feeling. We can gauge these emotions based off of vocal inflections, facial expressions, and gestures.
However, when we’re far from teammates, we have to be more creative when trying to convey or pick-up on these sentiments. When I breakdown how I communicate with my team throughout the day, about 90% of it occurs in chats; the remaining 10% is split between in conference calls, email, and any other tool that allows for commenting. In each of these modes, we have to clearly convey not only what we say, but what we mean and how we feel.
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Using the appropriate emoji can allow others to have a better grasp of how you might feel. (Large preview)
We can improve our team’s collective ability to read and convey emotions in the following ways:
Video calls provide a visual and audible opportunity to pick up on our expressions; turn on the camera and smile at each other.
Instead of just focusing on business objectives, develop the habit of paying particular attention to tone and feelings when communicating with your team.
Use the appropriate emoji to supplement your thoughts or reactions; these fun and effective special characters can help to surface your feelings.
4. A Little Extra Effort Can Bridge The Gap
Problem: The physical mileage between team members and multiple time-zones can cause a strain in our effort to connect with our colleagues.
With Germany being 7 hours ahead and Ireland being 6, I am constantly reminded how the time difference is an issue. On most occasions, when I have questions or run into some sort of blocker anytime after lunch, all of our dev team is offline.
If I worked the typical 9-to-5 schedule, I’d only have about 3 to 4 hours of an overlap with my remote team. It took me a few weeks to fully realize how much the time difference was a factor, but once I did, I decided to flex my schedule.
When I learned that our Ireland team had daily standups at 10:30 AM, (4:30 AM our time), I asked to be invited to those meetings. Most people might think: that’s way too early! But, for a couple of weeks, I joined their call and found it to be incredibly helpful from an alignment and tracking perspective. More importantly, the team understood that I was here to be as helpful as possible and was willing to sacrifice my own conveniences for the sake of the team.
While we can’t do much about the distance, there are a few strategies to potentially improving the overlap:
Find creative ways to extend yourself for the interest of the team; these gestures show good faith and the willingness to make things better for the group.
Be equally accommodating towards others and reciprocate the flexibility your colleagues show towards one another.
Take the most advantage of the overlapping time, ask critical questions, and ensure no one is blocked from making progress.
5. Staying Thankful At The Core
Problem: In our work, we spend almost every minute of every day focusing our attention on solving some sort of problem.
Deeply embedded into my personal culture is an appreciation mindset; practicing gratitude allows me to maintain a fairly good mood throughout the day. I regularly think about how blessed I am to work in the tech industry, helping to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems. I can never take this for granted. Being able to listen to my favorite hip hop playlists, writing code all day, and having access to learning from a wealth of individuals, this is a dream come true. This thankful mentality stays with me no matter what and it’s something I aim to emit when interacting with my team.
It’s not always easy though. In the tech industry, we spend nearly every minute of the day, using our skills and creativity to find our way out of a problem. Sometimes we’re focused on business problems, maybe we’re solving a user pain point, or maybe we’re managing an internal team issue. This repetition, over time, this can take a toll on us, and we could forget why we even chose to do this.
Keeping a positive attitude can help lift team morale and has been known to make you a better collaborator. Even though you may be far from your teammates, your attitude comes through in your work and communications. Here are some pointers to keep in mind when showing appreciation towards your team:
Use company tools to acknowledge a teammate.
Ask teammates how they’d like to be recognized, and thank them accordingly.
Relay positive feedback to a colleague’s lead or manager.
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At IBM, we use the Recognition platform to acknowledge our peers. (Large preview)
Remember To Be Human
You see them on various social media platforms, posts or photos of a team retreat where employees step away from their projects for a few days to focus on team-building. Some organizations intentionally design these events into their annual schedules; it’s an excellent way to bridge the gaps and facilitate bonding. Many teams return home from these retreats and experience improved alignment and productivity.
For other organizations, having the ability to meet face-to-face with your remote counterparts isn’t an option. In these cases, we have to make the best of our circumstances by depending on our soft-skills and creativity to help form the alliances we need. I’m confident that by caring for one another as people first, we collectively become better at what we do.
Behind every @username, profile picture, and direct message is a person, one who probably cries and rejoices for the same reasons you might. As technology continues to influence new social behaviors that shape the way we work, it’s important to remember that phenomenal teams are composed of individuals who understand each other and care for one another.
People make products, it’s not the other way around. No matter how far the distance between you and your teammates, I encourage you to make a conscious effort to connect with one another, invest in long-lasting friendships, and last but not least, remember to be human.
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(ra, il)
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spiral-nature · 5 years
2019 Q2: Invoice me, I want to pay you
2019 Q2: Invoice me, I want to pay you
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Have you published with Spiral Nature Magazine this quarter?
If so, thanks so much for your work!
If not, then you can skip this update, unless you’re interested in writing for us, in which case, please see our most recent calls for columnist or editorial positions and our submission guidelines.
Who needs to send an invoice?
Those of you who have had work published from 1 April…
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haircutfit · 5 years
Indian Bridal Makeup Look Upon Request
Indian Bridal Makeup Look Upon Request
[mwp_html tag=”img” src=”https://wavyhaircut.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/pin-by-parm-mann-on-bridal-asian-bridal-makeup-indian-bridal-with-regard-to-indian-bridal-makeup-look-upon-request.png” alt=”Pin By Parm Mann On Bridal | Asian Bridal Makeup, Indian Bridal with regard to Indian Bridal Makeup Look Upon Request” width=”800″]
Pin By Parm Mann On Bridal | Asian Bridal Makeup, Indian Bridal…
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footballnewspapers · 5 years
Real Madrid planning to sign Kylian Mbappe next summer but need unsettled striker to hand in PSG transfer request
Real Madrid planning to sign Kylian Mbappe next summer but need unsettled striker to hand in PSG transfer request
REAL MADRID are returning to their model of signing one galactico every year and plan to sign Kylian Mbappe next summer, according to reports.
The 20-year-old shocked Paris Saint-Germain last month after admitting his future could lie somewhere else – putting Los Blancos on red alert.
Paris Saint-Germain star Kylian Mbappe remains a target for Real MadridCredit: AFP or licensors
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nin-jay-go · 1 year
Hi saw the emote challenge, I would like to request Morro with G2. And if your feeling it: yo-yo
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yknow like nya
[ ask referencing this ]
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dykeobsidianblock · 1 year
Hey! If requested are open could I request a empires Oli x ftm reader smut(on your list you have his name as green but I may be reading it wrong) please? Thank you!
Title: Main Attraction
Read on AO3
This story includes: Cis Oli/Trans Reader, Top Reader, Bottom Oli
Oli lets out a low groan, feeling the silicone cock press against him. You pressed a hand against his hip, keeping it flat against the bed as you press further and further into him.
You bottomed out as your hips meet his backside, giving him time to adjust. The dildo you were using was bigger than Oli was used to, being a little over 9 inches and on the more thick side.
It stretched out the man beneath you perfectly, stretching him out in ways Oli couldn't comprehend. Oli groaned from where the strap rested against his prostate, sending shivers down his spine.
Leaning over slightly, you peppered kisses along the man's neck, making sure to nip where his neck met his shoulder. Biting down, you sucked a small bruise onto his neck, pulling out a few whines from the man.
You pulled back when Oli started rocking against your hips, in an attempt to get you to move. Smiling, you took his hips in your hands and started slowly rocking your hips against him. You angled your hips to hit his prostate with each small thrust, pulling moans and small whimpers out of him.
Smiling, you wrapped a hand around his cock, slowly jerking him off on time with your thrusts. Oli lets out a choked moan, eyes closing shut as he attempts to buck up into your hand, whining when the hand on his hip pins him back down.
You smile, speeding up your thrusts ever so slightly, smiling bigger when Oli lets out a whine. You kept up the pace, winding Oli up more and more until his whines became higher and his moans got shorter.
He spilled onto your hand, a high pitched moan pushing past his lips, his closed and mouth slacked open. He nearly looked blissful as he came, hair splayed onto the pillow beneath him, forming a halo of golden curls around Oli's head.
Pulling away from his cock, you slipped a few fingers past Oli's mouth, having him taste his own cum. Oli quickly wrapped his lips around your digits, gently sucking and licking at them until there was nothing left and you pulled away.
Pulling out the dildo and putting it away, you lay down next to him, wrapping your arms around Oli as he drifts off to sleep. Kissing his shoulder softly, you sigh, happy and content despite your growing wetness. You can get off later, you're sure, you know that Oli wouldn't let you get away without an orgasm, but for now, you just let him drift off to sleep, wrapped up in your arms.
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windows-kinhelp · 2 years
hello! may i have a stimboard for an eret factive with coffee , texting/direct messages (mobile or laptop is completely fine), physical affection - hugs, cuddling, etc - , and maybe a hint of mlm/nblm relationships?
thank you very much ! - 🌸✨ (if that isn’t taken!)
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Here you go! Hope you enjoy! (Gonna try makin my text blue in each post asubsaubf so i dont needa put mod ghostbur everywhere :DD) Tell me if you want anything changed!
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bestforlessmove · 8 years
Investigating How Reasonable Accommodation Requests Are
Condo associations deal with a variety of requests from their residents on a daily basis. In most cases, the association can easily decide whether or not to grant the request based on the cost, feasibility and necessity when it comes to onsite property management. However, when requests made by residents involve accommodations for a disability, the situation becomes more complicated.
The Federal Fair Housing Act
Under the Federal Fair Housing Act, disabled individuals are entitled to an equal opportunity to enjoy their homes. The act requires condo boards and other housing providers to grant reasonable accommodation requests made by handicapped residents. In addition, the act also requires condo boards to respond to requests made for accommodations in a timely manner.
The Federal Fair Housing Act defines “reasonable accommodations” that permit handicapped residents to enjoy their homes without causing extreme administrative or financial burdens to the condo association. Because there are no hard and fast rules for determining whether a resident's request is reasonable, condo associations must consider each request on an individual basis.
Before a condo association is legally required to consider a request, the requester must show the board that he has a disability or impairment, such as blindness or the inability to walk, that makes the accommodation necessary. If the requester is able to demonstrate this need, the board must consider accommodating it. When considering the request, the board should factor in the cost, amount of work required and any alternative accommodations that could be pursued. If the board chooses to deny the request, it must be able to show clear evidence that making the accommodation would be too difficult or expensive for the board to handle. Otherwise, a court may force the board to comply with the resident's request.
Assessing Questionable Requests
Many requests, such as the request for a wheelchair ramp, are obviously reasonable. In cases such as this where the disability is apparent, condo boards are not permitted to request further information and must comply with the request if at all possible.
However, the appropriate response to some requests, such as the request for an emotional support animal in the home, isn't always clear. When requests are questionable, the Federal Fair Housing Act allows condo boards to request more information from the resident in question, such as documentation from a doctor that supports the need for accommodation.
Avoiding Problems
Regardless of the nature of a resident's request, condo boards should proceed with caution. Discrimination lawsuits can be very expensive, especially if the court finds in favor of the resident. Outright rejection of requests almost always results in a lawsuit, so condo boards should follow an established procedure for assessing each request presented. Procedures should include a formal review of the request, its necessity and its feasibility. Before denying any request, condo associations should consult with a qualified attorney who has experience in the industry, and they should draft a written response to the resident that details the reasons for the denial.
The post Investigating How Reasonable Accommodation Requests Are appeared first on Mediate Management Company.
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nin-jay-go · 1 year
10h with jay?
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the saddest of lads
[ask referencing this!]
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